Liverwort Literature S



Sá, P. S. de A. 1995
Aspectos Florísticos e Ecológicos das Briófitas do Riacho Coité, Timbaúba-PE
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil x + 59 pp.
Master's Thesis

Sa-Nogueira GB 1950
Briófitas da Serra de Sintra
Congresso Luso-Espanho para o Progresso das Ciências, 4 Secção. Ciências Naturais 5: 157-161

Sa-Nogueira GB 1950
Briófitos das Matas Nacionais Portuguesas. II. Pinhal de Leiria
Congresso Luso-Espanho para o Progresso das Ciências, 4 Secção. Ciências Naturais 5: 151-156

Sa-Nogueira GB 1950
Nova contribuição para o estudo dos Briófitos da Serra do Gerês
Agronomia Lusitana 12: 165-177

Sa-Nogueira GB 1958
Notas Briológicas. IV. Contribuição para o conhecimento da área de dispersão dos Briófitos em Portugal. II
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 32: 201-203

Sabino de Freitas SJ 1944
A Flora Hepaticologica de Portugal
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 19: 233-241

Sabino de Freitas SJ 1944
Inventário das Hepáticas conhecidas actualmente em Portugal continental
Broteria: Ciencias Naturais 13: 217-229

Sabino de Freitas SJ 1948
Contribuição para o estudo das Hepaticas em Portugal
Broteria: Ciencias Naturais 17: 145-171

Sabovljevic M 1999
Anastrophyllum minutum (Schreb.) Schust., new to Serbia (FR Yugoslavia) and its distribution in the Balkans
Phytologia Balcanica 5: 93-96

Sabovljevic M 2003
Bryophyte flora of South Banat (Vojvodina, Yugoslavia)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24: 241-252

Sabovljevic M, Cvetic T, Stevanovi_ V 2004
Bryophyte Red List of Serbia and Montenegro
Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 1781-1790

Sabovljevic M, Natcheva R 2006
A check-list of the liverworts and hornworts of Southeast Europe
Phytologia Balcanica 12: 169-180
Greece includes Crete; The format does not allow simple extraction

Sabovljevic M, Tsakiri E, Sabovljevic A 2008
Towards the bryophyte flora of Greece, studies in Chalkidiki area (North Greece)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 29: 143-155

Sabovljevic, M. 1999
The rare bryophytes of Sara Mountain, Yugoslavia
In: H. Synge & J. Akeroyd (eds.), Planta Europa: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants, 9-14 June 1998, Uppsala, Sweden. Swedish Threatened Species Unit, Uppsala, Sweden pp. 159-161

Sabovljevic, M. 2000
Checklist of hepatics of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Lindbergia 25(2-3): 128-133
This study gives the first list of hepatics of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The list includes data on the presence of hepatic species in the separate units of the Yugoslav federation. The Yugoslav hepatic flora includes 118 liverwort species and one hornwort species. It is expected that the number of hepatic species will increase with further bryophyte investigation in the Balkan area. According to literature information, five species listed in the Red Data Book of European Bryophytes occur in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Sabovljevic, M. 2004
Comparison of the bryophyte flora of the three southern European mainlands: the Iberian, the Apennine and the Balkan peninsulas
Braun-Blanquetia 34: 21-28

Sabovljevic, M. & A. Sabovljevic 2007
Contribution to the coastal bryophytes of the northern Mediterranean: are there halophytes among bryophytes?
Phytologia Balcanica 13: 131-136

Sabovljevic, M. & C. Sérgio 2002
Contribution to the bryoflora of Serbia: a bryophyte collection from 1996
Portugaliae Acta Biologica 20: 65-74

Sabovljevic, M. & T. Cvetic 2003
Bryophyte flora of Avala Mt. (C. Serbia, Yugoslavia)
Lindbergia 28(2): 90-96
Avala Mountain (511 m altitude) is covered by deciduous forests. The bryophyte flora had previously been known to include 54 moss and 11 liverwort species and the present investigation adds 60 new mosses and 3 new livertworts. Six of these species are new records for Serbia, and three are second records. Moist and shady deciduous woods provide conditions for mesophytic mosses that are the most numerous within the investigated area

Sabovljevic, M., A. Ganeva, E. Tsakiri & S. Stefanut 2001
Bryology and bryophyte protection in south-eastern Europe
Biological Conservation 101: 73-84

Sadler, K. D. & G. E. Bradfield 2000
Microscale distribution patterns of terrestrial bryophytes in a subalpine forest: the use of logistic regression as an interpretive tool
Community Ecology 1(1): 57-64

Sáez L, Fraga P, Roselló JP 1998
Some interesting bryophyte records for the Balearic Islands
Journal of Bryology 20: 506-508

Sáez, L., Brugués, M., Casas, C., Cros, R. M. & Balaguer, P. 2006
New bryological data from the Balearic Islands. II
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27: 387-394
308 bryophytes known (2 hornworts, 67 liverworts, 239 mosses)

Sáez, L., C. Casas, R. M. Cros & M. Brugués 2002
New bryological data from the Balearic Islands
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 23: 181-187

Sagar, T. 2007
Bryophytes of the Santa Monica Mountains
California State University, Northridge, CA. viii + 181 pp.
M.S. thesis; Appendix C is identification guide

Sagimura K, Okitsu S 2002
[Relationship between species composition of epiphytic bryophytes and woody species composition of forests on Mt. Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan]
Bryological Research 8: 104-112
In Japanese with English abstract

Saini, A. & B. D. Vashistha 2001
In vitro studies on protonemal [sic] differentiation and bud formation in Anoectangium bicolor Ren. et Card.
In: Nath, V. & A. K. Asthana (eds.), Perspectives in Indian Bryology (Proceedings National Conference on Bryology). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India pp. 255-264

Saintenoy-Simon J, Duvigneaud J, Quintart A, Sotiaux A, Sotiaux O 1999
Excursion des Naturalistes belges des 21 et 22 août 1999 à Bon-Secours (province Hainaut), Condé-sur-l'Escaut, Mortagne er Raismes (département du Nord)
Naturalistes belges 80: 448-462
Bryophyte lists on pp. 460-462

Saito, K. 1971
Bryophyte flora of Sugadaira, central Japan
Bulletin of the Sugadaira Biological Laboratory 4: 11-30

Sakai N 2004
[Notes on oil bodies of Jubula hutchinsiae (Hook.) Dumort. subsp. javanica (Steph.) Vewrd.]
Bryological Research 8: 277-278

Salachna, A. 2006
Distribution of the species of the genus Chiloscyphus Corda (Marchantiophyta, Geocalycaceae) in Belgium and adjacent areas
Nowellia Bryologica 30: 9-16

Salachna, A. 2007
A review of main morphological features in European taxa of the genus Chiloscyphus Corda (Marchantiophyta, Geocalycaceae)
Nowellia Bryologica 34: 13-17

Salanon R, Gandioli J-F, Geissler P 1990
Marchesinia mackaii (Hook.) S. Gray dans les Alpes-maritimes: étude floristique et écologique de sa station; possiblilités de sauvegarde?
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 11: 283-298

Salazar Allen N 1993
Notas de floristica y taxonomica
Briolatina 29: 3-4

Salazar Allen N 2001
Cyathodium bischlerianum, sp. nov. (Marchantiales) a new species from the Neotropics
The Bryologist 105: 141-145

Salazar Allen N, Korpelainen H 2006
Notes on neotropical Cyathodium
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27: 85-96

Salazar Allen, N. 1989
A guide to Fieldstations in the Tropics II. Panamá
Tropical Bryology 1

Salazar Allen, N. 1997
Métodos sencillos para crecimiento de briofitos con fines de docencia
Briolatina 40: 5-7

Salazar Allen, N. 2001
Cyathodium bischlerianum sp. nov. (Marchantiales) a new species from the Neotropics
The Bryologist 104: 141-145
New: Cyathodium bischlerianum

Salazar Allen, N. 2006
[Abstract] Biosistemática y ecología de las especies neotropicales de Cyathodium (Cyathodiaceae: Marchantiales)
In: Mejía Pimentel, M. et al. (eds.), IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica: 18-25 de junio 2006. Libro de Resúmenes. Jardín Botánico Nacional Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic pp. 66-67

Salazar Allen, N. & C. Chung C. 2002
[Abstract] Contribución de la sección de briofitas y líquenes del Herbario de la Universidad de Panamá al desarrollo de la botánica
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 89
Repeated on p. 564

Salazar Allen, N. & Chung, C. 2003
The bryophytes (hornworts, liverworts and mosses) of the Bahia Honda region. (Veraguas, Panamá)

Salazar Allen, N. & Chung, C. 2005
IV. Briofitas (antocerotes, hepáticas y musgos) de la región de Bahía Honda (Veraguas, Panamá). IV. The bryophytes (hornworts, liverworts and mosses) of the Bahía Honda region (Veraguas, Panamá)
In: S. Castroviejo & A. Ibáñez (eds.), Estudios sobre la biodiversidad de la región de Bahía Honda (Veraguas, Panamá). Studies on the biodiversity of the Bahía Honda region (Veraguas, Panamá). Biblioteca de Ciencias. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de España, Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Madrid 20: 95-175

Salazar Allen, N. & S. R. Gradstein 1997
A report on the bryoflora of Peru
In: D. E. Wilson & A. Sandoval (eds.), Manu, the Biodiversity of Southeastern Peru. Washington pp. 200-204

Salazar Allen, N., Lépiz, E. & de Gracia, J. E. 2004
Cyathodium foetidissimum (Marchantiales), an asiatic species new to tropical America
The Bryologist 107: 41-46

Salgado, N. R., D. Rosane, F. I. Michelangeli & E. Rodriguez 1998
[Abstract] Zoopharmacognosy of breeding neotropical birds: chemical ecology of nest materials and substrates
Emanations from the Rainforest 1: 25, 27
Bryophytes included in nest materials

Salwey T 1850
Stirpes Cryptogamae Sarninenses, or Contributions towards the Cryptogamic Flora of Guernsey
Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 3: 71-78
Read Nov. 9 1848

Samecka-Cymerman, A. 2001
Aquatic bryophytes as biomonitors of heavy metal pollution of the Kamienna River (Poland)
Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, Prace Botaniczne 79: 179-188

Samigullin, T. Kh., S. P. Yacentyuk, G. V. Degtyaryeva, K. M. Valieho-Roman, V. K. Bobrova, I. Capesius, W. F. Martin, A. V. Troitsky, V. R. Filin & A. S. Antonov 2002
Paraphyly of bryophytes and close relationship of hornworts and vascular plants inferred from analysis of chloroplast rDNA ITS (cpITS) sequences
Arctoa 11: 31-43

Sampaio AJ 1916
A flora de Mato Grosso
Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 19: 1-125

Sampaio G 1902
Herbário Português da Academia Politécnica do Porto. I
Ann. Acad. Polyt. Porto 4: 140-147

Samsel NV 1968
[Contribution of northern Don relict region]
In: NN (ed.), Morfologiya vysshikh rastenii. Moscow pp. 101-127

Sanborn EI 1929
Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of western Oregon
University of Oregon Publication in Plant Biology 1: 1-111

Sanborn EI 1941
The bryophyte flora of Alsea Mountain, Benton County, Oregon
The Bryologist 44: 111-114

Sánchez Montaño, L. R. 2002
[Abstract] Colecciones del herbario regional de Norte de Santander Catatumbo-Sarare-HECASA
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 82

Sánchez-Moya, M. C., M. J. Cano, R. M. Ros & J. Guerra 1999
[Abstract] Briófitos espfitos de la Sierra de Segura (Jaén). XIII Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Libro de Resúmenes
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain p. 165

Sánchez-Moya, M. del C. & M. J. Cano 1999
Adiciones a la flora briofítica del sudeste de España. La Sierra Minera de la Unión (Murcia)
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 14: 9-12

Sancho LG, Schulz F, Schroeter B, Kappen L 1999
Bryophyte and lichen flora of South Bay (Livingstone Island: South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)
Nova Hedwigia 68: 301-338
110 lichens and 50 bryophytes reported

Sande Lacoste CM van der 1854
Novae species Hepaticarum ex insula Java detexit Dr. F. Junghuhn
Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. Verslagen en Mededelingen der Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging 3: 415-424

Sande Lacoste CM van der 1855
In: F. Dozy, Plagiochila sandei Dz. aliaeque Hepaticarum novae species breviter descriptae. Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. Verslagen en Mededelingen der Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging 4: 89-95

Sande Lacoste CM van der 1855
Novae species Hepaticarum ex insula Java detexit Dr. F. Junghuhn
Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. Verslagen en Mededelingen der Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging 3: 521-522

Sande Lacoste CM van der 1856
In: de Vriese, Pl. Ind. Batav. Orient. pp. 18-26

Sande Lacoste CM van der 1864
Hepaticae. Jungermanniae Archipelagi Indigi, adiectis quibusdam speciebus Japonicis
Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi 1: 287-314

Sande Lacoste CM van der 1867
Hepaticae (in FAG Miquel, Prolusio flora Iaponice)
Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi 3: 209

Sande Lacoste, Cornelius Marinus van der 1856
Synopsis Hepaticarum Javanicarum
Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. Verslagen en Mededelingen der Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging 4: 54-0
Also published separately with low page numbers; Also published as Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde 5 "1856": 1-112; This publication does not have infraspecific names

Sane, P.V. 1942
Observations on some species of Anthoceros Linn. from Poona and the neighbouring hills of the Western Ghats
Journal of the University of Bombay 10(5B): 86-96

Sanford, M. R. & S. L. Timme 1999
Bryophyte diversity in open Tall Grass Prairies and Prairies altered by strip mining
In: The Central Nebraska Loess Hills Prairie, J. T. Springer (ed.). Proceedings of the Sixteenth North American Prairie Conference pp. 51-72

Santiago, R.L. 1997
Estudo briofloristico de três formações vegetais no municipio de Bonfim-Roraima
Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, 124 pp.

Sapaly J 1996
Nowellia curvifolia (Dix.) Mitt. dans le massif forestier des Landes
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 27: 531-534

Sapaly J 1997
Cartes provisoires de répartition des bryophytes en France
Nowellia Bryologica 12-13: 3-9

Sapaly, J. 1999
Cartes provisoires de répartition des bryophytes en France
Nowellia Bryologica 15-16: 52-62
Maps provided for Aphanolejeunea microscopica, Apometzgeria pubescens, Asterella gracilis, A. lindenbergiana, Athalamia hyalina, A. spathysii, Barbilophozia attenuata, B. barbata, B. floerkei and B. hatcheri

Sapaly, J. & P. de Zuttere 1999
Cartes provisoires de répartition des bryophytes en France
Nowellia Bryologica 17: 34-50

Sapaly, J. & P. de Zuttere 2000
Cartes provisoires de répartition des bryophytes en France
Nowellia Bryologica 18: 20-45
Includes 25 distribution maps of the French species of Cephalozia and Cephaloziella

Sarla 1992
In vitro studies on male clone of Riccia discolor: Effect of sugars
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 72: 141-150

Sarla 1994
Effect of chloral hydrate on vegetative growth and gametangial induction in the male clone of Riccia discolor Lehm. et Lindb.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 77: 307-314

Sarla 2002
[Abstract] Effect of hormones on in vitro regulation of reproductive structures in two species of moss Bryum (Bryum capillare & Bryum pallescens) and the male clone of liverworts Riccia discolor
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 33

Sasaki, S. 2007
Bryophytes of the north side of Mt. Iwato and adjacent area, Izumi, Atami, Shizuoka, Japan
Natural and Environmental Science Research 20: 81-96
In Japanese with English abstract

Sass-Gyarmati A, Pócs T 2002
A second species of Symbiezidium from Africa
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 23: 31-39

Sass-Gyarmati, A. 2001
Lopholejeunea leioptera Gyarmati (Lejeuneaceae, subfam. Ptychanthoideae), une nouvelle espèce récoltée dans la Réserve Spéciale de Manongarivo (Nord-Ouest de Madagascar)
Candollea 56: 79-83
New: Lopholejeunea leioptera

Sass-Gyarmati, A. 2002
Ptychanthoideae (subfam. of Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) from Vanuatu, with the description of Caudalejeunea streimannii Gyarmati sp. n.
Tropical Bryology 22: 125-134
New: Caudalejeunea streimannii

Sass-Gyarmati, A. 2003
Records on the distribution of Ptychanthoideae (subfam. of Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) in Australia
Tropical Bryology 24: 21-31

Sass-Gyarmati, A. 2005
Lopholejeunea pocsii Gyarmati (Lejeuneaceae, subfam. Ptychanthoideae), a new species of subgenus Pholianthus B. Theirs & Gradst. from the Fiji-Islands
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 26(4): 403-410
New: Lopholejeunea pocsii sp. nov.

Sass-Gyarmati, A., Pócs, T. & Orbán, S. 2005
Contribution to the knowledge of the bryoflora of Detunata Nature Reserve (Metaliferi Mountains, Transylvania)
Studia Botanica Hungarica 36: 123-130

Sassi A 1840
[Notes on Antrocephalkus italicus]
Atti della Riunione degli Scienziati Italiana 1: 138-139

Såstad, S. M. & K. Thingsgaard 2002
[Abstract] Distribution of the allopolyploid S. troendelagicum: effects of origin, dispersal and habitat requirements
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk 2002(3): 22

Såstad, S. M., U. Gunnarsson & K. Hassel 2003
[Abstract] Assessing the relative contribution of mutation and recombination for genotypic variation in clonal organisms: How clonal are bryophytes?
In: Cronberg, N., U. Arup & A. Dahlberg (organizers), The Application of Molecular Markers in Studies of Cryptogam Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Biology [Abstracts]. Section of Plant Ecology and Systematics, Department of Ecology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden pp. 12-13

Sastre D.J., I,. 1998
News, information and comments from Latin America
Bryological Times 96: 15

Sastre D.J., I,. 1998
[Abstract] Retención de agua de algunos briófitos con distintos hábitos de crecimiento en el neotrópico
In: Anonymous, Libro de Resúmes. Biodiversidad y Conservación de los recursos Vegetales en Latinoamérica. Sociedad Botánica de México, México pp. 342-343

Sastre D.J., I. & E. Santiago-Valentín 1996
Bryology in Puerto Rico: knowledge prior to and after the Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 776: 115-122
In J. C. Figueroa Colon (ed.), The Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: an eighty-year reassessment of the islands' natural history

Sastre De Jesús, I. 1992
Estudios preliminares sobre comunidades de briofitas en troncos en descomposición en el bosque subtropical lluvioso de Puerto Rico
Tropical Bryology 6: 181-192

Sastre De Jesús, I. 2002
Ecología de briofitos en América Latina de presuposiciones florísticas a la práctica ecológica
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 523

Satake, K. & M. Nishikawa 1990
Accumulation of scandium in the shoots of aquatic bryophytes in acid water
Hydrobiologia 199: 173-177

Satake, K., Iwatsuki, Z. & Nishikawa, M. 1984
Inorganic elements in some aquatic bryophytes from streams in New Caledonia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 57: 71-82

Satake, K., M. Nishikawa & K. Shibata 1989
Distribution of aquatic bryophytes in relation to water chemistry of the acid river Akagawa, Japan
Archiv für Hydrobiologie 116: 299-311

Satake, K., Shimizu, H. & Nishikawa, M. 1984
Elemental composition of the aquatic liverwort Jungermannia vulcanicola Steph. in acid streams
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 241-248

Sato, Sy. 1954
On the filamentous appendage, a new fine structure of the spermatozoid of Conocephalum conicum disclosed by means of the electron microscope
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 12: 113-114

Sato, Sy. 1962
Electron microscope studies on the cell structures during spermiogenesis in Conocephalum conicum
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 25: 154-162

Sato, Sy. & Yamada, N. 1980
Scanning electron microscopy on the antheridium of Conocephalum conicum
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 47: 333-344

Sato, Y. & K. Yamada 2002
A checklist of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from Yamagata-ken
Natural and Environmental Science Research 15: 101-111
In Japanese with English abstract

Sauer E 1995
Beitrag sur Moosflora Griechlands (Contribution to the bryophyte-flora of Greece)
Bryologische Beiträge 10: 209-217

Sauer E, Mues R 1994
Liste der Moose des Saarlandes und angrenzender Gebiete mit Bemerkungen zu kritischen Taxa
Delattinia 21: 107-143

Saukel J 1986
Rote Liste gefährdeter Laubmoose (Hepaticae) Österreichs
In: Niklfeldt H (ed.), Rote Liste Gefährdeter Pflanzen Österreichs. Wien pp. 152-159

Saukel J, Köckinger H 1999
Rote Liste gefährdeter Lebermoose (Hepaticae) und Hornmoose (Anthocerotae) Österreichs 2. Fassung
In: Niklfeld, H. et al. (eds.), Rote Listen gefährdeter Pflanzen Österreichs. Wien: Grüne Reihe des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Jugend und Familie pp. 172-179

Saussereau, M.-T. & J.-P. Thauvin 2003
Séjour A.N.Y. Forêt d' Orient, Aube
Bulletin des Naturalistes des Yvelines 30: 1-14

Sauter AE 1845
Neue Beiträge zur Flora Deutschlands
Flora 28: 129-132

Sauter AE 1858
Die Moosschâlze des Untersbergs bei Salzburg
Flora 41: 382-386

Sauter AE 1860
Flora 43: 351

Sauter AE 1871
Die Flora des Herzogthumes Salzburg IV. Theil. Die Lebermoose
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde 11: 3-37

Savicz LI 1936
[Bryophytes of the Fransz-Josef Land Archipelago, Svernaya Zemlya and Wise Island collected by V. P. Savicz during polar expedition in 1930 on the ice-breaker "G. Sedov"
Trudy Botanicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR. Ser. 2. Sporovye Rasteniya 3: 505-508

Savicz LI, Ladychenskaya KI 1936
Opredelitel' petjenotjnykh mkhov severa Europejskoj tjasti SSSR [Hepaticae regionum septentrionalium partis Europeae URSS]
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Otdelenie Matematiceskih i Estestvennyh Nauk. Serija Biologiceskaja 1936: 1-309

Savicz-Ljubitsakja LI 1961
[On the bryoflora of Sayan]
Trudy Botanicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR. Ser. 2. Sporovye Rasteniya 5(9): 364-381

Savicz-Ljubitzkaja LI, Smirnova ZN 1970
The handbook of the mosses of the U. S. S. R., the mosses acrocarpous
Leningrad [St. Petersburg]

Savitha, A., Nair, M.C., Rajesh, K.P. & Ramani, M.P. 2007
Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffn. (Lejeuneaceae: Marchantiopsida) a new record for Peninsular India
Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 31: 423-425

Savitha, A., Nair, M.C., Rajesh, K.P. & Ramani, M.P. 2008
Cololejeunea latilobula (Herzog) Tixier and Schiffneriolejeunea pulopenangensis (Gott.) Gradst. (Lejeuneaceae: Marchantiopsida) two new bryophyte records for Kerala
Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 577-580

Savoia LA di 1909
Il Ruwenzori parte scientifica. Resultati delle observazioni e studi compiuti sulmaterale raccolto della spedizione, vol. I. Zoologia Botanica
Ulrico Hoepli pp. 511-535

Saxena, A. 2003
[Abstract] Comparison of lead tolerance potential in Marchantia and Plagiochasma and their application in active biomonitoring. Botany 2003 (Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet & Wild)
Botanical Society of America, Mobile, AL p. 20

Saxena, D. K. 2001
Biomonitoring of Pb, Ni, Cr, Hg with the help of bryophytes in Nainital
In: Nath, V. & A. K. Asthana (eds.), Perspectives in Indian Bryology (Proceedings National Conference on Bryology). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India pp. 155-170

Saxena, D. K. 2004
[Abstract] Level of lead in Marchantia polymorpha growing along the road at Kumon hills (Almora, Nainital and Bhowali) during 1997-2002
XV IAB World Congress. Abstract Book Addenda p. 69

Saxena, D. K. & A. Saxena 1998 [2000]
Uptake of metals in Plagiochasma and their use in pollution monitoring
Geophytology 28: 129-137

Schade A 1924
Bemerkungen zu Warnstorfs Arbeit über "die europäischen Artgruppen der Gattung Calypogeia Raddi (1820)"
Hedwigia 65: 1-10

Schade A 1924
Die Lebermoose Sachsens
Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden 1922-23: 1-70

Schade A 1936
Nachträge zum Standortsverzeichnis der Lebermoos Sachsens nebst einigen kritischen Bemerkungen
Sitzungsberichte der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis zu Dresden 1935: 18-86

Schäfer-Verwimp A 1989
New or interesting records of Brazilian Bryophytes, II
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 67: 313-321

Schäfer-Verwimp A 1991
Contribution to the knowledge of the bryophyte flora of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 69: 147-170

Schäfer-Verwimp A 1992
New or interesting records of Brazilian Bryophytes, III
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 71: 55-68

Schäfer-Verwimp A 1996
New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes, V
Candollea 51: 283-302

Schäfer-Verwimp A 1999
Some additions to the bryophyte flora of Dominica, West Indies
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 317-332

Schäfer-Verwimp A, Vital DM 1989
New or interesting records of brazilian bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 66: 255-261

Schäfer-Verwimp A, Wilson R, Yandún S, Feldberg K, Burghardt M, Vána J, Heinrichs J 2006
Additions to the bryophyte flora of Ecuador
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27: 313-332

Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 2001
Diplasiolejeunea pluridentata (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiopsida), eine neue Art aus Costa Rica
Haussknechtia 8: 71-78
New: Diplasiolejeunea pluridentata

Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 2001
On Lejeunea patriciae, nom. nov. for Lejeunea pilifera Tixier
Candollea 56: 63-67
New: Lejeunea patriciae

Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 2004
The genus Diplasiolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiopsida) in the tropical Andes, with description of two new species
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 25: 3-17
New: Diplasiolejeunea erostrata sp. nov., Diplasiolejeunea grandirostrata sp. nov.

Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 2005
Diplasiolejeunea riclefgrollei (Lejeuneaceae, Jungermanniopsida), a remarkable new species from Cuba
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 26: 37-40
New: Diplasiolejeunea riclefgrollei

Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 2006
A new species of Diplasiolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Jungermanniopsida) from Sumatra, and a key for the genus in Asia
Herzogia 19: 239-244
New: Diplasiolejeunea ingekarolae sp. nov.

Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 2006
New national and regional bryophyte records. 14
Journal of Bryology 28: 273-274
Pycnolejeunea sphaeroides, Malaysia. Otolejeunea semperiana, Indonesia (Sumatra). Pychnolejeunea grandiocellata, Malaysia. Lejeunea patriciae, Indonesia (Sumatra)

Schäfer-Verwimp, A. & Giancotti, C. 1993
New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes, IV
Hikobia 11: 285-292

Schaumann F, Pfeiffer T, Frey W 2004
Molecular divergence patterns within the gondwanan liverwort genus Jensenia (Pallaviciniaceae, Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta). Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 25
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 96: 231-244

Schaumann, F., Frey, W., Pfeiffer, T. & Strech, M. 2005
Molecular circumscription, intrafamilial relationships and biogeography of the Gondwanan liverwort family Pallaviciniaceae (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta)
Plant Systematics and Evolution 252: 27-48

Schaumann, F., W. Frey, G. Hässel de Menéndez & T. Pfeiffer 2003
Geomolecular divergence in the Gondwanan dendroid Symphyogyna complex (Pallaviciniaceae, Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta). Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 22
Flora 198: 404-412

Schaumann, F., W. Frey, T. Pfeiffer & M. Stech 2004
[Abstract] Molecular phylogeny of the Pallaviciniaceae
In: Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs & R. Wilson (organisers), Bryophylogeny 2004 10-12 September. Second International Symposium on In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes. Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Göttingen, Germany p. 10

Schaumann, Friederike 2005
Terricolous bryophyte vegetation of Chilean temperate rain forests Communities, adaptive strategies and divergence patterns (Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 26)
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 62: 1-154

Schelpe EAC 1969
Three New Records of Southern Hemisphere Bryophyta for South Africa
Journal of South African Botany 35: 109-111

Schembri PJ, Lanfranco E 1996
Introduced species in the Maltese islands
In: Baldacchino AE, Pizzuto A (eds.), Introduction of alien species of flora and fauna. Floriana, Malta: Environment Protection Department pp. 29-54

Schenck H 1905
Vergleichende Darstellung der Pflanzengeographie der subantarktischen Inseln inbesondere über Flora und Vegetation von Kerguelen
In: Chun C (ed.), Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition Valdivia 1898-1899. Stuttgart, Jena, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag

Scher, J. M., J. Zapp & H. Becker 2003
Lignan derivatives from the liverwort Bazzania trilobata
Phytochemistry 62: 769-777

Scher, J. M., J. Zapp, A. Schmidt & H. Becker 2003
Bazzanins L-R, chlorinated macrocyclic bisbibenzyls from the liverwort Lepidozia incurvata
Phytochemistry 64: 791-796

Scherp, P., R. Grotha & U. Kutschera 2001
Deposition of cytokinesis-related callose in Riella helicophylla and Arabidopsis thaliana. Effects of photolytically altered nifedipine
Plant Biology 3: 311-318

Scherp, P., R. Grotha & U. Kutschera 2002
Interaction between cytokinesis-related callose and cortical microtubules in dividing cells of the liverwort Riella helicophylla
Plant Biology 4: 619-624

Scherp, P., R. Grotha & U. Kutschera 2004
Callose biosynthesis in developing gemmalings of the liverwort Riella helicophylla: effects of aromatic nitroso-compounds
Journal of Bryology 26: 21-28

Schertier, M. M. 1977
Morphology and developmental anatomy in the leafy hepatic Nowellia curvifolia (Dicks.) Mitt.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 42: 241-271

Schiavone, M. M., B. Beatriz & C. M. Matteri 1998
[Abstract] Novedades para la flora briológica del noroeste de Argentina
In: Anonymous, Libro de Resúmes. Biodiversidad y Conservación de los recursos Vegetales en Latinoamérica. Sociedad Botánica de México, México p. 342
Also published in Briolatina 44: 9

Schier W 1974
Untersuchungen zur Chemotaxonomie der Marchantiales
Nova Hedwigia 25: 549-566

Schiffner V 1893
Morphologie und systematische Stellung von Metzgeriopsis pusilla
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 32: 118-122

Schiffner V 1893
Ueber exotische Hepaticae, hauptsächlich aus Java, Amboina und Brasilien, nebst einigen morphologischen und kritischen bemerkungen über Marchantia
Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 60: 220-316

Schiffner V 1894
Revison der Gattung Bryopteris, Thysananthus, Ptychanthus and Phragmicoma
Hedwigia 33: 170-189

Schiffner V 1896
Uber die von Sintenis in Türkich-Armenien gesammelten Kryptogamen
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 46: 274-278

Schiffner V 1896
Wiesnerella, eine neue Gattung der Marchantiaceen
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 46: 82-88

Schiffner V 1897
Musci Bornmülleriani
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 47: 125-132

Schiffner V 1897
Revision der Gattungen Omphalanthus und Lejeunea im Herbarium des Berliner Museums
Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 23: 278-600

Schiffner V 1898
Conspectus Hepaticarum Archipelagi Indici
Batavia: Staatsdruckerei 382 pp.
This publication uses ranked infraspecific names mostly without greek letters

Schiffner V 1898
Eine neue Pflanzengattung der indo-malayischen Flora
Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, suppl. 2: 39-46

Schiffner V 1898
Expositio plantarum in itinere Suo Indico annis 1893-1894 suscepto collectarum I
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 67: 153-203

Schiffner V 1898
Resultate der bryologischen Durchforschung des südlichten Theiles von Böhmen
Lotos, n.s. 18: 134-182

Schiffner V 1899
Ueber einige Hepaticae aus Japan
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 49: 385-395

Schiffner V 1900
Dei Hepaticae der Flora von Buitenzorg. I. Band. Enthald dei beschreibung aller bisher aus Java bekannt geworden Ricciaceae, Marchantiaceae, Jungermaniaceae anakrogynae und Jungermaniaceae akrogynae Unterfam. Epigoniantheae
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 70
Does not include all species but is still the most complete treatment!; Also published separately with low page numbers - Brill, Leiden 220 pp. - the difference is 14 or 16

Schiffner V 1900
Exposito plantarum in itinere Suo Indico annis 1893/94 suspecto collectarum, II
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 70: 155-218

Schiffner V 1900
Hepaticae Massartianae Javanicae
Hedwigia 39: 191-208

Schiffner V 1900
Kritische bemerkungen über Jungermannia collaris N. ab. E.
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 50: 269-276

Schiffner V 1900
Nachweis einiger für die böhmische Flora neuer Bryophyten nebst Bemerkungen über einzelrn bereits daselbst nachgewiesene Formen
Lotos, n.s. 20: 320-356

Schiffner V 1901
Ein beitrag zur Flora von Madeira, Teneriffa und Gran-Canaria
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 51: 113-125

Schiffner V 1901
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 1 (1-56)
Sitzungsberichte des Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlich-Medicinischen Vereins für Böhmen "Lotos" in Prag 49: 75-130

Schiffner V 1901
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 2 (1-56)
Sitzungsberichte des Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlich-Medicinischen Vereins für Böhmen "Lotos" in Prag 49: 194-249

Schiffner V 1902
Neue Materialen zur Kenntnis der Bryophyten der atlantischen Inseln
Hedwigia 41: 269-294

Schiffner V 1903
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 3 (1-63)
Sitzungsberichte des Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlich-Medicinischen Vereins für Böhmen "Lotos" in Prag 51: 213-275

Schiffner V 1903
Studien über kritischen Arten der Gattungen Gymnomitrium und Marsupella
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 53: 95-99, 166-172, 185-194, 246-252, 280-284

Schiffner V 1904
Beiträge zur aufklärung einer polymorphen Artengruppe der Lebermoose
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 54: 381-405

Schiffner V 1904
Bryologische Fragmente VI-XI
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 54: 128-134

Schiffner V 1904
Über Riccia baumgartneri n. sp. und die mit dieser nächstverwandten formen
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 54: 88-94

Schiffner V 1905
Bryologische Fragmente XVIII-XXII
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 55: 6-13

Schiffner V 1905
In: Schenck H (ed.), Ueber Flora und Vegetation von St Paul und Neu-Amsterdam. Wissenschaftlische Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition Valdivia 1898-1899. Band 2(1) Lieferung 1, Artikel 2. Gustav Fischer Verlag pp. 196-197

Schiffner V 1905
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 4 (1-62)
Sitzungsberichte des Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlich-Medicinischen Vereins für Böhmen "Lotos" in Prag (n.s. 25) 53: 108-169

Schiffner V 1906
Die bisher bekannt gewordenen Lebermoose Dalmatiens, nebst Beschribung und Abbildung von zwei neuen Arten
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 56: 263-280

Schiffner V 1906
Die Lebermoose
pp. 59-80

Schiffner V 1907
Bryologische Fragmente XXXIV-XXXXVII
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 57: 1-6

Schiffner V 1907
Bryologische Fragmente
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 56: 20-27

Schiffner V 1907
Die Lebermoose der deutschen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903
Deutsche Süd-Polar Exped. 8: 59-80

Schiffner V 1908
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bryophyten von Persien und Lydien
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 58: 225-349

Schiffner V 1908
Bryologische Fragmente. XLIX-LII
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 58: 377-382

Schiffner V 1908
Kritische Bemerkungen über Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 5 (1-69)
Bericht des Naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck, Beilage 31: 1-69

Schiffner V 1908
Über einige südamerikanische Riccien
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 58: 462-466

Schiffner V 1909
Hepaticae Latzelianae
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 59: 29-45

Schiffner V 1909
In: Handel-Mazetti H (ed.), Ergebnisse einer botanischen Reise in das Pontische Randgebirge im Sandshak Trapezunt. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 23: 133-141

Schiffner V 1909
Lebermoose aus Ungarn und Siebenbürgen
Magyar Botanikai Lapok 8: 24-33

Schiffner V 1909
Über eine neue Art der Gattung Frullania aus Mitteleuropa
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 59: 467-472

Schiffner V 1909
Über Lebermoose aus Dalmatien und Istrien
Hedwigia 48: 191-202

Schiffner V 1910
Bryologische fragmente LXII-LXV
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 60: 431-436

Schiffner V 1910
Eine neue europäische Art der Gattung Anastrophyllum
Hedwigia 49: 396-399

Schiffner V 1910
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 6 (251-252)
Lotos 58: 72-76

Schiffner V 1910
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 6 (253-280)
Lotos 58: 87-104

Schiffner V 1910
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 6 (281-300)
Lotos 58: 128-142

Schiffner V 1910
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 7 (301-315)
Lotos 58: 175-184

Schiffner V 1910
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 7 (316-335)
Lotos 58: 209-221

Schiffner V 1910
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 7 (336-350)
Lotos 58: 245-256
This is the last part of group 7 (In spite of the fact that it says VIII in the heading, it also says fortsetzung)

Schiffner V 1910
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 8 (351-362)
Lotos 58: 266-273

Schiffner V 1910
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 8 (363-400)
Lotos 58: 314-333

Schiffner V 1910
Studien uber die Rhizoiden der Marchantiales
Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, suppl. 3: 473-492

Schiffner V 1910
Über die Gattungen Chiloscyphus und Heteroscyphus n. gen.
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 60: 169-173

Schiffner V 1911
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 9 (1-32)
Lotos 59: 20-25

Schiffner V 1911
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 9 (1-32)
Lotos 59: 62-70

Schiffner V 1911
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 9 (1-32)
Lotos 59: 98-107

Schiffner V 1911
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 9 (1-32)
Lotos 59: 170-178

Schiffner V 1911
Untersuchungen uber Amphigastrial-Antheridien und uber den Bau der Androecien der Ptilidioideen
Hedwigia 50: 146-162

Schiffner V 1912
Bryologische fragmente LXVI-LXXI
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 62: 8-15

Schiffner V 1912
Bryologische Fragmente. LXXII-LXXIII
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 62: 159-162

Schiffner V 1912
Kritik der Europäischen Formen der Gattung Chiloscyphus auf phylogenetischer Grundlage
Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 29: 74-116

Schiffner V 1912
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 10 (45-82)
Lotos 60: 45-60

Schiffner V 1912
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 10 (45-82)
Lotos 60: 67-82

Schiffner V 1912
Lebermoose aus Ungarn und Kroatien. IV. Beitrag
Magyar Botanikai Lapok 13: 302-309

Schiffner V 1912
Über eine kritische Form von Riccia sorocarpa und Riccia pseudopapillosa
Hedwigia 53: 36-40

Schiffner V 1912
Uber Lepicolea quadrilaciniata
Hedwigia 51(6): 278-282

Schiffner V 1913
Bryophyta aus Mesopotamien und Kurdistan
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 27: 472-504

Schiffner V 1913
Über einige kritische Arten der Gattung Radula
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 63: 442-445

Schiffner V 1914
Hedwigia 54: 311-327

Schiffner V 1914
In: Rechinger K, Beitträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Insel Korfu nebst einigen Standorten von der albanischen Küste. I Teil. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 64: 142-143

Schiffner V 1914
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 11 (1-24)
Lotos 67: 190-213

Schiffner V 1914
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 12
Prague: Privately published 17 pp.

Schiffner V 1914
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 13
Prague: Privately published 22 pp.

Schiffner V 1914
Lebermoose aus Ungarn und Kroatien
Magyar Botanikai Lapok 13: 302-309

Schiffner V 1915
Die von J. Dörfler im Jahre 1904 auf Kreta gesammelten Moose
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 65: 1-12

Schiffner V 1915
Neue Mitteilungen über Lebermoose aus Dalmatien und Istrien
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 65: 190-195

Schiffner V 1916
Hepaticae Baumgartnerianae dalmaticae I
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 66: 1-21

Schiffner V 1916
Hepaticae Latzelianae. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lebermoose Dalmatiens
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 66: 186-201

Schiffner V 1917
Hepaticae baumgartnerianae dalmaticae
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 67: 147-156

Schiffner V 1919
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 14
Prague: Privately published 20 pp.

Schiffner V 1929
Über epiphylle Lebermoose aus Japan nebst einigen Beobachtungen über Rhizoiden, Elateren und Brutkorper
Annales Bryologici 2: 87-106

Schiffner V 1931
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 15
Prague: Privately published 31 pp.

Schiffner V 1931
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 16
Prague: Privately published 25 pp.

Schiffner V 1931
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 17
Prague: Privately published 22 pp.

Schiffner V 1932
Bryophyta nova 2. Trocholejeunea Schiffn. n. gen.
Annales Bryologici 5: 160-162

Schiffner V 1933
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 18
Prague: Privately published 25 pp.

Schiffner V 1934
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 19
Prague: Privately published 28 pp.

Schiffner V 1935
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 20
Prague: Privately published 25 pp.

Schiffner V 1936
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 21
Prague: Privately published 24 pp.

Schiffner V 1937
Hepaticae europeae exsiccatae, ser. 22
Wien pp. 1051-1100

Schiffner V 1937
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 22
Prague: Privately published 30 pp.

Schiffner V 1938
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 23
Prague: Privately published 24 pp.

Schiffner V 1938
Monographie der Gattung Cyathodium
Annales Bryologici 11: 131-140

Schiffner V 1939
In: Rechinger KH, Ergebnisse einer botanischen Reiche nach dem Iran, 1937. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 50: 533

Schiffner V 1939
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 24
Prague: Privately published 28 pp.

Schiffner V 1939
Monographie der Gattung Cyathodium, II
Annales Bryologici 12: 123-142

Schiffner V 1940
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 25
Prague: Privately published 22 pp.

Schiffner V 1941
Eine neue Gattung der Lejeuneaceae
Hedwigia 80: 87-89

Schiffner V 1941
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 26
Prague: Privately published 24 pp.

Schiffner V 1941
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 27
Prague: Privately published 24 pp.

Schiffner V 1942
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 28
Prague: Privately published 31 pp.

Schiffner V 1942
Monographie der Gattung Exormotheca Mitt.
Hedwigia 81: 40-74

Schiffner V 1943
Kritische Bemerkungen über die europäischen Lebermoose mit Bezug auf die Exemplare des Exsiccatenwerkes, Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae 29
Prague: Privately published 32 pp.

Schiffner V 1944
Myriocoleopsis, eine neue Gattung der Jubuleae
Hedwigia 81: 234-237

Schiffner V 1955
Die Lebermoose der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda-Expedition
Archiv für Hydrobiologie, suppl. 21: 382-407

Schiffner V, Arnell S 1964
Ergebnisse der Botanischen Expedition der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften nach Sudbrasilien 1901. II. Thallophyta und Bryophyta. Hepaticae (Lebermoose)
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Denkschriften 111: 1-156
Aka Hepaticae (Lebermoose) / Bearbeitung begonnen von V. Schiffner, fortgeführt von S. Arnell; für die Drucklegung vorbereitet von K. Fitz

Schiffner V, Baumgartner J 1919
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flora Griechlands. B. Leber- und Laubmoose
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 69: 313-341

Schiffner V, Pandé SK, Srivastava KP 1959
The genus Riccardia Gray in India. II. Riccardia palmatiformis Schiffn. and R. decolyana Schiffn
Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 38: 538-542

Schiffner V, Schmidt A 1886
Moosflora des nördlichen Böhmen
Lotos 34: 18-89

Schiffner V. 1914
Lebermoose aus Ungarn und Kroatien. IV. Beitrag
Magyar Botanikai Lapok 13: 302-309

Schiffner, V. F. 1890
Forschungsreise S.M.S. "Gazelle". 4, Botanik (Lebermoose). Halle
In: Naumann FC (ed.), Die Forschungsreise S. M. S. "Gazelle" in der Jahren 1874 bis 1877 unter kommando des Kapitän zur See Freiherrn von Schleinitz, Vol. IV. Berlin [1889] pp. 1-45
Also published as Die Internationale Polarforschung 1882-1883, Die Deutschen Expeditionen ...; This publication uses ranked infraspecific names and also names in format <beta> xxxxx var. nova

Schiffner, V. F. 1896
Kritische Bemerkungen über Marchantia berteroana Lehm. et Ldbg. und Marchantia tabularis N. ab E.
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 46: 41-44, 100-103

Schiffner, V. F. 1899
Beiträge zur Lebermoosflora von Bhutan (Ost-Indien)
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 49: 127-132

Schiffner, Victor Felix 1893
Hepaticae ... aus Engler-Prantl
pp. 1-96
Sep 1893; Preprinted from Engler & Prantl, Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 10 Oct 1893 and 15 Jan 1895; This publication does not have infraspecific names

Schill DB, Long DG, Moeller M, Squirrell J 2004
Phylogenetic relationships between Lophoziaceae and Scapaniaceae based on chloroplast sequences
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 98: 141-149

Schill, D. & Long, D. G. 2002
Anastrophyllum lignicola (Lophoziaceae), a new species from the Sino-Himalaya, and A. hellerianum new to China
Annales Botanici Fennici 39: 129-132
Anastrophyllum lignicola Schill & D.G.Long is described as a new species from Bhutan and China (Yunnan Province). It is closely related to A. hellerianum (Nees) R.M.Schust. but differs primarily in its gemmae which are mostly regularly ellipsoid and 2-celled. The occurrence of A. hellerianum in Bhutan is confirmed and it is reported as new to China, also from Yunnan. Both species are typically found in temperate coniferous forests where they colonize decaying logs.

Schill, D. & Long, D. G. 2003
A revision of Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. (Jungermanniales, Lophoziaceae) in the Himalayan region and Western China
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 94: 115-157
Seven species treated; new synonymy

Schill, D. B., D. G. Long & H. Köckinger 2008
Taxonomy of Mannia controversa (Marchantiidae, Aytoniaceae) including a new subspecies from Aast Asia
Edinburgh Journal of Botany 65(1): 35-47

Schill, D. B., D. G. Long, M. Moeller & J. Squirrell 2003
[Abstract] Molecular relationships of Lophoziaceae and Scapaniaceae
In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes: Progress, Problems and Perspectives p. 15
B. Goffinet & R. Magill (Organizers). St. Louis, Missouri

Schimamura, M. & H. Deguchi 2002
Morphological study of the sporophyte of Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort.
Hikobia 13: 679-684
In Japanese with English abstract

Schleicher JC 1805
Plantae Cryptogamicae Helveticae, Cent. 2
Bern 100 pp.

Schleicher JC 1805
Plantae Cryptogamicae Helveticae, Cent. 3
Bern 100 pp.

Schleicher JC 1808
Catalogus Plantarum in Helvetia, Studio Novissime Redegit (ed. 2) "pages
Chambesy "1807" 39 pp.

Schleicher JC 1815
Catalogus Plantarum in Helvetia, Editio Tertia

Schleicher, Johann Christoph 1821
Catalogus Plantarum in Helvetia cis- et transalpina sponte nascentium ..(ed. 4)
Chambesy 64 pp.
29 Dec 1821

Schljakov RN 1969
[De positione systematica Lophosiae murmanicae Kaal.]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 6: 241-245

Schljakov RN 1970
[Sectio nova generis Lophozia Dum. emend. Loeske]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 7: 324-333

Schljakov RN 1971
[De positione generica et distributione Ortocaulis cavifolii Buch et S. Arnell notula]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 8: 335-340

Schljakov RN 1971
[Quid est Marsupella pearsonii Schiffn?]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 8: 324-327

Schljakov RN 1971
[Varietates duae novae magnicellulares hepaticarum]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 8: 327-334

Schljakov RN 1972
[Massula - genus novum complexus Lophozia Dum. s. l.]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 9: 310-318

Schljakov RN 1972
[Notulae systematicae de genere Scapania Dum.]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 9: 319-327

Schljakov RN 1972
[On the higher taxa of liverworts - class Hepaticae s.str.]
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 57: 496-508

Schljakov RN 1973
Some results of the study of Hepaticae from the European and west Sibirian north of the U.S.S.R.
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 58: 1536-1553

Schljakov RN 1973
[De Bucegia romanica Radian (Hepatica) in parte boreali Jakutiae inventa]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 10: 285-286

Schljakov RN 1973
[De varietate macrophylla Cephaloziae leucanthae Spruce notula]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 10: 302-304

Schljakov RN 1973
[Notulae systematicae in Lophoziaceis Cavers]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 10: 287-302

Schljakov RN 1974
[Addidamenta ad Bryofloram URSS]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 11: 354-360

Schljakov RN 1974
[Taxa nova generis Lohozia Dum. emend. Schljak.]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 11: 350-354

Schljakov RN 1975
Pecenocyne Mhi Morfologiia, Filogeniia, Klassifikatsiia
Leningrad: Akad. Nauk SSSR. Inst. Bot. Komarov 147 pp.

Schljakov RN 1975
[Additamenta ad floram hepaticarum arcticae URSS]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 12: 318-323

Schljakov RN 1975
[Notulae systematicae de Hepaticis s. str.]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 12: 307-317

Schljakov RN 1976
Petjenotjnye Mchi Severa SSSR. 1
Leningrad [St. Petersburg]

Schljakov RN 1976
[Combinationes et taxa Anthocerotarum et Hepaticarum nova]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 13: 225-229

Schljakov RN 1978
[Hepaticarum species novae e Sibiria et oriente extremo]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 15: 242-247

Schljakov RN 1978
[Quid Calypogeia sphagnicola (Arn. et Perss.) Warnst. et Loeske est?]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 15: 236-242

Schljakov RN 1979
Petjenotjnye Mchi Severa SSSR. 2
Leningrad [St. Petersburg] 191 pp.

Schljakov RN 1979
[Addidamenta nova as floram hepaticarum regionum septentrionalium URSS]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 16: 201-208

Schljakov RN 1980
Petjenotjnye Mchi Severa SSSR. 3
Leningrad [St. Petersburg] 188 pp.

Schljakov RN 1980
[De hepaticis in regionibus borealibus URSS inventis novis et curiosis notula]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 17: 235-241

Schljakov RN 1981
Petjenotjnye Mchi Severa SSSR. 4
Leningrad [St. Petersburg] 221 pp.

Schljakov RN 1981
[Notulae nomenclatoricae de taxis nonnullis hepaticarum]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 18: 212-221

Schljakov RN 1982
Petjenotjnye Mchi Severa SSSR. 5
Leningrad [St. Petersburg] 196 pp.

Schljakov RN 1982
[Combinationes et nomina bryophytorum novae]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 19: 209-210

Schljakov RN 1983
[Cephaloziella uncinata Schust. - species pro flora hepaticarum URSS nova]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 20: 203-205

Schljakov RN 1985
[Nomen novum et combinationes novae pro genere Massula Schljak.]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 22: 231-232

Schljakov RN 1998
On the Lophozia groenlandica (Nees) Macoun (Hepaticae)
Arctoa 7: 191-196

Schljakov RN, Konstantinova NA 1982
Conspectus of the Bryophyte Flora of the Murmansk Oblast
Apatiti: Kol'sk. Fil. A. N. SSSR 227 pp.

Schljakov, R. N. 1974
Significant taxonomic characters in the genus Lophozia Dum. s. str. (Leafy Hepaticae)
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 59: 1465-1471

Schljakov, R. N. 1998
[Duo taxa bryophytorum nova e montibus Ural meridionalis altaique]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 32: 180-183
In Russian; New: Lophozia iremelensis, Campylium calcareum fo. latifolia

Schmalhausen IF 1872
Spisok petjenotjnykh mkhov, sobrannykh v leto 1871 goda v Novoladozhskom uezde
Trudy S.Petersburgskogo obscestva ectestvoispytatelej 3: 425-434

Schmidel CC 1760
Dissertatio inauguralis botanica de Jungermanniae charactere
Erlangen 29 pp.

Schmidel CC 1766
Icones Plantarum et Analyses Partium aeri Incisae atque Vivis Coloribus Insignitae Adiectis Indicibus Nominum Necessariis Figurarum Explicationibus et Brevibus Animadversonibus
Nürnberg: Georgio Wolfgang Knorrio pp. 14-19

Schmidel CC 1796
Icones plantarum et analyses partium aeri incisae atque vivis coloribus insignatae adiectis indicibus nominum necessariis figurarum explicationibus et brevibus anidadversonibus, ed. 3
Nürnberg pp. 199-280

Schmidel CC 1797
Icones Plantarum et Analyses Partium aeri Incisae atque Vivis Coloribus Insignitae Adiectis Indicibus Nominum Necessariis Figurarum Explicationibus et Brevibus Animadversonibus, Manipulus 3
Nürnberg pp. 59-75

Schmidel, Casimir Christoph 1793-1797
Icones Plantarum et Analyses Partium aeri Incisae atque Vivis Coloribus Insignitae Adiectis Indicibus Nominum Necessariis Figurarum Explicationibus et Brevibus Animadversonibus quas Composuit D. Casimirus Christophorus Schmiedel ... Curante et Edente Georgio Wolfgang Knorrio
Manipulus I, II & III (plates), 1793-1797; Manipulus I: (plates): 1-2, 1793; 3-4, 1793; 5-6, 1793; 7, 1793; 8-9, 1793; 10-13, 1793; 14-19, 1793; 20-25, 1793; Manipulus II: 26-30, 1793; 37-50, 1793; Manipulus III: 51-58, 1793-1794; 59-75, 1796-1797

Schmidt C 1994
Beitrag zur Moosflora Westfalens und angrenzender Gebiete
Herzogia 10: 235-263

Schmidt C, Heinrichs J 1999
Rote Liste der gefährdeten Moose (Anthocerophyta et Bryophyta) in Nordrhein-Westfalen. 2. Fassung
Landesamt für Ökologie, Bodenordnung und Forsten/Landesamt für Agrarordnung 17: 173-224

Schmidt, C. 2004
Bryologische Untersuchungen der Massenkalk- und Sparganophyllum-Kalkfelsen Westfalens. Teil 1
Lynx 2004(2): 1-299
+ 98 pp. Anhang (unpaginated)

Schmidt, C. & A. Solga 2002
Lophocolea fragrans (Moris & De Not,) Gottsche et al. new to Germany
Lindbergia 27(2): 71-72
Lophocolea fragrans is reported new to Germany from two diffrent localities. The ecological conditions of the two sites are characterized and a short description of the most important identification features of the species is given. Lophocolea fragrans will probably be found in similar habitats in the western and more oceanic part of Germany, especially in gorges and ravines with high humidity and more or less constant temperatures

Schmitt U, Winkler S 1968
Systematische Untersuchungen über die foliose Lebermoosgattung Stephaniella
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 115: 129-135

Schmitt U, Winkler S 1969
Systematische Untersuchungen über dies foliose Lebermoosgattung Stephaniella Jack
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 115: 120-129

Schnittler, M. 2001
Foliicolous liverworts as a microhabitat for neotropical Myxomycetes
Nova Hedwigia 72: 259-270

Schnyder N 1995
Moos-Exkursion Klausenpass, 7. Sept. 1994
Meylania 7: 18-19

Schnyder N 1996
Ricciocarpos natans und Riccia rhenana an der Thur
Meylania 10: 7-8

Schnyder N 2003
Bryologischer Rückblick auf die Jahresversammlung 2002 in Quinten
Meylania 26: 8-18

Schnyder N 2003
Neufund von Sphaerocarpos texanus Aust. in der Schweiz
Meylania 26: 19-20

Schnyder N, Bergamini A, Hofmann H, Müller N, Schubiger-Bossard C, Urmi E 2004
Rote Liste der gefährdeten Moose der Schweiz
Bern: Hrsg. BUWAL, FUB & NISM. BUWAL-Reihe: Vollzug Umwelt 99 pp.

