Liverwort Literature E



Eckel, P. M. 2004
Preliminary Cryptogamic (Moss, Lichen and Liverwort) Flora of the Canadian and American Gorge at Niagara Falls
Res Botanica, a Missouri Botanical Garden Web site, St. Louis, MO 128 pp.

Ed.: Kürschner, Harald; Pfeiffer, Tanja; Stech, Michael 2007
Festschrift to Wolfgang Frey - a scientist's life between deserts and rain forests
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 131: 1-277

Edelsjö J, Lönnell N 1999
Några förbisedda levermossor i Södermanland och Uppland
Myrinia 9: 48-53
On uncommmon hepatics in the Stockholm area; in Swedish

Ederra A, Miguel A de, Arraiza J 1987
Brioflora de los rasos supraforestales de tres macizos atlánticos silíceous de Navarra (España)
Act. IV. Simp. Nac. Bot. Cript. pp. 485-497

Ederra Indurain A 2001
Revisión de los briófitos del herbario de D. Jose María de Lacoizqueta
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 18-19: 61-67

Ederra Indurain, A. 2001
Revisión de los briófitos del herbario de D. Jose María de Lacoizqueta
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 18-19: 61-67

Ederra, A., A. M. de Miguel & J. Arraiza 1998
Flora briológica del Monte Mendaur, Navarra (España)
Journal de Botanique de la Société Botanique de France 5: 187-191

Ederra-Indurain, A., A. Urdíroz-Ariz & B. Huarte-Irurzun 2001
Analysis of the bryoflora of Navarra (north of Spain)
Bocconea 13: 337-342

Edin G 1976
Långvattnets Naturreservat
: SNV pm 796 pp.

Edin G, Holmgren G 1975
Naturreservatet Skrubban
: SNV pm 641 pp.

Edin G, Holmgren G 1975
: SNV pm 642 pp.

Edited by the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Flora Yunnanica
Science Press, Beijing
Vol. 1, 1977; vol. 2, 1979; vol. 3, 1983; vol. 4, 1986; vol. 5, 1991; vol. 6, 1995; vol. 7, 1997; vol. 8, 1997; vol. 9, 2003; vol. 10, 2006; vol. 11, 2000; vol. 12, 2006; vol. 13, 2004; vol. 14, 2003; vol. 15, 2003; vol. 16, 2006; vol. 20, 2006; vol. 21, 2005

Edmondson, J. & C. Smith 1999
The bryophyte collections of the Linnean Society's J. E. Smith Herbarium
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 73: 47-49

Edwards, B. 1997
Bryophyte Survey of the Poole Basin Mires
Dorset Environmental Records Centre, Dorchester, England 11 pp.
13 maps are of hepatics

Edwards, D. 1979
A late Silurian flora from the lower Old Red Sandstone of south-west Dyfed
Palaeontology 22: 23-52

Edwards, D. 1993
In: M. J. Benton (ed.), The Fossil Record 2 Chapman & Hall, London, England pp. 775-778

Edwards, D. & J. Duckett 1999
[Abstract] Water-conducting cells in early embryophytes
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 104

Edwards, D., C. H. Wellman & L. Axe. 1998
The fossil record of early land plants and interrelationships between primitive embryophytes: too little and too late?
In: Bates, J. W., N. W. Ashton & J. G. Duckett (eds.)., Bryology for the Twenty-first Century. Maney Publishing and the British Bryological Society, Leeds, U.K. pp. 15-43

Edwards, D., L. Axe & J. G. Duckett 2003
Diversity in conducting cells in early land plants and comparisons with extant bryophytes
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 141: 297-347

Edwards, S. 2006
Mosses and Liverworts of Town and Garden: identification of some commoner species with a hand-lens
Published by the author, Thursley, Surrey, England. [vers. 3.2.4.] 8 pp.

Edwards, S. R. 1997
English names for British bryophytes
British Bryological Society Special Volume 5: 1-68
The publ. ref. is suspect

Edwards, S. R. 1999
English names for British bryophytes. Second edition
British Bryological Society Special Volume 5: 1-80
The publ. ref. is suspect; Ed. 1 published 12 Dec 1997

Edwards, S. R. 2003
English names for British bryophytes. Third edition
British Bryological Society Special Volume 5: 1-82
The publ. ref. is suspect

Een G 1994
Mossor på stränderna av sjöar och vattendrag inom Vapstälvens vattenområde
Myrinia 4: 36-43

Een G 2004
Levermossor från Arjeplog
Myrinia 14: 33-44
In Swedish with English abstract; on hepatics of Arjeplog Parish, northern Sweden

Een G, Kristoferson L 1999
A small collection of bryophytes from the Seychelles
Tropical Bryology 17: 35-38

Een, G. 2000
Bryophytes collected in Mauritius by Gunnar Erdtman
Tropical Bryology 18: 87-90

Egan, T. M. 1998
A pilot project for the utilization of cutaway boglands in West Offaly
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 119-125

Eggers J 1982
Artenliste der Moose Makaronesiens
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 3: 283-335

Eggers J 2004
New bryopyte taxon records for tropical countries 5
Tropical Bryology 25: 19-23

Eggers J, Schäfer-Verwimp A 1987
Some liverworts new to Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Journal of Bryology 14: 531-534

Eggers, J. 1999
Lebensdaten deutscher Bryologen
Bryologische Rundbriefe 26: 1-17
Birth and death dates of German bryologists

Eggers, J. 2001
Epiphyllous Lejeuneaceae in Costa Rica. Contributions to the altitudinal distribution of selected species
Tropical Bryology 20: 109-116

Eggers, J. 2006
New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries. 6
Tropical Bryology 27: 107-111
All but one record (Ephemeropsis) are Hepaticae

Eggers, J., Frahm, J.-P. & Pursell, R. A. 1998
New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries. II
Tropical Bryology 14: 81-84

Eggers, J., Infante Sánchez, M. & Heras Pérez, P. 2004
New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries. 5
Tropical Bryology 25: 18-24
All hepatics, mostly Lejeuneaceae

Eggers, J., Stevenson, C. R., Porley, R. D. & Stech, M. 2001
New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries. IV
Tropical Bryology 20: 97-100
Reports from Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru and Uganda

Egloff, F. & E. Urmi 2004
Wasserpflanzen des Kantons Zurich: Kryptogame Makrophyten
Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 149: 59-73

Ehrle, E. B. 2005
Mosses and liverworts ofthe Kalamazxoo Nature Center, a preliminary survey
Michigan Botanist 44: 119-126

Eifrig H 1937
Monographische studien über die indomalayischen arten von Taxilejeunea
Annales Bryologici 9: 73-114

