A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
O'Connell, C. 1998
Raised bogs - A priority for conservation
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 43-56
O'Connell, C. & P. Foss 1998
[Abstract] Peatland conservation plan 2000
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin p. 227
O'Hanlon SME 1920
The germination of the spores Conocephalum conicum
American Journal of Botany 7: 458-464
O'Hanlon SME 1923
The Marchantiaceae of Sinsinawa mound
American Midland Naturalist 8: 222-224
O'Hanlon SME 1926
Germination of spores and early stages in development of gametophytes of Marchantia polymorpha
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 82: 215-222
O'Hanlon SME 1927
A study of Preissia quadrata
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 84: 208-218
O'Hanlon SME 1928
Notes on Reboulia hemispherica
The Bryologist 31: 47-51
O'Hanlon SME 1930
Gametophyte development in Reboulia hemisphaerica
American Journal of Botany 17: 765-769
O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley 1998
Issues for consideration in the development of a national peatland conservation strategy for Ireland
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 231-239
O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.). 1998
Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997
Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin xix + 239 pp.
O'Neill, K. P. 2000
Role of bryophyte-dominated ecosystems in the global carbon budget
In: Shaw, A. J. & B. Goffinet (eds.), Bryophyte Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 344-368
O'Shea BJ 1993
British Bryological Society Expedition to Mulanje Mountain, Malawi. Checklist of Malawi bryophytes
Journal of Bryology 17: 645-670
This is not explicitly included in Wigginton 2004 but he must have known about it
O'Shea BJ, Wigginton MJ, Bruggeman-Nannega MA, Hedenäs L, Matcham HW, Frahm J-P, Porley RD, Ellis LT, Watling MC, Bates JE, Vána J 2003
Bryophytes of Uganda, 6. New and additional records, 3
Tropical Bryology 24: 161-168
12 hepatics and 32 mosses new to Uganda. New: Ectropothecium plumigerum (Brotherus)
O'Shea BJ, Wigginton MJ, Bruggeman-Nannega MA, Hodgetts NG, Porley RD 2001
British Bryological Society Expedition to Mulanje mountain, Malawi. 13. New and other unpublished records
Tropical Bryology 20: 1-26
Erratum published in Trop. Bryol. 22: 179-180 (2002)
O'Shea, B. (ed.). 2000
British Bryological Society
Tropical Bryology Group Newsletter 15: 1-8
O'Shea, B. J. 2004
[Abstract] Building a bryological framewort - getting over the threshold
XV IAB World Congress. Abstract Book p. 49
O'Shea, B. J. 2005
Building a bryological framework ? getting over the threshold
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 97: 281-285
O'Shea, B. J., Eggers, J., Pursell, R. A., Sollman, P. & Stevenson, C. R. 1997
New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries. I
Tropical Bryology 13: 175-183
Obermayer, W. 1996
The genus Arthrorhaphis in the Himalayas, the Karakorum and the subalpine and alpine regions of south-eastern Tibet
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 80: 331-342
Ochyra R 1984
Bryophytea Antarctica Exsiccata, Numbers 1-200
Edmonton: University of Alberta 27 pp.