Schodde R, Kraenbuhl D 1957
Hindmarsh Falls Excursion
S. Australian Nat. 31: 39-43

Schoenmakers PLJ 1986
De mosflora van de Japanse tuin in Wassenaar
Lindbergia 11: 161-164

Schofield WB 1962
Treubia nana in North America
The Bryologist 65: 77-279

Schofield WB 1968
A checklist of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of British Columbia
Syesis 1: 159-162

Schofield WB 1968
Bryophytes of British Columbia. II. Hepatics of particular interest
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 265-282

Schofield WB 1969
Phytogeography of northwestern North America: Bryophytes and vascular plants
Madroño 20: 155-207

Schofield WB 1972
Bryology in arctic and boreal North America and Greenland
Canadian Journal of Botany 50: 1111-1133

Schofield WB 1988
Acrobolbus ciliatus (Mitt.) Schiffn. in Southeastern Alaska
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 90: 177-178

Schofield WB, Crum H 1972
Disjunctions in bryophytes
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 59: 174-202

Schofield WB, Godfrey GA 1979
Radula brunnea Steph. in western North America
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 285-288

Schofield, W. B. 1969
A checklist of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of British Columbia
Syesis 1: 157-162

Schofield, W. B. 1984
Bryogeography of the Pacific coast of North America
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 35-43

Schofield, W. B. 1993
The species concept as applied to bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 74: 23-27

Schofield, W. B. 2002
Field Guide to Liverwort Genera of Pacific North America
Global Forest Society and University of Washington Press, Banff, AL, Canada and Seattle, WA viii + 228 pp.
Illustrated by P. Drukker-Brammall and M. Pacheco

Schofield, W. B. 2004
Endemic genera of bryophytes of North America (north of Mexico)
Preslia 76: 255-277
20 moss genera and 3 hepatic genera reported

Schofield, W. B., Talbot, S. S. & Talbot, S. L. 2002
Bryophytes from Tuxedni Wilderness Area, Alaska
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 92: 91-123

Schofield, W. B., Talbot, S. S. & Talbot, S. L. 2004
Bryophytes from Simeonof Island in the Shumagin Islands, southwestern Alaska
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 155-198

Schornherst RO 1939
The development of gemmae in Metzgeria myriopoda
The Bryologist 42: 121-125

Schouten, M. 1998
The cost of management and rehabilitation of peatlands
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 31-42

Schrader HA 1797
Systematische Sammlung Cryptogamischer Gewächse, Fasc. 2
Göttingen pp. 91-174

Schrank FP 1781
Eien Centurie Botanischer Anmerkungen zu des Ritters von Linne Species Plantarum
Erfurt 64 pp.

Schrank FP 1789
Baiersche Flora, vol 2
München 670 pp.

Schrank, Franz Paula von 1792
Primitae Florae Salisburgensis cum Dissertatione Praevia de Discrimine Plantarum ab Animalibus
Frankfurt a. M. 240 pp.
Apr-May 1792

Schratt-Ehrendorfer, L. 1999
Geobotanisch-ökologische Untersuchungen zum Indikatorwert von Wasserpflanzen und ihren Gesellschaften in Donaualtwässern bei Wien
Stapfia 64: 23-161

Schreber JCD 1790
Amoenitates Academici seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae 10
Erlangen 172 pp.

Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von 1771
Spicilegium Florae Lipsicae
Lipsiae [Leipzig] 148 pp.
9 Jul-25 Oct 1771

Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von 1789-1791
Genera Plantarum Eorumque Characteres Naturales Secundum Numerum, Figuram, Situm, & Proportionem Omnium Fructificationis Partium
Edition 8[a]. Frankfurt am Main
Pp. i-xxxi, 1-379, Apr 1789; pp. 1-8, 381-872, May 1791; This volume counts as edition 8[a] of Linnaeus's Genera Plantarum (See TL2, 5: 331)

Schuette, S. & B. Crandall-Stotler 2002
[Abstract] Comparative morphology of the simple thalloid liverworts, Jensenia Lindb. and Pallavicinia Gray (Pallaviciniaceae)
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, suppl. 95: 78

Schuette, S. W. 2001
[Abstract] Morphology of the simple thalloid liverwort Jensenia Lindb. (Pallaviciniaceae). Botany 2001: Plants and People. Abstracts
Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM p. 11

Schuette, S. W. & R. E. Stotler 2004
[Abstract] The South American species of Jensenia
XV IAB World Congress. Abstract Book p. 61

Schuette, S. W. & Stotler, R. E. 2005
A conspectus of the liverwort genus Jensenia in Latin America
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 97: 299-308
New: Jensenia crassifrons (Stephani)

Schultze-Motel W 1968
Fossombronia pusilla im Elm bei Braunschweig
Herzogia 1: 71-72

Schultze-Motel W 1969
Eine Moosdammlung aus dem Tibesti-Gebirge (Nordafrika)
Willdenowia 5: 217-220

Schultze-Motel, W. 1982
Max Fleischers bryologische Sammlungen in Australien und Neuseeland
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 52: 161-162

Schultze-Motel, W. & Menzel, M. 1987
Die Lebermoosflora im BRYOTROP-Transekt von Peru
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 88: 61-104

Schulz, F., J. B. Winkler & L. Kappen 1998
Components of terrestrial vegetation, pattern and processes
In: C. Wiencke, G. Ferreyra, W. Arntz & C. Rinaldi, The Potter Cover coastal ecosystem, Antarctica. Berichte zur Polarforschung p. 299
Includes list of 6 hepatics and 27 mosses from King George Island

Schumacker R 1980
Une hépatique nouvelle pour la flore de Belgique: Jungermannia paroica (Schiffn.) Grolle à Membach-Béthane (prov. Liège)
Dumortiera 17: 18-31

Schumacker R, Bisang I, Geissler P, Lambinon J, Lecointe A, Vána J, De Hesselle JP 1988
Contributions à la bryoflore du massif Armoricain: 2 - Aphanolejeunea microscopica (Tayl.) Evans (Hepaticae), nouveau pour la France, à Huelgoat et à Saint-Herbot (Finistère)
Botanica Rhedonica, n.s. 1: 87-94

Schumacker R, De Zuttere P 1978
Inventaire et révision critique de l'herbier bryologique du chanoine Françoise Toussaint. 1. Les hépatiques
Bull. Cercle cult. M.-A. Libert, Malmédy

Schumacker R, De Zuttere P 1979
Mylia Taylorii (Hook.) Gray, esp,ce nouvelle pour la bryoflore de Belgique, sur le plateau des Hautes Fagnes (prov. de Liege, Belgique)
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 112: 71-78

Schumacker R, De Zuttere P 1981
Distribution en Belgique et dans les régions limitrophes de l'hepatique Nowellia curvifolia (Dicks.) Mitt.
Natura Mosana 33: 209-215

Schumacker R, De Zuttere P 1982
Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.)Howe (Hepaticae).Espece nouvelle pour la flore Belge a les Hayons, Frahan et Rochehaut (Province de Luxembourg, Belgique)
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 115: 23-26

Schumacker R, De Zuttere P, Delzenne C 1979
Douinia ovata (Dicks.) Buch, hépatique épiphyte sur Fagus sylvatica au Rurbusch à Elsenborn (Prov. de Lige, Belgique)
Dumortiera 12: 26-30

Schumacker R, De Zuttere P, Vána J 1986
Nardia insecta Lindb. (Hepaticae) in the Ardenne massive (Belgium). The genus Nardia S. Gray in Belgium
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 119: 121-134

Schumacker R, Duvigneaud J, Lambinon J, De Zuttere P 1977
La végétation pionnière des rives exondées de l'étang de Thommen (province de Liège, Belgique). Notes phytosociologiques et floristiques
Naturalistes belges 58: 286-294

Schumacker R, Lecointe A 1990
Contributions à la bryoflore du massif Armoricain: 5. Le genre Plagiochila (Dum.) Dum.(Hepaticae, Bryophyta)
Botanica Rhedonica, n.s. 2: 115-141

Schumacker R, Lecointe A, Pierrot RB, Vána J 1989
Contributions à la bryoflore du massif Armoricain: 2 - Lophocolea fragrans (Moris & De Not.) Gott. & al. (Hepaticae), nouveau pour les Côtes-du-Nord (France). Distribution et Écologie
Botanica Rhedonica, n.s. 1: 79-86

Schumacker R, Sapaly J 1997
Catalogue critique des hépatiques (Anthocerotophyta et Marchantiophyta) de l'Auvergne (Cantal de Puy-de-Dôme, France)
Documentales de la Station Scientifique des Haute-Fagners 25: 1-134

Schumacker R, Soldán Z 1997
New survey of the bryophyte flora of the Gran Paradiso National Pak and its immediate surroundings. Preliminary results
Ibex J. M. E. 0: 33-48

Schumacker R, Soldán Z, Aleffi M, Miserere L 1999
The bryophyte flora of the Gran Paradiso National Park (Aosta Valley and Piedmont, Italy) and its immediate surroundings: A synthesis
Lejeunia, n.s. 160: 1-107

Schumacker R, Soldán Z, Miserere L 1999
Haplomitrium hookeri (Sm.) Nees (Calobryales, Marchantiophyta), new for Italy in Valsoera (Gran Paradiso National Park, Piedmont)
Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Bollettino 16: 89-96

Schumacker R, Vána J 1999
Two new liverworts for Europe in Macaronesia: Odontoschisma prostratum (Sw.) Trevis. on the Azores and Jungermannia callithrix Lindenb. & Gottsche on the Azores and Madeira
Tropical Bryology 17: 115-127

Schumacker R, Vána J 2000
Identification keys to the liverworts and hornworts of Europe and Macaronesia
Documentales de la Station Scientifique des Haute-Fagners 31: 1-151

Schumacker R, Vána J 2005
Identification keys to the liverworts and hornworts of Europe and Macaronesia, 2nd ed.
Sorus Publishing, Poznan, Poland 211 pp.
Ed. 1 was published in 2000

Schumacker R, Werner J, Arts T, Sotiaux A, Stieperaere H 1995
Check list and status of the bryophytes of Belgium (Wallony and Flanders) and Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
: Ms

Schumacker, R. 2001
The hepatic flora of the Azores: brief historical outline, present knowledge, endemics and phytogeographical aspects
Belgian Journal of Botany 134: 51-63

Schumacker, R. & Gabriel, R. 2002
Gymnocolea inflata (Huds.) Dumort., on Terceira Island (Azores, Portugal)
Portugaliae Acta Biologica 20: 101-104

Schumacker, R., de Zuttere, P. & Werner, J. 1985
List of bryophytes de Belgique et du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Dumortiera, suppl. 31: 1-2

Schumann K, Lauterbach K 1900
Die Flora der deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee
Leipzig "1901" 613 pp.

Schüssler, A. 2000
Glomus claroideum forms an arbuscular mycorrhiza-like symbiosis with the hornwort Anthoceros punctatus
Mycorrhiza 10: 15-21

Schuster RM 1949
Notes on nearctic hepaticae. 1. Dianthelia steerei gen. et sp. n., a critical endemic of Appalachians, with notes to the relationships of the genus
The Bryologist 52: 101-109

Schuster RM 1949
The ecology and distribution of Hepaticae in central and western New York
American Midland Naturalist 42: 513-712

Schuster RM 1951
Notes on nearctic Hepaticae. 4. Scapania spitsbergensis and Scapania convexula in North America
The Bryologist 54: 162-180

Schuster RM 1951
Notes on nearctic Hepaticae. II. The Hepaticae in east coast of Hudson Bay
Bulletin of the National Museum of Canada 122: 1-62
~77 spp. Hornworts probably not included

Schuster RM 1951
Notes on Nearctic Hepaticae. III. A conspectus of the family Lophoziaceae, with a revision of the genera and subgenera
American Midland Naturalist 45: 1-117

Schuster RM 1952
Notes on nearctic hepaticae. V. The status of Lophozia gracillima Buch and its relation to Lophozia longidens, Lophozia porphyroleuca and Sphenolobus ascendens
The Bryologist 55: 173-185

Schuster RM 1953
Boreal Hepaticae. A manual of the liverworts of Minnesota and Adjacent Regions
American Midland Naturalist 49: 257-684

Schuster RM 1954
Notes on Nearctic Hepaticae. VIII. Lejeuneaceae Holostipae of North America
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 70: 42-56

Schuster RM 1955
North American Lejeuneaceae. I. Introduction; keys to subfamilies and genera
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 71: 106-126

Schuster RM 1955
North American Lejeuneaceae. II. Paradoxae: The genera Aphanolejeunea and Leptocolea
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 71: 126-148

Schuster RM 1955
North American Lejeuneaceae. III. Paradoxae: Cololejeunea, Sectio. Minutissimae
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 71: 218-247

Schuster RM 1955
Notes on Nearctic hepaticae. IX. The relationships of the genus Gyrothyra
The Bryologist 58: 137-141

Schuster RM 1956
North American Lejeuneaceae. V. Schizostipae: Ceratolejeunea
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 72: 292-316

Schuster RM 1956
Notes on American Lejeuneaceae. IV. Paradoxae: Cololejeunea (concl.), Diplasiolejeunea
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 72: 87-125

Schuster RM 1957
Boreal Hepaticae, a manual of the liverworts of Minnesota and adjacent regions. II. Ecology
American Midland Naturalist 57: 203-299

Schuster RM 1957
North American Lejeuneaceae VI. Lejeunea. Introduction and keys; subgenus Lejeunea
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 73: 122-197

Schuster RM 1957
North American Lejeuneaceae. VI. Lejeunea: subgenus Lejeunea (II, concluded)
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 73: 388-443

Schuster RM 1957
Notes on Nearctic Hepaticae. IX. A study of Plagiochila yokogurensis Steph.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 18: 14-26

Schuster RM 1957
Notes on nearctic Hepaticae. XII. Marsupella paroica n. sp.
The Bryologist 60: 145-151

Schuster RM 1958
Boreal Hepaticae. A manual of the liverworts of Minnesota and adjacent regions. III. Phytogeography
American Midland Naturalist 59: 257-332

Schuster RM 1958
Keys to orders, families and genera of Hepaticae of America north of Mexico
The Bryologist 61: 1-66

Schuster RM 1958
Notes on nearctic Hepaticae. VI. Phytogeographical relationships of critical species in Minnesota and adjacent regions of the Great Lakes
Rhodora 60: 209-234

Schuster RM 1958
Notes on nearctic Hepaticae. VI. Phytogeographical relationships of critical species in Minnesota and adjacent regions of the Great Lakes
Rhodora 60: 243-256

Schuster RM 1958
Notes on Nearctic Hepaticae. XIII: Tritomaria (Lophoziaceae) in Arctic
Canadian Journal of Botany 36: 269-288

Schuster RM 1958
Notes on Nearctic Hepaticae. XIV. The Chonecoleaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 20: 1-16

Schuster RM 1958
Notes on Nearctic Hepaticae. XV. Herberta
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 26: 123-145

Schuster RM 1959
A monograph of the Nearctic Plagiochilaceae. Part. I. Introduction and sectio I. Asplenioides
American Midland Naturalist 62: 1-166

Schuster RM 1959
A monograph of the Nearctic Plagiochilaceae. Part. II. Sectio Zonatae through Sectio Parallelae
American Midland Naturalist 62: 257-395

Schuster RM 1959
Epiphyllous Hepaticae in the southern Appalachians
The Bryologist 62: 52-55

Schuster RM 1959
Evolution in Ptilidiinae
Proceedings of the IX International Botanical Congress. Montréal 2: 350

Schuster RM 1960
A monograph of the Nearctic Plagiochilaceae. Part. III. Sectio Contiguae to Conclusion
American Midland Naturalist 63: 1-130

Schuster RM 1960
Studies on Hepaticae. I. Temnoma
The Bryologist 62: 233-242

Schuster RM 1961
Notes on nearctic Hepaticae, XVIII. New Lophoziaceae from the arctic archipelago of Canada
Canadian Journal of Botany 39: 965-992

Schuster RM 1961
Notes on Nearctic Hepaticae. XIX. The relationships of Blepharostoma, Temnoma and Lepicolea, with description of Lophochaete and Chandonanthus subg. Tetralophozia, subg. n.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 23: 192-210

Schuster RM 1961
Studies in Lophoziaceae. 1. The genera Anastrophyllum and Sphenolobus and their segregates
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 30: 55-73

Schuster RM 1961
Studies on Hepaticae. II. The new family Chaetophylliopsidaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 23: 68-76

Schuster RM 1961
Studies on Hepaticae. III.-VI
The Bryologist 64: 198-208

Schuster RM 1961
The genera Thysananthus, Ptychocoleus, Tuzibeanthus, Phragmilejeunea, and Brachiolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae Holostipae)
The Bryologist 64: 156-167

Schuster RM 1962
A study of Cephaloziopsis with special reference to C. pearsonii and its distribution
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 230-246

Schuster RM 1962
North American Lejeuneaceae. VIII. Lejeunea subgenera Microlejeunea and Chaetolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 25: 1-80

Schuster RM 1962
Notes on American Lejeuneaceae. VII. Lejeunea (Lejeunea) blomquistii sp. nov.
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 78: 64-68

Schuster RM 1963
An annotated synopsis of the genera and subgenera of Lejeunaceae. I. Introduction; annotated keys to subfamilies and genera
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 9: 1-203

Schuster RM 1963
Studies on antipodal Hepaticae. I. Annotated key to the genera of antipodal Hepaticae with special reference to New Zealand and Tasmania
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 26: 185-309

Schuster RM 1963
Studies on Hepaticae XI-XIII. On Temnoma, Vetaforma and Lophochaete (Blepharostomaceae; Hepaticae)
Nova Hedwigia 5: 27-46

Schuster RM 1964
Studies on antipodal Hepaticae VI. The suborder Perssonellinae: morphology, anatomy and possible evolution
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 91: 479-490

Schuster RM 1964
Studies on antipodal Hepaticae. IV. Metzgeriales
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 27: 183-216

Schuster RM 1964
Studies on antipodal Hepaticae. XXI. Cephaloziaceae with particular reference to Metahygrobiella Schust. and Cephalozia Dumort.
Nova Hedwigia 8: 211-223

Schuster RM 1964
Studies on Hepaticae XIX-XX. Cephaloziopsis (Spr.) Schiffn. and Andrewsianthus Schust.
Nova Hedwigia 8: 201-209

Schuster RM 1964
Studies on Hepaticae, XIV. The genus Austrolophozia Schust.
The Bryologist 67: 179-186

Schuster RM 1964
Studies on Hepaticae. XVII. Trichotemnoma Schust., gen. n.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 27: 149-158

Schuster RM 1964
Studies on Hepaticae. XXII-XXV. Pleurocladopsis Schust., gen. n., Eoisotachis Schust., gen. n., Grollea Schust., gen. n., with critical notes on Anthelia Dumort.
Nova Hedwigia 8: 275-296

Schuster RM 1965
A note on Lejeunea capensis
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 831

Schuster RM 1965
North American Lejeuneaceae. IX. Taxilejeunea
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 81: 32-50

Schuster RM 1965
Studies on antipodal Hepaticae, VII. Goebeliellaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 28: 129-138

Schuster RM 1965
Studies on antipodal Hepaticae. II. Archeophylla Schuster and Archeochaete Schuster, new genera of Blepharostomataceae
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 801-817

Schuster RM 1965
Studies on Hepaticae XVI. The morphology and systematic position of the suborder Pleuroziinae
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 794-800

Schuster RM 1965
Studies on Hepaticae. XXVI. The Bonneria-Paracromastigum-Pseudocephalozia-Hyalolepidozia-Zoopsis-Pteropsidella complex and its allies - a phylogenetic study. Part 1.
Nova Hedwigia 10: 19-61

Schuster RM 1965
Studies on Hepaticae. XXVII. Xenocephalozia Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 28: 139-145

Schuster RM 1966
A memoir on the family Blepharostomataceae, I
Candollea 21: 59-136

Schuster RM 1966
Studies in Lophoziaceae. 1. The genera Anastrophyllum and Sphenolobus and their segregates. 2. Cephalobus gen. n., Acrolophozia gen. n. and Protomarsupella gen. n.
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34: 241-287

Schuster RM 1966
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. I
New York: Columbia University Press 802 pp.

Schuster RM 1967
A memoir on the family Blepharostomataceae, II
Candollea 21: 241-355

Schuster RM 1967
A note on the genus Gymnocolea Dum.
The Bryologist 70: 111-112

Schuster RM 1967
North American Lejeuneaceae. X. Harpalejeunea, Drepanolejeunea, and Leptolejeunea
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 83: 192-229

Schuster RM 1967
On Adelanthus Mitten: a case of the International Rules versus the International Rules
Nova Hedwigia 12: 353-366

Schuster RM 1967
Studies on Antipodal Hepaticae. IX. Phyllothalliaceae
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 283-288

Schuster RM 1967
Studies on Hepaticae XXVIII. On Phycolepidozia, a new, highly reduced genus of Jungermanniales of questionable affinity
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 93: 437-449

Schuster RM 1967
Studies on Hepaticae, VII-X. On Adelanthus Mitten and Calyptrocolea Schuster, gen. n.
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34: 676-703

Schuster RM 1967
Studies on Hepaticae. XV. Calobryales
Nova Hedwigia 13: 1-76

Schuster RM 1968
Studies on Antipodal Hepaticae X. Subantarctic Scapaniaceae, Balantiopsidaceae and Schistochilaceae
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, n.s. 11: 13-31

Schuster RM 1968
Studies on Hepaticae. XLV. On Iwatsukia Kiagawa
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, n.s. 11: 309-317

Schuster RM 1968
Studies on the Hepaticae, XXIX-XLIV. A miscellany of new taxa and new range extensions
Nova Hedwigia 15: 437-529

Schuster RM 1969
Anomomarsupella, a new genus of Gymnomitriaceae from Greenland
Nova Hedwigia 17: 75-82

Schuster RM 1969
Problems of the antipodal distribution in lower land plants
Taxon 18: 46-91

Schuster RM 1969
Results of bryological field work in the Antarctic Peninsula, Austral Summer. 1968-1969
Antarctic J. U.S. 4: 103-104

Schuster RM 1969
Studies on Hepaticae XLVI-XLVII. On Alobiella (Spr.) Schiffn. and Alobiellopsis Schust.
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, n.s. 12: 659-683

Schuster RM 1969
Studies on Hepaticae. XLVIII. On Anomocaulis Schust.
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 797-799

Schuster RM 1969
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. II
New York: Columbia University Press 1062 pp.

Schuster RM 1970
Diagnosis of new taxa of Hepaticae, I. Jungermanniidae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 33: 143-150

Schuster RM 1970
Studies on Antipodal Hepaticae, III. Jubulopsis Schuster, Neohattoria Kamimura and Amphijubula Schuster
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 33: 266-304

Schuster RM 1970
Studies on Hepaticae. XVIII. The family Jungermanniaceae, s. lat.: a reclassification
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 6: 86-107

Schuster RM 1971
Studies of Antipodal Schistochilaceae and Scapaniaceae
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Series B, Botany 14: 609-660

Schuster RM 1971
Studies on Hepaticae, XLIX-LIII. New Lejeuneaceae from Dominica and Jamaica
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 97: 336-352

Schuster RM 1971
The ecology and distribution of Hepaticae in a mahogny hammock in tropical Florida
Castanea 36: 90-111

Schuster RM 1971
Two new Antipodal species of Haplomitrium (Calobryales)
The Bryologist 74: 131-143

Schuster RM 1972
Evolving taxonomic concepts in the Hepaticae, with special reference to circum-Pacific taxa
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 35: 169-201

Schuster RM 1972
On the genus Pleurocladopsis Schust. (Schistochilaceae)
The Bryologist 74: 493-495

Schuster RM 1972
Studies on Cephaloziellaceae
Nova Hedwigia 22: 121-265

Schuster RM 1972
Studies on Cephaloziellaceae. II. Cylindrocolea madagascariensis
Nova Hedwigia 22: 266-266

Schuster RM 1973
A note on Scapania perssonii Schust.
The Bryologist 76: 572-573

Schuster RM 1973
Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies in Jungermanniidae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 321-405

Schuster RM 1974
Studies on Antipodal Hepaticae XI. The Chaetophyllopsidaceae: their taxonomy, phylogeny and phytogeographic affinities
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, n.s. 17: 163-180

Schuster RM 1974
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. III
New York: Columbia University Press 880 pp.

Schuster RM 1977
The evolution and early diversification of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
In: Frey W, Hurka H, Oxberwinkler F (eds.), Beiträge sur Biologie der niederen Pflanzen. Stuttgart, Jena, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag pp. 107-115

Schuster RM 1978
Studies on Venezuelan Hepaticae. I
Phytologia 39: 239-251

Schuster RM 1979
On the persistence and dispersal of transantarctic Hepaticae
Canadian Journal of Botany 57: 2179-2225

Schuster RM 1980
New combinations and taxa of Hepaticae I
Phytologia 45: 415-437

Schuster RM 1980
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. IV
New York: Columbia University Press 133 pp.

Schuster RM 1980
The phylogeny of the Hepaticae
In: Clarke GCS, Duckett JG (eds.), Bryophyte Systematics. London & New York: Academic Press pp. 41-82

Schuster RM 1981
Austral Hepaticae, VIII. Tuyamaelloideae
Phytologia 47: 301-308

Schuster RM 1981
Phylogenetic studies on Jungermanniidae II. Radulinae (Part I)
Nova Hedwigia 32: 637-693

Schuster RM 1981
Studies on Hepaticae. LIX. Anastrepta (Lindb.) Schiffn. and Nothostrepta Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 50: 83-94

Schuster RM 1982
Exogenous branching and its phylogenetic significance in Calobryales and Jungermanniales
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 51: 1-50

Schuster RM 1982
Generic and familial endemism in the hepatic flora of Gondwanaland: origins and causes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 52: 3-35

Schuster RM 1982
Studies on Hepaticae, LIX. On Sandeothallus Schust., gen. n. and the classification of the Metzgeriales
Nova Hedwigia 36: 1-16

Schuster RM 1983
Reproductive biology, dispersal mechnisms, and distribution patterns in Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
In: Kubitzki K (ed.), Dispersal and ditribution. Hamburg and BerlIn: Paul Parey pp. 119-162

Schuster RM 1984
Comparative anatomy and morphology of the Hepaticae
In: Schuster RM (ed.), New Manual of Bryology, vol. 2. Nichinan: Hattori Botanical Laboratory pp. 760-891

Schuster RM 1984
Diagnoses of some new taxa of Hepaticae
Phytologia 56: 65-74

Schuster RM 1984
Morphology, phylogeny and classification of the Anthocerotae
In: Schuster RM (ed.), New Manual of Bryology, vol. 2. Nichinan: Hattori Botanical Laboratory pp. 1071-1092

Schuster RM 1984
New Manual of Bryology, vol. 1
Nichinan: Hattori Botanical Laboratory [1983] 626 pp.

