Liverwort Literature J



Jaap O 1902
Bericht über einige für die Umgebung von Hamburg neue Moos
Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift für Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie 8: 75-77

Jaap O 1905
Weitere Beiträge zur Moosflora der Umgegend von Hamburg
Verh. Naturw. Vereins Hamburg 3: 105-151

Jablonska, E. 2005
Vascular plants and bryophytes of the peatland beside Gajlik Lake (Sejny Lake District, north-eastern Poland)
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 12(1): 67-81
In Polish with English abstract

Jack JB 1870
Die Lebermoose Badens
Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg 5: 1-95

Jack JB 1881
Die Europäischen Radula-Arten (schluss)
Flora 64: 385-400

Jack JB 1881
Die Europäischen Radula-Arten
Flora 64: 353-362

Jack JB 1886
Monograpie der Lebermoosgattung Physiotium
Hedwigia 25: 49-87

Jack JB 1894
Stephaniella paraphyllina Jack nov. gen. Hepaticarum
Hedwigia 33: 11-14

Jack JB 1895
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lebermoose Tirols
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 45: 255-256

Jack JB 1898
Lebermoose Tirols
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 48: 171-191

Jack JB, Stephani F 1892
Hepaticae Willisianae
Hedwigia 31: 11-27

Jack JB, Stephani F 1894
Hepaticae in insulis Vitibuensibus et Samoanis a Dre Ed. Graeffe anno 1864 lectae
Botanisches Centralblatt 60: 97-109

Jack JB, Stephani F 1895
Hepaticae Lorentzianae
Hedwigia 34: 313-318

Jacobs DL 1949
Two new Riccias from Georgia
The Bryologist 52: 167-172

Jacobs DL 1951
Ricciaceae of Arkansas
The Bryologist 54: 274-278

Jacobs DL 1954
Liverworts of Georgia - an annotated list
American Midland Naturalist 52: 68-74

Jägerbrand, A. K., U. Molau & J. M. Alatalo 2003
Responses of bryophytes to simulated environmental change at Latnjajaure, northern Sweden
Journal of Bryology 25: 163-168

Jakab G 1999
Contributions to the knowledge of the bryophyte flora of the SE Carpathians (Romania)
Studia Botanica Hungarica 29: 49-58

Jakab, G. 1997
Bryophyte flora of the Nyírség (NE Hungary) I (floristic part)
Kitaibelia 2: 148-159
In Hungarian with English summary

Jakab, G. 1997
The flora of the Júlia-liget near Piricse. II. Bryophyta
Kitaibelia 2: 46-50
In Hungarian with English summary

Jakab, G. 1998
Bryophyte flora of the Nyírség (NE Hungary): II (biogeographical part)
Kitaibelia 3: 137-149
In Hungarian with English summary

Jakab, G. 2000
Three bryophytes new to Romania
Studia Botanica Hungarica 30-31: 87-94
Cephaloziella massalongi, Drepanocladus pseudostramineus and Schistidium trichodon reported

Jankowiak K, Buczkowska K, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z 2005
Successful extract of DNA from 100-year-old herbarium specimens of the liverwort Bazzania trilobata
Taxon 54: 335-336

Jankowiak, K. & Z. Szweykowska-Kulinska 2004
Organellar iheritance in the allopolyploid liverwort species Porella baueri (Porellaceae): reconstructing historical events using DNA analysis data
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 98: 404-414

Jannert B 2005
Rapport från Mossornas Vänners exkursion till Falbygden 9-11 maj 2003
Myrinia 15: 14-19

Janovicová K 1998
Zaujímavé bryofloristické nálezy zo Slovenska [Interesting bryofloristic findings from the Slovak Republic]
Bryonora 21: 2-3

Janovicová, K. & A. Kubinská. 2001
Present state of the bryophyte diversity in the Protected Landscape Area Biele Karpaty (western Carpathians, Slovakia)
Biologia 56: 33-41

Janovicová, K. & A. Kubinská. 2002
Current knowledge of bryophyte flora on the lowland Záhorská ní_ina (SW Slovakia)
Bulletin Slovenskej Botanickej Spolocnosti 24: 55-59
In Czech with English abstract

Janovicová, K. & A. Kubinská. 2002
Phenology of Riccia cavernosa (Marchantiophyta) and Aphanorrhegma patens (Bryophyta) on emergent waterbeds of the Danube River in Bratislava (Slovakia)
Bryonora 29: 1-6
In Czech with English abstract

Janovicová, K. & A. Kubinská. 2002
Species of the family Cleveaceae Müll. Frib. (Bryophyta, Marchantiopsida) in Slovakia
Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Botanica 41: 59-64

Janovicová, K. & A. Kubinská. 2002
[Abstract] Bryophytes of Bratislava in the last 4 centuries - a retrospective view
In: Mlezivová, R. M. (ed.), Abstracts. IXth Congress of the Czech Botanical Society. Czech Botanical Society, Praha, Czech Republic pp. 49-51
In Czech

Janovicová, K. & A. Kubinská. 2003
Bryophyte communities on temporary emergent waterbeds in the Bratislava region (SW Slovakia)
Bulletin Slovenskej Botanickej Spolocnosti 25: 39-44

Janovicová, K., A. Kubinská & R. Soltés 1999
Bryophytes of the Cervené vrchy Mts and the Tichá dolina valley (the Západné Tatry Mts, Slovakia)-threat and apophytic tendencies in local bryophyte flora
Biologia Section Botany 54: 369-378

Janovicová, K., Kubinská, A. & Javorcíková, D. 2003
Pecenovky (Hepatophyta), Ro_teky (Anthocerotophyta) a Machy (Bryophyta) na Území Bratislavy (Slovensko). [Liverworts (Hepatophyta), hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) and mosses (Bryophyta) in the area of Bratislava (Slovakia).]
Botanicky ústav SAV, Bratislava, Slovakia. Bound with Duda & Duda (q.v.) pp. 38-98
English abstract

Jans E 1979
Studies on Colombian Cryptogams VI. High Andean species of Radula (Hepaticae)
Proceedings, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series C, biological and medical sciences 82: 421-432

Jansen J, Hans DN, Paiva JA 2000
Some notes on Vaccinium uliginosum L. subsp. gaultherioides (Bigelow) S. B. Young, a new taxon to the flora of Portugal
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 19: 177-186

Jansen J, Rêgo F, Gonçalvo P, Silveira S 1997
Fire, a strong landscape shaping element in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal)
NNA-Berichts 97(5): 150-161