Ejrnæs, R. & R. S. Poulsen 2001
Cryptogam - environment relationships in Danish grasslands
Lindbergia 26(3): 121-128
A comparison of two recent inventories of cryptogams in dry semi-natural grasslands with three inventories made in the period 1945-1955 revealed significant differences with respect to species richness as well as frequency of single species. Two generalist bryophytes, Brachythecium rutabulum and Ceratodon purpureus, were more frequent in the recent data set whereas two specialistbryophytes, Abietinella abietina and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus, were more frequent in the old data set. Within the dry calcifugous grasslands a higher lichen species richness was found in the old data set, whereas in dry calcareous grasslands the recent data set had a higher moss species richness. The trends found in this study are compared to the reported impoverishment of the cryptogam flora of Dutch and British chalk grasslands. Although changes over the last 50 years may have occurred, remnant patches of unimproved semi-natural grasslands in Denmark still have a species-rich cryptogam flora

Ejrnæs, R. & R. S. Poulsen 2001
Trends in the bryophyte and lichen flora of Danish semi-natural grasslands over the last 50 years
Lindbergia 26(3): 115-120
Bryophyte-environment relationships were explored with multivariate methods and the emerging patterns were compared to corresponding environmental gradients of importance to vascular plants. The analysis was based on records of moss, liverwort, lichen and vascular plant species in 160 plots of 10 m2 covering a range from acidic to calcareous grasslands on different soil types and different slopes and aspects. An ordination of the cryptogam subset was compared with an ordination of the vascular plants from the same plots. Cryptogams were found to respond largely to the same major gradients as vascular plants. Possible explanations and implications are discussed. The 17 most frequent cryptogams were modelled in terms of the two most predictive environmental dimensions, and the validity of the models was tested by cross-validation. Models for ten species passed the validation criterion and these models are presented in the form of contour diagrams. Both specialist and generalist species were found

Ekart TP 1831
Synopsis jungermanniarum in Germania vicinisque terris hucusque cognitarum
: Coburg 72 pp.

Ekman J 1993
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 87: 104-106

Ekstrand EV 1879
Von Brutbildungen bei foliosen Lebermoose
Botaniska Notiser 1879: 33-36

Ekstrand EV 1880
Pflanzengeographische Beiträge zur Moosflora Skandinaviens
Botaniska Notiser 1880: 1-7

Ekstrand EV 1881
Resa till Nordland och Torne lappmark 1880
Botaniska Notiser 1881: 187-201

El-Oqlah AA, Frey W, Kürschner H 1988
The bryophyte flora of Trans-Jordan. A catalogue of species and floristic elements
Willdenowia 18: 253-279

Elder, J. F., N. B. Rybicki, V. Carter & V. Weintraub 2000
Sources and yields of dissolved carbon in northern Wisconsin stream catchments with differing amounts of peatland
Wetlands 20: 113-125

Eldridge, D. 2000 [2001]
Ecology and management of biological soil crusts: recent developments and future challenges
The Bryologist 103: 742-747

Eldridge, D. J. & R. Rosentreter 1999
Morphological groups: a framework for monitoring microphytic crusts in arid landscapes
Journal of Arid Environments 41: 11-25

Eldridge, D. J., E. Zaady & M. Shachak 2002
Microphytic crusts, shrub patches and water harvesting in the Negev Desert: the Shikim system
Landscape Ecology 17: 587-597

Elfving F 1878
Anteckningar om vegetationen kring floden Svir
Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 2: 113-117

Elias MJ 1988
Fragmenta chorologica occidentalia, (Bryophyta) 1458-1493
Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid 45: 303-307

Elias Rivas, M. J., J. A. Sánchez Rodríguez & J. M. García de las Heras 1999
[Abstract] Catálogo de Anthocerotas y Hepáticas de la Provincia de Salamanca. XIII Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Libro de Resúmenes
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain p. 170

Elías Rivas, M. J., Sánchez Rodríguez, J. A. & García de las Heras, J. M. 2001
Hepáticas y Anthocerotas (Marchantiopsida y Anthocerotopsida) de Salamanca (España)
Botanica Complutensis 25: 207-212

Ellenberg, H., H. E. Weber, R. Düll, V. Wirth & W. Werner 2002
Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa. 3., durchgesehene Auflage
Scripta Geobotanica 18: 1-261

Elliott MD, Churchill SP 1978
An annotated bibliography of the literature on cryptogamic plants of Nebraska: algae, lichens and bryophytes
Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 5: 15-23

Elliott, J. 2004
The cryptic collection of cryptogams
Friends of the University of Montana Herbarium 2004(Spring): 4, 7

Ellis, S., W. B. Schofield, N. Haddad, N. Stewart & J. K. Webb 2002
Bryophytes of UBC Botanical Garden
Davidsonia 13: 35-43

Ellison ML 1962
Some additions to the hepatics of Missouri
The Bryologist 65: 285-286

Ellison ML 1964
Additions to the hepatic flora of Texas II
The Bryologist 67: 72-73

Ellison, M. L. 1964
The hepatic flora of Texas
Ph. D. dissertation. University of Kansas 110 pp.

Ellyson, W. J. T. & S. C. Sillett 2000
[Abstract] Epiphytic bryophytes and lichens on Sitka spruce trees in an old-growth redwood forest
American Journal of Botany 87(6): 7

Ellyson, W. J. T. & S. C. Sillett 2003
Epiphyte communities on Sitka spruce in an old-growth redwood forest
The Bryologist 106: 197-211

Elvebakk A 1985
Higher phytosociological syntaxa on Svalbard and their use in subdivision of the Arctic
Nordic Journal of Botany 5: 273-284

Elveland J 1970
Något om vegetation och flora på Rånön i Kalix skärgård
Norrbottens Natur 26: 7-21

Elveland J 1976
Myrar på Storön vid Norrbottenskusten
Wahlenbergia 3: 1-274

Elveland J 1978
Axagen, Schoenus ferrugineus, i Västerbotten
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 72: 125-136

Elveland J 1978
Skötsel av norrländska rikkärr
: SNV pm 1007 pp.

Elveland J 1979
Dammängar, raningar och silängar - norrländska naturvårdsobjekt
: SNV pm 1174 pp.

Elveland J 1980
Naturreservatet Armasjärvimyren
Luleå: Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, Planavdelningen, rapport 1983

Elveland J 1980
Naturreservatet Jupukka
Luleå: Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, Planavdelningen, rapport 1980

Elveland J 1983
Slåtter och träda på en älvstrandäng i Tornedalen
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 77: 225-234

Elveland J 1985
Månsmyran. Vegetationsinriktad naturvårdsinventering
Luleå: Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, Planavdelningen, rapport 1985:8

Emig WH 1930
A society of bryophytes
The Bryologist 33: 11

Endlicher SL 1833
Prodromus Florae Norfolkicae
Wien 100 pp.