Schuster RM 1984
New Manual of Bryology, vol. 2
Nichinan: Hattori Botanical Laboratory pp. 627-1295

Schuster RM 1984
Phytogeography of the Bryophyta
In: Schuster RM (ed.), New Manual of Bryology, vol. 2. Nichinan: Hattori Botanical Laboratory pp. 463-626

Schuster RM 1985
Austral Hepaticae. XIX. Some taxa new to New Zealand and New Caledonia
Phytologia 56: 449-464

Schuster RM 1985
Studies in Porellineae: New taxa of Jubulaceae
Phytologia 57: 369-373

Schuster RM 1986
Gymnocolea borealis (Frisvoll & Moen) Schust [Lophozia (Leiocolea) borealis Frisvoll & Moen] in North America
Lindbergia 12: 5-8

Schuster RM 1986
On the status of Cephalozia macrantha Kaal. & Nichols. and C. patagonica Fulford
Lindbergia 12: 1-4

Schuster RM 1986
Studies on Venezuelan Hepaticae III. Families Blepharostomataceae and Balantiopsidaceae
Nova Hedwigia 42: 49-79

Schuster RM 1987
On Aureolejeunea Schust. and Brachiolejeunea paramicola Herzog
Phytologia 61: 445-447

Schuster RM 1987
Preliminary studies on Anthocerotae
Phytologia 63: 193-201

Schuster RM 1987
Studies on Metzgeriales: I. North American Aneuraceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 62: 299-329

Schuster RM 1987
Venezuelan Hepaticae. IV. Amphilejeunea Schust. and Aureolejeunea Schust
Nova Hedwigia 44: 1-23

Schuster RM 1988
Ecology, reproductive biology and dispersal of Hepaticae in the tropics
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 237-269

Schuster RM 1988
The Hepaticae of South Greenland
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 92: 1-254
~135 spp. Hornworts not included

Schuster RM 1989
Studies on the hepatic flora of the Prince Edward Islands. I. Aneureaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 67: 59-108

Schuster RM 1990
Origins of neotropical leafy Hepaticae
Tropical Bryology 2: 239-264

Schuster RM 1991
On neotenic species of Radula
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 51-62

Schuster RM 1992
On Megaceros aenigmaticus Schust.
The Bryologist 95: 305-315

Schuster RM 1992
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. V
New York: Columbia University Press 854 pp.

Schuster RM 1992
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. VI
New York: Columbia University Press 937 pp.

Schuster RM 1992
The oil-bodies of the Hepaticae. I. Introduction
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 72: 151-162

Schuster RM 1992
The oil-bodies of the Hepaticae. II. Lejeuneaceae (part 2)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 72: 163-359

Schuster RM 1993
Studies on Hepaticae, LXII-LXIV. Lepidoziaceae subf. Zoopsidoideae (1)
Nova Hedwigia 56: 35-59

Schuster RM 1994
Studies on Lejeuneaceae. I. Preliminary studies on new genera of Lejeuneaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 75: 211-235

Schuster RM 1994
Studies on Metzgeriales. III. The classification of the Fossombroniaceae and on Austrofossombronia Schust., gen. n.
Hikobia 11: 407-414
Possibly Hikobia 11: 439-449

Schuster RM 1995
Notes on Nearctic Hepaticae, XVII. Lophozia decolorans, New to North America and the subgenus Isopaches
The Bryologist 98: 246-250

Schuster RM 1995
Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of Jungermanniidae, III. Calypogeiaceae
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 40: 825-888

Schuster RM 1995
The hepaticae of Prince Edward Islands. II. On Gymnocoleopsis (Schust.) Schust., Lophozia cylindriformis (Mitt.) Steph. and the subgeneric classification of the genus Lophozia Dumort.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 78: 119-135

Schuster RM 1996
On Jubulopsis Schust. (Jungeranniales: Jubulopsidaceae fam. nov.) and its relationships
Journal of Bryology 19: 297-310

Schuster RM 1996
On Olgantha Schust., gen. n. Isophylly and evolution of Jungermanniales
Nova Hedwigia 63: 529-543

Schuster RM 1996
Studies on Antipodal Hepaticae. XII. Gymnomitriaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 80: 1-147

Schuster RM 1996
Studies on Cephaloziellaceae. IV. On New Zealand taxa
Nova Hedwigia 63: 1-61

Schuster RM 1997
On a new, microphyllous New Caledonean Acromastigum (Lepidoziaceae)
Nova Hedwigia 64: 613-620

Schuster RM 1997
On Anastrophyllum stellatum Schust. (Jungermanniaceae, Lophozioideae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 83: 229-235

Schuster RM 1997
On Bragginsella, a new genus of Jungermanniales from New Zealand
The Bryologist 100: 362-367

Schuster RM 1997
On Campanocolea Schust. and asexual reproduction in the Geocalycaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 82: 253-259

Schuster RM 1998
On the genus Scaphophyllum (Jungermanniaceae)
The Bryologist 101: 428-434

Schuster RM 1999
Harpalejeunea (Spr.) Schiffn. I. Studies on a new Andean species of Harpalejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 87: 287-294
New: Harpalejeunea grandistipula sp. nov., Prionolejeunea pellucida (Herzog) comb. nov

Schuster RM 1999
Studies on Hepaticae. LXVII-LXVIII. Lepidoziaceae subfamily Zoopsidoideae (4): Monodactylopsis and Pteropsiella
Nova Hedwigia 69: 517-540
New: Monodactylopsis monodactyla

Schuster RM 1999
Studies on Jungermanniidae. IV. On Scapaniaceae, Blepharidophyllaceae and Delavayellaceae
Journal of Bryology 21: 123-132
Includes Blepharidophyllaceae (R. M. Schuster) n.comb

Schuster RM 1999
Verdoornia and the phylogeny of the Metzgeriales
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 86: 71-87

Schuster RM 2000
Austral Hepaticae. Part 1
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 118: 1-524
New: Trichocolea filicaulis var. bifida, Lepidozia subgen. Mastigolepidozia, Lepidozia sect. Setigerae, Lepidozia sect. Pendulinae, Lepidozia sect. Kirkiorum, Lepidozia sect. Austrolepidozia, Kurzia sect. Helophilae, Kurzia subgen. Austrolepidozia (R. M. Schuster), Paracromastigum tristanianum (R. M. Schuster), Paracromastigum tasmanicum (Stephani), Arachniopsis tenuifolia nom. inval., herb. not cited, Micropterygium paramoense nom. inval., herb. not cited, Mnioloma boliviana (Fulford), Mnioloma venezuelanum (Fulford), Mnioloma venezuelanum var. collenchymaticum nom. inval., lacking Latin diagnosis, Isophyllaria fuegiana (Hässel de Menéndez) comb. nov., Telaranea trifida (Stephani) comb. nov., Kurzia herzogiana (Stephani in Herzog) comb. nov., Kurzia tenax var. pellucida var. nov. and nom. inval., Kurzia helophila var. flaccida var. nov. and nom. inval., Micropterygium subgen. Pseudolembidium subgen. nov., Calypogeia subgen. Carocoma, Calypogeia sect. Marginatae sect. nov., Arachniopsis sect. Tenuifoliae sect. nov., Telaranea trilobata nom. nud., Telaranea herzogii var. nana nom. inval., Arachniopsis anomala nom. nud., Arachniopsis pecten var. confervoides var. nov., Arachniopsis caduciloba nom. inval., Arachniopsis borinquena nom. nud., Arachniopsis sejuncta (Ångström) comb. nov.

Schuster RM 2001
On Amphilophocolea Schust. and Cyanolophocolea (Schust.) Schust., a new genera of Lophocoleoideae (Geocalycaceae)
Nova Hedwigia 72: 91-104
New: Amphilophocolea, Amphilophocolea sciaphila, Cyanolophocolea (R. M. Schuster), Cyanolophocolea echinella (Lindenberg & Gottsche in Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees)

Schuster RM 2001
Studies on Lejeuneaceae. IV. On the circumscription and subdivision of the subfamily Lejeunoideae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 91: 137-172

Schuster RM 2002
Austral Hepaticae. Part II
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 119: 1-606
New: Cephalozia chilensis (J. J. Engel & R. M. Schuster) nom. nov., Metahygrobiella subgen. Apohygrobiella nom. nud., Trabacelluoideae subfam. (Fulford in Steyermark) stat. nov., Cephaloziella sect. Stoloniferae sect. nov., Cephaloziella rufobrunnea sp. nov., Adelanthus aureocinctus (R. M. Schuster) comb. nov., Calyptrocolea squarrosa (Grolle) comb. nov., Calyptrocolea pittieri (Stephani) comb. nov., Calyptrocolea aureomarginata (R. M. Schuster) comb. nov., Calyptrocolea tenuis (J. J. Engel & Grolle) comb. nov., Lophozia subalpina (R. M. Schuster) comb. nov., Anastrophyllum intermedium sp. nov., Anastrophyllum sect. Anastrophyllopsis sect. nov., Anastrophyllum hypnocladopsis sp. nov., Anastrophyllum sect. Hypocladopsis sect. nov., Anastrophyllum paramicola sp. nov., Andrewsianthus subgen. Pseudotritomaria subgen. nov., Andrewsianthus subgen. Cephalolobus (R. M. Schuster) comb. nov., Andrewsianthus cuspidatus sp. nov., Andrewsianthus perigonialis (W. J. Hooker & Taylor) comb. nov., Nardia subgen. Eonardia subgen. nov., Nardia subgen. Aponardia subgen. nov., Solenostoma orbiculata (Colenso) comb. nov., Solenostoma novazelandiae sp. nov., Solenostoma cryptogynum sp. nov., Solenostoma lignuifolium (Gottsche) comb. nov., Solenostoma mildbraedii (Stephani in Mildbraed) comb. nov., Cryptostipula sp. nov., Cryptostipula inundata sp. nov., Syzygielloideae subfam. subfam. nov., Marsupella subgen. Amphimarsupella subgen. nov., Marsupella andicola sp. nov., Apomarsupella rubida (Mitten) comb. nov., Stephaniellaceae fam. (R. M. Schuster) comb. nov., Invisocaulis nom. inval., Invisocaulis laxifolius nom. inval., Solenostoma cryptogynum nom. inval.

Schuster RM 2002
Revisionary studies of the Chandonanthoideae (Jungermanniales, Jungermanniaceae)
Nova Hedwigia 74: 465-496
New: Tetralophozia pilifera (Stephani), Plicanthus, Plicanthus giganteus (Stephani), Plicanthus sect. Hirtelli (R. M. Schuster), Plicanthus hirtellus (Weber), Plicanthus hamatus (Stephani), Plicanthus birmensis (Stephani) comb. inval.

Schuster RM 2006
Studies on Lejeuneaceae. V. Leucolejeunea and allies
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: 361-406
New: Leucolejeunea subg. Neoleucolejeunea subg. nov., Leucolejeunea subg. Pseudoleucolejeunea subg. nov., Leucolejeunea subg. Omphalanthopsis (R. M. Schuster) comb. nov, Omphalanthus subg. Peltolejeunea (Spruce) comb. nov., Omphalanthus subg. Evansiolejeunea (Vanden Berghen) comb. nov.

Schuster RM, Damsholt K 1973
Lophozia (Orthocaulis) hyperborea (Schust.) Schust. in southwest Greenland
Lindbergia 1: 166-168

Schuster RM, Damsholt K 1974
The hepaticae of West Greenland from ca. 66° N to 72° N
Meddelelser om Grønland 199(1): 1-373

Schuster RM, Damsholt K 1987
Some new taxa of Jungermanniales
Phytologia 63: 325-328

Schuster RM, Engel JJ 1973
Austral Hepaticae II. Evansianthus, a new genus of Geocalycaceae
The Bryologist 76: 516-520

Schuster RM, Engel JJ 1975
Austral Hepaticae, IV. Notes on Lophozia subgenus Protolophozia Schust., with diagnosis of a new South American species
Journal of Bryology 8: 465-474

Schuster RM, Engel JJ 1975
Austral Hepaticae, V. Studies on Schistochilaceae
Phytologia 30: 241-250

Schuster RM, Engel JJ 1977
Austral Hepaticae. V. The Schistochilaceae of South America
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 42: 273-423

Schuster RM, Engel JJ 1981
Austral Hepaticae. XIII. Two new genera of Geocalycaceae (Lophocoleaceae)
Phytologia 47: 309-312

Schuster RM, Engel JJ 1982
Austral Hepaticae. XVI. Gondwanalandic Leptoscyphoideae (Geocalycaceae)
Lindbergia 8: 65-74

Schuster RM, Engel JJ 1982
Austral Hepaticae. XVII. Pachyschistochila Schust. et Engel, gen. nov.
Phytologia 50: 177-180

Schuster RM, Engel JJ 1987
A monograph of Lepidoziaceae subfam. Lembidioideae (Hepaticae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 63: 247-350

Schuster RM, Hattori S 1954
The oil bodies of the Hepaticae. II. The Lejeuneaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 11: 11-86

Schuster RM, Inoue H 1974
Cololejeunea subgen. Chlorolejeunea Benedix in Japan
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, n.s. 17: 233-238

Schuster RM, Inoue H 1975
Studies on Pallaviciniaceae and Allisoniaceae (Metzgeriales) in Japan. 1. Introduction and genus Hattorianthus, gen. nov.
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Series B, Botany 1: 101-107

Schuster RM, Konstantinova NA 1995
Studies on Treubiales, I. On Apotreubia Hatt. et al. and A. hortonae Schust. & Konstantinova, sp. n.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 78: 41-61

Schuster RM, Konstantinova NA 1996
Studies on the distribution of critical arctic/subarctic Hepaticae with special reference to taxa found in Russia
Lindbergia 21: 26-48

Schuster RM, Mårtensson O 1978
The genus Cryptocolea (Jungermanniales) new to Europe
Lindbergia 4: 203-205

Schuster RM, Patterson PM 1957
Noteworthy Hepaticae from Virginia
Rhodora 59: 251-259

Schuster RM, Scott GAM 1969
A study of the family Treubiaceae (Hepaticae; Metzgeriales)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 32: 219-268

Schuster RM, Steere WC 1958
Hygrolejeunea alaskana sp. n., a critical endemic of northern Alaska
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 85: 188-196

Schuster RM, Steere WC, Thomson JW 1959
The terrestrial cryptogams of northern Ellesmere Island
Bulletin of the National Museum of Canada 164: 1-132

Schuster, R. M. 1966-1992
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. I-IV
New York: Columbia Univ. Press & Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History

Schuster, R. M. 1977
Boreal Hepaticae
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 11

Schuster, R. M. 1978
Studies on Venezuelan Hepaticae. II
Phytologia 39: 425-432
Diplasiolejeunea papilionacea Schust. sp. nov.

Schuster, R. M. 1980
Studies on Hepaticae. LIV-LVIII. Kurzia Mart. [Microlepidozia (Spr.) Joerg.], Megalembidium Schust., Psiloclada Mitt., Drucella Hodgs. and Isolembidium Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 48: 337-421

Schuster, R. M. 1981
Evolution and speciation in Pellia, with special reference to the Pellia megaspora-endiviifolia complex (Metzgeriales). I. Taxonomy and distribution
Journal of Bryology 11: 411-432

Schuster, R. M. 1981
Paleoecolgy, origin, distribution through time, and evolution of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
In: Niklas, K. J. (ed.), Paleobotany, Paleoecology and Evolution. Praeger, New York. pp. 129-191

Schuster, R. M. 1983
Notes on nearctic Hepaticae. XVI. New taxa of Frullania from eastern North America
Phytologia 53: 364-366

Schuster, R. M. 1983
Phytogeography of the Bryophytes
In: Schuster, R. M. (ed.), New Manual of Bryology. Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan 1: 463-626

Schuster, R. M. 1984
Evolution, phylogeny and classification of the Hepaticae
In: Schuster RM (ed.), New Manual of Bryology, vol. 2. Nichinan: Hattori Botanical Laboratory pp. 892-1070

Schuster, R. M. 1985
Some new taxa of Hepaticae
Phytologia 57: 408-414

Schuster, R. M. 1987
Phylogenetic studies on Jungermanniidae. II. Mastigophoraceae and Chaetophyllopsidaceae
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 45: 733-748

Schuster, R. M. 1991
Diagnoses of new taxa of Hepaticae. I. Jungermanniidae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 143-150

Schuster, R. M. 1992
Studies on Marchantiales. I-III
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 71: 267-287

Schuster, R. M. 1993
On Cephalozia pachycaulis sp. nov. and the perimeters of Cephalozia
The Bryologist 96: 619-625

Schuster, R. M. 1995
Notes on nearctic Hepaticae. XX. On Schofieldia and evolution in the Cephalozioideae
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 40(1): 39-46

Schuster, R. M. 1995
On a new species of Gymnomitrion, G. mucrophorum Schust., sp. n.
The Bryologist 98: 242-245

Schuster, R. M. 1995
Studies on Cephaloziellaceae. III. On Cephalomitrion Schust., gen. n.
Nova Hedwigia 61: 547-559

Schuster, R. M. 1996
Studies on Lejeuneaceae. II. Neotropical taxa of Drepanolejeunea (Spr.) Schiffn.
Nova Hedwigia 62: 1-46

Schuster, R. M. 1998
On Lejeunea (Papillolejeunea) pocsii Schust., sp. n. of New Zealand
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 85: 83-87

Schuster, R. M. 1998
Venezuelan Hepaticae. VII. Leptoscyphopsis Schust., a genus seemingly intermediate between Geocalycaceae and Plagiochilaceae (Jungerman-niales)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 85: 89-94

Schuster, R. M. 1999
Studies on Hepaticae. LXV. Lepidoziaceae subfamily Zoopsidoideae (2): Zoopsis
Nova Hedwigia 68: 1-63
Includes Z. macrophylla sp. nov. and Z. argentea var. flagelliforme (Colenso) comb. nov. New: Zoopsis macrophylla, Zoopsis argentea var. flagelliformis (Colenso), Zoopsisma nom. inval, Zoopsisma crophylla nom. inval.

Schuster, R. M. 1999
Studies on Hepaticae. LXVI. Lepidoziaceae subfamily Zoopsidoideae (3): Zoopsidella
Nova Hedwigia 69: 101-149
New: Zoopsidella sect. Dichotomae, Zoopsidella antillana (Stephani), Zoopsidella antillana subsp. jamaicensis, Zoopsidella richardsiana nomen. invalid (Art. 37.5)

Schuster, R. M. 2000
On the genus Rhodoplagiochila Schust. (Plagiochilaceae)
Nova Hedwigia 71: 395-403

Schuster, R. M. 2000
Studies on Lejeuneaceae. II. Rectolejeunea Evs. emend. Schust. (Lejeuneoideae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 89: 113-150
New: Rectolejeunea duncaniae (Sim) comb. nov., Rectolejeunea subacuta (Mitten) comb. nov., Lejeunea sect. Caespitosae sect. nov., Rectolejeunea subgen. Invisolejeunea subgen. nov., Rectolejeunea subgen. Notholejeunea subgen. nov., Rectolejeunea flagelliformis subsp. hamata subsp. nov., Rectolejeunea monoica sp. nov., Rectolejeunea denudata sp. nov., Rectolejeunea colombiana sp. nov., Rectolejeunea pachyderma sp. nov., Ceratolejeunea jureiaca sp. nov

Schuster, R. M. 2000
Studies on Lejeuneaceae. III. Revisionary studies on Stenolejeunea Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 89: 151-171
New: Stenolejeunea acuminata sp. nov., Stenolejeunea fissistipula sp. nov

Schuster, R. M. 2001
Revisionary studies on Austral Acrobolbaceae, I
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 90: 97-166
New: Acrobolbus spinifolius, Acrobolbus antillanus, Acrobolbus diversifolius, Acrobolbus caducifolius

Schuster, R. M. 2001
Studies on Hepaticae. LXI. Trichocoleaceae
Nova Hedwigia 73: 461-486
New: Leiomitra hirticaulis, Leiomitra subgen. Brachygyna

Schuster, R. M. & C. Giancotti 1993
On Vitalianthus Schust. & Giancotti, a new genus of Lejeuneaceae
Nova Hedwigia 57: 445-456

Schuster, R. M. & Engel, J. J. 1974
A monograph of the genus Pseudocephalozia (Hepaticae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 38: 665-701

Schuster, R. M. & Engel, J. J. 1985
Austral Hepaticae. V(2). Temperate and subantarctic Schistochilaceae of Australasia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 58: 255-539
This paper accepts Paraschistochila; we accept Gottschea instead, see Grolle & Zijlstra 1984

Schuster, R. M. & Engel, J. J. 1997
Austral Hepaticae. XXIV. A revision of Isotachis Mitt. (Balantiopsaceae: Isotachidoideae) in New Zealand
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 83: 187-227

Schuster, R. M. & J. A. Janssens 1989
On Diettertia, an isolated Mesozoic member of the Jungermanniales
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 57: 277-287

Schuster, R. M. & J. J. Engel 1987
Austral Hepaticae. XX. New species of Hygrolembidium (Lepidoziaceae)
Phytologia 62: 9-12

Schuster, R. M. & J. J. Engel 1996
Austral Hepaticae. XXI. Paracromastigum fiordlandiae (sp. nov.) and the delimitation of Paracromastigum and Hyalolepidozia (Lepidoziaceae)
Brittonia 48: 165-173

Schuster, R. M. & Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 1995
On Pluvianthus (Lejeuneaceae: Lejeuneoideae)
Nova Hedwigia 60(1-2): 59-72

Schuster, R. M. (ed.) 1983
New Manual of Bryology
Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan

Schuster, R. M., W. B. Schofield 1982
On Dendrobazzania, a new genus of Lepidoziaceae (Jungermanniales)
The Bryologist 85: 231-238

Schuster, R.M. 1991
Studies on the Venezuelan Hepaticae. V
Nova Hedwigia 53: 331-339

Schwab G, Schäfer-Verwimp A, Lübenau-Nestle R, Vervimp I 1986
Beitrag zur kenntnis der Moosflora der Kanarieninseln La Gomera
Bryologische Beiträge 6: 1-31

Schwägrichen CF 1814
Historiae Muscorum Hepaticarum, Prodromus. Commentatio qua hortum botanicum Lipsiensem feliciter instrauratum
Leipzig 39 pp.

Schweinfurth G 1867
Beitrag zur Flora Aethiopiens, Erste abtheilung
Berlin "1866" 131 pp.

Schweinitz LD 1821
Species Florae Americae Septentrionalis Cryptogamicae
Releigh: J. Gales 27 pp.

Schweinitz LD 1822
On two remarkable hepatic mosses found in Noth Carolina
Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2: 361-370

Schweinitz LD 1822
On two remarkeable hepatic mosses found in North Carolina
Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1: 361-370

Scopoli JA 1772
Flora carniolica exhibens plantas Carnioliae indigenas et distributas in classes, genera, species, varietates, ordine linnaeano. Editio secunda aucta et reformata
Vienna 492 pp.

Scott EB 1960
A monograph of the genus Lepicolea (Hepaticae)
Nova Hedwigia 2: 129-172

Scott EB, Miller HA 1959
Notes on Hawaiian Hepaticae IV. Herberta herpocladioides sp. nov.
The Bryologist 62: 119-119

Scott GAM 1969
The New Zealand species of Zoopsis (Hepaticae)
Records of the Dominion Museum 6: 159-174

Scott GAM 1985
Southern Australian Liverworts
Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service 216 pp.

Scott GAM, Beckmann K 1987
The biology of Lethocolea squamata
Symposia Biologica Hungarica 35: 209-214

Scott GAM, Bradshaw JA 1985
Australian liverworts (Hepaticae): Annotated List of Binominals and check-list of Published Species with Bibliography
Brunonia 8: 1-171

Scott GAM, Pike DC 1987
Studies on Fossombronia in Australia. III. Taxonomic and nomenclatural problems
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 63: 99-105

Scott GAM, Pike DC 1987
The Fossombronia foveolata complex
Lindbergia 13: 79-84

Scott GAM, Pike DC 1988
Revisionary notes on Fossombronia
The Bryologist 91: 193-201

Scott GAM, Pike DC 1988
Targionia in Australia
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 90: 159-162

Scott KM, Crandall-Stotler B 2002
RAPD polymorphism as an indicator of population structure, breeding system, and speciation in Fossombronia
The Bryologist 105: 225-232

Scott PA 1990
Checklist of Bryophytes of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Evansia 7: 54-59

Scott, G. A. M. & D. C. Pike 1988
A new species of Fossombronia from Australia
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 90: 109-112

Scott, G. A. M. & Pike, D. C. 1984
New species of Fossombronia from Australia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 339-349

Scott, G. A. M. & Pike, D. C. 1987
Studies on Fossombronia in Australia. II. Fourteen more new species
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 62: 367-386

Scott, P. A. 1989
The Flora of Churchill Manitoba. 5th Draft
Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 19 pp.
Bryophytes on pp. 6-9.

Scotter GW 1962
Bryophytes of the Gordon Lake Region, N. W. T.
The Bryologist 65: 286-291

Scotter GW 1963
Bryophytes of the Taltson River Region, N. W. T.
The Bryologist 66: 69-72

Scotter GW 1965
Bryophytes of the Cochrane river region of northwestern Manitoba
The Bryologist 68: 235-240

Scotter GW 1966
Bryophytes of the Thelon River and Kaminuriak Lake Regions
The Bryologist 69: 246-248

Scotter GW 1991
Bryophytes of the Wager Bay Region, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 105: 41-44

Scotter GW, Vitt DH 1992
Bryophytes of the Melville Hills region, Northwest Territories
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 106: 100-104

Seaward MRD, Hambler C, Aptroot A 1996
Bryophytes and lichens of Aldabra
Tropical Bryology 12: 29-34
2 spp. Hornworts probably included

Seaward, M. R. D., Ellis, L. T., Pócs, T. & Wigginton, M. J. 2006
Bryophyte flora of the Chagos Archipelago
Journal of Bryology 28: 11-19
New: Cololejeunea planissima var. chagosensis var. nov.