Ochyra R, Bednarek-Ochyra H, Szweykowski J 1988
The rediscovery of Lophozia rutheana (Limpr.) Howe (Hepaticae: Jungermanniaceae) in Poland and a review of its distribution
Nova Hedwigia 47: 59-67
Ochyra R, Pócs T 1982
East African Bryophytes VI. Polish collections
Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 28: 361-389
Ochyra R, Pócs T 1985
East African Bryophytes, IX. Dr L. Péntek's collection from Mozambique
Abstracta Botanica (Budapest), suppl. 9 2: 63-86
Ochyra R, Pócs T 1986
East African bryophytes, X.K. Norikoshi's collections from Mahale Mountains National Park, Western Tanzania
Hikobia 9: 387-394
Ochyra R, Pócs T 1992
Bryophyta Africana Selecta: a new exsiccata from Africa
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 37: 379-388
Ochyra R, Pócs T 1993
Bryophyta Africanae Selecta. Series V-VIII (nos. 101-200)
W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Science
Ochyra R, Pócs T 1994
Bryophyta Africana Selecta: Centuria II
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 39: 129-135
Ochyra R, Vána J 1989
The hepatics of King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, with particular reference to the Admirality Bay region
Polish Polar Research 10: 183-210
Ochyra R, Vána J 1989
The hepatics reported from the Antarctic and an outline of their phytogeography
Polish Polar Research 10: 211-229
Ochyra R, Vitt DH, Horton DG 1986
An annotated guide to Bryophyta Antarctica Exsiccata
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 7: 53-62
Ochyra, R. 2001
The bryophyte floras of Antarctica
Polish Academy of Sciences Annual Report 2001: 36-38
Ochyra, R. & M. Piatek 2001
Riccia beyrichiana (Hepaticae, Ricciaceae) w Polsce
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 8: 267-271
In Polish with English abstract and summary
Ochyra, R. & Sharp, A. J. 1988
Results of a bryogeographical expedition to East Africa in 1968. IV
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 65: 335-377
Odgaard B 1977
Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda i Danmark
Lindbergia 4: 166
Ódor, P. 2000
Description of the bryoflora and bryophyte vegetation of Kékes North Forest Reserve in Mátra Mountains (N-Hungary)
Kitaibelia 5: 115-123
In Hungarian with English summary
Ódor, P. 2000
Új faj a hazai mohaflórában: az Anastrophyllum hellerianum (Nees ex Lindenb.) Schust. [Anastrophyllum hellerianum (Nees ex Lindenb.) Schust., new bryophyte to Hungary]
Kitaibelia 5: 111-113
In Hungarian with English summary
Ódor, P. & A. F. M. van Hees 2004
Preferences of dead wood inhabiting bryophytes for decay stage, log size and habitat types in Hungarian beech forests
Journal of Bryology 26: 79-95
Ódor, P. & T. Standovár 2001
Richness of bryophyte vegetation in near-natural beech stands: the effects of management-induced differences in dead wood
In: B. G. Jonsson & N. Kruys (eds.), Ecology of woody debris in boreal forests. Ecological Bulletins 49: 219-229
Ódor, P. & T. Standovár 2002
Substrate specificity and community structure of bryophyte vegetation in a near-natural montane beech forest
Community Ecology 3: 39-49
Ódor, P., E. Szurdoki & Z. Tóth 1996 [1998]
New data of bryophytes in the western part of Hungary (Vendvidék)
Botanikai Közlemenyek 83: 97-108
In Hungarian with English summary
Odrzykoski IJ 1995
Sibling species of the Conocephalum conicum complex (Hepaticae, Conocephalaceae) in Poland: distribution maps and description of an identification method based on isozyme markers
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 40: 393-404
Odrzykoski, I. J. 1999
[Abstract] Genetic differentiation and cryptic speciation in the Conocephalum conicum species group
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 177
Odrzykoski, I. J. 2001
[Abstract] Isozyme markers, cryptic species and allopolyploidy in bryophytes
Biological Bulletin of Poznan 38: 219
Odrzykoski, I. J., E. Chudzinska & J. Szweykowski 1996
The hybrid origin of the polyploid liverwort Pellia borealis
Biologia 98: 75-86
Offerhaus, B. 2000
La repartition de quelques bryophytes rares, meconnues ou nouvelles dans les Alpes-Maritimes (France)
Biocosme Mésogéen 16: 1-15
Offerhaus, B. & V. Hugonnot 2004
Écologie et sociologie de Riccia crustata Trab. dans les Préalpes de Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes, France)
Le Journal de Botanique 25: 27-32
Ohishi, Y. 2004
New localities of Monosolenium tenerum Griff. (Monosoleniaceae, Hepaticae) in Kyoto Prefecture