Endlicher SL 1840
Genera Plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita, suppl. 1
Wien: Fr. Beck pp. 1335-1360

Engel JJ 1968
A taxonomic monograph of the genus Balantiopsis (Hepaticae)
Nova Hedwigia 16: 83-130

Engel JJ 1972
The genus Andrewsianthus in South America and the Falkland Islands
The Bryologist 75: 325-334

Engel JJ 1973
Chiloscyphus hookeri n. sp. and nomenclatural changes in the genus Clasmatocolea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 150-156

Engel JJ 1973
On the typification of Austrolophozia fuegiensis (Steph.) Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 37: 181-183

Engel JJ 1973
The Raymond E. Hatcher ollection of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from southern South America, with new taxa and notes on range extensions
The Bryologist 76: 528-535

Engel JJ 1975
Hepaticae and Anthocerotae collected by Dr. Harold E. Moore, Jr. in New Caledonia, Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion in 1972
The Bryologist 78: 361-362

Engel JJ 1976
Metzgeria hamata Lindb., an illegitimate name of Hepaticae
Lindbergia 3: 219-220

Engel JJ 1977
Austral Hepaticae. IX. Anastrophyllum tristanianum, a new species from Tristan da Cunha
Fieldiana: Botany 38: 71-74

Engel JJ 1978
Index hepaticarum supplementum - 1974-1975
Taxon 27: 393-418

Engel JJ 1979
Austral Hepaticae. X. A revision of Hepatostolonophora Engel et Schust., nom. nov (Hepaticae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 91-108

Engel JJ 1979
Austral Hepaticae. XI. Lophocoleaceae: new taxa, new combinations and realignments
Phytologia 41: 309-312

Engel JJ 1981
Haplomitrium monoicum, a remarkable new species of Calobryales (Hepaticae) from New Caledonia together with a reclassification of subg. Haplomitrium
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 68: 668-676

Engel JJ 1981
Index hepaticarum supplementum - 1976-1977
Taxon 30: 518-537

Engel JJ 1984
Index hepaticarum supplementum - 1978-1979
Taxon 33: 761-779

Engel JJ 1987
Miscellanea Hepaticologica paleotropica. I
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 45: 533-534

Engel JJ 1988
The taxonomic position of Apotomanthus (Hepaticae)
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 90: 203-221

Engel JJ 1990
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). I. The taxonomic position of Chiloscyphus amplectans (Mitt.) Engel & Schust. together with refinement in Heteroscyphus Schiffn.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 68: 303-315

Engel JJ 1991
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). IV. Lamellocolea, a new genus of Leptoscyphoideae from New Zealand
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 63-78

Engel JJ 1992
Index Hepaticarum-Supplementum - 1984-1985
Taxon 41: 253-306

Engel JJ 1992
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). VIII. A revision of Chiloscyphus subg. Notholophocolea (Schust.) Engel & Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 72: 105-115

Engel JJ 1992
Studies on Geocalycaceae. VII. Subspecific differentiation of Chiloscyphus semiteres together with further refinements in Chiloscyphus (s. lat.)
Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 18: 107-111

Engel JJ 1993
Index hepaticarum supplementum - 1986-1987
Taxon 42: 373-391

Engel JJ 1993
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae) .9. Chiloscyphus perpusillus (Hook. f. & Tayl) Engel - a study in novel asexual reproductive strategies
Nova Hedwigia 56: 241-246

Engel JJ 1997
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). X. New taxa and new combinations in Chiloscyphus Corda for Australia
Phytologia 83: 42-46

Engel JJ 1999
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). XI. Supraspecific new taxa and new combinations in Chiloscyphus Corda for Australia
Novon 9: 22-24

Engel JJ 2006
Austral Hepaticae. 42. The austral species of Mnioloma (Calypogeiaceae), togheter with a new species, Mnioloma novaezelandiae n. sp.
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27: 111-117

Engel JJ 2007
Studies of New Zealand Hepaticae. 20-38. A miscellanea of new taxa and combinations
Novon 17: 310-314

Engel JJ, Braggins JE 2001
Austral Hepaticae 34. The sporophyte of Neogrollea Hodgs. and the taxonomic position of Neogrolleaceae (Schust.) Engel & Braggins comb. & stat. nov.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 91: 173-204

Engel JJ, Kuwahara Y 1973
Metzgeria litoralis sp. nov. and Apometzgeria from southern South America
The Bryologist 76: 293-296

Engel JJ, Schuster RM 1973
Austral Hepaticae I. Pigafettoa Mass.
The Bryologist 76: 511-515

Engel JJ, Schuster RM 1973
On some tidal zone Hepaticae from South Chile with comments on marine dispersal
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 100: 29-35

Engel JJ, Schuster RM 1975
Austral Hepaticae III. Stolonophora, a new genus of Geocalycaceae
Fieldiana: Botany 36: 111-124

Engel JJ, Schuster RM 1981
Austral Hepaticae XV. Brevianthaceae, fam. nov. and Brevianthus, gen. nov. from Tasmania
Phytologia 47: 317-318

Engel JJ, Schuster RM 1983
Austral Hepaticae XVIII. Studies towards a revision of Telaranea subg. Neolepidozia (Lepidoziaceae)
Fieldiana: Botany 14: 1-7

Engel JJ, Schuster RM 1985
An Overview and Evaluation of the Genera of Geocalycaceae Subfamily Lophocoleoideae (Hepaticae)
Nova Hedwigia 39: 385-463

Engel JJ, Smith Merrill GL 1996
Austral Hepaticae. 23. New taxa and new combinations in Telaranea Spruce ex Schiffn. (Lepidoziaceae)
Phytologia 79: 250-253

Engel JJ, Smith Merrill GL 1996
Studies of New Zealand Hepaticae. 14-19. Kurzia and Lepicolea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 80: 217-231

Engel, J. J. 1976
Austral Hepaticae. VI. Some new species and new combinations of taxa from southern Chile
The Bryologist 79: 514-515

Engel, J. J. 1976
The southern South American Hepaticae and Anthocerotae collected by H. Roivainen in 1969-1970, with new taxa and notes on range extensions
Annales Botanici Fennici 13(3): 132-136

Engel, J. J. 1978
A taxonomic and phytogeographic study of Brunswick Peninsula (Strait of Magellan) Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Fieldiana: Botany 41: 1-319

Engel, J. J. 1980
A monograph of Clasmatocolea (Hepaticae)
Fieldiana: Botany, n.s. 3

Engel, J. J. 1980
Austral Hepaticae. XII. A new species of Clasmatocolea (Hepaticae) from Tasmania
The Bryologist 83: 220-223

Engel, J. J. 1985
Psiloclada major (Schust.) Engel, comb. nov. (Hepaticae) from New Zealand
Phytologia 58: 324