Sebastián, B., Fontaniella, B., Pereira, E. C. & Vicente, C. 2000
Oxidation reactions are required to produce atranorin from acetate by alginate-immobilized cells of Cladonia verticillaris
Tropical Bryology 19: 73-80

Seçmen, Ö., Leblebici, E. & Gökler, I. 1989
Türkiye için yeni bir cigerotu, Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda [A new liverwort for Turkey: Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda]
Turkish Journal of Botany 13: 311-313
In Turkish with English summary; Possibly ser. C 13: 311-313

Segarra JG, Puche F 2000
Estudio de la flora briofítica del Parque Natural del Montgó (Alicante)
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 17: 1-8

Seine R 1996
Vegetation von Inselbergen in Zimbabwe: Struktur, Diversität und ökogeographische Differenzierung einer tropischen Lebensgemeinschaft
Archiv Naturwissenschaftlicher Dissertationen 2: 1-371

Seki, T. 2001
Education of the Hikobia
Hikobia 13: 265-266

Self, S. L. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler 2001
[Abstract] The systematic status of Pellia xappalachiana. Botany 2001: Plants and People
Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM p. 11

Self, S. L., C. H. Ford & B. Crandall-Stotler 2000
[Abstract] Shoot/sporophyte associations in the Fossombroniineae
American Journal of Botany 87(6): 21

Selivanova-Gorodkova EA 1956
Bidy mkhov i petjenotjnikov, novye dlja Urala, i osobennosti ikh rasprostranenija
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 41(2): 242-247

Selkirk PM 1969
Growth studies in liverworts
PhD. thesis, Univ. of Sydney

Selkirk PM, Edgecombe AJ, Seppelt RD 1987
Distribution of bryophytes on subantarctic Macquarie Island
Symposia Biologica Hungarica 35: 677-683

Selkirk, P. M. 1984
Vegetative reproduction and dispersal of bryophytes on subantarctic Macquarie Island and in Antarctica
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 105-111

Séneca A, Vieira C 2002
Nova área para Portugal de Tritomaria quinquedentata (Huds.) H. Buch
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 20: 115-116

Séneca, A. & C. Vieira 2002
Nova área para Portugal de Tritomaria quinquedentata (Huds.) H. Buch.
Portugaliae Acta Biologica 20: 115-116

Senn HP 2000
Die Moose des Fürstentums Liechtenstein
Berichte der Botanisch-Zoologischen Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg 27: 7-258

Seppelt RD 1974
Riccia crystallina in South Australia
The Bryologist 77: 224-229

Seppelt RD 1974
Studies on the genus Riccia (Hepaticae: Marchantiales) in South Australia
Melbourne: MSc. thesis, Univ. of Melbourne

Seppelt RD 1983
Studies on Riccia in Australia. The status of R. areolata and R. longiciliata, two new recently described species
Lindbergia 9: 117-120

Seppelt RD 1983
The most southerly record of an hepatic
In: Greene SW, Bryologial book of records. Bryological Times 23: 4

Seppelt RD 1998
The genus Riccia (Marchantiales: Ricciaceae), in South Australia
Hikobia 12: 217-341

Seppelt RD 1999
The genus Riccia (Marchantiales: Ricciaceae), in South Australia: nomenclatural corrections and additional notes
Hikobia 13: 77-78
Corrections to the article in Hikobia 12: 317-341 (1998).

Seppelt RD, Green TGA 1998
A bryophyte flora for Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
New Zealand Journal of Botany 36: 617-635
Eight mosses 8 mosses and 1 hepatic (Cephaloziella exiliflora).

Seppelt, R. 2001
Arctic rambling's-or, travels in the wilderness
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 43: 6-7
On Alaskan bryophyte collecting

Seppelt, R. & J. Beever 2003
News from Australasia
Bryological Times 109: 11-12

Seppelt, R. D. 1999
Ricca albida Sull. (Marchantiales: Ricciaceae) in Australia
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 339-342

Seppelt, R. D. 1999
Studies on the bryoflora of Macquarie Island. I. Introduction and checklist
The Bryologist 80: 167-170

Seppelt, R. D. & G. A. Laursen 1999
Riccia cavernosa Hoffm. emend Raddi, new to the Arctic and the bryoflora of Alaska
Hikobia 13: 71-76

Seppelt, R. D., Lewis Smith, R. I. & Kanda, H. 1998
Antarctic bryology: Past achievements and new perspectives
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 84: 203-239

Sepplet RD 1981
Studies on the bryoflora on Macquarie Island III. Collections, new additions and corrections, and a revised checklist
The Bryologist 84: 249-252

Sepplet RD 1983
Cephaloziella exiliflora (Tayl.) Steph. from Windmill Islands, continental Antarctica
Lindbergia 9: 27-28

Sepplet RD 1984
The bryoflora of the Vestfold Hills and Ingrid Christensen Coast, Antarctica
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions. Research Notes 20: 1-31

Sepplet RD 1986
Bryophytes of the Vestfold Hills and Ingrid Christensen Coast, Antarctica
In: Pickard J (ed.), Antarctic oasis.: Academic Press pp. 221-245

Sereda VA 2006
[New bryophyte records from Rostov-na-Donu province. 1]
Arctoa 15: 255-256

Serediyak, A. A. 2002
Briofloristicheskie issledovaniya lechogo massiva Buzulukskii bov
In: Potemkin, A. D. (editor), Problemy Briologii na Rubezhe Vekov. Russian Academy of Sciences, V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia pp. 58-59
Bryological investigations in the Buzuluksk Mountains

Sérgio C 1966
Contribuição para o conhecimento da flora briológica de Portugal. I
Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana 32: 9-32

Sérgio C 1967
Contribucoes para o conhecimento da Flora briologica de Portugal. II
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 9: 146-167

Sérgio C 1971
Catálogo das plantas herborizadas - Bryophyta. A III Reunião de Botânica Peninsular
Memórias da Sociedade Broteriana 21: 90-124

Sérgio C 1971
Contribuições para o concehimento da flora briológica de Portugal. IV
Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana 37: 63-85

Sérgio C 1972
Sur la présence de Marsupella profunda Lindb. au Portugal
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 38: 131-134

Sérgio C 1974
Le genre Fossombronia au Portugal, a Madere et aux Acores
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France (collection bryologique) 121: 319-326

Sérgio C 1978
Lejeunea eckloniana Lindneb. (Hépatique) dans la Macaronésie
Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias Naturais 18: 39-41

Sérgio C 1981
Alterações da Flora Briológica epifítica na área urbana de Lisboa, nos últimos 140 anos
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 54: 313-331

Sérgio C 1985
Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae I. 1 - Duas novas espécies de Frullania para a flora briológica de Portugal
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 14: 181-184

Sérgio C 1985
Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae I. 5 - Notas acerca do género Fossombronia Raddi em Portugal
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 14: 188-194

Sérgio C 1985
Notulae Bryoflorae Macaronesicae I. 1 - Consideraçoes sobre a presença de Frullania muscicola Steph. e Frullania ericoides (Nees) Mont. nos Açores e Madeira
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 14: 161-167

Sérgio C 1985
Notulae Bryoflorae Macaronesicae I. 2 - Heteroscyphus denticulatus (Mitt.) Schiffn. espécie endémica da Macaronésica
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 14: 173-176

Sérgio C 1987
Contribuição para o estudo taxonómico e fitogeográfico de Anthoceros caucasicus Steph. na península Ibérica e Macaronésia
Acta del VI Simposio National de Botanica Criptogamica pp. 605-614

Sérgio C 1987
Epiphytic bryophytes and air quality in the Tejo estuary
Symposia Biologica Hungarica 35: 795-814

Sérgio C 1989
Notulae Bryoflorae Macaronesicae II. 1 - Sphaerocarpos texanus Aust. nova Hepática para a flora da Macaronésia
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 15: 419

Sérgio C 1992
Riccia macrocarpa Levier na peninsula Ibérica e Macaronésia
Acta del Simposio Internacional de Botanica Puis Font i Quer. 1988 1: 223-227

Sérgio C 1994
Duas novas espécies de Fossombronia para a brioflora dos Açores
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 183

Sérgio C 1994
Petalophyllum ralfsii (Wils.) Nees et Gott. ex Lehm., espécie nova para os Açores e para a Macaronésie
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 184

Sérgio C 1997
Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae VI. 6. Novas áreas para Portugal de Cephalozia connivens (Dicks.) Lindb.
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 17: 277

Sérgio C 2001
Hepáticas novas ou raras para a brioflora de Portugal
Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana 5: 94-96

Sérgio C 2002
Fossombronia maritima (Paton) Paton, nova hepática para Portugal
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 20: 110

Sérgio C 2002
Nova localidade para Portugal de Petalophyllum ralfsii (Wils.) Nees & Gottsche
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 20: 112-113

Sérgio C 2002
Novas localidades de Riccia huebeneriana Lindenb. em Portugal
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 20: 115

Sérgio C, Araújo M, Draper D 2000
Portuguese bryophyte diversity and priority areas for conservation
Lindbergia 25: 116-123
This study provides information on the distribution of bryophytes in Portugal for three different time periods. The data are based on an extensive survey using records published since 1800. A review of the state-of-the-art in bryological research in Portugal is outlined. The data allowed patterns of diversity and endemism among bryophytes to be explored. A provisional 'Gap Analysis' coupled with an analysis of complementary hotspots required for a full representation of all bryophytes in Portugal is presented. The potential for using bryophytes as an indicator group for biodiversity conservation is investigated and compared with data for pteridophytes, reptiles/amphibians and trichoptera. The data and analyses presented in this paper are expected to provide basic guidelines for further definition of sites with special interest for bryophyte conservation and research

Sérgio C, Brugués M, Cros RM 1994
Duas espécies boreais, encontradas np parque natural da Serra de S. Mamede. Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dum. nova para Portugal, e Racomitrium elongatum (Ehrh.) Frisvoll primeira referência para o sul do Tejo
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 197-198

Sérgio C, Brugués M, Cros RM 2002
New data concerning extinct bryophytes on the Iberian Red List
Novitates Botanicae ex Universitate Carolinae 15: 95-105

Sérgio C, Brugués M, Cros RM, Casas C, Garcia C 2007
The 2006 Red List and an updated checklist of bryophytes of the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal, Spain and Andorra)
Lindbergia 31: 109-125
The objective of this work is to provide an updated threatened and endangered status of all bryophytes in the Iberian territory and also to provide a checklist for Portugal, Spain and Andorra. With respect to these species, the recent IUCN criteria are used for evaluation in the respective categories.There are a total of 1101 known Iberian bryophytes (811 mosses and 290 hepatics including 6 hornworts), with 370 of these taxa on the Red List (33.5%). There are 10 Regionally Extinct taxa comprised of 7 mosses and 3 hepatics; 16 Critically Endangered taxa comprised of 11 mosses and 5 hepatics; 40 Endangered taxa comprised of 26 mosses and 14 hepatics; 114 Vulnerable taxa comprised of 83 mosses and 31 hepatics; 26 Near Threatened taxa comprised of 11 mosses and 15 hepatics. Of the Non-Threatened categories, there are 732 Least Concern taxa, which include 21 on the Attention list (18 mosses and 3 hepatics). In addition, 163 taxa are considered to be Data Deficient (DD and DD-va) with DD-n including the new taxa or new references for the Iberian Peninsula

Sérgio C, Carvalho S 2003
Annotated catalogue of Portuguese bryophytes
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 21: 5-230

Sérgio C, Casas C 2002
Bryum neodamense Itzigs. novo elemento para a brioflora de Portugal
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 20: 106-107

Sérgio C, Casas C, Brugués M, Cros RM 1994
Lista Vermelha dos Briófitos da Península Ibérica [Red List of Bryophytes of the Iberian Peninsula]
Instituto da Conservaçao da Natureza; Museu, Laboratório e Jardim Botânico & Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa 45 pp.

Sérgio C, Casas C, Cros RM, Brugués M 1996
Fossombronia maritima (Paton) Paton in the Iberian Peninsula
Journal of Bryology 19: 349-350

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Bryophyte vegetation and ecology of calcareous areas in the Iberian peninsula
Symposia Biologica Hungarica 35: 423-446

Sérgio C, Correia S 1981
A vegetação briológica das formações calcárias de Portugal I
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 13: 13-92

Sérgio C, Cros R, Brugués M 1994
Novas áreas para briófitos novos ou raros para Portugal, encontrados na zona centro e centro-este
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 195-197

Sérgio C, Cros R, Brugués M 1997
Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae VI. 2. Segunda localidade para Portugal de Preissia quadrata (Scop.) Nees
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 17: 273

Sérgio C, Cros R, Brugués M, Casas C 1997
Flora e vegetação briológica do parque natural da Serra de S. Mamede
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 17: 5-46

Sérgio C, Cros RM, Brugués M, Garcia C 2001
A brioflora de enclaves com Prunus lusitanica L. no Parque Natural da serra da Estrela
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 18-19: 5-14

Sérgio C, Dias E 1991
Notulae bryoflorae Macaronesiae II. 4. Algumas Ricciaceae e Anthocerotaceae na para a ilha Terceira
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 15: 421-423

Sérgio C, Draper D 2002
How to evaluate species when distribution is poorly understood. The use of predictive studies for Iberian bryophytes
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 20: 37-48

Sérgio C, Draper D, Garcia C 2005
Modelling the distribution of Cryptothallus mirabilis Malm. (Aneureaceae, Hepaticopsida) in the Iberian Penindula
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 97: 309-316

Sérgio C, Fontinha S 1994
Natural and semi-natural bryophyte flora of the coasstal dry zones of Madeira Island
Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural) 46: 95-44

Sérgio C, Fontinha S 1994
Significado biogeográfico de briófitos novos ou pouco conhecidos para a Ilha da Madeira
Studia Botanica, Universidad de Salamanca 13: 195-198

Sérgio C, Gabriel R 1994
Novos dados para os Açores sobre o género Riccia
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 184-185

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Hepáticas novas para a flora da Ilha Terceira (Açores)
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 186-187

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Algumas espécies novas para o Baixo Alentejo
Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana 65: 106-110

Sérgio C, Garcia C 2002
Acerca da identidade de Leskea brevifolia Lindb. e novas localidades de L. polycarpa Hedw.
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 20: 105-106

Sérgio C, Garcia C, Jansen J, Sim-Sim M 2001
Novos dados para a brioflora da Serra da Estrela ou de Portugal
Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana 65: 99-104

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In: Santos-Reis M, Correia AI (eds.), Caracterização de flora e da fauna do Montado da Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo (Grândola-Baixo, Alentejo). Lisboa: Centro de Biologia Ambiental pp. 35-46

Sérgio C, García C, Sim-Sim M 2001
Alguns briófitos interessantes e novos para a Serra da Malcata
Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana 65: 111-114

Sérgio C, Jansen J, van Melick H 1994
Novas espécies para a brioflora de Portugal e para a Serra da Estrela
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 199-200

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Notas sobre em Portugal três espécies do género Riccia
Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana 37: 47-57

Sérgio C, Mendes EJ 1971
Uma hepática nova para a flora de Portugal Lophocolea alata Mitt. ex Larter
Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana 37: 59-61

Sérgio C, Mues R, Sauer E, Sim-Sim M 1994
Hygrobiella laxifolia (Hook.) Spruce uma nova hepática para a ilha da Madeira e para a Macaronésia
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 183

Sérgio C, Paiva J 1997
Notulae Bryoflorae Macaronesicae IV. 4. Fossombronia husnotii Corb. e targionia hypophylla L., duas novas hepáticas para a brioflora do Arquipélago de Cabo Verde
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 17: 268-269

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A new species of Riccia L. from the island of Madeira. Riccia atlantica, sp. nov.
Journal of Bryology 17: 127-132

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Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae VI. 5. Duas novas localidades para Portugal de Marsupella profunda Lindb.
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 17: 275-276

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O género Targionia Mich. em Portugal
Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias Naturais 14: 87-105

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Contribuiçao para o estudo da flora briológica do Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 16: 107-137

Sérgio C, Schumacker R, Fontinha S, Sim-Sim M 1992
Evaluation of the status of the bryophyte flora of Madeira with reference to endemic and threatened European species
Biological Conservation 59: 223-231

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Briófitos novos ou raros para a brioflora Portuguesa. Espécies da região norte e centro de Portugal
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Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 18: 213-215

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A vegetação briológica das formações calcárias de Portugal III
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 14: 105-154

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Riccia incrassata Brotero, a neglected name of Oxymitra paleacea Bisch. ex Lindenb.
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Notulae bryoflorae Lusitanicae III - Sphaerocarpos stipitatus Bisch. ex Lindenb. na Europa. Espécie introduzida em Portugal desde o século passado
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Dados sobre a biodiversidade dos briófitos epifíticos no Litoral Alentejano
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Sérgio C, Sim-Sim M, Carvalho P, Garcia C, Conçalves P 2002
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A vegetaçao de briológica das formações calcárias de Portugal - IV. O Maciço Calcário Estremenho. Serras de Aire, Candeeiros e Sicó
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Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 198

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[Abstract] Occurrence of monoplastidic sporocytes and quadripolar microtubule system in Marchantiales
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 41

Shimamura, M., Y. Shigetou & H. Deguchi 2003
Developmental investigation on the gametophyte of Appotreubia nana (Treubiaceae, Hepaticae)
Hikobia 14: 107-112
In Japanese with English abstract

Shimek B 1898
The Iowa Liwerworts
Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 6: 113-116

Shimizu D, Hattori S 1952
Studies on the Japanese species of Asterella (1)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 8: 46-54

Shimizu D, Hattori S 1953
Marchantiales of Japan, I
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 9: 32-44

Shimizu D, Hattori S 1953
Marchantiales of Japan, II
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 10: 49-55

Shimizu D, Hattori S 1953
Studies on the Japanese species of Asterella (2)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 9: 25-31

Shimizu D, Hattori S 1954
Marchantiales of Japan, III
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 12: 53-75

Shimizu D, Hattori S 1955
Marchantiales of Japan. IV
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 14: 91-107

Shimwell DW 1980
Studies in the plant sociology of fern-dominated wall communities on the island of corfu
The Fern Gazette 12: 75-82

Shin T 1968
Flora of Hepaticae in the Ryukyu Archipelago I
Sci. Rep. Kagoshima Univ. 17: 185-213

Shin T 1970
Flora of the hepaticae in the Ryukyu archipelago part 2 part 3 Enumeration of the species 2 Okinawa Islands and Sakishima Islands
Science Reports of Kanazawa University; Biology 19: 29-50

Shin, T. 1970
Supplement to the "Flora of Hepaticae in the Ryukyu Archipelago. I. (Addition to the hepatic flora of Amami Islands)
Science Reports of Kanazawa University; Biology 19: 23-27

Shinn JT 1902
Lunularia cruciata in fruit
The Bryologist 5: 76-77

Shiono, T., M. Nakata & T. Satoh 2000
Superoxide dismutases in bryophytes and considerations of their evolution for adaptation to the land environment: a review
Bryological Research 7: 317-322
In Japanese with English abstract

Shiono, T., Nakata, M., Yamahara, T., Matsuzaki, M., Deguchi, H. & Satoh, T. 2003
Repression by Cu of the expression of Fe-superoxide dismutase of chloroplats in the moss Barbula unguiculata but not in the liverwort Marchantia paleacea var. diptera
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 93: 141-153

Shirasaki H 1996
Distribution and ecology of Ricciocarpos natans in Niigata Prefecture and its adjacent regions, central Japan
Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 6: 209-215

Shirasaki H 1997
Distribution and ecology of the epiphyllous liverwort Cololejeunea nakajimae in the winter snow-covered district of Niigata Prefecture and its adjacent regions, central Japan
Bryological Research 7: 1-7

Shirasaki, H. 1999
Relationship between distribution types of bryophyte sporophyte and climatic conditions in Niigata Prefecture and its adjacent regions, central Japan
Natural and Environmental Science Research 12: 75-83
In Japanese with English abstract

Shirley J 1888
Field naturalist's excursion to Coboolture. September 22nd and 23rd, 1888
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 5: 137-142

Shubina, T. P. & G. V. Zheleznova 1998
[Abstract] Flora listostebel'nykh mkhov basseina reki Mezen' (Respublika Komi). Problemy Botaniki na Rubezhe XX-XXI Vekov. Abstracts of lecttures from the Russian Botanical Society congress, 26-29 May 1998, St. Petersburg
Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia 2: 144

Sibthorp J, Smith JE 1816
Flora Graecae Prodromus 2

Sickenberger E 1901
Contributions à la Flore d'Egypte
Mémoires de l'institute égyptien 4: 168-335

Siddiqui, K.U, M.A Islam, Z.U Ahmed, Z.N.T Begum, M.A Hassan, M Khondker, M.M Rahman, S.M.H Kabir, M Ahmad, A.T.A Ahmed, A.K.A Rahman & E.U Haque, editors 2007
Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms
Enclyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh 5: 1-391
Anthocerotopsida on pp. 1-4; Hepaticopsida on pp. 4-38; Bryopsida on pp. 38-191; individual species treatments with designated authors

Side, A. G. 1970
An atlas of the bryophytes found in Kent: Maps compiled from the record cards with ecological notes on the species
Transactions of the Kent Field Club 4: 1-140

Siebel HN 1992
Merkvaardige vondsten 6
Lindbergia 17: 28-36

Siebel HN, Aptroot A, Dirkse GM, van Dobben HFvan Melick HMH, Touw A 1992
Rode lijst van in Nederland verdwenen en bedreigde mosses en kortmossen
Gorteria 18: 1-20

Siebel HN, Bijlsma RJ 2004
Bedreigde en kwetsbare mossen in Nederland: Correcties op het basisrapport (Buxbaumiella 54) [Corrections to the Proposal for the Dutch Red List of threatened bryophytes (Buxbaumiella 54)]
Buxbaumiella 68: 56-64

Siebel HN, Heylen O, Kortselius MJH, Stieperaere H 2002
Nederlandstalige naamlijst van de mosflora van Nederland en België
Buxbaumiella 61: 1-68

Siebel HN, Tooren BF van, Melick HMHv, Bouman AC, During HJ, Dort KWv 2000
Bedreigde en kwetsbare mossen in Nederland. Basisrapport met voorstel voor de Rode Lijst
Buxbaumiella 53: 1-86

Siebel, H. N. 2003
Manual and guidelines for the recording of bryophytes
Buxbaumiella 65: 2-28
In Dutch with English abstract

Siebel, H. N. & al. 2005
Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse blad-, lever- en hauwmossen
Buxbaumiella 73

Siebel, H. N., During, H. J. & van Melick, H. M. H. 2003
Veranderingen aan de Standardlijst van de Nederlandse blad-, lever- en hauwmossen
Buxbaumiella 65: 29-34
Possibly Buxbaumiella 64: 29-34; Update of the checklist of the Dutch mosses and liverworts

Siebel, H. N., During, H. J. & van Melick, H. M. H. 2005
Changes in the checklist of Dutch mosses, liverworts & hornworts
Buxbaumiella 73: 26-64
In Dutch with English abstract

Siegel, U., Zinsmeister, H. D. & Stein, W. 1989
A rapid HPLC-fingerprint system for flavonoids of bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 67: 389-394

Siler MB 1934
Chromosome numbers in certaibn Ricciaceae
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 20: 603-607

Sillett SC, Gradstein SR, Griffin D 1995
Bryophyte diversity of Ficus tree crowns from cloud forest and pasture in Costa Rica
The Bryologist 98: 251-260

Sillett, S. C. & T. R. Rambo 2000
Vertical distribution of dominant epiphytes in Douglas-fir forest of the central Oregon Cascades
Northwest Science 74: 44-49

Sillett, S. C., B. McCune, J. E. Peck & T. R. Rambo 2000 [2001]
Four years of epiphyte colonization in Douglas-fir forest canopies
The Bryologist 103: 661-669

Sim TR 1915
Checklist of the bryophytes of South Africa
Maritzburg 113 pp.

Sim TR 1916
Handbook of the Bryophyta of South Africa
Maritzburg 200 pp.

Sim TR 1916
South African Hepaticae or Liverworts
South African Journal of Science 12: 426-447

Sim TR 1926
The bryophyta of South Africa
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 15: 1-475

Sim TR 1932
South African Bryophyta. Further Notes
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 20: 15-16

Sim TR, Dixon HN 1922
Bryophyta of Southern Rhodesia
South African Journal of Science 18: 294-335

Sim-Sim M 1989
As Hepaticae e Anthocerotae da Flora de Portugal
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 15: 347-408

Sim-Sim M 1999
The genus Frullania Raddi (Hepaticae) in Portugal and Madeira
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20: 83-144
Nine species from the region

Sim-Sim M, Carvalho P, Sérgio C 2000
Cryptogamic epiphytes as indicators of air quality around an industrial complex in the Tagus valley, Portugal. Factor analysis and environmental variables
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 21: 153-170

Sim-Sim M, Carvalho P, Sérgio C, Garcia C, Rego F 2004
Recolonisation and changes in bryophyte and lichen biodiversity in burned areas from the Serra da Estrela (Portugal)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 25: 367-384

Sim-Sim M, Esquivel MG, Fontinha S, Stech M 2005
The genus Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort. (Plagiochilaceae, Hepaticophytina) in Madeira Archipelago - molecular relationships, ecology and biogeographic afinities
Nova Hedwigia 81: 449-461

Sim-Sim M, Fontinha S, Figueiredo AC, Sérgio C, Carvalho S 2002
New data on Jubula hutchinsiae in Macaronesia, with special reference to Madeira Island
Nova Hedwigia 75: 469-476

Sim-Sim M, Fontinha S, Mues R, Lion U 2000
A new Frullania species (subg. Frullania) from Deserta Grande, Madeira archipelago, Frullania sergiae sp. nov.
Nova Hedwigia 71: 185-193
New: Frullania sergiae

Sim-Sim M, Jones MP, Sérgio C 2000
Duas hepáticas ameaçadas presentes no Algarve: Riella notarisii (Mont.) Mont. e Petalophyllum ralfsii (Wils.) Nees & Gott.
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 17: 129-136

Sim-Sim M, Jones MP, Sérgio C 2000
Petalophyllum ralfsii (Wils.) Nees & Gott., a threatened liverwort present in Portugal. Morphological and ecological data, directions for future conservation
Lindbergia 25: 101-105
Petalophyllum ralfsii (Wils.) Nees & Gott. is the only species of the genus in Europe, and has an Oceanic-Mediterranean distribution. As a threatened (vulnerable) species in Europe, it is included in Appendix I of the Bern Convention and in Annex 2 of the EC Habitats and Species Directive. Although recorded for several European countries, many of these reports are old and the recent collections are mainly from the coast of the British Isles. In the Iberian Peninsula, it is known only from the south of Portugal (two localities in the Algarve) and from the Balearic Islands. The report from the Azores (Faial) is erroneous. Information on the Portuguese populations is given, as well as comments on the ecological requirements of this liverwort. Some morphological details of the gametophyte, spore and elater morphology are presented. The normal habitat in Algarve shows that Petalophyllum ralfsii can benefit by grazing and some human activities. Conservation measures are suggested and discussed

Sim-Sim M, Lloret F, Grolle R 1999
First reference of Frullania cesatiana De Not. (Frullaniaceae, Hepaticae) to Spain and France
Nova Hedwigia 68: 217-224

Sim-Sim M, Rego F, Sousa J 1995
Epiphytic bryophyte communities of Olea europaea in Portugal - a background survey for future evaluation of environmental quality
Cryptogamica Helvetica 18: 25-33

Sim-Sim M, Sérgio C 1994
Uma nova localidade para Marsupella profunda Lindb. em Portugal
Revista de Biologia. Lisboa 15: 201-202

Sim-Sim M, Sérgio C 1998
Distribution of some epiphytic bryophytes in Portugal. Evaluation and present status
Lindbergia 23: 50-54
This study gives the present-day distribution and examines the changes that took place in the occurrence of some epiphytic bryophytes since the 1950s. The species considered are not threatened in Portugal but some show signs of regression in other European countries. The hepatic species considered were: Cololejeunea minutissima, Frullania tamarisci and Radula lindenbergiana, and the mosses: Antitrichia californica, A. curtipendula, Cryphaea heteromalla, Fabronia pusilla, Habrodon perpusillus, Sematophyllum substrumulosum, Zygodon rupestris and Z. viridissimus. The hepatics all show an Atlantic distribution, while in the mosses we can emphasise some different distribution patterns, particularly between the two Antitrichia species, C. heteromalla, H. perpusillus, S. substrumulosum and Z. viridissimus. On the other hand, species such as F. pusilla and Z. rupestris show a much more ample distribution now than in the past, as observed by recent field studies made by the authors. The herbarium and bibliographic references, before and after 1950, as well as confirmation of old records (before 1950) and comments for each species are presented. The present study represents an important background for future environmental assessment of the epiphytic bryoflora status, especially in changing areas of the country

Sim-Sim M, Sérgio C, Mues R, Kraut L 1995
A new Frullania species (Trachycolea) from Portugal and Macaronesia, Frullania azorica sp. nov.
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 16: 111-123

Sim-Sim, M., C. Sérgio, P. Carvalho & C. Garcia 1999
[Abstract] Some data about dynamic of recolonization after fire in Serra da Estrela and Serra da Malcata. XIII Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Libro de Resúmenes
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain p. 172

Sim-Sim, M., Carvalho, S., Fontinha, S., Lobo, C. & Garcia, C. 2003
Plagiochila porelloides (Torrey ex Nees) Lindenb. in mainland Portugal and Madeira Archipelago. New records and the threatened status
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 21: 231-238

Sim-Sim, M., Esquível, M. G., Fontinha, S. & Carvalho, S. 2004
Plagiochila stricta Lindenb. new to Madeira. Morphological and molecular evidence
Nova Hedwigia 79: 497-505

Sim-Sim, M., M. G. Esquível, A. C. Figueiredo, S. Fontinha, C. Lobo, F. Gutierres, W. Frey & M. Stech 2004
[Abstract] New data on the diversity of the bryoflora of Madeira. The genus Plagiochila on the slope communities of the Madeiran Laurissilva
In: Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs & R. Wilson (organisers), Bryophylogeny 2004 10-12 September. Second International Symposium on In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes. Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Göttingen, Germany p. 28

Sim-Sim, M., S. Carvalho, A. C. Figueiredo, G. Esquível, S. Fontinha, C. Lobo, J. G. Barroso & L. G. Pedro 2003
New data on the diversity of the Madeira Archipelago bryoflora. The Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort. genus (liverwort) on the slope communities of laurisilva
Bocagiana 210: 1-24
Plagiochila stricta new to Madeira

Sim-Sim, M., S. Fontinha, R. Mues & D. Draper 1999
[Abstract] Taxonomical, biochemical and ecological aspects of Madeira Frullania Raddi species
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 327

Sim-Sim, M., Stech, M., Esquível, M. G., Figueiredo, A. C., Costa, M. M., Barroso, J. G., Pedro, L. G., Fontinha, S. & Lobo, C. 2005
Plagiochila spinulosa (Dicks.) Dumort. (Plagiochilaceae, Hepaticophytina) in Madeira Island-morphological, phytochemical, and molecular evidence
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 98: 131-147

Simmonds JH 1888
Field naturalists' excursion to Woolston
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 5: 173-178

Simmonds JH 1889
Excursion of field naturalists´ section to Brookfireld. December 10th, 1888
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 6: 65-70

Simó RM 1976
Catálogo de Briófitos recolectados por Durieu de Maissonneuve en la Península Ibérica
Acta Phytotaxonomica Barcinonensia 21: 53-69

Simó RM, Vigón E 1975
Notulae Bryologicae XI. Adelanthus decipiens (Hook.) Mitt., novedad para la flora española
Acta Phytotaxonomica Barcinonensia 15: 23-25

Simó RM, Vigón E 1976
Briófitos de Asturias nuevos o escasamente representados en la flora española
Acta Phytotaxonomica Barcinonensia 21: 89-100

Simon T, Vajda L 1959
Beiträge zur Moosflora Bulgariens
Annales Universitatis scinetarum budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös 1959: 259-272

Simon, T. 2003
The old-new home habitat of the Lunularia cruciata (L.) Lindb. A Lunularia cruciata (L.) Lindb. régi-új hazai termohelye
Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Sectio Biologiae 24: 129-136
In Hungarian with English abstract

Simonov, G. P. 1972
Brioflora Moldavskoi SSR
Kisinev: Shtiincha 126 pp.