Jansen J, Sequeira MM 1999
The vegetation of shallow waters and seasonally inundated habitats (Litorelletea and Isoëto-Nanojuncetea) in the higher parts of Serra da Estrela, Portugal
Mitteilungen des Badischen Landesvereins für Naturkunde und Naturschutz e.V. in Freiburg im Breisgau 17: 449-462

Jansová, I., M. Zmrhalová, B. Buryová, J. Kucera, V. Plásek & J. Vána 2002
[Abstract] Population ecology of rare and endangered bryophyte species in the High Sudetes
In: Mlezivová, R. M. (ed.), Abstracts. IXth Congress of the Czech Botanical Society. Czech Botanical Society, Praha, Czech Republic p. 95
In Czech

Janssens JA 1994
Heide- und Zwerg-Wacholdervegetation in den höheren Stufen der Serra de Estrela (Portugal), unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Potentillo-Callunetum
Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 6: 279-303

Janssens JA 1998
Übersicht der Silikatschutt-Vegetation in den höheren Stufen der Serra de Estrela, Portugal
Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 10: 95-124

Jardin DEA 1860
Supplément au Zephyritis Taitiensis de Mr. Guillemin
Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg 7: 239-244

Järvinen I 1974
The genus Plagiochila (Hepaticae) in Finland
Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 50: 105-112

Järvinen I 1976
Distribution maps of Lophocolea, Geocalyx and Harpanthus in Eastern Fennoscandia
Lindbergia 3: 337-343

Järvinen I 1983
Taxonomy and distribution of the European taxa ot the genus Chiloscyphus (Hepaticae, Geocalycaceae)
Annales Botanici Fennici 20: 87-96

Järvinen, I. 1975
The taxonomic status of Lophocolea incisa (Hepaticae)
Annales Botanici Fennici 12(1): 25-26

Jarzen, D. M. 1979
Spore morphology of some Anthocerotaceae and the occurrence of Phaeoceros spores in the Cretaceous of North America
Pollen et Spores 21: 211-231

Jauffret, S., J.-P. Hébrard & R. Loisel 2001
Facteurs de la diversité des peuplements de bryophytes dans les pelouses oligotrophes à thérophytes de la bordure nord-ouest du massif des Maures (Var, France)
Bocconea 13: 107-117

Jeanbernat M, Renauld F 1885
Guide dy Bryologue dans la chaine des Pyrénées
Revista Botanica 0: 41-74

Jedrzejko K 1998
Enclaves of rare bryophytes deserving protection in Upper Silesia (Katowice voivodship and the adjacent areas)
Prace Botaniczne Universytet Wroclawskie 77: 245-26
In Polish with English summary

Jedrzejko, K. 1989
[Abstract] Charakterystyka brioekologiczna fitocenoz nielesnych Wyzyny Czestochowskiej. Materialy z Konferencji Roslina a Srodowisko
Polskie Towarzystwo Botanicze oddzial Slaski w Katowicach, Katowice, Poland pp. 44-45
In Polish, on bryosociology

Jeffrey WW 1961
Notes on plant occurrence alonglower Liard River, Northwest Territories
Bulletin of the National Museum of Canada 171: 32-115

Jelenc F 1949
Contributions à l'étude de la Flore et de la Végétation Bryologiques Nord-Africaines. 1° fasc.
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 40: 198-207

Jelenc F 1949
Muscinées de l'Afrique du Nord
Bulletin Trimestriel de Geographie et d'Archeologie [Oran] 72: 59-76

Jelenc F 1950
Muscinées de l'Afrique du Nord (suite)
Bulletin Trimestriel de Geographie et d'Archeologie [Oran] 73: 59-89

Jelenc F 1951
Contributions à l'étude de la Flore et de la Végétation Bryologiques Nord-Africaines. 2° fasc.
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 42: 18-27

Jelenc F 1953
Contributions à l'étude de la Flore et de la Végétation Bryologiques Nord-Africaines. 3° fasc.
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 44: 51-69

Jelenc F 1954
Contributions à l'étude de la Flore et de la Végétation Bryologiques Nord-Africaines. 4° fasc.
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 45: 68-77

Jelenc F 1955
Contributions à l'étude de la Flore et de la Végétation Bryologiques Nord-Africaines. 5° fasc.
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 46: 107-119

Jelenc F 1956
Contributions à l'étude de la Flore et de la Végétation Bryologiques Nord-Africaines. 6° fasc.
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 47: 92-106

Jelenc F 1957
Les bryophytes nord-africaines. IV. Le genre Riella en Afrique méditerranéenne et au Sahara
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 26: 20-50

Jelenc F 1959
Les bryophytes Nord-Africaines. V. Les Neckeraceae
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 28: 308-318

Jelenc F 1966
Contribution a l'étude de la flore et de la végétation bryologiques nord-africaines (7e fascicule)
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34: 711-714

Jelenc F 1967
Muscinées de l'Afrique du Nord (Supplément)
Paris: Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 35: 186-215

Jelenc F 1969
Les bryohytes du bassin de la Vienne. 1er fascicule: Notes de récoltes
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 36: 114-129

Jelenc F 1973
Les bryophytes du bassin de la Vienne, 3e Fascicule: Les Bryophytes du département de la Haute-Vienne de L'herbier Charles Le Gendre
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 39: 630-660

Jelenc F 1974
Comptes rendus des sorties bryologiques
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 5: 109-113

Jelenc F, Pierrot RB 1974
Muscinees de la region de Montendre
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 5: 114-115

Jeliffe SE 1894
Cryptogamie notes from Long Island, 2
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 489

Jenkins, J. & Keal, A. 2004
Rare mosses & liverworts of limy cliffs
In: Jenkins, J. & Keal, A., The Adirondack Atlas: A Geographic Portrait of the Adirondack Park. Syracuse University Press & The Adirondack Museum, Syracuse, NY pp. 60-61
Includes illustrations of six bryophytes and their distribution in the park

Jennings OE 1936
Bryophyta (Bryophytes) of Southampton Island
Memoirs of the Carnegie museum 12(3): 7-16

Jennings PG 1976
Tardigrada from the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Ridge region
Bulletin, British Antarctic Survey 44: 77-95

Jensen C 1893
List of Mosses from the Environs of Skagen in Jutland (Denmark)
Revue Bryologique 20: 67-73

Jensen C 1897
Beretning om en rejse til Faeroerne I 1896
Botanisk Tidsskrift 21: 157-219

Jensen C 1898
Moser fra Øst-Grønland
Meddelelser om Grønland 15: 365-443

Jensen C 1900
Enumeratio Hepaticarum insulae Jan Mayen et Groenlandiae orientalis a cl. P. Dusén in itinere groenlandico suecorum anno 1899 collectarum
Öfversigt af Förhandlingar: Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien 1900(6): 795-802