Bryological Research 8: 245-246
In Japanese
Ohnishi, N. 2000
Pseudolepicolea andoi (R. M. Schust.) Inoue newly found in Yakushima Isl., southern Japan
Bryological Research 7: 327-331
Entirely in Japanese
Ohnishi, N. & Deguchi, H. 2003
A new species of Schistochila (Hepaticae) from East Asia
The Bryologist 106: 451-453
New: Schistochila yakushimensis
Ohnishi, N., T. Yamaguchi & H. Deguchi 1999
[Abstract] The family Lepidoziaceae of the Malay Peninsula
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 327
Ohnishi, N., Yamaguchi, T. & Deguchi, H. 2002
Taxonomical and phytogeographical notes on Jungermannia unispiris (Amakawa) Amakawa
Hikobia 13: 627-631
Ohta, Y. & Hirose, Y. 1982
Induction and characteristics of cultured cells from some liverworts of Jungermanniales
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 53: 239-244
Ohta, Y., Abe, S., Komura, H. & Kobayashi, M. 1984
Prelunularic acid, a probable immediate precursor of lunularic acid, in suspension-cultured cells of Marchantia polymorpha
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 249-254
Ohyama, K. 2001
[Abstract] Molecular biology of the liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha L.: Construction of male and female genomic and EST libraries, sequencing of sex chromosomes, transformation system and gene-tagging for morphological mutants
In: Shin, J. S. & M. Sasebe (eds.), Moss 2001: An International Meeting on Moss Biology. National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan pp. 12-13
Oiso, Y., Toyota, M. & Asakawa, Y. 1999
Occurrence of digalactopyranosylmonoacylglycerol in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 86: 169-174
Ojala, E., M. Mönkkönen & J. Interöinen 2000
Epiphytic bryophytes on European aspen Populus tremula in old growth forests in northeastern Finland and adjacent sites in Russia
Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 529-536
Okada, K. 1953
Some Kinki bryophyte records (l)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 10: 56-
Okamura S 1911
Neue Beiträge zur Moosflora Japans (fortsetzung)
Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 25: 65-68
Okamura S 1911
Neue Beiträge zur Moosflora Japans III
Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 25: 159-162
Okamura S 1915
Contributiones novae ad floram bryophyton Japonicam
Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 36(7): 1-51
Okamura S 1916
Contributiones novae ad floram bryophyton Japonicam
Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 38(4): 1-100
Økland, R. H., T. Økland & K. Rydgren 2001
Vegetation-environment relationships of boreal spruce swamp forest in Østmarka Nature Reserve, SE Norway
Sommerfeltia 29: 1-190
Bryophytes included
Olarinmoye SO 1975
Ecological studies on epiphyllous liverworts in Western Nigeria. I. Notes on distribution
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 41: 1-14
Oliva Alonso R 2001
Brioflora urbana de la ciudad de Córdoba (España)
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 18-19: 121-125
Oliva Alonso, R. 2001
Brioflora urbana de la ciudad de Córdoba (España)
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 18-19: 121-125
Oliva RO 1987
Catalogo de Hepaticas de Andalucia Occidental. I. Cordoba
Act. IV. Simp. Nac. Bot. Cript. pp. 567-574
Olivan G, Fuertes E 2000
Plagiochila spinulosa new for the Iberian Peninsula and other interesting liverworts for Cantabria (northern Spain)
Journal of Bryology 22: 149-150
Oliván G, Fuertes E, Acón M 2001
Flora briológica de la Sierra de Peña Sagra (Cantabria, España)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 22: 129-144
Oliván, G., E. Fuertes & M. Acón 2003
Revisión y estado de conservación de la flora briológica de la Sierra de Peña Sagra (Cordillera Cantábrica, España)
Acta Botanica Barcinonensia 49: 183-189
Oliván, R., E. Fuertes & M. Acón 2000
Apuntes para la flora briológica de la provincia de Córdoba (España)
Botanica Complutensis 24: 45-52
Oliveira-e-Silva MIMN, Feitosa Lda C 1997
Radula marginata (Radulaceae, Hepatophyta), nova citação para o Brasil
Bradea 8: 33-36
Oliveira-e-Silva MIMN, Milanez AI, Yano O 2002
Aspectos ecológicos de briofitas em areas preservadas de mata atlantica, Rio Janeiro, Brasil
Tropical Bryology 22: 77-102
Oliveira-e-Silva MIMN, Yano O 1998
Ocorrências novas de briófitas para o Brasil
Revista Brasileira de Botánica 21: 125-134
Oliver, M. J. & D. J. Cove 2004