Singh AP, Nath V 2007
Studies on the genus Lopholejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. from Meghalaya, India
Phytotaxonomy 6: 26-38
Lopholejeunea nongstoinii invalid name, holotype not designated. New: Lopholejeunea nongstoinii sp. nov.

Singh AP, Nath V, Asthana AK 2003
Studies on Cephalozia pandei Udar et Kumar from Meghalaya: India
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24: 335-340

Singh AP, Nath V, Asthana AK 2005
Frullanoides tristis (Steph.) Van Slageren. A new addition to East Himalayan bryoflora
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 26: 435-440

Singh DK 1985
Trichocolea udarii Singh - a new hepatic from Jaintia Hills (Meghalaya), India
Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 25: 177-180

Singh DK 1988
A new species of Notothylas Sull. (Bryophyte) from Nepal
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 84: 649-653

Singh DK 1994
Distribution of family Notothyladaceae in India and its phytogeographical significance
Advances in Plant Sciences Research 11: 28-41

Singh DK 1994
Diversity of Indian hornworts (bryophyta): a state of the art report
Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 36: 71-81

Singh DK 1995
Morphotaxonomic revision of two well known Indian representatives of the genus Notothylas Sull.: N. indica Kash. and N. levieri Schiffn.
In: Kumar SS (ed.), Recent studies in Indian bryophytes. Dehra Dun: Bishen Singh Madendra Pal Singh pp. 87-122

Singh DK, Semwal C 2001
A new species of Notothylas Sull. from Dehradun, India
Phytotaxonomy 1: 35-39
New: Notothylas udarii sp. nov

Singh K Semwal C 2000
A new species of Notothylas Sull. (Bryophyta) from Uttaranchal, India
Indian Journal of Forestry 23: 386-389
New: Notothylas kashyapii sp. nov

Singh, A. P. 2002
Studies on Liverworts (Bryophyta) of Khasi and Jaintia Hills
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Faizabad, U. P., India. Doctoral thesis; includes quite a large number of new species, invalid in a thesis 321 pp.
New: Calypogeia khasiana not effectively published, Sphenolobus langkyrdumii not effectively published, Jungermannia erectii not effectively published, Jungermannia amakawana not effectively published, Jungermannia mairangii not effectively published, Frullania udarii not effectively published, Brachiolejeunea nathii not effectively published, Trocholejeunea meghalayensis not effectively published, Lopholejeunea nongstoinii not effectively published, Drepanolejeunea longifolia not effectively published, Drepanolejeunea mawtmiana not effectively published

Singh, A. P. & Nath, V. 2002 [2004]
Frullania rotundistipula Steph. - an addition to the Indian bryoflora
Geophytology 32: 73-77

Singh, A. P. & Nath, V. 2002
[Abstract] Lejeunea cocoes Mitt. - An addition to the Indian bryoflora
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 77

Singh, A. P. & V. Nath 2008
A new species of Trocholejeunea (Hepaticae: Ptychanthoideae) from Meghalaya, Eastern Himalayas, India
Journal of Japanese Botany 83: 1-6
New: T. meghalayensis sp. nov.

Singh, A. P., D. Kumar & V. Nath 2008
Lophocolea fragrans (Moris & De Not.) Gottsche et al. (Bryophyta: Hepaticae): an addition to India from eastern Himalaya
Evansia 25: 40-46
Contains table giving morphological characters for Indian spp. of Lophocolea

Singh, A. P., D. Kumar & V. Nath 2008
Studies on the genera Frullania Raddi and Jubula Dum. from Meghalaya (India): Eastern Himalayas
Taiwania 53: 51-84
31 spp. of Frullania treated

Singh, A.P & V Nath 2007
Hepaticae of Khasi and Jaintia Hills: Eastern Himalayas
Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh. Dehra Dun, India. ix + 382 pp.
New: Sphenolobus langkyrdumii sp. nov., Jungermannia erectii sp. nov., J. amakawana sp. nov., hom. illeg., J. mairangii sp. nov., Drepanolejeunea longifolia sp. nov., D. mawtmiana sp. nov.

Singh, A.P, V Nath & A.K Asthana 2008
Studies on two noteworthy species of Drepanolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) from Meghalaya (India)
The Bryologist 111: 476-481
New: D. longifolia nom. superfl.

Singh, Ajit Pratap, Dinesh Kumar & Virendra Nath 2008
Studies on the Genera Frullania Raddi and Jubula Dum. from Meghalaya (India): Eastern Himalayas
Taiwania 53(1): 51-84

Singh, D & D.K Singh 2007
Riccardia elata (Steph.) Schiffn.-A new record for Indian bryoflora from East Sikkim
Indian Journal of Forestry 30: 525-527

Singh, D. & D. K. Singh 2006 [2007]
Riccardia palmata (Hedw.) Carruth. - An addition to Indian bryoflora from East Sikkim
Phytotaxonomy 6: 93-95

Singh, D. K. 1983
Cyathodium mehranum Singh, sp. nov., from Arunachal Pradesh, India
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 9: 172-177

Singh, D. K. 1987 [1989]
A new species of Folioceros Bharad. (Anthocerotaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India
Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 29: 176-180

Singh, D. K. 1997
In: Mudgal, V. & P. K. Hajra (eds.), Floristic Diversity and Conservation Strategies in India. Volume I. Cryptogams and Gymnosperms. Botanical Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India pp. 235-300

Singh, D. K. 1999
Indian Hepaticae: status and strategies
Annales Forestieres 7: 199-211

Singh, D. K. 2001
Diversity in Indian liverworts: Their status, vulnerability and conservation
In: Nath, V. & A. K. Asthana (eds.), Perspectives in Indian Bryology (Proceedings National Conference on Bryology). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India pp. 325-354

Singh, D. K. 2002
Notothylaceae [sic] of India and Nepal (A morpho-taxonomic revision)
Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India 271 pp.
11 species recognized

Singh, D. K. 2002
[Abstract] Assessment of threatened liverworts of India
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 35

Singh, D. K. 2003
Survey, collection and preservation of lower plant diversity in Antarctica, with special reference to bryophyta
Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45: 29-38

Singh, D. K. & Singh, S. K. 2003
Conocephalum japonicum (Thunb.) Grolle (Bryophyta: Conocephalaceae)-a liverwort rediscovered in Indian bryoflora
Indian Journal of Forestry 26(4): 442-444
Color photo on cover 1

Singh, D. K., S. K. Singh & M. Dey 2006 [2007]
On a collectin of Hepaticae from Andaman Islands
Phytotaxonomy 6: 99-104

Singh, S. K. & D. K. Singh 2002
[Abstract] Contribution to the liverworts of Gobind National Park, Uttaranchal
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 85

Singh, S. K. & D. K. Singh 2006
Contribution to the bryoflora of Great Himalayan National Park, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. IV: genus Porella (Porellaceae)
Geophytology 36: 93-107
11 spp. reported.

Singh, S. K. & D. K. Singh 2007
Contribution to the bryoflora of Great Himalayan National Park, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh V: genus Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort. (Plagiochilaceae)
Indian Journal of Forestry 30: 101-112
12 spp. recorded

Singh, S. K. & Singh, D. K. 2002 [2003]
Contribution to the liverworts of Gobind National Park, Uttaranchal, India
Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 44: 99-118

Singh, S. K. & Singh, D. K. 2002 [2004]
Lejeunea flava (Swartz) Nees - an addition to the bryoflora of western Himalaya
Geophytology 32: 115-117

Singh, S. K. & Singh, D. K. 2003
Contribution to the bryoflora of Great Himalayan National Park, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. II. Hepaticae
Phytotaxonomy 3: 35-52
Twelve liverworts are reported new to the Park

Singh, S. K. & Singh, D. K. 2003
Heteroscyphus orbiculatus Srivast. et Srivast.: new to Himalayan bryoflora
Indian Journal of Forestry 26: 317-319

Singh, S. K. & Singh, D. K. 2005
Frullania larjiana (Jungermanniopsida: Frullaniaceae), a new species from India
Journal of Bryology 27: 105-108
New: Frullania larjiana

Singh, S. K. & Singh, D. K. 2007
Jungermannia indrodayana (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) - a new species from India
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28(2): 103-108

Singh, S. K. & Singh, D. K. 2007
Some new and noteworthy records of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from Western Himalaya, India
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28(3): 253-265

Singh, S. K., Singh, D. & Singh, D. K. 2004
On two noteworthy liverworts from western Himalaya, India
Annales Forestieres 12: 56-60
On Porella perrottetiana and Pellia neesiana

Singh, Sushil K. & Devandra K. Singh 2007
Cephalozia schusteri (Cephaloziaceae, Hepaticae) - a new species from India, with note on the Indian species of the genus
Lindbergia 32(1): 1-4
A new species of Cephalozia (Dumort.) Dumort., C. schusteri sp. nov. is described from Himachal Pradesh in western Himalaya, India. The new species has been compared with Indian C. udarii Kumar, and holarctic C. lunulifolia (Dumort.) Dumort. and C. pleniceps (Aust.) Lindb., from which it differs in a suite of morphological features. A key to hitherto all the known species of the genus from Indian subcontinent has been provided

Singh, V. B. 1966
Bryophytes of India - II Marchantia - I
Bulletin of the Lucknow National Botanic Gardens 125: 1-27

Sipman H 1992
results of lichenological and bryological exploration of Cerro Guaiquinima (Guyana Highland, Venezuela)
Tropical Bryology 6: 1-131

Sirotina, I. V. 2002
Svoeobrazie brioflory Yugo-Zapadnogo Kopetdaga
In: Potemkin, A. D. (editor), Problemy Briologii na Rubezhe Vekov. Russian Academy of Sciences, V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia pp. 59-60

Sjögren E 1975
Epiphyllous Bryophytes of Madeira
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 69: 217-288

Sjögren E 1978
Bryophyte vegetation in the Azores Islands
Memórias da Sociedade Broteriana 26: 1-283

Sjögren E 1990
Bryophyte flora and vegetation on the island of Graciosa (Azores) with remarks on floristic diversity of the Azorean Islands
Arquipélago, Life and Earth Sciences 8: 63-96

Sjögren E 1993
Bryophyte flora and vegetation on the island of Corvo (Azores)
Arquipélago, Life and Earth Sciences 11A: 17-48

Sjögren E 1997
Epiphyllous bryophytes in the Azores Islands
Arquipélago, Life and Marine Sciences 15A: 1-49

Sjögren GL 1846
Anteckningar under en botanisk resa i Jemtland och Norrige sommaren år 1846
Stockholm: KVA årsberättelser för botaniska arbeten för åren 1843 och 1844, Bihang pp. 29-55

Sjögren, E. 2001
Distribution of Azorean bryophytes up to 1999, their island distribution and information on their presence elsewhere, including Madeira and the Canary Islands
Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural) Suplemento 7: 1-89
154 spp. Hornworts included

Sjörs H, Een G 2000
Wetland bryophytes in Muddus National Park, North Sweden
Journal of Bryology 22: 223-236

Sjörs H, Marklund E 1996
Pirttimysvuomaområdets vårmarksmossor
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 90: 87-97

Skorepa AC 1968
Liverworts from Southern Illinois
The Bryologist 71: 129-133

Skottsberg C 1912
Einige Bemerkungen über die Vegetationsverhältnisse des Graham Landes
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 4(13): 1-16

Skottsberg C 1942
The natural history of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island. Botany
Uppsala 744 pp.

Skrzypczak R 2004
Contribution a l'étude de la bryoflore du Cap Corse
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 35: 561-562

Skrzypczak R, Barou C 1996
Deux bryophytes intéressantes pour les monts du Forez: Kiaeria blyttii (B. S. G.) Broth. et Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook.) Schiffn.
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 27: 523-526

Skrzypczak R, Boudier P 1999
Trois nouveautés pour les muscinées de l'Auvergne: Cephaloziella massalongi (Spruce) K. Müll., Scapania gymnostomophila Kaal., Bryoerythrophyllum ferruginascens (Stirt.) Giac.
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 30: 421-434

Skrzypczak R, Skrzypczak JF 1998
Contribution à la bryoflore des Hautes-Alpes
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 29: 481-490

Skrzypczak, R. 2001 [2002]
Découverte de Riella parisii Gottsche dans le Var (Espèce nouvelle pour la France) et d'une deuxième station de Riella helicophylla (Bory & Mont.) Mont. dans l'Hérault
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 32: 277-290

Skrzypczak, R. 2001 [2002]
Haplomitrium hookeri (Sm.) Nees et Arnellia fennica (Gott.) Lindb. présent en France (Haute-Maurienne, Savoie). Contribution à la flore de Haute-Maurienne
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 32: 259-276

Skrzypczak, R. & J. F. Skrzypczak 2000
Contribution à la bryoflore des Hautes-Alpes (suite)
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 31: 479-484

Slack NG, Tan BC, Lay E 1993
The bryophytes and lichens collected during the 16th A. L. Andrews foray in Northwestern Connecticut
Evansia 10: 9-12

Slack NG, Zander R 1978
The 1976 A. LeRoy Adrews Bryological Foray
The Bryologist 80: 651-654

Slack, N. G. 1976
Host specificity of bryophytic epiphytes in eastern North America
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 107-132

Slack, N. G. 1982
Bryophytes in relation to ecological niche theory
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 52: 199-217

Slack, N. G. 1984
A new look at bryophyte community analysis: field and statistical methods
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 113-132

Slack, N. G. 1994
Can one tell the mire type from the bryophytes alone?
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 75: 149-159

Slack, N. G. & D. Lucas 2002
[Abstract] Bryophyte and lichen epiphytes of beech before and after beech bark disease
American Bryological and Lichenological Society Abstracts of Contributed Papers 2002: 47

Slack, N., N. Cleavitt & S. Williams 2007
[Abstract] Rarity in bryophytes; New York studies. Program and Abstracts
American Bryological and Lichenological Society 2007: 36

Sleath J 2000
Some observations on the bryophytes of the Marsyandi Valley, Central Nepal
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 74: 19-21

Sleath J 2000
Spring field meeting, Abergavenny, 1999
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 74: 3-8

Slembrouck, J. & de Zuttere, P. 2003
Hépatiques et mousses de la réserve naturelle de Ranzinelle, à Sosoye (prov. Namur, Belgique)
Nowellia Bryologica 25: 2-10

Slembrouck, J., V. Tetsch & H. de Meulder 2000
De voormalige Britse militaire basis van Grobbendonk, bryologisch en lichenologisch bekeken. Een verslag van drie winters onderzoek
Nowellia Bryologica 19: 2-25
In Dutch with French and English abstracts

Sluka ZA 1993
[Bryoflora of Moscow Parklands]
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia 16, Biologiia 1993(4): 30-38

Sluka ZA 1994
Rare mosses [sic, bryophyte] species on Moscow territory
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia 16, Biologiia 1994(4): 38-44

Sluka, Z. A. & L. I. Abramova 2000
The species composition and ecological and phytocenological analysis of bryophytes of Moscow parklands
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia 16, Biologiia 2000(1): 45-52
In Russian with English summary

Smagin, V. A. & M. S. Botch 2001
Flora and vegetation of mires in the North Russia (in taiga region)
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 86(6): 40-55
In Russian with English summary

Small JK, Vail AM 1893
Report on the botanical exploration of southwestern Virginia during the season of 1892
Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 4: 93-201

Smets, L. 2003
Additions to the bryophyte flora of Romania
Belgian Journal of Botany 136: 59-62

Smettan, H. W. 2004
Prähistorische Vorkommen von Hornmossen (Anthocerotae)
Jahresheft der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Wüerttemberg 160: 253-263
Fossil spores assigned to Anthoceros and Phaeoceros

Smirnova ZN 1928
Lesnye assotsiatsii severo-zapadnoj tjasti Leningradskoj oblasti
Trudy S.Petersburgskogo obscestva ectestvoispytatelej 5: 119-263

Smirnova ZN 1931
Materialy k brioflore Urala. I. Petjenotjnye mkhov (Hepaticae) Srednego i Jozhnogo Urala i Priuralja [Contributions on the Bryo-Flora of the Ural I. Liverworts of the Middle and South Ural and Ural region]
Zhurn. Russ. Bot. Obtsch. 16: 519-536

Smirnova ZN, Katenin AE 1973
[Ad floram Hepaitcarum a regionibus fluxum inferiorem fluminis Lena adjacentibus]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 10: 277-283

Smith AJE 1990
The liverworts of Britain and Ireland
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 362 pp.

Smith CW, Gardner DE, Hoe WJ 1997
Foliicolous Hawaiian cryptogams
Abstracta Botanica (Budapest) 21: 163-168

Smith GG 1962
The flora of granite rocks of the Porongurup Range, South Western Australia
Journal and proceedings of the Royal Society of Western Australia 45: 18-23

Smith JE 1833
English Flora. Second Edition
London 432 pp.

Smith JE, Sowerby J 1796
English Botany, vol. 5
London pp. 289-360

Smith JE, Sowerby J 1800
English Botany, vol. 10
London pp. 649-720

Smith JE, Sowerby J 1805
English Botany, vol. 21
London pp. 1447-1512

Smith JE, Sowerby J 1806
English Botany, vol. 22
London 22: 1513-1584

Smith JE, Sowerby J 1812
English Botany, vol. 32
London pp. 2233-2304

Smith JE, Sowerby J 1813
English Botany, vol. 35
London pp. 2449-2520

Smith JE, Sowerby J 1843
English botany. Supplement to third edition
London pp. 2868-2960

Smith T 2000
North Western Naturalist's union and BBS North-west group, 1999
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 74: 26-27

Smith, C., L. Söderström & D. Vitt 2004
[Symposium] Bryophyte and lichen rarity: patterns, causes, and conservation
Proceedings XVI International Botanical Congress, Saint Louis p. 59
Peter C. Hoch (Ed.), Missouri Botanical Garden

Smith, E. C. 2002
In vivo analysis of rapid chlorophyll fluorescence induction effects: aspects relating to the study of bryophytes
Journal of Bryology 24: 17-23

Smith, E. C. & H. Griffiths 2000
The role of carbonic anhydrase in photosynthesis and the activity of the carbon-concentrating-mechanism in bryophytes of the class Anthocerotae
New Phytologist 145: 29-37

Smith, E.C & H. Griffiths 1996
A pyrenoid-based carbon-concentrating mechanism is present in terrestrial bryophytes of the class Anthocerotae
Planta 200: 203-212

Smith, James Edward & Sowerby, James 1790-1814
English Botany; or, Coloured Figures of British Plants, with Their Essential Characters, Synonyms, and Places of Growth. To Which will be added, Occasional Remarks
36 vols., 1790-1814; James Sowerby was the publisher and the artist; all botanical text, however, is by J. E. Smith (except that for pl. 16-18 by George Shaw); Followed by: Engl. Bot., ed. 2. - 12 vols., 1832-1846;    Engl. Bot., ed. 3A. - 7 vols., 1847-1854. Actually a reissue of the first seven volumes of ed. 2;    Engl. Bot., ed. 3B. - 12 vols., 1863-1886 by Syme, John Thomas Irvine Boswell;    Engl. Bot., Suppl. to 3rd ed. - 4 vols., 1892 by Brown, Nicholas Edward & Fitch, Walter Hood

Smith, R. I. Lewis 2005
The bryophyte flora of geothermal habitats on Deception Island, Antarctica
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 97: 233-248

Smith, T. 2000
Missouri Plants of Conservation Concern
47 pp.
Homaliadelphus sharpii and Nardia lescurii included in list

Smith, T. E. & Timme, S. L. 2006
Oxymitra incrassata (Brot.) Sérgio & Sim-Sim (Oxymitraceae) New to Missouri
Evansia 23(4): 97

Smith, V. R., M. Steenkamp & N. J. M. Gremmen 2001
Terrestrial habitats on sub-Antarctic Marion Island: their vegetation, edaphic attributes, distribution and response to climate change
South African Journal of Botany 67: 641-654

Smulders M 1998
Plagiomnium rostratum en andere vondsten langs het Wilhelminakanaal
Buxbaumiella 45: 17-21

Smulders M, Tooren Bv 2008
Mossen langs de A73 tijdens he najaarsweekend 2007
Buxbaumiella 80: 26-29

Smulders M, van Tooren BF 2004
Het bryologische najaarsweekend naar Texel in 2004 [The bryological meeting on Texel, autumn 2004]
Buxbaumiella 68: 7-11

Snider JA 1990
An Endangered Species List for Bryophytes - Endangered and Threatened Species of Ohio
pp. 205-207

Snider, J. A., Moyle Studlar, S. & Medley, M. 1988
A list of the bryophytes of Kentucky with county distributions
The Bryologist 91: 98-105

Snow, L. 2003
Bryophytes: liverworts & mosses
In: Pope, C., L. Snow & D. Allen, The Isle of Wight Flora. The Dovecote Press, Stanbridge, Wimborne, Dorset, England pp. 199-217

So ML 1995
Mosses & liverworts of Hong Kong
Hong Kong: Heavenly People Depot 162 pp.

So ML 1999
Studies on Plagiochila sect. Poeltiae (Plagiochilaceae, Hepaticae)
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 347-358
New synonomy. New: Plagiochila erlangensis

So ML 2000
Plagiochila sect. Contiguae (Hepaticae) in Australasia and the Pacific, with description of Plagiochila subjavanica sp. nov.
Australian Systematic Botany 13: 803-815
New: Plagiochila subjavanica

So ML 2000
Plagiochila sect. Plagiochila (Hepaticae) in SE Asia and Melanesia, with description of two new species
New Zealand Journal of Botany 38: 387-394
New: Plagiochila microdentata, Plagiochila spinosa; Possibly New Zealand Journal of Botany 38: 425-432

So ML 2000
Studies on Plagiochila (Hepaticae) in Australasia and the Pacific II
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 21: 223-231

So ML 2001
On Plagiochila section Cobanae Carl in Asia and Melanesia
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 22: 179-186

So ML 2001
Plagiochila (Hepaticae, Plagiochilaceae) in China
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 60: 1-214

So ML 2002
Metzgeria (Hepaticae) in Australasia and the Pacific
New Zealand Journal of Botany 40: 603-627
18 spp. recognized

So ML 2002
Metzgeria submarginata sp. nov., a "new" species from Australia and New Zealand
New Zealand Journal of Botany 40: 201-205
New: Metzgeria submarginata

So ML 2004
Studies on the type specimens of Odontoschisma (Hepaticae) in Asia and the Pacific
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 249-261

So ML 2005
Porella (Porellaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Latin America
New Zealand Journal of Botany 43: 301-321
New: Porella saccata

So ML, Grolle R 1998
A morphological study by SEM of the stem surface structures of some Chinese Plagiochila species (Hepaticae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 85: 95-101

So ML, Grolle R 1999
Studies on Plagiochila in Asia: supplements to sections Abietinae, Annotinae, Ciliatae, Contiguae, Cucullatae, Poeltiae, Subtropicae and Zonatae
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20: 167-179
27 names newly placed in synonymy

So ML, Grolle R 2000
Description of Plagiochila detecta sp. nov. (Hepaticae) from East Asia based on morphological and RAPD evidence
Nova Hedwigia 71: 387-394
P. trabeculata fo. stipulata Inoue is a synonym of the new species. New: Plagiochila detecta sp. nov.