Jensen C 1901
Bryophyta (in J. E. Warming, Botany of the Faeroes, part. I)
Copenhagen: Carlsberg Fund pp. 120-184

Jensen C 1904
Cephalozia striatula C. Jensen, nova sp.
Revue Bryologique 31: 25-27

Jensen C 1906
List of the Hepaticae and the Sphagnales found in East Greenland between 75° and 65° 35' Lat. N. in the years 1898-1902
Meddelelser om Grønland 30: 295-312

Jensen C 1906
Species nova Marsupellae, muscorum generis
Meddelelser om Grønland 30: 289-294

Jensen C 1910
Hepaticae and Sphagnaceae from northeast Greenland
Meddelelser om Grønland 43: 1654-167

Jensen C 1912
Aplozia pusilla, nov. sp.
Revue Bryologique 39: 92-94

Jensen C, Medelius S 1929
Till kännedom om Ölands mossflora
Botaniska Notiser 1929: 29-51

Jensen, C. E. O. 1915
Danmarks Mosser eller beskrivelse af de i Danmark med Faeroerne fundne bryofyter
København, Gyldendalske Boghandel 317 pp.
2 vols: 1915-1923; 1: 1915; 2: 1923; Contents: 1. Hepaticales, Anthocerotales og Sphagnales; 2. Andreaeales og Bryales. Udgivet paa bekostning af Carlsbergfondet

Jessup SL, Kellman K, Spence J, Shevock JR, Stark LR, Doyle W 2002
The 2001 bryophyte expedition on the Santa Margarita ecological reserve, in Peninsular Ranges of southern California
Evansia 19: 1-8

Jessup, S. 2002
[Abstract] Origins of the hyperoceanic cryptogam flora in the Pacific Northwest
American Bryological and Lichenological Society Abstracts of Contributed Papers 2002: 26

Jessup, S. L. 2000
Hepaticae of the Klamath Mountains. I. Anastrophyllum minutum in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon and California
Evansia 17: 137-140

Jessup, S. L. 2001
Pacific Northwest Sea Stack cryptogams. I. Scapania scandica in Oregon
Evansia 18: 73-81

Ji M-C 1993
Studies on the bryophyta in Yunju mountain in north Jianxi Province
Acta Agric. Univ. Jianxiensis 15: 174-181

Ji M-C 1997
Schiffneria and its new distribution in China
In: NN (ed.), IAB Symposium on 2000's Bryology, Abstracts. Beijing: Institute of Botany p. 16

Ji M-C, Wang M-Z, Zhang Z-Y, Luo L-C 1998
Schiffneria and its new distribution in China
Acta Botanica Yunnanica 20: 179-182

Ji M-C, Wu P-C 1997
A new record of Cololejeunea (Hepaticae) for China
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 35: 463-464

Ji MC, Xie QH, Liu ZL , Zhang ZY & Chen YJ. 1998
Study on the epiphyllous liverworts from Jiulianshan Nature Reserve of Jiangxi Province, China
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research 16(1): 35-38

Ji Yu 1998
Chapter 10 Reproductive characteristics of bryophytes
In: Wu Peng-cheng (editor), Bryological Biology, Introduction and Diverse Branches. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. Science Press, Beijing pp. 210-232

Ji, M.-C., Liu, Z.-L., Zhang, Z.-Y., Chen, Y.-J. & Luo, L.-C. 1999
The epiphyllous liverworts of Jiangxi Province, Southeast China
Chenia 6: 105-107

Ji, Meng-Cheng & Sheng Qiang 2005
Bryophytes of the Matoushan Natural Conservation Region, Jiangxi Province, China
Chenia 8: 101-118

Ji, Meng-cheng & Zong-ling Liu 1998
A preliminary report on the epiphyllous liverworts from Jiuling Mufu Mountain of Jiangxi Province, China
Acta Museum Historiae Naturae Sinica 16: 13-16
In Chinese with English summary; Title could possibly be (according to Zhu); A preliminary report on the epiphyllous liverworts in Wuyi nature reserve of Jiangxi Province, China

Jia, Y., P.-C. Wu & M.-Z. Wang 2001
Bryoflora of Mt. Wutong, Shenzhen City, South China
Guizhou Science 19(4): 16-22
In Chinese with English abstract

Jia, Yu & Peng-cheng Wu 1998
Conservation of bryophytes in China
Chenia 5: 123-128

Jia, Yu, Mei-Zhi Wang & E. N. Andrejeva 1999
Observations on spore morphology of the liverworts of China. I
Chenia 6: 63-71

Jia, Yu, Peng-Cheng Wu & Mei-Zhi Wang 1999
Studies on the bryophytes of Sichuan, Southwest China
Chenia 6: 97-103

Jia, Yu, Peng-Cheng Wu & Mei-Zhi Wang 2002
Studies on the bryophytes of Sichuan, Southwest China. II. The bryoflora of Dujiangyan County
Chenia 7: 161-167

Jia, Yu, Peng-Cheng Wu, Mei-Zhi Wang & E. N. Andrejeva 2002
Observations on spore morphology of the Chinese liverworts
Acta Botanica Sinica 44: 132-138
In Chinese with English abstract

Jiang, Hong & Zhao-Hui Zhang 2007
Comparative study on the bryophytes between lateritic gold deposits and limestone in Shaguochang of Guizhou, China
Chenia 9: 393-398

Jiménez JA, Ros RM, Cano MJ, Guerra J 2002
Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Morocco: terricolous and saxicolous bryophytes of the Jbel Bouhalla
Journal of Bryology 24: 243-250

Jiménez JA, Ros RM, Cano MJ, Guerra J 2002
Vegetatión briofitica terricola y saxicola del Jbel Bouhalla (Cordillera del Rif, Marruecos)
Phytocoenologia 31: 3-28

Jiménez-Fernández, J. A., R. M. Cros, M. J. Cano & J. Guerra 1999
[Abstract] Estudio briofítico del Djebel Bouhalla (Cordillera del Rif, Marruecos). XIII Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Libro de Resúmenes
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain p. 166

Jóhannsson B 1969
Athuganir á islenzku mosaflórunni
Náttúrufraedingurinn 39: 49-67

Jóhannsson B 1972
Additions to the bryoflora of Iceland
Lindbergia 1: 118

Jóhannsson B 1983
A list of Icelandic bryophyte species
Acta Naturalia Íslandica 30: 1-29

Jóhannsson B 1998
Íslenskir mosar: Breytingar og skrár
Fjölrit Náttúrufraedistofnunar 36: 1-101
English summary: Iceland bryophytes: Changes and lists Includes list of Icelandic bryophytes, including hepatics, and an alphabetical list by Icelandic common name