Engel, J. J. 1989
Index hepaticarum supplementum - 1980-1981
Taxon 38: 414-439

Engel, J. J. 1990
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Hepaticae and Anthocerothophyta: A taxonomic and phytogeographic study
Fieldiana: Botany, n.s. 25

Engel, J. J. 1990
Index hepaticarum supplementum - 1982-1983
Taxon 39: 245-254

Engel, J. J. 1991
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). II. Stolonivector, a new genus from New Zealand
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 69: 79-86

Engel, J. J. 1991
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). V. Comments on the Leucophyllae complex of Chiloscyphus
The Bryologist 94: 311-314

Engel, J. J. 1991
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). VI. Comments on Leptoscyphus in Australasia, together with refinements in Clasmatocolea
The Bryologist 94(4): 435-437

Engel, J. J. 1993
Studies on Geocalycaceae. IX. Chiloscyphus hattorii Engel, a new species from New Zealand, together with nomenclatural refinements in Australasian Heteroscyphus and Leptoscyphus
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 74: 29-33

Engel, J. J. 1999
Austral Hepaticae. 26. The identity, taxonomic position, and ecology of Trichocolea julacea Hatcher (Trichocoleaceae)
Novon 9: 25-28

Engel, J. J. 1999
Austral Hepaticae. 30. A critical new species of Triandrophyllum (Herbertaceae) from New Zealand
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 115-119
New: Triandrophyllum symmetricum

Engel, J. J. 2001
Studies on Geocalycaceae. XII. Heteroscyphus mononuculus Engel, a new species of Hepaticae from New Zealand
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 90: 241-244
New: Heteroscyphus mononuculus

Engel, J. J. 2003
Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). XIII. The genus Stolonivector Engel, including a new species from New Zealand
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 93: 69-77
New: Stolonivector waipouensis sp. nov.

Engel, J. J. 2004
Austral Hepaticae. 36. A new species of Lepidozia from New Zealand, together with an assessment of subg. Austrolepidozia (Schust.) Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 96: 273-279
New: Lepidozia serrulata

Engel, J. J. 2004
Studies on Geocalycaceae. XV. Chiloscyphus aperticaulis Engel, an interesting new species of Hepaticae from New Zealand
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 229-234
New: Chiloscyphus aperticaulis

Engel, J. J. 2005
Austral Hepaticae. 38. The gynoecium of Trichotemnoma (Steph.) Schust., together with a re-evaluation of the taxonomic position of Trichotemnomaceae Schust. and comments on family endemism in south temperate areas
Nova Hedwigia 80: 367-386

Engel, J. J. 2005
Austral Hepaticae. 39. Kurzia moniliformis, an interesting new species of Hepaticae from New Zealand, belonging to a new section, Kurzia sect. Moniliformes Engel
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 26: 73-78
New: Kurzia moniliformis, Kurzia sect. Moniliformes

Engel, J. J. 2006
Austral Hepaticae. 40. Tritomaria (Jungermanniaceae subfam. Lophozioideae) new to the south temperate, together with a new subspecies, T. exsecta subsp. novaezelandiae subsp. nov.
The Bryologist 109: 60-67
New: Tritomaria exsecta subsp. novaezelandiae subsp. nov.

Engel, J. J. 2006
Austral Hepaticae. 41. Bazzania exempta Engel, an interesting new species from New Zealand, belonging to a new section, Bazzania sect. Exemptae Engel
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 99: 197-205
Includes a key to the New Zealand species of Bazzania. New: Bazzania exempta sp. nov., Bazzania section. Exemptae sect. nov., Bazzania sect. Protobazzania sect. nov.

Engel, J. J. 2007
Studies on Lophocoleaceae. XVII. On Leptophyllopsis R. M. Schust., with particular reference to L. laxus (Mitt.) R.M. Schust., together with a new subfamily, Lophocoleaceae subfam. Leptophyllopsoideae J. J. Engel
Nova Hedwigia 85: 417-428

Engel, J. J. & Braggins, J. E. 1998
Austral Hepaticae. 27. The genus Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. (Jungermanniales) in Australasia, with a synopsis of Austral taxa
Journal of Bryology 20: 371-388

Engel, J. J. & Braggins, J. E. 2005
Are Mylia and Trabacellula (Hepaticae) related? Unsuspected links revealed by cell wall morphology, with the transfer of Mylia anomala to a new genus (Leiomylia J. J. Engel & Braggins) of Jungermanniaceae
Taxon 54(3): 665-680

Engel, J. J. & Braggins, J. E. 2005
Austral Hepaticae. 37. The sporophyte of Megalembidium Schust., together with a re-evaluation of the taxonomic position of the genus
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 97: 81-96
New: Lepidoziaceae subfam. Megalembidioideae

Engel, J. J. & D. Glenny 2007
Austral Hepaticae. 43. Castanoclobos, a new genus of Trichocoleaceae from New Zealand
Novon 17: 424-428
New: Castanoclobos gen. nov., Castanoclobos julaceus (Hatcher ex J. J. Engel) comb. nov.

Engel, J. J. & G. L. Merrill 1999
Austral Hepaticae. 28. Plagiochila bazzanioides Engel & Merrill, a remarkable new species of Plagiochilaceae from New Zealand
Novon 9: 29-31

Engel, J. J. & G. L. S. Merrill 1994
Studies on New Zealand Hepaticae. 8-13. Bazzania and Acromastigum
The Bryologist 97: 313-320

Engel, J. J. & Gradstein, S. R. 2003
Studies on Geocalycaceae. XIV. Physotheca Engel & Gradst., a new genus of Hepaticae from Ecuador, belonging to a new family, Physothecaceae Engel & Gradst.
Taxon 52(4): 763-773
P. autoica gen. et sp. nov. New: Physothecoideae subfam., Physotheca gen. nov., Physotheca autoica sp. nov

Engel, J. J. & Grolle, R. 1971
Marsupidium in South America
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 34: 437-444

Engel, J. J. & Merrill, G. L. 2002
Proposal to conserve the name Telaranea against Arachniopsis (Hepaticae)
Taxon 51: 571-572

Engel, J. J. & R. M. Schuster 1982 [1983]
Austral Hepaticae. XV. Brevianthaceae: a monotypic family endemic to Tasmania
The Bryologist 85: 375-388

Engel, J. J. & R. M. Schuster 1988
Studies on New Zealand Hepaticae. 1-6
Brittonia 40: 200-207

Engel, J. J. & R. M. Schuster 1994
Studies on New Zealand Hepaticae. 7. The status of Steereomitrium
The Bryologist 97: 63-66