So ML, Grolle R 2000
Studies on Plagiochila sect. Plagiochila (Hepaticae) in East and South Asia
Journal of Bryology 22: 17-28
Includes a key and description to 13 species; new synonyms

So ML, Grolle R 2001
On Plagiochila subgenus Plagiochila section Abietinae (Hepaticae)
Systematic Botany 26: 459-469
New: Plagiochila perdentata

So ML, Grolle R 2001
On several little-known species of Plagiochila (Hepaticae) in Asia
Journal of Bryology 23: 123-132

So ML, Grolle R 2003
Syzygiella kerguelensis, a new species of the subgenus Pseudoplagiochila (Jungermanniales) from Kerguelen
Nova Hedwigia 77: 357-362
New: Syzygiella kerguelensis

So ML, Zhu RL 1995
Studies on Hong Kong Hepatics I. Some liverworts new to Hong Kong
The Bryologist 98: 156-157

So ML, Zhu RL 1996
Studies on Hong Kong hepatics II. Notes on some newly recorded liverworts from Hong Kong
Tropical Bryology 12: 11-20

So ML, Zhu RL 1996
Thysananthus flavescens (Hatt.) Gradst. newly found in Hong Kong
Journal of Bryology 19: 194

So ML, Zhu RL 1996
Two newly recorded species of the genus Cheilolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) in Hong Kong and China
Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 37: 275-280

So ML, Zhu RL 1997
Cylindrocolea tagawae (Kitag.) Schust. and Plagiochila tjibodsis Schiffn., newly found in Hong Kong
Lindbergia 22: 47-48
Two rare liverworts, Cylindrocolea tagawae (Kitag.) Schust. and Plagiochila tjibodensis Schiffn., described from Java, are reported for the first time for China. The variations of local plants are discussed. An illustration of P. tjibodensis is also provided

So, M. L. 2001
On Plagiochila (Hepaticae) section Dendroideae
Nova Hedwigia 73: 229-237

So, M. L. 2001
On several little known species of Plagiochila in Australasia and the Pacific with description of Plagiochila sublyallii sp. nov. from Papua New Guinea
New Zealand Journal of Botany 39: 109-114
New: Plagiochila sublyallii

So, M. L. 2001
Recognized species of Plagiochila in Australasia and some island groups of the Pacific Ocean
New Zealand Journal of Botany 39: 395-421

So, M. L. 2001
Studies on Plagiochila subgenus Metaplagiochila (Plagiochilaceae, Hepaticae)
Australian Systematic Botany 14: 677-688

So, M. L. 2002
The genus Porella (Porellaceae, Hepaticae) in Australasia and the South Pacific
Systematic Botany 27(1): 4-13
New: Porella acutifolia var. linguaefolia (Stephani), Porella maxima (Stephani)

So, M. L. 2003
Schistochila (Hepaticae) in Oceania
New Zealand Journal of Botany 41: 255-275

So, M. L. 2003
The genus Herbertus (Hepaticae) in Australasia and the South Pacific
Systematic Botany 28(1): 12-23
New: Herbertus streimannii

So, M. L. 2003
The genus Metzgeria (Hepaticae) in Asia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 94: 159-177
Ten species recognized; new synonymy

So, M. L. 2003
The genus Schistochila in Asia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 93: 79-100
Nine species recognized; new synonymy

So, M. L. 2004
Metzgeria (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Africa
New Zealand Journal of Botany 42: 271-292
Eight species are recognized

So, M. L. 2005
A synopsis of Radula (Radulaceae, Marchantiophyta) in New Zealand and Tasmania
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 98: 149-174

So, M. L. 2005
Radula (Radulaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Hawaii
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 98: 175-191
New: Radula curvilobula, Radula hawaiica, Radula mauiensis

So, M. L. 2006
Radula (Radulaceae, Marchantiophyta) in the South Pacific
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 99: 207-232
Includes a key to the 24 species present in the South Pacific; new synonymy

So, M. L. & Chan, W. H. 2001
Antimicrobial activity of Hepaticae from Hong Kong and bioactivity-directed isolation of isoriccardin Cl'-monomethyl ether, a new cyclic bis(bibenzyl) derivative
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 90: 245-250

So, M. L. & Grolle, R. 2000
Checklist of Plagiochila (Hepaticae) in Asia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 88: 199-243

So, M. L. & Grolle, R. 2000
Studies on Plagiochila (Hepaticae) in Australasia and the Pacific. I
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 21: 7-18
14 new synonyms in Plagiochila (well, 20 all counted)

So, M. L. & Wang, J. 2006
Frullania (Frullaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Hawaii
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: 419-430
Six species in Hawaii; new synonymy; includes key

So, M. L. & Zhu, R.-L. 1996
Studies on Hong Kong Cheilolejeunea with two species new to China
Tropical Bryology 12: 5-10

So, M. L. & Zhu, R.-L. 1999
A new taxon in Cololejeunea subgenus Chondriolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) from Yunnan, China
Botanica Helvetica 109: 193-198
New: Cololejeunea shimizui subsp. shihuishanensis

So, May-Ling & Zhu Rui-Liang 1998
On six species of the genus Lejeunea in China, including one new species
The Bryologist 101: 137-143

So, May-Ling, Wing-Hong Chan, Ping-Fang Xia & Yuxin Cui 2002
Two new cyclic bis(bibenzyl)s, isoriccardinquinone A and B from the liverwort Marchantia paleacea
Natural Product Letters 16: 167-171

Sobolevskij G 1801
Sankt-Peterburgskaja flora. V 2 tj. Tj. I.
Amsterdam: SPB Academic Publishing 409 pp.

Sobolewski G 1799
Flora Petropolitana
: P. Inst. Biol. Apl. 354 pp.

Sobotka D 1958
Nowe stanowisko Riccia rhenana Lorbeer w Polsce - Nouvelle localité de Riccia rhenana Lorbeer en Pologne
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 4: 221-224

Sobotka D 1960
Materialy do flory mszaków Mazowsza. Uroczysko Biel i Grabownica - Contribution à la connaissance de la flore bryophytique de Mazowsze. Complexes forestiers de Biel et Grabownica
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 6: 427-437

Sobotka D 1966
Materialy do flory mszaków Mazowsza z powiatu Ostrów Mazowiecka - Materiaux concernant la flore bryophytique de Mazowsze rassemblés dans le district Ostrów Mazowiecka
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 12: 33-40

Söderström L 1981
Norrlands Bladlevermossor
Stockholm: Fältbiologerna 98 pp.

Söderström L 1992
Gymnocolea borealis i Sverige
Lindbergia 16: 143-144

Söderström L 1995
Preliminary Distribution maps of bryophytes in Norden. Vol. 1. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Göteborg, Sweden: Mossornas Vänner 55 pp.

Söderström L 1996
Islands - endemism and threatened bryophytes
Anales del instituto de biologia de la universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico. Serie Botanica 67: 201-211

Söderström L 2000
Hepatics from Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, China
Lindbergia 25: 41-47
This list of hepatics collected on Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, NE China, includes 46 taxa collected in 1997. Of these, 6 are new to China, an additional 9 new to the Jilin province and 5 more new to Changbai. With these additions, 112 hepatic species are known from Changbai Mountain

Söderström L, Hassel, K, Weibull H, Âbolina A, Blom HH, Damsholt K, Fagerstén R, Flatberg KI, Frisvoll AA, Haapasaari M, Hallingbäck T, Hedenäs L, Heegaard E, Huttunen S, Ingerpuu N, Isoviita P, Jóhannsson B, Jukonien_ I, Koponen T, et al. 2002
Preliminary Distribution maps of bryophytes in Northwestern Europe. Vol. 1. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae (2nd ed.)
Göteborg, Sweden: Mossornas Vänner 55 pp.

Söderström L, Hedenäs L, Hallingbäck T 1992
Checklista över Sveriges Mossor
Myrinia 2: 13-56

Söderström L, Karttunen K, Hedenäs L 1992
Nomenclatural notes on Fennoscandian bryophytes
Annales Botanici Fennici 29: 119-122

Söderström L, Rycroft DS, Cole WJ, Wei S 1999
Plagiochila porelloides (Plagiochilaceae, Hepaticae) from Changbai Mountain, new to China, with chemical characterization and chromosome measurements
Bryobrothera 5: 195-201

Söderström L, Urmi E, Vána J 2002
Distribution of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae in Europe and Macaronesia
Lindbergia 27: 3-47
The distribution of liverworts and hornworts in Europe and Macronesia is given using "botanical countries", i.e. countries of Europe and some well separated islands but with less extensive countries included in the neighbouring areas. The list points out erroneous and doubtful reports. Several infraspecific taxa are listed. In addition, the distribution outside the treated region is briefly given. Gymnocolea inflata ssp. acutiloba (Schiffn.) Söderström & Vána, comb. nov., and Pleurocladula albescens var. islandica (Nees) Söderström & Vána, comb. nov. are nomenclatural novelties Yugoslavia includes Serbia and Montenegro We need an electronic copy for this to work Lars says he doesn't have one

Söderström L, Urmi E, Vána J 2007
The distribution of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae in Europe and Macaronesia - Update 1-427
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28: 299-350

Söderström L, Weibull H, Damsholt K 2000
A new species of Lophozia (subgen. Protolophozia) from Fennoscandia
Lindbergia 25: 3-7
Lophozia ciliata Damsh., Söderstr. & Weib. is a new species found in Fennoscandia. It grows on decaying logs in moist to wet habitats in closed boreal forests. It is tentatively placed in the subgenus Protolophozia R. M. Schust. Lophozia longidens fo. lignicola Jörg. is lectotypified

Söderström, L. 1994
Scope and significance of studies on reproductive biology of bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 76: 97-103

Söderström, L. 1998
Conservation of bryophytes in Europe - introduction
Lindbergia 23(1): 5

Söderström, L. 1998
Modelling the dynamics of bryophyte populations
In: Bates, J. W., N. W. Ashton & J. G. Duckett (eds.)., Bryology for the Twenty-first Century. Maney Publishing and the British Bryological Society, Leeds, U.K. pp. 321-330

Söderström, L. 2001 [2002]
What is an important plant area for rare bryophytes?
Novitates Botanicae ex Universitate Carolinae 15: 65-68

Söderström, L. 2002
Red listing of species with different life history strategies
Portugaliae Acta Biologica 20: 49-55

Söderström, L. & H. During 1999
[Abstract] Population ecology of rare bryophytes
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 258

Söderström, L. & Hedenäs, L. 1998
Checklista över Sveriges mossor
Myrinia 8(2): 58-90

Söderström, L. & Séneca, A. 2006
World distribution patterns in the Lophoziaceae/Scapaniaceae complex (Hepaticae, Bryophyta)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: 431-441

Söderström, L., T. Hallingbäck, N. Hodgetts, G. Raeymaekers, R. Schumacker, C. Sérgio, N. Stewart & J. Vána 1998
State of knowledge of the bryoflora of Europe as illustrated by the hepatic flora
Lindbergia 23(1): 28-32
The number of known hepatic taxa from regions of Europe is compared with the number of expected taxa, and the regions with the largest differences are those in most need of investigation. The criteria used for deciding the number of expected taxa are number of taxa in neighbouring areas and the diversity of habitats, climate, etc. The areas identified as in most need of investigation are the Balkans, southwest Russia including the Caucasus and the European part of Kazachstan, the Ural Mountains, and the Mediterranean islands. Also Central Russia, Belarus and the Arctic are under-recorded

Söderström, L., Urmi, E. & Vána, J. 2007
Additions to the European liverwort flora
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28 (in press)

Sofron, J. 1998
Notizen zu den ausgesuchten Pflanzengesellschaften des zentralen Brdywaldes
Folia Musei Rerum Naturalium Bohemiae Occidentalis, Botanica 41: 1-40

Sofronova EV 2000
[The Hepaticae of the Suntar-Khayata Reserve Yakutia, East Siberia)]
Arctoa 9: 13-20
In Russian with English abstract; Annotated list of 66 species

Sofronova EV 2005
[New and interesting records of hepatics in Yakutia]
Arctoa 14: 197-202
In Russian with English abstract

Sofronova EV, Potemkin AD 2000
[To the liverwort flora of Yakutia, East Siberia: species interesting and little-known for Russia]
Arctoa 9: 133-140
In Russian with English abstract; 79 spp. are reported

Sofronova, E. V. 2001
New findings of rare liverworts in Yakutia
Arctoa 10: 201-206
In Russian with English abstract. 7 spp.

Sofronova, E. V. 2002
Ekologo-tsenoticheskaya kharakteristika pechenochnikov v rastitel'nom pokrove Vostochnogo Verkhoyan'ya (Yakutiya)
In: Potemkin, A. D. (editor), Problemy Briologii na Rubezhe Vekov. Russian Academy of Sciences, V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia pp. 60-61
On bryosociology in Yakut

Sofronova, E. V. 2005
Some peculiarities of distribution of liverworts in Yakutia
In: Afonina, O. M., A. D. Potemkin & I. V. Czernyadjeva (eds.), Actual Problems in Bryology: Proceedings of the International Meeting Devoted to the 90-th Anniversary of A. L. Abramova (Saint Petersburg, November 22-25, 2005). V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Peterburg, Russia pp. 178-182
In Russian with English abstract

Sokhi, J. & Mehra, P. N. 1973
Comparative embryology of Athalamia pinguis Falc. and A. pusilla (St.) Kash.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 37: 1-54

Solari SS 1971
Las especies del genero Isotachis (Hepaticae) del sur de Argentina y Chile
Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 13: 300-321

Solari SS 1971
Presencia de celocaule en Pleurocladopsis (Hepaticae)
Comunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales: Ciencias Botanicas 2(4): 15-20

Solari SS 1973
Miscelanea briologica (Hepaticae) I
Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 15: 197-203

Solari SS 1974
Miscelanea briologica (Hepaticae) II
Comunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales: Ciencias Botanicas 2: 41-44

Solari SS 1976
Miscelánea briológica (Hepaticae) III
Darwiniana 20: 387-390

Solari SS 1983
Lejeuneaceae - catálogo de especies Andinopatagónicas
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 54: 533-553
Many synonyms, no geographical specificity

Solari SS 1983
Patagonian bryophytes 8. On the identity of Lepicolea scolopendra (Hook.) Trev. var. magellanica Gola and Sendtnera ochroleuca (Spreng.) Nees var. piligera De Not.
Lindbergia 9: 86-88

Solari SS 1987
Lepidozia disticha vs. L. fernandeziensis (Hepaticae)
Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 25: 143-147

Solari SS, Hässel de Menéndez GG 1985
Las Hepaticas de Spegazzini, parte I
Boll. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Verona 10: 193-209

Solari, S. S. 1981
Miscelánea briológica (Hepaticae). IV. Novedades en "Lejeuneaceae."
Comunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales: Ciencias Botanicas 2: 67-75

Solari, S. S. 1983
Las Radulaceae andinopatagónicas de Argentina y Chile
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales: Ciencias Botanicas 2(11): 67-75

Solari, S. S. 1986
Miscelánea briológica (Hepaticae). V. Consideraciones sobre el género Leptoscyphus
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 7: 219-223

Solari, S. S. & G. G. Hässel de Menéndez 1983 [1985]
Las hepaticas de Spegazzini. Plate I
Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 10: 193-209

Soldán Z 1992
Lists of bryophytes collected during the Excursions
Bryonora 9: 54-56

Soldán Z 1996
Seznam mechorost_ sebran_ch na Jihlavsku b_hem 9. bryo-lichenologick_ch dn_ [List of bryophytes collected during the 9th bryo-lichenological days]
Bryonora 18: 20-22

Soldán Z , Peksa O , Halda J , Loskotová E , Marková I , Palice I 2003
Mechorosty a li_ejníky zaznamenané b_hem XV. bryologicko-lichenologick_ch dn_ ve Velemín_ (CHKO _eské St_edoho_í) [Bryophytes and lichens recorded during the 15th Bryological and Lichenological Days in Velemín, NW Bohemia]
Bryonora 32: 3-7
In Czech with English abstract

Soldán, Z. 2002
[Abstract] Anal_za bryoflóry CR
In: Mlezivová, R. M. (ed.), Abstracts. IXth Congress of the Czech Botanical Society. Czech Botanical Society, Praha, Czech Republic p. 75
In Czech

Soldán, Z. & B. Buryová. 2001
Recent findings of three missing species in the bryoflora of the Czech Republic
Bryonora 28: 14-19
In Czech with English abstract; Metzgeria fruticulosa, Andreaea crassinervia and Ulota coarctata refound

Soldán, Z. & J. Vána 2002
Comparison of the flora of bryophytes in glacial cirques of the Czech part of the Bohemian Forest
Silva Gabreta 8: 117-142
In Czech with English abstract

Solga, A. 2001
Bericht zur BLAM-Exkursion 2000 ins Wallis (Schweiz). Bryologischer Teil
Limprichtia 17: 96-112

Sollman F, Sipman H 1980
De voorjaarexcursie 1977 naar de Ardennen
Buxbaumiella 9: 4-15

Sollman P 1984
De mosflora van kerkhoven in Oost-Gelderland
Lindbergia 9: 190-191

Sollman P 1984
De mosflora van noordelijk Friesland
Lindbergia 9: 186-188

Sollows, M. C., K. A. Frego & C. Norfolk 2001
Recovery of Bazzania trilobata following desiccation
The Bryologist 104: 421-429

Soltés R 1989
The floristical and ecological characteristics of some more wide-spread moss communities in the Tatra National Park
In: Herben T, McQueen CB (eds.), Proceedings of the sixth meeting of the Central and East European Bryological Working Group (CEBWG). Pr_honice: Botanical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences pp. 164-171

Soltés, R. 1999
Contribution to the bryoflora of the Kasvár National Nature Reserve
Natura Carpatica 40: 193-194
In Czech with English summary

Soltés, R. 2000
Habitats for rare bryophytes in Slovakia
Lindbergia 25(2-3): 124-127
Several of Slovakia's bryophyte species are rare due to shortage of suitable habitats such as wetlands (mainly fens or wooded fens, e.g. Pseudobryum cinclidioides, Paludella squarrosa), forest habitats with decaying logs (e.g. Scapania massalongi), spruce bogs (Hookeria lucens), and salt-rich soils (e.g. Entosthodon hungaricus). Some moss species occupy rather specialized niches, e.g. some high altitude species (e.g. Marsupella sparsifolia), epiphytes (e.g. Frullania fragilifolia), lithophytes (e.g. Seligeria oelandica), and submerged species (e.g. Cinclidotus aquaticus) and others. Apart from natural succession, agricultural and forestry practices, habitat destruction and air and water pollution are thought to be responsible for the changes in species abundance or even extinction in some locations. The distribution of some glacial relic moss species is presented

Soltés, R., A. Kubinská & K. Janovicová. 2002
Extinction risk to the bryophytes in Slovakia, reasons and evaluation
Portugaliae Acta Biologica 20: 57-63

Soltés, R., K. Janovicová-Miaíková, P. Kucera, J. Kochjarová, D. Blanár & Hrivnák, R. 2004
Bryophytes of the Muránska Planina Mts., and the adjacent area (the preliminary check-list of taxa)
Reussia, suppl. 1: 69-89
In Slovakian with English abstract

Soltés, R., R. Lisická & A. Lackovicová. 1999
Bryophytes and Lichens of Selected Protected Areas of Slovakia
Institute of Botany of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia 22 pp.
Bryologisch-lichenologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mitteleuropa (BLAM) Field Excursion Guide, Slovakia, August 15-20, 1999

Soltis, D. E. & P. S. Soltis 2000
Contributions of plant molecular systematics to studies of molecular evolution
Plant Molecular Biology 42: 45-75

Soltis, P. S., D. E. Soltis, P. G. Wolf, D. L. Nickrent, S. Chaw & R. L. Chapman 1999
The phylogeny of land plants inferred from 18S rDNA sequences: Pushing the limits of rDNA signal?
Molecular Biology and Evolution 16: 1774-1784

Sommerfeldt SC 1826
Supplementum florae lapponicae
Christiania [Oslo] 331 pp.

Sommier S 1908
Le isole Pelagie, Lampedusa, Lampione e la loro con un elenco completo delle piante di Pantellaria

Sommier S 1916
Osservazioni sulla flora maltese
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 23: 295-326

Sommier S 1922
Flora dell'isola di Pantellaria

Sommier S, Levier E 1900
Enumeratio plantarum anno 1890 in Caucaso lectarum
Tr. imp. SPB. bot. sada 16: 469-522

Sone, T., M. Fijisawa, M. Takenada, S. Nagakawa, S. Yamaoka, M. Skaida, R. Nishimyama, K. T. Yamato, N. Ohmido, K. Fulkui, H. Fukuzawa & K. Ohyama 1999
Bryophyte 5SrDNA was inserted into 45S rDNA repeat units after the divergence from higher plants
Plant Molecular Biology 41: 679-685

Song, Chunfeng, Tiantao Zhu, Runhua Lu & W. A. König 2007
Essential oil composition of liverwort Lophozia ventricosa
Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology 13: 458-460

Song, J.-S. 1995
Vegetation and species diversity of the bryophytes in the evergreen coniferous forest and the mixed coniferous and deciduous broad-leaf forest of the Chiri Mountain
Bulletin of the Korean Association for Conservation of Nature 14: 41-56
In Korean with English abstract

Song, J.-S. 1999
Numerical syntaxonomy of the bryophyte communities of the coniferous forest in the Taebaek Range. Korean
Journal of Ecology 22(3): 119-129
In Korean with English abstract

Song, J.-S. 2002
Phytosociologial study on the terricolous bryophyte community in the mixed coniferous and deciduous broad-leaved forest on Deongnyusan
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology 16(2): 131-140
In Korean with English abstract

Song, J.-S. & Yamada, K. 2001
A brief history of study on Hepaticae in Korean Peninsula
Bryological Research 8: 42-44
Bibliography on Korean hepatic papers included

Song, J.-S. & Yamada, K. 2006
Hepatic flora from Jeju (Cheju) Island, Korea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: 443-450

Sonwa, Mekem, M., W. A. König, E. H. Lahlou & Y. Asakawa 2001
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons with trifarane backbone in the liverwort Trocholejeunea sandvicensis
Phytochemistry 57: 499-506

Sophronova, E. V. 2000
Ecological and coenological distribution liverworts of Suntar-Khayata Reserve (North-East Yakutiya, East Siberia)
In: Mikologia i kriptogamnaya botanika v Rossii: traditzii i sovremennost' (Proc. conf. St-Peterbsurg, 24-28 April, 2000), St. Petersburg, Komarov' Bot. Inst. pp. 530-532
The flora includes 66 species of liverworts. The distribution of species by habitats is provided

Sorbo, S., S. Giordano, A. Basile & R. Castaldo Cobianchi 2002
Monitoraggio dell'inquinamento da metalli in traccia nel territorio della regione Campania mediante briofite epifite
Braun-Blanquetia 31: 59-60

Sornsamran R, Thaithong O 1995
Bryophytes in Thailand
OEPP Biodiversity Series 2: 1-231

Soro, A., S. Sundberg & H. Rydin 1999
Species diversity, niche metrics and species associations in harvested and undisturbed bogs
Journal of Vegetation Science 10: 549-560

Sotiaux A, Schumacker R 2002
Catalogue des hépatiques d'Andorre
Lejeunia, n.s. 170: 1-40
124 genera

Sotiaux A, Sotiaux O 2000
Cephalozia catenulata, hépatique nouvelle pour la bryoflore belge dans le massif ardennais
Dumortiera 76: 25-27

Sotiaux A, Sotiaux O, Sotiaux M 1998
Scapania gracilis (Hepaticae) in the French Ardennes department, new for the Ardennes
Belgian Journal of Botany 130: 131-134

Sotiaux A, Sotiaux O, Vanderpoorten A 2008
Additions to the bryophyte flora of Corsica
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 29: 267-274
574 bryophytes reported: 3 hornworts; 154 liverworts; 417 mosses

Sotiaux A, Vandenpoorten A 2001
Check-list of the bryophytes of Belgium
Belgian Journal of Botany 134: 97-120

Sotiaux AO, Sotiaux M 1996
Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. hépatique nouvelle pour la flore française
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest, n.s. 27: 513-516

Sotiaux, A. & A. Vanderpoorten 2001
Atlas bryologique du Brabant wallon (Belgique)
Lejeunia, n.s. 167: 1-77

Sotiaux, A. & A. Vanderpoorten 2004
Catalogue, atlas commenté et mesures de conservation des bryophytes du bassin hydrographique de la Semois (Belgique, France)
Lejeunia, n.s. 175: 1-116

Sotiaux, A. & O. Sotiaux 2000
Radula lindenbergiana, hépatique nouvelle pour la bryoflore belge
Belgian Journal of Botany 133: 36-40

Sotiaux, A., O. Sotiaux, A. Vanderpoorten & L. Durwael 1999
The distribution of bryophytes in the forest of Soignes (south of Brussels, Belgium)
Scripta Botanica Belgica 18: 1-38
With the collaboration of A. Empain

Sotiaux, A., O. Sotiaux, L. Andriessen & C. Nagels 1995
L'intérêt bryologique des pelouses et affleurements schisteux de la vallée de l'Ourthe (région de Noiseux et Grandhan). Compte rendu de l'excursion du 26 mars 1995
Adoxa 8: 14-16

Sotiaux, A., O. Sotiaux, M. Sotiaux, L. Andriessen & C. Nagels 1997
L'intérêt bryologique de de la région de Blaton. Compte rendu de l'excursion du 17 mars 1996
Adoxa 15-16: 45-48

Sotiaux, A., Pioli, A., Royaud, A., Schumacker, R. & Vanderpoorten, A. 2007
A checklist of the bryophytes of Corsica (France): new records and a review of the literature
Journal of Bryology 29: 41-53

Sotiaux, A., Sotiaux, O. & Duvivier, J.-P. 2002
Scapania calcicola, hépatique boréo-montagnarde nouvelle pour la bryoflore belge, dans le district mosan
Belgian Journal of Botany 135: 88-91

Sotiaux, A., Sotiaux, O. & Vanderpoorten, A. 2006
Discovery of the rare liverwort Haplomitrium hookerii in Belgium: relictualism or longdistance dispersal?
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27: 367-373

Sotiaux, Andre, Herman Stieperaere & Alain Vanderpoorten 2007
Bryophyte Checklist and European Red List of the Brussels-capital region, Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium)
Belgian Journal of Botany 140(2): 174-196
This article was scanned before we got the PDF

So_ka T 1949
Pregled mahovina I likajeva u okolini Beograda
Glasnik Prirodnja~kog muzeja srpske zemlje serija B 1-2: 93-112

Spaull VW 1973
Distribution of soil nematodes in the maritime Antarctic
Bulletin, British Antarctic Survey 37: 1-6

Spegazzini C 1922
Cryptogamae nonullae Fuegianae
An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 94: 59-85

Spence JR, Stark LR, Shevock JR 2006
Contribution towards a bryoflora of Nevada: bryophytes new for the silver state. Part II
Madroño 53: 400-403
2 hornworts, 5 liverworts & 24 mosses reported new to Nevada; Bryum badium and B. kunzei new to North America

Sperling, J. A. & E. C. Morgan 2003
The bryophyte flora of Cunningham Park and Alley Park, Queens County, New York. A new flora from old specimens
Evansia 20: 11-14

Spiteller, D., A. Jux, J. Piel & W. Boland 2002
Feeding of [5,5-2H2]-1-desoxy-D-xylulose and [4,4,6,6,6-2H5]-mevalolactone to a geosmin-producing Streptomyces sp. and Fossombronia pusilla
Phytochemistry 61: 827-834

Spoerle, J., Becker, H., Salazar Allen, N. & Gupta, M. P. 1991
Lipophilic constituents from the Panamanian liverwort Monoclea gottschei subsp. neotropica
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 151-155

Spörle J 1990
Phytochemische Untersuchungen an ausgewählten panamaischen Lebermoosen
Thesis, Univ. des Saarlandes pp. 1-90

Sprengel C 1804
Anleitung zur Kenntnis der Gewächse, vol. 3
Halle 374 pp.

Sprengel C 1806
Florae Halensis tentamen novum
Leiden 419 pp.

Sprengel C 1809
Observationes de Jungermanniis aut plane nondum aut minus bene delineatis
Annalen der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammte Naturkunde 1: 21-26

Sprengel C 1813
Plantarum minus cognitarum pugillus 1
Hale [Halle]: Kümmelium 67 pp.