Jóhannsson B 1999
Íslendskir mosar. Hornmosar og 14 aættir soppmosa
Fjölrit Náttúrufraedistofnunar 38: 1-108
Icelandic bryophytes: Hornworts and 14 hepatic families

Jóhannsson B 2000
Íslendskir mosar. Lápmosaætt, kólfmosaætt og væskilmosaætt
Fjölrit Náttúrufraedistofnunar 41: 1-151
On Icelandic Lophoziaceae, Gymnomitriaceae and Cephaloziellaceae

Jóhannsson B 2001
Íslendskir mosar. Ble_mosaætt og leppmosaætt
Fjölrit Náttúrufraedistofnunar 42: 1-100

Jóhannsson B 2002
Íslendskir mosar. Refilmosabálkur og stjörnumosabálkur
Fjölrit Náttúrufraedistofnunar 43: 1-70
A continuation of the Icelandic bryoflora, treating Metzgeriales and Marchantiales, in Icelandic with English summary

Jóhannsson, B. 1996
In: Válisti I, Plöntur. Náttírufraedistofnun Íslands. Red Data List (1) Plants. Icelandic Natural History Institute, Reykjavík. pp. 49-69

Jóhannsson, B. 2003
Checklist of bryophytes in Iceland. Skrá yfir mosa á Íslandi
Fjölrit Náttúrufraedistofnunar 44: 1-135

Johnson A 1958
An account of the thallose liverworts found in Malaysia
Malayan Nature Journal 13: 52-69
Only thalloid liverworts

Johnson A 1962
A small collection of Bryophytes collected by Professor H. b. Gilliland in Eastern New Guinea
Gardens' Bulletin. Straits Settlements 19: 373-374

Johnson AB 1963
The hepaticae of the West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona
The Bryologist 66: 210-217

Johnson JD 1989
Additions to the Bryophyte Flora of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 103: 497-458

Johnson, E. E. & C. E. Rogers 2004
[Abstract] Spore wall development in Sphaerocarpos texanus. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 37

Johnson, E. E., S. Schuette & K. S. Renzaglia 2004
[Abstract] The development of the spores of the basal liverwort Sphaerocarpos texanus: an ultrastructural study from cell differentiation to spore germination
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, suppl. 97: 28

Johnson, E., S. Schuette & K. Renzaglia 2003
[Abstract] Aspects of the morphology and ultrastructure of the sporophyte of Sphaerocarpos texanus Austin. Botany 2003 (Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet & Wild). Abstracts
Botanical Society of America, Mobile, AL p. 18

Jolley H, Vella N 2005
VIIIth Australasian Bryophyte Workshop, Paluma, North Queensland 25-30 June 2005
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 51: 2-6

Jolley, H. & J. Milne 1998
Bryophytes collected during the Vth Australasian Bryophyte Workshop, Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia, 2nd-9th July, 1998
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 39: 8-10

Jonasson, S. & G. R. Shaver 1999
Within-stand nutrient cyling in arctic and boreal wetlands
Ecology 80: 2139-2150

Jones EW 1946
Notes on the bryophyte flora of Grímsey and other parts of north Iceland
The Bryologist 49: 14-29

Jones EW 1952
African hepatics I. The genus Cyathodium in Africa
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 55-61

Jones EW 1953
African hepatics II. Leptocolea with hyaline-margined leaves
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 144-157

Jones EW 1953
African hepatics III. Cololejeunea and Leptocolea with dentate elaves
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 158-163

Jones EW 1953
African hepatics IV. The genus Caudalejeunea
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 164-171

Jones EW 1953
African Hepatics V. Lophocolea, with notes on Chiloscyphus and Leptoscyphus
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 172-202

Jones EW 1954
African hepatics IX. Some species of Ptychocoleus
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 396-407

Jones EW 1954
African hepatics VI. Euosmolejeunea
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 375-379

Jones EW 1954
African hepatics VII. The genus Cheilolejeunea
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 380-392

Jones EW 1954
African hepatics VIII. Diplasiolejeunea albifolia (Taylor) E. W. Jones comb. nov.
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 393-395

Jones EW 1954
African hepatics X. Leptocolea and Cololejeunea
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 408-438

Jones EW 1956
African hepatics XI. The genus Riccardia in tropical Africa
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 74-84

Jones EW 1957
African Hepatics XII. Some little-known Lejeuneaceae
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 191-207

Jones EW 1957
African Hepatics XIII. The Ricciaceae in tropical Africa
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 208-227

Jones EW 1957
Lophozia opacifolia Culman in Scotland
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 180

Jones EW 1958
An annotated list of British Hepatics
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 353-374

Jones EW 1960
African Hepaticc XIV. Some Cephaloziellas of lowlnd tropical Africa
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 430-440

Jones EW 1962
African Hepatics XV. Plagiochila in Tropical Africa
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 254-325

Jones EW 1963
African hepatics XVI. Porella in tropical Africa
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 446-461

Jones EW 1964
African hepatics XVII. Gongylanthus in tropical Africa
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 649-652

Jones EW 1967
African hepatics XVIII. Taxilejeunea and Lejeuneae with eplicate perianths
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 289-304

Jones EW 1968
African hepatics XIX. The Lejeunea flava complex
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 548-562

Jones EW 1968
African hepatics XX. Some little-known species and some extensions of range
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 563-572

Jones EW 1969
African hepatics XXI. Microlejeunea, Chaetolejeunea and Pleurolejeunea
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 775-789

Jones EW 1969
Lophozia perssonii Buch and S. Arnell in Northern Italy
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 36: 754

Jones EW 1970
African hepatics XXII. Dicranolejeunea and Marchesinia
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 6: 72-81

Jones EW 1972
African hepatics XXIII. Some species of Lejeunea
Journal of Bryology 7: 23-45

Jones EW 1974
African hepatics. XXIV. Lejeuneaceae: some new or little-known species and extensions of range
Journal of Bryology 7: 545-561
Abb. + Beschr. afrikanischer Arten; Diplasiolejeunea aulae sp. nov., Diplasiolejeunea runssorensis var. australis var. nov. = Diplasiolejeunea villaumei

Jones EW 1974
African Hepatics. XXV. Rectolejeunea
Journal of Bryology 8: 71-75

Jones EW 1974
African Hepatics. XXVI. The Lejeunea eckloniana complex
Journal of Bryology 8: 77-91

Jones EW 1975
African Hepatics. XXVII. Bazzania
Journal of Bryology 8: 299-316

Jones EW 1976
African hepatics XXVIII. Schistochila Dum.
Journal of Bryology 9: 33-41