Engel, J. J. & Schuster, R. M. 2001
Austral Hepaticae. 32. A revision of the genus Lepidozia (Hepaticae) for New Zealand
Fieldiana: Botany, n.s. 42: 1-107
New: Lepidozia subg. Notholepidozia, Lepidozia acantha, Lepidozia bidens, Lepidozia elobata, Lepidozia fugax, Lepidozia glaucescens, Lepidozia laevifolia var. acutiloba, Lepidozia laevifolia var. alpina, Lepidozia novae-zelandiae var. heterostipa, Lepidozia novae-zelandiae var. minima, Lepidozia obtusiloba var. parvula, Lepidozia ornata, Lepidozia pumila

Engel, J. J. & Smith Merrill, G. L. 1997
Austral Hepaticae. 22. The genus Balantiopsis in New Zealand, with Observations on Extraterritorial Taxa and a Phylogeny of Balantiopsis & the Family Balantiopsaceae
Fieldiana: Botany, n.s. 37: 1-62

Engel, J. J. & Smith Merrill, G. L. 1998
Austral Hepaticae. 25. Krunodiplophyllum Grolle and a revision of the Australasian species of Diplophyllum (Dum.) Dum. (Scapaniaceae, Jungermanniales)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 84: 241-283

Engel, J. J. & Smith Merrill, G. L. 1999
Austral Hepaticae. 29. More new taxa and combinations in Telaranea (Lepidoziaceae) and a new name for Frullania caledonica (Schust.) Schust. (Frullaniaceae) from New Caledonia
Novon 9: 339-344
New: Telaranea clatritexta (Stephani), Telaranea consobrina, Telaranea fernandeziensis (Stephani), Telaranea fragilis, Telaranea quadricilia (Stephani), Telaranea palmata, Frullania neocaledonica

Engel, J. J. & Smith Merrill, G. L. 1999
Austral Hepaticae. 31. Two new species of Plagiochila (Dum.) Dum. (Plagiochilaceae) from New Zealand
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 87: 295-300
New: Plagiochila kermadecensis, Plagiochila hatcheri

Engel, J. J. & Smith Merrill, G. L. 2001
Austral Hepaticae. 33. Paracromastigum succulentum, comb. nov. (Lepidoziaceae, Jungermanniales)
The Bryologist 104: 151-153
New: Paracromastigum succulentum (Sim)

Engel, J. J. & Smith Merrill, G. L. 2004
Austral Hepaticae. 35. A taxonomic and phylogenetic study of Telaranea (Lepidoziaceae), with a monograph of the genus in temperate Australasia and commentary on extra-Australasian taxa
Fieldiana: Botany, n.s. 44: 1-265
New: Telaranea sect. Neolepidozia (Fulford & J. Taylor), Telaranea quadristipula (Stephani in Stephani & Watts), Telaranea patentissima var. ampliata, Telaranea patentissima var. zebrina, Telaranea sect. Ceraceae, Telaranea perfragilis nom. nov., Telaranea sect. Tricholepidozia (R. M. Schuster), Telaranea pulcherrima var. mooreana (Stephani), Telaranea lindenbergii var. papillata, Telaranea pallescens (Grolle), Telaranea trilobata (R. M. Schuster), Telaranea fragilifolia (R. M. Schuster), Telaranea quadriseta (Stephani), Telaranea granulata, Telaranea quinquespina (J. J. Engel & Smith Merrill, Gary L.), Amazoopsis, Telaranea sect. Tenuifoliae (R. M. Schuster), Telaranea inaequalis, Telaranea anomala, Telaranea aubertii (Jovet-Ast), Telaranea autoica, Telaranea breviseta (Herzog in Skottsberg), Telaranea coactilis (Spruce), Telaranea confervoides, Telaranea cuneifolia (Stephani), Telaranea diacantha (Montagne), Telaranea disparata, Telaranea europaea, Telaranea ferruginea, Telaranea heterotexta (Stephani), Telaranea leratii (Stephani), Telaranea longicaulis (Piippo), Telaranea longifolia (M. A. Howe), Telaranea major (Herzog), Telaranea mamillosa (Schiffner), Telaranea marginata, Telaranea monocera, Telaranea ophiria (Gottsche ex Stephani), Telaranea papulosa (Stephani), Telaranea parvifolia (Stephani), Telaranea pecten (Spruce), Telaranea pellucida, Telaranea planifolia (Stephani), Telaranea pruinosa (Herzog), Telaranea redacta (Stephani in Mildbraed), Telaranea setosa, Telaranea tenuifolia (R. M. Schuster), Telaranea verruculosa, Monodactylopsis minima, Amazoopsis diplopoda (Pócs in Vána), Amazoopsis gracilis, Amazoopsis dissotricha (Spruce), Paracromastigum vastilobum (Stephani)

Engel, J.J. & D. Glenny 2008
Studies on Lophocoleaceae XVI. Chiloscyphus anisolobus Engel & Glenny, an interesting new species of Hepaticac from New Zealand
The Bryologist 111: 118-123

Engel, J.J. & Jochen Heinrichs 2008
Studies of New Zealand Hepaticae. 39. Dinckleria Trevis. an older name for Proskauera Heinrichs and JJ.Engel
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 29(2): 193-194
New: Dinckleria fruticella (Hook.f. & Taylor) comb. nov.

Engel, John J. & Hattori. Sinske 1988
Bryological Contributions Presented in Celebration of the Distinguished Scholarship of Rudolf M. Schuster
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 90: 1-402

Engelskjøn T 1987
Botany of Bouvetøya, South Atlantic Ocean. II. The terrestrial vegetation of Bouvvetøya
Polar Research, n.s. 5: 129-163

Engelskjøn T, Jørgensen PM 1986
Phytogeographical relations of the cryptogamic flora of Bouvetøya
Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 185: 71-79

Engler A 1892
Grose ausgabe. Syllabus der Vorlesungen über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik
Berlin: Gebrüder Bornträger 184 pp.

Engler A 1895
Die pflanzenwelt Ost-Afrikas und der nachbargebiete. Theil C
Berlin 433 pp.

Engler A 1900
Berichte über die botanische Ergebnisse der Nyassa-See- und Kinga-Gebirgs-Expedition. III
Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 28: 332-510

Engler A, Prantl K 1893
Die Natürlischen Pflanzenfamilien, Teil. I, abt. 3
Leipzig: Engelmann 96 pp.