[Symposium] Bryophytes: model systems for cell and molecular biology
Proceedings XVI International Botanical Congress, Saint Louis p. 66
Peter C. Hoch (Ed.), Missouri Botanical Garden
Oliver, M. J., J. A. Wheeler, B. D. Mishler & J. Velten 2001
[Abstract] A bryophyte rehydrin trackable marker for the evolution of desiccation tolerance. Botany 2001: Plants and People
Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM p. 10
Oliver, M. J., Z. Tuba & B. D. Mishler 2000
The evolution of vegetative desiccation tolerance in land plants
Plant Ecology 151: 85-100
Ono, K. & Okamoto, K. 1984
Isolation and culture of protoplasts from the liverwort cell suspension cultures and the moss protonemata
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 201-207
Ono, K., Murasaki, Y. & Takamiya, M. 1988
Induction and morphogenesis of cultured cells of bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 65: 391-401
Ono, S. 1979
Studies on vegetative regeneration in the Metzgeriales, Hepaticae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 169-191
Onraedt M 1977
Bryophytes des îles mascareno-malgaches et Seychelles. III. Hepaticae: Bazzania
Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique 47: 139-144
Onraedt M 1979
Bryophytes de Sri Lanka (Ceylan) III. Cololejeunea ceylanica Onr. et Cololejeunea hinidumae Onr., especes nouvelles
Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 25: 107-111
Onraedt M 1985
Bryophytes récoltées à Sri Lanka (Ceylan). VII. Lejeuneaceae Holostipae
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 6: 151-175
Onraedt M 1988
Contribution a la flore bryologique de Guyane française III
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 9: 51-62
Onraedt M 1989
Quatre Cololejeunea (Hepaticae) nouveaux des Philippines
Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique 59: 433-438
Onraedt M 1991
Bryophytes des îles Philippines. I. Le genre Leptolejeunea (Spruce) Steph.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 157-166
Onraedt M 1994
Contribution to Bryoflora of the Seychelles Islands
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 15: 215-223
Onraedt M, Cremers G 1980
Contribution a la flore bryologique de Guyane francaise. I.
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 1: 269-276
Diplasiolejeunea brachyclada + Diplasiolejeunea pellucida reported from French Guyana
Onraedt, M. 1978
Bryophytes de Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 44(1): 77-82
2 spp.
Onraedt, M. 1981
Bryophytes récoltées au Sri Lanka (Ceylan). V
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 50: 191-216
Onraedt, M. 1982
Une nouvelle espèce de Taxilejeunea des Îles Galapagos
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 9: 117-119
Oostendorp C 1987
The bryophytes of the Palaeozoic and the Mesozoic
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 34: 1-112
Opanowicz, M. 2003
Report from 10th Field Spring Meeting of the Bryological-Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society, 24-27 April 2003
International Lichenological Newsletter 36(1): 12
Opisso Mejía, J. A. 2003
Briófitos de Pomahuaca, Cajamarca - Perú
Arnaldoa 10(2): 7-14
Opisso, J. M. & S. P. Churchill 2008
Bryophytes from the environs of Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park, Department of Pascho, Peru
The Bryologist 111: 310-317
Opiz PM 1823
Böheims phanerogamische und cryptogamische Gewächse
Praha 168 pp.
Opiz PM 1852
Sezman rostlin kv_teny _eské
Praha 216 pp.
Orbán S, Vajda L 1983
Magyarország Mohaflórájának kézikönyve (A handbook of the Hungarian Moss flora)
Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó 519 pp.
Orbán, S. 1976
Riccia gougetiana Mant. és mås érdekes Riccia-fajok a Hortobágyon
Botanikai Közlemenyek 62: 197-201
Orbán, S. & A. Sass-Gyarmati 2003
Új adatok a Retyezát hegység mohaflórájához
Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Sectio Biologiae 24: 137-145
In Hungarian with English abstract; New data to the bryophyte flora of Retezat Mountains (Romania)
Orbán, S. & E. Pénzesné Kónya 2000
The bryophyte flora of radiolarite bedrock in the Bükk Mountains II
Kitaibelia 5: 125-130
In Hungarian with English summary
Orbán, S. & L. Bálint 2002
New data to the bryophyte flora of Harghita Mts. (Romania)
Folia Historico-naturalia Musei Matraensis 26: 59-65
Ordóñez, A., J. Guerra & M. J. Cano 2003
The bryophyte diaspore bank in soils affected by the Aznalcóllar (Seville, SW Spain) mine disaster.