Jones EW 1976
African hepatics. XXIX. Some little-known species and extensions of range
Journal of Bryology 9: 43-54

Jones EW 1981
African Hepatics. XXXII. Some little-knownspecies and extensions of range
Journal of Bryology 11: 311-323

Jones EW 1984
Notes on the lobule in the Lejeuneoideae
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 5: 159-171

Jones EW 1985
African Hepatics. XXXIV. Little-known or new Lejeuneaceae
Journal of Bryology 13: 385-398

Jones EW 1985
Bryophytes of forest and savanna in northern Nigeria
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 6: 259-277

Jones EW 1986
African hepatics. XXXV. Some new or little-known species and some noteworthy records
Journal of Bryology 13: 497-508
Description of Notothylas decurva

Jones EW 1987
African Hepaticae XXXVII. Some little known species and extensions of range
Journal of Bryology 14: 503-509

Jones EW 1988
African Hepatics. XXXVIII. Cheilolejeunea subgen. Strepsilejeunea (Spruce) Schuster with special reference to East Africa
Journal of Bryology 15: 149-160

Jones EW 1990
African Hepatics XL. An Artificial Key to the Genera of African Hepatics
Journal of Bryology 16: 9-40

Jones EW 1990
African Hepatics XLI. Some Critical Notes and New Records
Journal of Bryology 16: 41-44

Jones EW, Harrington AJ 1983
The hepatics of Sierra Leone and Ghana
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany 11: 215-289
Diplasiolejeunea aulae, Diplasiolejeunea cavifolia, Diplasiolejeunea cornuta von Ghana, Diplasiolejeunea harpaphylla (= Diplasiolejeunea cobrensis) von Ghana + Sierra Leone. Abb. von Diplasiolejeunea cornuta. Diplasiolejeunea incurvata als syn. nov. von Diplasiolejeunea harpaphylla

Jones EW, Rose F 1975
Plagiochila atlantica new species Plagiochila ambagiosa
Journal of Bryology 8: 417-422

Jones ME 1910
Montana botany notes
Bulletin. Montana University. Biological Series 61: 1-75

Jones MP 1999
Notes on the distribution and composition of epiphytic lichen communities with Nephroma laevigatum Ach. in Portugal
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 18: 51-120

Jones, E. W. 1958
A provisional key to the genera of tropical African hepatics
Journal of the West African Science Association 4: 50-73

Jones, E. W. 1969
In: C. C. Townsend, Bryophytes from Socotra. Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 795-796

Jones, E. W. 1977
African hepatics. XXX. The genus Radula Dumortier
Journal of Bryology 9: 461-504

Jones, E. W. 1979
African hepatics. XXXI. Some new or little-known Lejeuneaceae and extensions of range
Journal of Bryology 10: 387-400

Jones, E. W. 1982
African Hepatics. XXXIII. Some new Lejeuneaceae
Journal of Bryology 12: 37-48

Jones, E. W. 1989
African hepatics. XXXIX. Some dioecious species of Lejeunea
Journal of Bryology 15: 665-673

Jones, E. W. 1992
African hepatics. XLII. Radula marojezica E.W.Jones, a new species from Madagascar
Journal of Bryology 17: 307-311

Jones, E. W. & T. Pócs 1987
African Hepatics. XXXVI. Three new species of Colura
Journal of Bryology 14: 495-501

Jones, N. L., S. E. Bartholomew-Began & T. Furukio 2001
[Abstract] A preliminary overview of gemmae morphologies in Cavicularia densa Steph. Botany 2001: Plants and People. Abstracts
Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM pp. 14-15

Jónsdóttir, I. S., R. Virtanen & I. Kärnefelt 1999
Large-scale differentiation and dynamics in tundra plant populations and vegetation
Ambio 28: 230-238

Jonsson BG 1996
Riparian bryophytes of the H J Andrews Experimental Forest in the western Cascades, Oregon
The Bryologist 99: 226-235

Jonsson BG, Söderström L 1988
Growth and reproduction in the leafy hepatic Ptilidium pulcherrimum (G. Web.) Vainio during a 4-year period
Journal of Bryology 15: 315-325

Jonsson, B. G. & S. Laaka-Lindberg 2006
The state of bryophyte ecology 2005 - the final meeting of the BRYOPLANET network held in Kéked, Hungary 19-25 August 2005
Lindbergia 31(1-2): 3
BRYOPLANET, a bryophyte population and landscape analysis network, was funded by the Nordic Research Board (Nordforsk) from 2001-2005 to arrange scientific meetings, workshops and courses for researchers and students on bryophyte ecology in the Nordic and Baltic countries. It provided a tool for connecting bryologists in the region and elsewhere. The network succeeded in connecting experienced reserachers' broad knowledge with young enthusiastic post-graduate students with fresh ideas. In the final meeting of the network in Kéked, Hungary on 19-22 August 2005 andduring the post-meeting excursion on 22-25 August, 2005, the present state of research was discussed with strong emphasis on identifying the highlights and also the weaknesses in the many fields of bryophyte ecology today. The meetingconsisted of seven invited retrospective lectures, offered by specialists in different fields of bryophyte ecology, and reserachers and students had an opportunity to present ongoing projects to the audience. In addition to the lectures, the meeting consisted of 15 presentations ranging from phylogeographic patterns to morphological adaptations, population dynamics and genetics. Retrospective lectures have been published, along with some of the original papers presented at the Kéked meeting. This introduction presents and evaluates the history, aims and outcomes of the BRYOPLANET network in addition to reporting on the final meeting in Kéked

Jørgensen E 1894
Om floraen i Nord-reisen og tilstøtende dele af Lyngen
Kristiania Videnskabs-Selskabs Forhandlinger 8: 1-104

Jørgensen E 1922
Notiser til Norges levermosflora 1
Bergens Museums Årbok 1919-1920(7): 1-6

Jørgensen E 1934
Norges Levermossor
Bergens Museums Skrifter, n.s. 16: 1-343

Jörgensen PM 1973
Nordisk Bryologisk Forenings ekskursjon 1971
Lindbergia 1: 264-266

Joshi DY 1987
Hepatic flora of the deciduous forst of Purandhar and neighbouring hills, Maharashtra, India
Symposia Biologica Hungarica 35: 515-525

Joshi DY, Birardar NV 1984
Studies of the liverwort flora of the Western Ghats with specieal reference to Maharashtra, India
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 45-52

Joshi DY, Wani DD, Chavan SJ 1992
Liverwort flora from the tropical rain forests of Andaman Islands, India
Bryobrothera 1: 127-132