Engler, Heinrich Gustav Adolf
Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien
Ed 2, May 1898; Ed 3, Jan 1903; Ed 4, Nov 1904; Ed 5, Jul 1907; Ed 6, Jun-Dec 1909; Ed 7, Probably early 1913; Ed 8, Jan-Feb 1920; Ed 9-10, Nov-Dec 1924 - Editions 9 and 10 published as a single issue

Englund, G. & B. Malmqvist 1996
Effects of flow regulation on bryophytes in north Swedish rivers
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk 1996(4): 36

Enroth, J. 1990
Altitudinal Zonation of Bryophytes on the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea
Tropical Bryology 2: 61-90

Enroth, J. 1991
On the phytogeography of western Melanesian Hepaticae. A literature review
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 1-42

Enroth, J. & Koponen, T. 2003
Bryophyte flora of Hunan Province, China. 8. Additions to the checklist
Hikobia 14: 79-86

Equihua C, Equihua M 2007
Spatial distribution of Bryopteris filicina on tree trunks in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico
The Bryologist 110: 766-775

Equihua C, Pócs T 2000
Epiphyllous bryophytes from Lacandon Forest, Chiapas, Mexico
The Bryologist 102: 747-752
New: Aphanolejeunea pustulosa (Jovet-Ast) comb. nov.; 26 liverworts, one moss

Equihua Z., C. 2002
[Abstract] Distribución espacial de <Bryopteris filicina> en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 69

Equihua, C. 2007
[Abstract] Genetic variation of Bryopteris filicina in the Selva Lacandona of Chiapas, Mexico. Program and Abstracts
American Bryological and Lichenological Society 2007: 11

Erdag A 2002
A contribution to the bryophyte flora of Turkey: the bryophyte flora of Madran Mountain and Cine Valley (Aydin, Turkey)
Turkish Journal of Botany 26: 31-42

Erdnüss F, Fischer E 2000
Moosflora und -vegetation naturnaher Erlenwälder im rheinlande-pfläzischen Westerwald (BR Deutschleand)
Limprichtia 14: 85-119

Ericson L 1977
Strandvegetation vid Höga kusten i Ångermanland
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 71: 383-413

Ericson L 1977
The influence of voles and lemmings on the vegetation in a coniferous forest during a 4-year period in northern Sweden
Wahlenbergia 4: 1-114

Ericson L, Wallentinus H-G 1979
Sea-shore vegetation around the Gulf of Bothnia
Wahlenbergia 5

Eriksson F 1982
Västerberg, en naturskog
: Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands län

Errington, R. C. & D. H. Vitt 2002
[Abstract] Using bryophytes to assess peatland development along a climatic gradient in northwestern British Columbia
American Bryological and Lichenological Society Abstracts of Contributed Papers 2002: Insert p. 17

Erskine JS 1972
The hepatics and liverworts of Nova Scotia
Wolfville: Biology Dept., Acadia Univ. 36 pp.

Ertter, B. 2003
Special feature: botanical travels to Iran
Jepson Globe 14(1): 1-5
Includes information on Dan Norris and Brent Mishler collecting in Iran

Ertz, D. 1999
Analyse floristique et écologique des bryophytes de la région de Theux (province de Liège, Belgique)
Nowellia Bryologica 17: 2-14

Ertz, D. 1999
L'intérêt bryologique de la briqueterie de Rome à Durbuy (province de Luxembourg, Belgique)
Nowellia Bryologica 17: 30-32

Ertz, D. 2000
La flore et la faune de quelques sites de grand intérêt biologique dans la vallée de la Gueule (province de Liège, Belgique)
Natura Mosana 53: 1-18

Ertz, D. & P. de Zuttere 2000
La bryoflore des vallées de la Gueule et du Lontzenerbach entre Schalgraf et le ch_teau d'Eyneburg à La Calamine: flore, végétation et orientations conservatoires
Nowellia Bryologica 19: 26-41

Ervideira A 1926
Muscineas de Trás-o-Montes
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 2: 4-8

Erzberger P 2006
Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Chalkidiki, Greece
Willdenowia 36: 515-525

Erzberger P, Papp B 2007
New national bryophyte records from Serbia and Montenegro
Willdenowia 37: 339-351
Cynodontium gracilescens and Pohlia nutans ssp. schimperi new to the Balkan Peninsula.

Erzberger, P, B Papp & S Dragi_evi_ 2008
Notes on some newly recorded bryophytes from Montenegro
Journal of Bryology 30: 167-170

Erzberger, P. 2002
Minor contribution to the bryoflora of the Cserhát Mts (Hungary)
Studia Botanica Hungarica 33: 41-45

Erzberger, P. & Papp, B. 2004
Annotated checklist of Hungarian bryophytes
Studia Botanica Hungarica 35: 91-149

Escorcia A. & I. Sastre D.J. 1998
[Abstract] Estimaciones de la brioflora de dos localidades industrializadas, Bayamón y Guaynabo, área metropolitana de San Juan, Puerto Rico
In: Anonymous, Libro de Resúmes. Biodiversidad y Conservación de los recursos Vegetales en Latinoamérica. Sociedad Botánica de México, México p. 342
Also published in Briolatina 44: 5

Esposito, A., M. Aleffi & R. Spagnuolo 2002
La flora briologica della Riserva Naturale Orientata Valle delle Ferriere (Campania)
Braun-Blanquetia 31: 51-53

Esposito, A., S. Mazzoleni & S. Strumia 1999
Post-fire bryophyte dynamics in Mediterranean vegetation
Journal of Vegetation Science 10: 261-268

Estácio da Veiga SPM 1869
Plantas de Serra de Monchique observadas em 1866
Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 1 Ser. 2: 124-127

Estébanez Pérez, B., S. Matsuda, T. Yamaguchi & H. Deguchi 1999
The tapetum in bryophytes: a review
Bryological Research 7: 210-218
In Japanese with English abstract and figure captions

Esteve Chueca F, Varo Alcala J, Zafra Valverde ML 1975
Catalogo de briofitos de la provincia de Granada
Trabajos del departemento de Botanica, Univ. de Granada 3: 3-44

Esteve Chueca F, Varo Alcala J, Zafra Valverde ML 1978
Estudio briologico de la ciudad de Granada (Tercera parte)
Trabajos del departemento de Botanica, Univ. de Granada 5: 53-64

Eurola S 1968
Über die Fjeldheidevegetation in den Gebieten von Isfjorden und Hornsund in Westspitzbergen
Aquilo, ser. Botany 7: 1-56

Eurola S 1971
The middle arctic mire vegetation in Spitsbergen
Acta Agr. Fenn. 123: 87-107

European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes (ECCB) 1995
Red Data Book of European Bryophytes
Trondheim: European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes 291 pp.