Anales de Biología, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia 25: 37-48
Orlando A, Raimondo FM 1977
Briofite dell'Erbario siculo dell'Orto Botanico di Palermo
Naturalista Siciliano, sér. 4 1: 47-58
Orlovsky, L., M. Dourikov & A. Babaev 2004
Temporal dynamics and productivity of biogenic soil crusts in the central Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan
Journal of Arid Environments 56: 579-601
Orrego O 2005
Ecological indexes and mathematical models as tools for evaluating the epiphytic bryophyte diversity in the Colombian forest patches in the departamento del Quindío
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 97: 271-280
Orrego, O. 2004
[Abstract] Ecological indexes and mathematical models as tools to evaluate epiphytic bryophyte diversity in Colombian forest patches
XV IAB World Congress. Abstract Book p. 48
Orrego, O. & J. Uribe M. 2002
[Abstract] Análisis florístico de los briófitos epífitos de la zona cafetera del Departamento del Quindío, Colombia
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 69
Orrego, O. & Uribe M., J. 2004
Hepáticas (Marchantiophyta) del departmento del Quindío, Colombia
Biota Colombiana 5: 209-216
Orru, M. 1998
[Abstract] Estonian peatland protection
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin p. 227
Orsomando E 1972
Nuova stazione di abiete bianco (Abies alba Mill.) sui Monti della Laga nella Marche
Archivio Botanico e Biogeografico Italiano 48: 124-130
Ortega González, F., Parra Anguita, G. & Guerrero Ruiz, F. J. 2001 [2002]
Nueva cita para la Península Ibérica de Riella cossoniana Trabut (Hepaticae)
Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid 59: 339
Orzechowska, M., J. Karcz & J. Maluszynska 2006
Comparative analysis of structure of allopolyploid liverwort Pellia borealis and ancestral taxa
Biodiversity Research and Conservation 1-2: 54-56
Osada, T. & Amakawa, T. 1956 [1957]
An observation on the ecological distribution of pendulous bryophytes in the Tsushima Islands
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 17: 52-54
Osadowski, Z. & E. Fudali 2001
Contribution to the bryoflora of the complex of spring-supplied biotopes in the Parseta Catchment (Bytów Lakeland). I. The upper catchment of the Radew River
Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia. Ser. B, Botanika 50: 149-168
In Polish with English abstract and summary
Osakada, A. & Lisboa, R. C. L. 2004
Novas ocorrências de hepáticas (Marchantiophyta) para o estado do Pará, Brasil
Acta Amazonica 34: 197-200
Frullania beyrichiana, F. kunzei, Lophocolea leptantha and Symphyogyna aspera new to Pará
Osbeck, Pehr 1757
Dagbok öfwer en Ostindisk Resa åren 1750, 1751, 1752 [Diary from a journey in the East Indies ...]
Stockholm 376 pp.
Österlind FO 1947
Mossfloran i Sundsjö s:n, Jämtland
Botaniska Notiser 100: 361-371
Otsus, M. & M. Zobel 2004
Moisture conditions and the presence of bryophytes determine fescue species abundance in a dry calcareous grassland
Oecologia 138: 293-299
Otte, V. 2006
Erster Nachweis von Frullania bolanderi (Marchantiophyta: Jubulaceae) im Kaukasus
Herzogia 19: 353-355
Øvstedal DO 1985
Riccia beyrichiana Hampe on an alpine locality in North Norway
Lindbergia 10: 195
Oyesiku OO, Egunyomi A 2001
Savanna bryophytes from the upper Ogun, south-western Nigeria
Journal of Bryology 23: 67-70
Özdemir, T. 2001
The bryophyte flora of Giresun Province Centre and near vicinity
Turkish Journal of Botany 25: 275-283
Özenoglu H, Gökler I 2002
Liverworts (Marchantiopsida) of the Dilek Peninsula National Park
Turkish Journal of Botany 26: 297-302
Özenoglu Kiremit, H., A. Sukatar & I. Gökler 2007
Studies on the hornworts and liverworts Flora of Antalya
Turkish Journal of Botany 31: 529-537
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z