Joshi, D. Y. 2001
A floristic analysis of the liverworts from Andaman Islands, India
In: Nath, V. & A. K. Asthana (eds.), Perspectives in Indian Bryology (Proceedings National Conference on Bryology). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India pp. 135-148

Joshi, D. Y. & Biradar, N. V. 1984
Studies in the liverwort flora of western Ghats with special reference to Maharashtra, India
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 45-52

Joshi, P., N. Pande & S. P. Singh 2002
[Abstract] Concentration of nutrients in epiphytic bryophytes of selected phorophytes in central Himalaya
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India pp. 25-26

Jovet-Ast S 1944
Calypogeia muelleriana (Schffn.) K.Müller en France. Remarques sur les espèces voisines
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 91: 37-41

Jovet-Ast S 1946
Hépatiques des Iles du Cap Vert. Principalment récoltées par Aug. Chevalier
Mémoires de la Société de Biogéographie 8: 363-367

Jovet-Ast S 1947
A propos du Lepidozia aubertii Jovet-Ast (=L. wallichii St. ms.)
Candollea 11: 31-35

Jovet-Ast S 1948
Bazzania tricrenata (Wahl.) Trev. aux Açores
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 17: 174

Jovet-Ast S 1948
Les Hepatiques de Madagascar
Memoires: Institut scientifique de Madagascar, Serie B, Biologie vegetale 1: 34-42

Jovet-Ast S 1949
Hepatiques australiennes - notes diverses
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 18: 179-180

Jovet-Ast S 1949
Hépatiques des Antilles françaises récoltées par P. et V. Allorge en 1936 II
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 17: 24-34
Diplasiolejeunea alata sp. nov., fig. III, Diplasiolejeunea allorgeorum (= armatiloba), Diplasiolejeunea guadalupensis from Guadeloupe

Jovet-Ast S 1949
Recoltes de J. T. Buchholz en Nouvelle-Caledonie
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 18: 83

Jovet-Ast S 1951
Hépatiques des Nouvelles-Hebrides. Recoltes de E. Aubert de la rue, 1934
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 20: 96-98

Jovet-Ast S 1955
Hépatiques Marocaines - I
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 35: 265-282

Jovet-Ast S 1955
Les spores de Riccia sommieri Lev.
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 24: 144

Jovet-Ast S 1955
Muscinées du Grand-Atlas marocain (Récoltes de C. Guinet et F. Vaillant
Compte Rendu des Sciences de la Société de Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 21: 36-38

Jovet-Ast S 1955
Riccia atromarginata Lev. et sa variété glabra Lev. au Maroc
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 24: 240-247

Jovet-Ast S 1956
Hépatiques Marocaines - II
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 36: 43-60

Jovet-Ast S 1956
Trois Hépatiques marocaines
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 25: 128-133

Jovet-Ast S 1957
Hépatiques du Surinam
Acta Botanica Neerlandica 6: 602-608
Diplasiolejeunea brachyclada, Diplasiolejeunea brunnea (as Diplasiolejeunea galloana), Diplasiolejeunea pellucida from Surinam

Jovet-Ast S 1957
Riccia frostii Aust. su Sahara et en Turquie
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 26: 67-68

Jovet-Ast S 1958
Hepatiques du Tibesti
Mémoires Université d'Alger Institut de Reserches Sahariennes 4: 81-82

Jovet-Ast S 1958
Muscinées du Rif Occidental
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 38: 183-186

Jovet-Ast S 1959
Un Microlejeuneea nouveau de l'île de la Réunion
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 27: 191-194

Jovet-Ast S 1960
Les Hepatiques des Antilles: Distribution geographique
Compte Rendu Sommaire des Séances de la Société de Biogéographie 36: 122-134

Jovet-Ast S 1960
Muscinées du Mexique récoltées par Roger Heim en 1956 et 1959
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 29: 30-43
Diplasiolejeunea heimii spec. nov. und Diplasiolejeunea johnsonii var. mexicana var. nov., mit Abb.] Diplasiolejeunea brachyclada, Diplasiolejeunea brunnea, Diplasiolejeunea malleiformis, Diplasiolejeunea pellucida von Mexico

Jovet-Ast S 1960
Quelques bryophytes d'Iran
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 29: 181

Jovet-Ast S 1960
Sur quelques Hépatiques de Côte d'Ivoire
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 29: 44-46

Jovet-Ast S 1963
Essai sur le genre Funicularia Trev.
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 32: 193-211

Jovet-Ast S 1964
Essai sur le genre Cronisia Berkeley
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 33: 180-184

Jovet-Ast S 1965
Riccia crystallina L. emend. Raddi et Riccia cavernosa Hoffm. emend. Raddi (Note préliminaire)
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 33: 459-483

Jovet-Ast S 1966
Riccia crystallina L. emend. Raddi et Riccia cavernosa Hoffm. emend. Raddi - II
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34: 82-90

Jovet-Ast S 1967
Compléments à l'étude du Riccia perssonii Kahn
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 35: 149-157

Jovet-Ast S 1968
Colura recoltes du Pakistan aux Philippines par Pierre Tixier
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 35: 138-142
Pócs recommends it for Colura

Jovet-Ast S 1968
Complements a l'etude des Colura: localites nouvelles; description d'une espece nouvelle de Borneo
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 35: 143-148
Pócs recommends it for Colura

Jovet-Ast S 1970
Cyathodium africanum Mitten au Yemen et en Afrique
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 37: 57-62

Jovet-Ast S 1973
Complément à l'étude du Riccia crustata Trabut. Présence en Australie. Spores et paroia sporale
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 39: 167-174

Jovet-Ast S 1976
Précisions dur les charactères de deux Riccia du sous-genre Thallocarpus
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 41: 449-456

Jovet-Ast S 1978
Riccia des îles Galapagos
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 44: 411-428

Jovet-Ast S 1979
Récolte, en France, d'un Riccia fluitans L. ferile
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 45: 179-183

Jovet-Ast S 1981
Riccia d'Amerique tropicale
Occasional Papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany 16: 111-115

Jovet-Ast S 1983
Riccia trichocarpa Howe et Riccia canescens Steph.
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 4: 37-46

Jovet-Ast S 1983
Taxons rares ou critiques du genre Riccia
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 4: 315-333

Jovet-Ast S 1984
Riccia (subg. Viridisquamata) caroliniana Na-Thalang, espéce endémique rélictuelle d'Australie
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 5: 389-402

Jovet-Ast S 1986
Les Riccia de la région méditerannéenne
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 7: 283-431

Jovet-Ast S 1986
Riccia de l'archipel des Crozet (île de l'Est)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 7: 479-485