Evangelista, E., S. Cipollaro & C. Colacino 2005
Brioflora de una cerreta adiacente al Centro Oli di Viggiano (Potenza): osservazioni e consideraziioni preliminari in relazione al biomonigoraggio dell'inquinamento dell'aria
Società Italiana di Selvicotura ed Ecologia Forestale Atti 4: 497-499

Evans AW 1892
A provisional list of the Hepaticae of the Hawaiian Islands
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 9: 253-261

Evans AW 1892
An arrangement of the genera of Hepaticae
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 8: 262-280

Evans AW 1892
List of liverworts from Southern Patagonia
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 1(5): 140-142

Evans AW 1892
West Virginia liverworts
In: Millspaugh CF (ed.), Preliminary Catalogue of the Flora of West Virginia. pp. 495-498

Evans AW 1893
Hepaticae (in Small & Vail, Report on the botanical exploration of south-western Virginia during the season of 1892)
Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 4: 191-195

Evans AW 1893
Two new American Hepaticae
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 20: 307-310

Evans AW 1896
A note on Jungermannia marchica Nees
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 23: 12-15

Evans AW 1896
Notes on the North American species of Plagiochila
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 21: 185-194

Evans AW 1897
A revision of the North American species of Frullania, a genus of Hepaticae
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 10: 1-39

Evans AW 1898
An enumeration of the Hepaticae collected by John B. Hatcher in southern Patagonia
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 25: 407-431

Evans AW 1899
Studies among our common hepaticae. 4. Porella platyphylla
Plant World 2: 78-84

Evans AW 1900
A new genus of Hepaticae from the Hawaiian Islands
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 27: 97-104

Evans AW 1900
Papers form the Harriman Expedition. 5. Notes on Hepaticae collected in Alaska
Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 2: 287-314

Evans AW 1900
The Hawaiian Hepaticae of the tribe Jubuloideae
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 10: 387-462

Evans AW 1901
Fossombronia salina in Connecticut
Rhodora 3: 7-10

Evans AW 1901
Hepaticae collected by William A. Setchell in northern Alaska
Zoe 5: 129-132

Evans AW 1902
A new hepatic from the eastern United States
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 34: 372-375

Evans AW 1902
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. I. The species of Leptolejeunea including an account of their vegetative reproduction
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 29: 496-510

Evans AW 1902
In: BL Robinson, Flora of the Galapagos Islands. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 38: 100-101

Evans AW 1902
Notes on New England Hepaticae
Rhodora 4: 207-213

Evans AW 1902
The Lejeuneae of the United States and Canada
Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 8: 113-183

Evans AW 1903
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. II. Drepanolejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 30: 19-41

Evans AW 1903
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. III. Harpalejeunea, Cyrtolejeunea, Euosmolejeunea and Trachylejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 30: 544-563

Evans AW 1903
Odontoschisma macounii and its North American allies
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 36: 321-348

Evans AW 1903
Preliminary list of New England plants. 11. Hepaticae
Rhodora 5: 170-173

Evans AW 1903
Report on two collections of Hepaticae from northeastern Minnesota
Minnesota botanical studies 3: 141-144

Evans AW 1903
Yukon Hepaticae
The Ottawa Naturalist 17: 13-24

Evans AW 1904
A new species of Hepaticae
The Bryologist 7: 68

Evans AW 1904
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. IV. Odontolejeunea, Cyclolejeunea and Prionolejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 31: 183-226

Evans AW 1904
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 2.
Rhodora 6: 165-174

Evans AW 1905
A remarkable Ptilidium from Japan
Revue Bryologique 32: 57-60

Evans AW 1905
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. V. Ceratolejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 32: 273-290

Evans AW 1905
New or noteworthy Hepaticae from Florida
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 32: 179-192

Evans AW 1905
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 3.
Rhodora 7: 52-58

Evans AW 1906
Hepaticae of Bermuda
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 33: 129-135

Evans AW 1906
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. VI. Cheilolejeunea, Rectolejeunea, Cystolejeunea, and Pycnolejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 33: 1-25

Evans AW 1906
Hepaticae of Vancouver Island
Postelsia 7: 215-223

Evans AW 1906
Lepidozia sylvatica
The Bryologist 9: 77-78

Evans AW 1906
Notes on Japanese Hepaticae
Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 8: 141-166

Evans AW 1906
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 4
Rhodora 8: 34-45

Evans AW 1906
Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, II. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia
Princeton University Press pp. 35-62

Evans AW 1907
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. VII. Stictolejeunea, Neurolejeunea, Omphalanthus, and Lopholejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 34: 1-34

Evans AW 1907
Leucolejeunea, a new genus of Hepaticae
Torreya 7: 225-229

Evans AW 1907
Notes on New England Hepaticae, V
Rhodora 9: 56-60

Evans AW 1907
Ten Lophozias
The Bryologist 10: 9-12

Evans AW 1907
The genus Calypogeia and its type species
The Bryologist 10: 24-30

Evans AW 1908
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. IX. Barachiolejeunea, Ptychocoleus, Archilejeunea, Leucolejeunea and Anoplolejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 35: 155-179

Evans AW 1908
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. VIII.
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 34: 533-568

Evans AW 1908
Lopholejeunea muelleriana in Florida
The Bryologist 11: 45-46

Evans AW 1908
New West Indian Lejeuneae
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 35: 371-389

Evans AW 1908
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 6
Rhodora 10: 185-193

Evans AW 1908
Ten Lophozias III
The Bryologist 11: 1-3

Evans AW 1908
The synonymy of three American Hepaticae
The Bryologist 11: 67-70

Evans AW 1909
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 7
Rhodora 1: 185-195

Evans AW 1910
Notes on North American Hepaticae. I.
The Bryologist 13: 33-36

Evans AW 1910
Vegetative reproduction in Metzgeria
Annals of Botany. Oxford 24: 271-303

Evans AW 1911
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. X. Cololejeunea, Leptocolea and Aphanolejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 38: 251-286

Evans AW 1911
Hepaticae of the Bahama Islands
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 38: 205-222

Evans AW 1911
Notes on North American Hepaticae. II
The Bryologist 14: 84-88

Evans AW 1912
A new Frullania from Florida
The Bryologist 15: 22-26

Evans AW 1912
Branching in the leafy hepaticae
Annals of Botany. Oxford 26: 1-37

Evans AW 1912
Hepaticae of Puerto Rico. XI. Diplasiolejeunea
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 39: 209-225

Evans AW 1912
New West Indian Lejeuneae - II
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 39: 603-611

Evans AW 1912
Notes on New England Hepaticae 9
Rhodora 14: 1-18

Evans AW 1912
Notes on New England Hepaticae 10
Rhodora 14: 209-225

Evans AW 1912
Notes on North American Hepaticae. III
The Bryologist 15: 54-63

Evans AW 1913
Notes on North American hepaticae. IV
The Bryologist 16: 49-55

Evans AW 1913
Revised list of New England Hepaticae
Rhodora 15: 21-28

Evans AW 1914
Notes on North American hepaticae. V
The Bryologist 17: 87-92

Evans AW 1915
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 12
Rhodora 17: 107-12