Jovet-Ast S 1989
Un complexe de taxons dans le genre Riccia
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 10: 95-117

Jovet-Ast S 1991
Riccia (Hépatiques, Marchantiales) d'Amerique latine. Taxons du sous-genre Riccia
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 12: 189-370

Jovet-Ast S 1993
Riccia L. (Hepaticae, Marchantiales) from South America - Subgen. Thallocarpus, Leptoriccia, Ricciella
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 14: 219-301

Jovet-Ast S 1994
Le traitement des Riccia d'Amerique du Nord selon R. M. Schuster
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 15: 81-86

Jovet-Ast S 2000
Documents pour la connaissance des Riccia australiens (Hépatiques, Marchantiales) - nouvelles récoltes. Taxons nouveaux. Commentaires morphologiques et écologiques
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 21: 289-343
New: Riccia eburnea, Riccia cincta, Riccia corrugata, Riccia crassivenia

Jovet-Ast S 2003
Riccia des sous-genres Riccia et Ricciella récoltés en Indie et en Indonésie
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24: 209-228

Jovet-Ast S, Bischler H 1966
Les Hépatiques d'Israel: Énumeration, notes écologiques et biogéographiques
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34: 91-126

Jovet-Ast S, Bischler H 1969
Les Hépatiques de Libye. Énumeration, notes écologiques et biogéographiques
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 36: 245-291

Jovet-Ast S, Bischler H 1970
Distribution, écologie, sociologie du Riccia perennis St.
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 37: 247-264

Jovet-Ast S, Bischler H 1970
Les Hépatiques d'Egypte et du Sinai: Énumeration, notes écologiques et biogéographiques
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 37: 265-290

Jovet-Ast S, Bischler H 1972
Les Hépatiques de Tunisie. Énumeration, notes écologiques et biogéographiques
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 38: 1-125

Jovet-Ast S, Bischler H 1976
Hépatiques de la péninsule Ibérique: Énumeration, notes écologiques
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 42: 931-987

Jovet-Ast S, Schmid M 1958
Bryophytes du Haut-Donaï et du Darlac (Viet-Nam)
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 27: 196-200

Jovet-Ast S, Vanden Berghen C 1951
Cheilolejeunea tisserantii sp. nov.
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 20: 105-107

Jovet-Ast S, Zigliara M 1966
La paroi des spores de Targionia loorbeeriana et de Targionia hypophylla: sa valeur taxonomique
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34: 816-820

Jovet-Ast S. 1955
Harpalejeunea herzogii S. J.-A., Lejeuneacae nouvelle de Ia Guadeloupe
Feddes Repertorium 58: 19-22

Jovet-Ast S. 1957
Deux Colura nouveaux pour Madagascar
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 25: 272-276

Jovet-Ast, S. 1948
Hépatiques des Antilles françaises récoltées par P. et V. Allorge en 1936
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 16(1-2): 17-46

Jovet-Ast, S. 1949
Hépatiques des Antilles françaises récoltées par P. et V. Allorge en 1936 III
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 18: 35-42

Jovet-Ast, S. 1950
Hépatiques des Antilles françaises récoltées par P. et V. Allorge en 1936. IV
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 19: 25-31
Diplasiolejeunea guadalupensis aus Guadeloupe, mit Abb. des Perianths

Jovet-Ast, S. 1954
Le genre Colura, Hépatiques, Lejeuneacées, Diplasiae (supplément)
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 23: 1-22

Jovet-Ast, S. 1954
Le genre Colura, Hépatiques, Lejeuneacées, Diplasiae
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 22: 206-312

Jovet-Ast, S. 1957
Diplasiolejeunea galloana, espèce nouvelle d'Amérique tropicale
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 25: 277-279
Diplasiolejeunea galloana sp. nov. (= Diplasiolejeunea brunnea) von Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Surinam, mit Figs. 1-21

Jovet-Ast, S. 1958
Hépatiques du Cambodge récoltées par le Professeur Roger Heim
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 27: 24-30
Pócs recommends it for Colura

Jovet-Ast, S. 1958
Localités nouvelles de diverses espèces du genre Colura
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 27: 19-23
Pócs recommends it for Colura

Jovet-Ast, S. 1961
Colura de Sud-Vietnam (Récoltes de Pierre Tixier)
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 30: 5-12
Pócs recommends it for Colura

Jovet-Ast, S. 1976
Compléments à la connaissance des Colura: espèces et localités nouvelles
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 42: 909-922

Jovet-Ast, S. 1980
La section Oidocorys S. J.-A. du genre Colura Dum. est-elle àgée de plus de 100 millions d'années?
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 1: 277-287
Pócs recommends it for Colura

Jovet-Ast, S. 1983
Colura nouveaux d'origines diverses (Hépatiques, Lejeunéacées)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 4: 205-216

Jovet-Ast, S. 1987
Un Riccia nouveau du nord-est du Brésil: Riccia vitalii (Ricciaceae, sous-genre Riccia)
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 45: 283-288

Jovet-Ast, S. 1987
Vers une classification phylogénétique des espèces du genre Riccia
The Bryologist 90: 321-330

Jovet-Ast, S. 1993
Riccia (sous-genre Riccia) de l'Île de la Réunion
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 74: 95-103

Jovet-Ast, S. 1996
Riccia Triseriata subgen. nov. et R. singularis sp. nov., taxons nouveax d'Australie
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 17: 127-133

Jovet-Ast, S. 1997
Un Riccia prolifère d'Australie: Riccia pullulans sp. nov. (sous-genre Ricciella)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 18: 183-189

Jovet-Ast, S. & Bischler, H. 1976
Les hépatiques d'Israel: énumération, notes écologiques et biogéographiques
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34(1-2): 91-125

Jovet-Ast, S. & Tixier, P. 1958
Hépatiques du Viet-Nam - I
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 27: 201-210

Jovet-Ast, S. & Tixier, P. 1962
Hépatiques du Viet-Nam - II
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 31: 23-33

Jovet-Ast, S., Bischler, H. & Baudoin, R. 1976
Essai sur le peuplement hepaticologique de la region Mediterranenne
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 87-94

Józwik, Z. 1992
VI. Heavy metals in phylum Bryophyta in the Bellsund region, Western Spitsbergen
Wyprawy Geograficzne na Spitsbergen 1992: 171-178

Juaristi, R. & A. Ederra 2003
[Abstract] Estudio briológico de las murallas antiguas de Pamplona (Navarra)
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 22-23: 30

Judd, W. S., J. D. Skean Jr., D. G. Griffin III. 1998 [1999]
The flora of Macaya Biosphere Reserve: additional taxa, taxonomic and nomenclatural changes, II
Moscosoa 10: 114-120
Macaya Biosphere Reserve is in Haiti

Judd, W.S. 1987
Floristic study of Morne La Vista and Pic Macaya national parks, Haiti
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences 32: 1-136

Jukoniene, I. 2003
Bryophyte flora in Viesvile Strict Nature Reserve
Botanica Lithuanica 5: 25-46
In Lithuanian with English summary; Riccardia chamaedryfolia new to Lithuania

Jukonien_ I 1996
Rare and threatened bryophyte species in Lithuania
Botanica Lithuanica 2: 327-342

Julian, C. G., P. W. Bowers & J. A. Paton 2000
Frullania dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis 43(2): 119-121

Julin E 1958
Stortjärn, an extremely rich fen in Norrbotten (northern Sweden)
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 52: 397-408

Julin E 1963
Den isgångsbetingade ängen vid Sundholmen i Torne älvs mynningsområde
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 57: 1-38

Julin E 1965
Terrestrial vegetation and flora
Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 50: 205-209

Julin E, Pekkari A 1960
Floran på Säivisnäshalvön i Norrbottens östra kustland
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 54: 439-467

Julve, P. 1999
Botanical vicariance in some mire vegetation between Hokkaido and Europe
Acta Botanica Gallica 146: 207-225

Jun, R., B. Clément & F. Rozé. 2004
Primary succession of bryophyte and lichen communities in non-forested Atlantic coastal dunes: the example of the Pointe d'Arçay (France)
Nova Hedwigia 78: 453-468

Juratzka J 1870
Muscorum species novae
Hedwigia 9: 33-34

Juratzka J 1870
Muscorum species novae
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 20: 167-168

Jurisic Z 1899
Prilog poznavanju mahovina u Srbiji
Spomenik Srpske Akademije nauka 35: 47-60

Jurko A 1961
Das Alnetum incanae in der Mittelslowakei
Biológia, Bratislava 16: 321-339

Jurko A, Peciar V 1963
Pflanzengesellschaften an schattigen Felsen in den Westkarpaten
Vegetatio 11: 199-209

Juslén A 2001
Nuuksion kansallispuiston sammalet [The bryophytes of Nuuksio National Park, Finland]
Bryobrotherella 4: 1-22
In Finnish with English abstract

Juslén A, He X-L, Piippo S, Tan BC 2001
Oil bodies of hepatics from Singapore
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 91: 265-276

Juslén A, Huttunen S, Koponen T, Piippo S 2002
Sammalia Urjalan Kivijärven luonnonsuojelualueelta [Bryophytes from Kivijärvi Nature Reserve, Urjala, Finland]
Bryobrotherella 5: 38-46
In Finnish with English abstract

Juslén A, Koponen T, Piippo S, Pakarinen P 2006
Lehti- ja maksasammalhavaintoja Sipoonkorvesta 2005 [Bryophytes from Siiponkorpi, Sipoo, Finland]
Bryobrotherella 9: 26-31

Juslén, A. 1999
[Abstract] Hepatic flora of Singapore and the genus Herbertus
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 329

Juslén, A. 2003
[Abstract] Where are basal Jungermanniales? Evidence from molecular phylogeny of leafy liverworts
In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes: Progress, Problems and Perspectives p. 41
B. Goffinet & R. Magill (Organizers). St. Louis, Missouri

Juslén, A. 2004
Bryophyte flora of Hunan Province, China. 7. Herbertus (Herbertaceae, Hepaticae)
Annales Botanici Fennici 41: 393-404
Herbertus aduncus (Dicks.) Gray subsp. aduncus and H. dicranus (Taylor ex Gottsche et al.) Trevis. are reported as new to Hunan Province of China. Descriptions and discussion on the extensive variability of the species, illustrations, and distribution maps are provided. Herbertus lonchobasis H.A. Mill. and H. wichurae Steph. are synonymized with H. dicranus. Herbertus aduncus subsp. aduncus is rare in Hunan and was not present in man-made habitats. Herbertus dicranus is rather rare, but in primeval sites it is moderately common. Herbertus aduncus subsp. aduncus is preferably epilithic, while H. dicranus grows on many substrates, which partly explains the difference in their occurrence. In Hunan, both species grow both in warm temperate and orotemperate zones which is in accordance with their global distribution.

Juslén, A. 2006
Phylogeny of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae and Herbertaceae (including Mastigophoraceae) inferred from chloroplast trnL-F, nuclear ITS2, and morphology
Annales Botanici Fennici 43: 349-362
Phylogenetic relationships of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae, and Herbertaceae (including Mastigophoraceae) were reconstructed using chloroplast region trnL-F, nuclear ITS2, and 27 morphological characters. Forty-five species were included in the analysis, of which 37 belong to the ingroup. The data sets were analyzed simultaneously with direct optimization, as implemented in the program POY. The results confirm the sister relationships of Vetaformaceae and Lepicoleaceae as well as of Herbertaceae and former Mastigophoraceae. Within Lepicolea the species are divided into two sister clades. Herbertus runcinatus is sister to the rest of the genus. A clade of H. oldfieldianus, South American species and a species from the Azores form a separate lineage. The rest of the Herbertus species are grouped together but many unresolved nodes remain.

Juslén, A. 2006
Revision of Asian Herbertus (Herbertaceae, Marchantiophyta)
Annales Botanici Fennici 43: 409-436
Based on a study of approximately 1300 herbarium specimens, 12 species are recognized in the genus Herbertus Gray (Herbertaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Asia: H. aduncus (Dicks.) Gray subsp. aduncus, H. armitanus (Steph.) H.A. Mill., H. buchii Juslén sp. nova, H. ceylanicus (Steph.) Abeyw., H. circinatus (Steph.) H.A. Mill., H. dicranus (Taylor ex Gottsche et al.) Trevis, H. guangdongii P.J. Lin & Piippo, H. kurzii (Steph.) R.S. Chopra, H. longispinus Jack & Steph., H. pilifer (Steph.) H.A. Mill, H. ramosus (Steph.) H.A. Mill., and H. sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. Nine binomials are proposed as new synonyms. Herbertus subrotundatus X. Fu & Y.J. Yi does not belong to the genus Herbertus. The ranges of H. aduncus subsp. aduncus, H. dicranus, and H. sendtneri extend to other continents in addition to Asia. Four species are shared by Asia and Australasia. The distribution areas of five species are restricted to Asia. Of those five, two are known only from their type localities: H. buchii from Amur province, Russia, and H. guangdongii from Hainan Island, China. A key to the species is presented. Descriptions, illustrations, and distribution maps are presented for each species.