Evans AW 1915
Notes on North American hepaticae
The Bryologist 18: 80-91

Evans AW 1915
Notes on North American hepaticae. 6
The Bryologist 18: 65-75

Evans AW 1915
Preliminary list of Colorado Hepaticae
The Bryologist 18: 44-47

Evans AW 1915
Reports on the Hepaticae of Alaska
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 41: 577-616

Evans AW 1915
The genus Plagiochasma and its North American species
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 42: 259-308

Evans AW 1916
A new species of Metzgeria from the Galapagos Islands
Torreya 16: 67-70

Evans AW 1916
Additions to the hepatic flora of Quebec
The Bryologist 19: 27-30

Evans AW 1916
Notes on New England Hepaticae - XIII
Rhodora 18: 74-85

Evans AW 1917
A new Lejeunea from Bermuda and the West Indies
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 44: 525-528

Evans AW 1917
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 14
Rhodora 19: 263-272

Evans AW 1917
Notes on North American Hepaticae. VII
The Bryologist 20: 17-28

Evans AW 1917
Notes on the genus Herberta, with a revision of the species known from Europe, Canada and the United States
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 44: 191-222

Evans AW 1917
Preliminary list of Arizona Hepaticae
The Bryologist 20: 60-62

Evans AW 1917
The American species of Marchantia
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 8: 253-261

Evans AW 1918
Hepaticae: Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 18: 291-345

Evans AW 1918
Noteworthy Lejeuneae from Florida
American Journal of Botany 5: 131-150

Evans AW 1918
The air chambers of Grimaldia fragrans
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 45: 235-251

Evans AW 1919
A new Riccia from Peru
Torreya 19: 85-88

Evans AW 1919
A taxonomic styudy of Dumortiera
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 46: 167-182

Evans AW 1919
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 15
Rhodora 21: 149-169

Evans AW 1919
Notes on North American Hepaticae. VIII
The Bryologist 22: 54-73

Evans AW 1919
Three South American species of Asterella
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 46: 469-480

Evans AW 1920
Abruzzi Hepaticae
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 47: 57-58

Evans AW 1920
The North American species of Asterella
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 20: 247-312

Evans AW 1921
Notes on New England Hepaticae. 16
Rhodora 23: 281-284

Evans AW 1921
Taxilejeunea pterogonia and certain allied species
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 48: 107-136

Evans AW 1921
The genus Riccardia in Chile
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 25: 93-209

Evans AW 1922
Notes on North American Hepaticae. IX
The Bryologist 25: 25-33

Evans AW 1923
North American Flora 14(1): 57-66

Evans AW 1923
Notes on New England Hepaticae 17
Rhodora 25: 74-83

Evans AW 1923
Notes on North American Hepaticae - X
The Bryologist 26: 55-67

Evans AW 1923
Notes on the Hepaticae of California
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, ser. 4 4(13): 111-130

Evans AW 1923
North American Flora 14(1): 35-37

Evans AW 1923
North American Flora 14(1): 35-37

Evans AW 1923
Second revised list of New England Hepaticae
Rhodora 25: 192-199

Evans AW 1923
North American Flora 14: 31-33

Evans AW 1923
The Chilean species of Metzgeria
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 58: 271-323

Evans AW 1924
Report on the Hepaticae of Nebraska
The Bryologist 27: 49-52

Evans AW 1925
A taxonomic study of Hymenophytum
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 52: 491-506

Evans AW 1925
The lobate species fo Symphyogyna
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 27: 1-50

Evans AW 1926
The Hepaticae of Fischer's Island
Torreya 26: 85-86

Evans AW 1927
A further study of the American species of Symphyogyna
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 28: 301-353

Evans AW 1930
Three species of Scapania from western North America
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 57: 87-111

Evans AW 1931
The thallose Hepaticae of the Juan Fernadez Islands
pp. 551-586

Evans AW 1932
A new species of Plagiochasma from Texas
American Journal of Botany 19: 627-631

Evans AW 1932
Some representative species of Bazzania from Sumatra
Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 17: 69-118

Evans AW 1934
A revision of the genus Acromastigum
Annales Bryologici, suppl. 3: 1-178

Evans AW 1935
A study of five New England species of Scapania
Rhodora 38: 77-90

Evans AW 1935
Recent segregates from the genera Lophozia and Sphenolobus
The Bryologist 38: 61-70

Evans AW 1935
The anatomy of the stem in Lejeuneae
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 62: 187-214

Evans AW 1938
A history of the genera Nardia and Plectocolea
Annales Bryologici 10: 36-42

Evans AW 1938
A new species of Chiloscyphus from Utah
The Bryologist 41: 50-57

Evans AW 1938
Notes on the genus Cololejeunea
The Bryologist 41: 71-82

Evans AW 1938
The invadility of the genus Grimaldia of Raddi
Chronica Botanica 4: 223-225

Evans AW 1938
The structure of the capsule wall in certain species of Riccardia
Annales Bryologici 10: 20-35

Evans AW 1940
The American species of Stylolejeunea
The Bryologist 43: 1-4

Evans AW, Nichols GE 1908
The bryophytes of Connecticut
Conn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 11: 1-203

Evans AW, Nichols GE 1935
The liverwort flora of the Upper Michigan Peninsula
The Bryologist 38: 81-91

Evans RI 1950
Andreaea rupestris in Wisconsin
The Bryologist 53: 232

Evans, A. W. 1918
Hepaticae. Liverworts
In: Britton NL (ed.), Flora of Bermuda. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons pp. 448-469

Evans, A. W. 1940
List of Hepaticae found in the United States, Canada and Arctic America
The Bryologist 43: 133-138
440 spp. in 114 genera. Hornworts included. This is a condensed list that would be easy to scan

Evans, R. D. & J. R. Johansen 1999
Microbiotic crusts and ecosystem processes
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 18: 183-225

Everest A, Ellis L 1999
A contribution to the bryophyte flora of southern Turkey
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20: 43-48

Evrard, L. & A. Fraselle 2002
Découvertes étonnantes près de Longlier
Nowellia Bryologica 22: 20-23

Exell AW 1944
Catalogue of vascular plants of S. Tomé (with Principé and Annabon)
London: British Museum (Natural History)

Eyerdam WJ 1952
Alaskan and Aleutian Island hepatics
The Bryologist 55: 26-35

Eysink, A. T. W., M. A. P. Horsthuis & C. G. Abbink-Meijerink 1999
Terug naar de bron - plantensoorten als indicator voor herstelbeheer van bronnen in Oost-Nederland
Stratiotes: Plantensociologische kring Nederland 19: 103-128
In Dutch with English abstract

Ezer T, Kara R, Düzenli A 2008
Frullania fragilifolia (Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees (Frullaniaceae, Marchantiophyta), a suboceanic mountainous species new to the bryophyte flora of Turkey
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 29: 203-206