Sprengel C 1821
Neue Entdeckungen in ganzen Umfang der Pflanzenkunde 2
Leipzig: Friedrich Fleischer 363 pp.

Sprengel C 1827
Caroli Linnaei Systema vegetabilium. Ed. 16, vol. 4 (1)
Göttingen: Dieterich 592 pp.

Sprengel, Curt Polycarp Joachim 1802-1818
Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Gewachse, in Briefen... Halle
Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Gewächse
Ed 1 - 3 parts; 1, 7 Sep 1802; 2, 11 Dec 1802; 3, 28 Mar 1804; Ed 2 - 3 parts; 1, 13 Apr 1817; part 2(1), 20 Apr 1817; part 2(2), 31 Mar 1818

Sprengel, Curt Polycarp Joachim 1830-1831
Genera Plantarum
Editio nona, Curante Curtio Sprengel. Göttingen
2 volumes; vol. 1, Sep 1830; vol. 2, Jan-May 1831; See TL2, 4.714 for account of all editions

Spribille, T. 1998
List of the bryophytes of Yellow Bay Biological Station, Lake Co., Montana
Evansia 15: 1-4

Spribille, T. 1999
Forest vegetation in the northern Salish Mountains of northwestern Montana (USA)
Phytocoenologia 29: 503-577
Includes list of 52 mosses and 12 hepatics

Spruce R 1844
The Musci and Hepaticae of Teesdale
Annals and Magazine of Natural History 13: 271-283

Spruce R 1849
The Musci and Hepaticae of the Pyrenees
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2 3: 81-106, 269-293, 358-380, 478-503, 4: 104-120

Spruce R 1850
The Musci and Hepaticae on the Pyrenees
Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 3: 103-216

Spruce R 1876
On Anomoclada, a new genus of Hepaticae, and on its allied genera, Odontoschisma and Adelanthus
London Journal of Botany 14: 129-136

Spruce R 1881
Musci Praeteriti
Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 19: 33-40

Spruce R 1881
On Marsupella stableri n. sp. and some allied species of European hepaticae
Revue Bryologique 8: 89-104

Spruce R 1882
On Cephalozia, its subgenera and some allied genera
Malton, printed for the author, 99 pp.

Spruce R 1884
Hepaticae of the Amazon and the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. I
Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 15: 1-308
Aso published separately. The page numbers match; This publication uses ranked infraspecific names mostly without greek letters

Spruce R 1885
Hepaticae of the Amazon and the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. II
Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 15: 309-588
Aso published separately. The page numbers match; This publication uses ranked infraspecific names mostly without greek letters

Spruce R 1887
Lejeunea holtii a new hepatic from Killarney
Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 25: 33-39

Spruce R 1887
On a new Irish hepatic
Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 25: 209-211

Spruce R 1888
Hepaticae in prov. Rio de Janeiro a Glaziou lectae, a R. Spruce determinatae
Revue Bryologique 15: 33-34

Spruce R 1889
Hepaticae novae Americanae tropicae et aliae
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 36: 184-207

Spruce R 1890
Hepaticae bolivianae, in Andibus Boliviae orientalis, annis 1835-6 a cl. H. H. Rusby lectae
Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 1: 114-140

Spruce R 1895
Hepaticae Elliottianae, insulis Antillanis St. Vincentii et Dominica a clar. W. R. Elliott, annis 1891-92, lectae
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 30: 331-372

Spruce, R. 1890
Hepaticae Novae Americanae Tropicae
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 11: 202

Srivastava G, Srivastava SG 1990
Present status of Cololejeunea subgenus Cololejeunea in India
Geophytology 19: 120-130

Srivastava KP 1960
On a species of Anthoceros, A. satpurensis Sriv. sp. nov.
Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress Association 3: 337-338

Srivastava SC 1976
A new Metzgeria from Assam
Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 55: 194-197

Srivastava SC 1978
Riccardia tenuicostata new to Eastern Himalayas
The Bryologist 81: 168-170

Srivastava SC, Agarwal A 1986
The genus Rectolejeunea in India
The Bryologist 89: 195-199

Srivastava SC, Alam A 2002
A collection of Frullania from Nilgiri with F. densiloba St. as new record for India
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 99: 232-237

Srivastava SC, Alam A 2004
Frullania riojaneirensis (Raddi) Spruce - an addition to Indian bryoflora
Geophytology 33: 47-51

Srivastava SC, Alam A 2005
Family Scapaniaceae - new to south Indian bryoflora
Indian Journal of Forestry 28: 291-294

Srivastava SC, Dixit R 1994
Species of Plagiochila from the Valley of Flowers
Yushania 11: 105-112

Srivastava SC, Dixit R 1996
Species of Plagiochila (Dum.) Dum. (Plagiochilaceae) from Lilam in Kumaon, Western Himalayas, India
Geophytology 25: 91-103

Srivastava SC, Dixit R 1996
The genus Cyathodium Kunze
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 80: 149-215

Srivastava SC, Kumar D, Sharma D 1988
A new Lepidozia from eastern Himalayas, India
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 9: 235-240

Srivastava SC, Rawat KK 2003
Metzgeria sikkimensis sp. nov. from Sikkim Himalayas, India
Geophytology 31: 71-73
New: Metzgeria sikkimensis

Srivastava SC, Rawat KK, Verma PK 2006
An interesting Plagiochila from Kodaikanal (India)
National Academy Science Letters 29: 267-270

Srivastava SC, Shaheen F, Sharma D 1995
Notes on some rare and interesting liverworts from eastern Himalaya
In: Kumar SS (ed.), Recent studies in Indian bryophytes. Dehra Dun: Bishen Singh Madendra Pal Singh pp. 65-74

Srivastava SC, Sharma D, Shaheen F 1991
Diplophyllum nanum Herz. in India
Lindbergia 16: 55-58

Srivastava SC, Singh P 1989
Two species of Jungermannia (Solenostoma) new to Himalayas, India
Lindbergia 14: 162-166

Srivastava SC, Singh P 1995
Some species of Jungermannia subgenus Solenostoma (Mitt.) Amak. from eastern Himalaya
In: Kumar SS (ed.), Recent studies in Indian bryophytes. Dehra Dun: Bishen Singh Madendra Pal Singh pp. 147-156

Srivastava SC, Srivastava A 1986
A new Heteroscyphus from Eastern Himalayas
Geophytology 16: 129-132

Srivastava SC, Srivastava A 1986
Morphotaxonomy of Heteroscyphus argutus (Nees) Schiffn. from India
Geophytology 16: 255-257

Srivastava SC, Srivastava A 1991
The genus Heteroscyphus Schiffn in the Western Himalayas
Lindbergia 15: 195-202

Srivastava SC, Srivastava A 1993
A remarkable Scapania (Scapaniaceae) from Manali (Himachal Pradesh: Western Himalaya)
Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 72: 237-240

Srivastava SC, Srivastava A 1994
Two species of Scapania (Dum.) Dum. from eastern Himalaya with sporophytes
Lindbergia 19: 40-48

Srivastava SC, Srivastava A 1995
The genus Chiloscyphus Corda in eastern Himalaya
In: Kumar SS (ed.), Recent studies in Indian bryophytes. Dehra Dun: Bishen Singh Madendra Pal Singh pp. 189-195

Srivastava SC, Srivastava G 1989
Two species of Cololejeunea from South India
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Plant Sciences 99: 83-90

Srivastava SC, Srivastava S, Dharma D 2003
A new Jungermannia (Solenostoma) from the Valley of Flowers, India
Lindbergia 28: 129-133
Jungermannia (Solenostoma) kashyapii sp. nov. is described from the Valley of Flowers (western Himalaya), alt. ca 3250 m). It differs from other memebers of the genus in having immersed perianths that are completely covered by the bracts and multistratose perigynia

Srivastava SC, Udar R 1975
Taxonomy of the Indian Metzgeriaceae. A monographic study
New Phytologist 2: 1-57
POSSIBLY New Botanist 2: 1-57

Srivastava SC, Udar R 1977
Riccardia perssonii sp. nov. and R. tenuicostata Schiffn., two hepatics new to India
Lindbergia 4: 127-131

Srivastava SC, Verma PK 2006
Genus Arachniopsis Spruce - new to India with A. indica sp. nov. as new to science
National Academy Science Letters 27: 269-272

Srivastava SC, Verma PK, Rizvi SAH 2002
Plagiochila peradenyensis Schiffn. new to India
Geophytology 30: 75-79

Srivastava SN, Amakawa T 1991
A new species of Jungermannia (J. champawatensis) from W. H. India
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of India. Section B, Biological Sciences 61: 205-208

Srivastava, A. 1991
Studies in Indian Geocalycaceae
Ph. D. thesis, Dept. of Bothany, Univ. of Lucknow, Lucknow

Srivastava, A. & Srivastava, S. C. 2002
Indian Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). A Taxonomic Study
Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India ix + 246 pp.
New: Heteroscyphus sect. Connatus, Heteroscyphus sect. Metaheteroscyphus, Lophocolea sect. Integrifolia, Chiloscyphus kashyapii, Heteroscyphus darjeelingensis, Heteroscyphus orbiculatus, Heteroscyphus palniensis, Heteroscyphus parvus, Lophocolea himalayensis, Lophocolea cuspidata var. asymmetrica, Heteroscyphus hyalinus (Stephani), Heteroscyphus flaccidus (Mitten) hom. illeg., non Steph.

Srivastava, A. K. 2002
[Abstract] Fossil bryophytes from India
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 27

Srivastava, G. 1984
Studies in Indian Cololejeuneoideae
Ph. D. thesis, Dept. of Bothany, Univ. of Lucknow, Lucknow

Srivastava, K. P. 1964
Bryophytes of India - I Ricciaceae
Bulletin of the Lucknow National Botanic Gardens 104

Srivastava, K. P. 1972 [1973]
The genus Riccardia Gray in India. III. Riccardia platyclada Schiffn.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 90-92

Srivastava, K. P. 2001
Evolutionary trends of Metzgerineae
In: Nath, V. & A. K. Asthana (eds.), Perspectives in Indian Bryology (Proceedings National Conference on Bryology). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India pp. 235-241

Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.). 2002
Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002
National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India viii + 92 pp.
Individual abstracts listed separately.

Srivastava, S. C. 1979
Hepaticae of Kashmir Valley
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 63: 333-338

Srivastava, S. C. 1998
Distribution of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae in India
In: Chopra, R. N. (ed.), Topics in Bryology. Allied Publishers, New Delhi, India pp. 53-85

Srivastava, S. C. 2002
[Abstract] Status of hepatic taxonomy in India
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 6

Srivastava, S. C. & A. K. Asthana 1989
Two species of Folioceros from India, including F. kashyapii, sp. nov.
The Bryologist 92: 219-224

Srivastava, S. C. & Asthana, A. K. 1990
Genus Megaceros Campbell in India
Beiträge Biologische Pflanzen 65: 163-173

Srivastava, S. C. & D. Sharma 1990
A new species of Jubula Dumort. from Milam in Kumaon (western Himalaya)
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Plant Sciences 100: 85-89

Srivastava, S. C. & K. K. Rawat 2002
[Abstract] An assessment of hepatic diversity in Eastern Himalaya (India)
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 74

Srivastava, S. C. & P. K. Verma 2002 [2004]
Exploration of liverwort diversity on Cinchona plantation in Dodabetta, Nilgiri Hills, India
Geophytology 32: 1-18

Srivastava, S. C. & R. Udar 1975
On the occurence of Aneura pellioides (Horik.) Inoue in India
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 7: 30-32

Srivastava, S. C. & Srivastava, S. 2002
[Abstract] Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Valley of Flowers, Uttaranchal (India)
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 67

Srivastava, S. C. & Srivastava, S. 2004
Two new Metzgerias from peninsular India
Phytotaxonomy 4: 79-86
New: Metzgeria coorgense sp. nov., Metzgeria raoi sp. nov.

Srivastava, S. C. & Udar, R. 1975
The genus Fossombronia Raddi in India with a note on Indian taxa of the family Fossombroniaceae
Nova Hedwigia 26: 799-845

Srivastava, S. C. & Udar, R. 1976
Taxonomy of the Indian Aneuraceae. A monographic study
Biological Memoirs 1: 121-154

Srivastava, S. C. & Udar, R. 1979
Distribution of Metzgeriales in India
Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 58: 33-39

Srivastava, S. C. & Udar, R. 1980
On a collection of liverworts from the valley of flowers and neighbouring areas
Journal of the Indian Botanical Society, suppl. 59: 36-37

Srivastava, S. C. & Verma, P. K. 2005
Gongylanthus indicus sp. nov. (Hepaticae) from Nilgiri Hills, India
Indian Journal of Forestry 28: 200-205
New: Gongylanthus indicus sp. nov.

Srivastava, S. C., & A. K. Asthana 1987
Morpho-taxonomy of Anthoceros crispulus (Mont.) Douin from south India
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Plant Sciences 97: 385-389

Srivastava, S. C., P. K. Verma & A. Alam 2006 [2007]
Plagiochila gracilis Lindenb. & Gott. and P. subtropica St. in Western Ghats (Nilgiri Hills)
Phytotaxonomy 6: 78-83

Srivastava, S. C., Verma, P. K. & Alam, A. 2002
[Abstract] A note on Hepaticae of Dodabetta (Udagamandalam) Nilgiri, South India
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 78

Srivastava, S. N. 2002
[Abstract] Observations on the phytosociology and successional stages of epiphytic bryophytes in Western Himalaya
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 61

Srivastava, S. N. & P. Srivastava 2006
Cololejeunea producta (Mitt.) Hatt. (Hepaticae), from Kumaun region in Western Himalayas
Geophytology 36: 109-111

Srivastava, S. N. & P. Srivastava 2007
Scapania stephanii K. Muell.: a hepatic new to Indian bryoflora
Phytomorphology 57: 133-135

Srivastava, S.C. & Sharma, D. 2000
A preliminary study on the liverwort and hornwort flora of Silent Valley (Kerala)
In: Chauhan (ed.), Prof. D.D. Nautiyal Commemoration Volume: Recent Trends in Botanical Researches, pp. 55-75

St. Clair, L. L. 1999
Microbiotic soil crusts: structure and function
Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 6: 17-19

St. Hilaire, L. 2003
A report from the twenty-seventh annual Andrews Foray, September 2002, Saco Maine
Evansia 20: 144-156

Stafford WE 1905
The useful plants of the island of Guam
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 9: 1-416

Stahly, N. K., Tambs, J. N. & Taylor, J. 1977 [1978]
An assessment of fructose as a carbohydrate source of carbon for the in vitro growth of Sphaerocarpos texanus
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 43: 69-71

Stair LD 1947
A contribution to the cryptogamic flora of Yakutat Bay, Alaska
The Bryologist 50: 349-365

Standley PC 1914
A list of hepaticae from western North Carolina
The Bryologist 17: 69-71

Standley PC 1915
Hepaticae of New Mexico
The Bryologist 18: 81-83

Standley PC 1916
Additional notes upon New Mexican hepaticae
The Bryologist 19: 64-65

Standley PC 1931
Flora of the Lancetilla Valley, Honduras
Field Museum of Natural History. Botanical Series 10: 1-418

Stange, L. 1982
Influence of light intensity on meristem structure and activity in Riella helicophylla (Bory et Mont.) Mont.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 53: 249-254

Stange, L. 1984
Meristem organization and morphogenesis in gemmae of Riella helicophylla (Bory et Mont.) Mont.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 195-200

Stanton, D. & J. Villagra 2007
[Abstract] Host specificity in Atacama Desert epiphytes. Program and Abstracts
American Bryological and Lichenological Society 2007: 23-24

Staples GW, Imada CT 2007
Checklist of Hawaiian Anthocerotes and Hepatics
Tropical Bryology 28: 15-47

Stark LR, Whittemore AT, Mishler BD 2002
Noteworthy bryophyte records from the Mojave Desert
Madroño 49: 49-53

Stark, L. R. & Whittemore, A. T. 2001
Bryophytes from the northern Mojave desert. I. A list of reported species. Final version
The Southwestern Naturalist 45: 226-232

Starke, T. & J. P. Gogarten 1993
A conserved intron in the V-ATPase A subunit of green plants and algae
Federation of European Biochemical Society Letters 315: 252-258

Staubli, P. 2004
Regeneration von Hochmooren im Kanton Zug
Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 149: 75-81

Stebel A 1999
Lophozia badensis (Hepaticae, Lophoziaceae) in Silesian upland (Poland)
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 44: 199-201

Stebel A, Stebel AM 1998
Materia_y do brioflory Beskiu Ma_ego i pó_nocnej cz__ci Kotliny _ywieckej (karpaty Zachodnie) [A contribution to the bryoflora of the Beskid Maly Range and the northern part of Kotlina _ywiecka (West Carpathians)]
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 5: 217-236
In Polish with English abstract

Stebel, A. 2002
Porella cordaeana (Hepaticae, Porellaceae) in the Silesian Beskid Mts (Western Carpathians)
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 9: 391-393
In Polish with English abstract

Stebel, A. 2005
Bryophytes of the north-eastern part of the Kotlina Raciborska Basin (Silesian lowland)
Natura Silesiae Superioris 8: 15-37
In Polish with English summary.

Stebel, A. 2007
Ptilidium ciliare (Marchantiopsida, Ptilidiaceae) in the western part of the Beskidy Mountains (Carpathians)
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 14: 195-197
In Polish with English summary.

Stebel, A. & B. Fojcik 2001
[Abstract] Threatened bryophyte of Poland in the bryoflora of Katowice Town (Silesian Upland)
Biological Bulletin of Poznan 38: 222-223

Stebel, A., Klama, H., Wierzcholska, S. & Pláaek, V. 2003
Porella platyphylla (L.) Pfeiff. (Hepaticophyta, Porellaceae) in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest (Poland)
Casopis Slezského muzea, serie A. Vedy Prírodní 52: 270-272

Stech M, Frahm J-P, Hilger HH, Frey W 2000
Molecular relationship of Treubia Goebel (Treubiaceae, Treubiopsida) and high taxonomic level classification of the Hepaticophytina. Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 6
Nova Hedwigia 71: 195-208
Includes Treubiopsida class nov.

Stech, M. & W. Frey 2001
CpDNA-relationship and classification of the liverworts (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta)
Nova Hedwigia 72: 45-58
includes Blasiopsida n.class

Stech, M. & W. Frey 2004
Molecular circumscripton and relationships of selected Gondwanan species of Haplomitrium (Calobryales, Haplomitriopsida, Hepaticophytina). Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 24
Nova Hedwigia 78: 57-70

Stech, M., D. Quandt & W. Frey 2003
Molecular circumscription of the hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) based on the chloroplast DNA trnL-trnF region
Journal of Plant Research 116: 389-398

Stech, M., N. A. Konstantinova & W. Frey 2002
Molecular divergence between Treubia Goebel and Apotreubia S. Hatt. & Mizut., the two genera of the archaic liverwort class Treubiopsida (Hepaticophytina). Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 19
Nova Hedwigia 75: 91-100

Stech, M., Osman, S., Sim-Sim, M. & Frey, W. 2006
Molecular systematics and biogeography of the liverwort genus Tylimanthus (Acrobolbaceae) Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 33
Nova Hedwigia 83(1-2): 17-30

Steel DT 1978
The taxonomy of Lophocolea bidentata (L.) Dum. and L. cuspidata (Nees) Limpr.
Journal of Bryology 10: 49-59

Steel, J. 2000
16th John Child Bryophyte Workshop, Blackball
New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 62: 19

Steel,, J. B., Wilson, J. B., B. J. Anderson, R. H. E. Lodge & R. S. Tangney 2004
Are bryophyte communities different from higher plant communities? Abundance relations
Oikos 104: 479-486

Steere WC 1934
The Bryophytes of the Chase S. Osborn Preserve of the University of Michigan, Sugar Island, Chippewa County, Michigan
American Midland Naturalist 15: 761-769

Steere WC 1934
Unreported or otherwise interesting bryophytes from Michigan
The Bryologist 37: 57-62

Steere WC 1934
Unreported or otherwise interesting bryophytes from Michigan. II
The Bryologist 37: 79-82

Steere WC 1937
Critical bryophytes from the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
Rhodora 39: 1-14

Steere WC 1938
Bryophyta of Arctic America. I. Species from Little Diomede Island, Bering Strait, Alaska
American Midland Naturalist 19: 436-439

Steere WC 1938
Critical bryophytes from the Keweenaw peninsula, Michigan, II
Annales Bryologici 11: 145-152

Steere WC 1939
Bryophyta of Arctic America. II. species Collected by J. Dewey Soper, Principally in Southern Baffin Island
American Midland Naturalist 22: 355-367

Steere WC 1940
Liverworts of southern Michigan
Bulletin of the Cranbrook Institute of Science 17: 1-97

Steere WC 1941
Bryophyta of Canadian Arctic; collection of father Anthéme Dutilly
In: NN (ed.), Flora Arctica, Habitats of the Eskimo. Washington, DC pp. 1-31

Steere WC 1942
Notes on Michigan bryophytes - IV
The Bryologist 45: 153-172

Steere WC 1946
The bryophytes of the Alan Hancock Expedition of 1939
University of Soutern California 3: 1-12

Steere WC 1947
The bryophyte flora of Michigan
Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 21: 33-56

Steere WC 1951
The occurrence of Ricciocarpus natans in northern Canada
The Bryologist 54: 207-208

Steere WC 1953
On the geographical distribution of arctic bryophytes
Stanf. Univ. Publ., Univ. ser. Biol. Sci. 11: 30-4

Steere WC 1954
In: The cryptogamic flora of the Arctic. Botanical Review 20: 425-450

Steere WC 1954
Chromosome number and behaivor in arctic mosses
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 116: 93-133

Steere WC 1955
Bryophyta of Arctic America. VI. A Collection from Prionce Patrick Island
American Midland Naturalist 53: 231-241

Steere WC 1958
Bryophyta of Arctic America. VIII. A collection from the Delta Region of the Mackenzie River
The Bryologist 61: 182-190

Steere WC 1961
A preliminary review of the bryophytes of Antarctica
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Publ. 839: 20-33

Steere WC 1961
The bryophytes of South Georgia
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Publ. 839: 34-48

Steere WC 1965
Antarctic Bryophyta
BioScience 15: 283-285

Steere WC 1975
Lophozia incisa: a curious reaction to desiccation
The Bryologist 78: 368-369

Steere WC 1975
Mosses and Hepatics from the Thule District, Northwestern Greenland
American Midland Naturalist 94: 326-347

Steere WC 1976
Ecology, phytogeography and floristics of Arctic Alaskan bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 47-72

Steere WC 1977
Bryophytes from Great Bear Lake and Coppermine, Northwest Territories, Canada
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 42: 425-465

Steere WC, Inoue H 1974
Fossombronia alaskana, a new Hepatic from Arctic Alaska
The Bryologist 77: 63-71

Steere WC, Inoue H 1975
Contributions to our knowledge of Mesoptychia sahlbergii
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Series B, Botany 1: 59-72

Steere WC, Schuster RM 1960
The hepatic genus Ascidiota Massalongo new to North America
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 87: 209-215

Steere WC, Scotter GN, Holmen K 1977
Bryophytes of Nahanni National Park and vicinity, Northwest Territories, Canada
Canadian Journal of Botany 55: 1741-1767

Steere WC, Scotter GW 1978
Additional bryophytes from Nahani National Park and vicinity, Northwest Territories, Canada
Canadian Journal of Botany 56: 234-244

Steere WC, Scotter GW 1978
Bryophytes of the northen Yukon Territory, Canada, collected by A. J. Sharp and others
Brittonia 30: 271-288

Steere WC, Scotter GW 1978
Bryophytes of the southeastern Yukon Territory, Canada
Brittonia 30: 395-403

Steere WC, Scotter GW 1979
Bryophytes of Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
Canadian Journal of Botany 57: 1136-1149

Steere WC, Scotter GW 1986
Bryophytes of the Cape Parry and Bathurst Inlet Region, Northwest Territories
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 100: 496-501

Steere, W. C. 1972
Chromosome numbers in bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 35: 99-125

Steere, W. C. & Inoue, H. 1972
Distribution patterns and speciation of bryophytes in the circum-Pacific regions: Introduction
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 35: 1-2

Steere, W. C. & Inoue, H. 1978
The Hepaticae of Arctic Alaska
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 44: 251-345

Stefanoff B, Petrov S 1962
Über die Moose und die Moosflora Bulgariens
Acad. Sci. Agricol. Bulgarie. Bull. l'Inst. Forets

Stefanov B, Petrov S 1962
Za mchove i mchovata flora na B'lgarija
Izv. na Naucnoizledovatelskija institut za gorata 11

Stefanut, S. 2001
Bucegia romanica, one hundred years after discovery
Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis 29: 129-132
In Romanian with English abstract

Stefanut, S. 2002
The hornworts and liverworts list of Romania
Revue Roumanie de Biologie, Série de Biologie Végétale 47: 27-39

Stefanut, S. 2003
Pallavicinia lyellii, a new species from Romania
Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis 30: 71-78

Stefanut, S. 2004
Frullania parvistipula new to Romania
Lindbergia 29(2): 110-111

Stefanut, S. 2004
New national and regional bryophyte records. 10
Journal of Bryology 26: 306
Marsupella commutata In Romania

Stefanut, S. & Stefanut, M. 2003
Pleurocladula albescens in hepaticoflora of Fagaras Mountains
Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis 30: 79-82

Stefanut, Sorin 2000
Haplomitrium hookeri, new species to the Romanian Bryoflora
Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis 28: 139-141

Stefureac TI 1942
L'Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook.) Schiffn. dans les Carpathes Roumaines
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 13: 86-95

Stefureac TI 1945
Briophyte noui sau rare in flora Romaniei cu cateva consideratiuni Fitogeografice
Boletinu Gradinii Botanice si al Muzeului Botanis dela Universitatea din Cluj 25: 173-185

Stefureac TI 1947
Über einige arten der gattung Riccia Linné in der Moldau (Rumänien)
Académie Roumaine, Bulletin de la section scientifique 29: 1-6

Stefureac TI 1984
Bryologische Forschungen in Rumänien
In: Vána J (ed.), Proceedings of the third meeting of the bryologists from Central and East Europe. Praha: Univerzita Karlova pp. 315-323

Stefureac TI, Mihai G, Pascal P, Baraba_ V 1973
Conspectul briofitelor din Moldova
Muzeul de stiintele Naturii B_cau studii _i communicari 1973: 129-258

Steil WN 1923
The antherozoids of the genus Riccardia
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 50: 197-201

Steinhauser, S., S. Beckert, I. Capesius, O. Malek & V. Knoop 1999
Plant mitochondrial RNA editing - extreme in hornworts and dividing the liveworts?
Journal of Molecular Evolution 48: 303-312
According to author VK, the title was erroneously shortened, it should have continued with "- extreme in hornworts and dividing the liverworts?"

Steinheil 1834
Matereaux pour servir a la flore de Barbariae notice sur les cryptogames receuillies aux environs de Bone
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 2 1: 282-289

Stenøien, H. K. 1999
Are enzyme loci selectively neutral in haploid populations of nonvascular plants?
Evolution 53: 1050-1059

Stenøien, H. K. 2002
Bryophyte species and population concepts in relation to molecular markers
Lindbergia 27(3): 134-140
A presentation of various species and population concepts employed in bryophyte systematics and population genetics is given, with special emphasis on how molecular markers have influenced these concepts. The various concepts often reflect the evolutionary processes that are considered important as cohesive forces maintaining species and populations as distinct groups. Traditionally, emphasis has been placed on natural selection and the lack of gene flow as major cohesive forces in bryophytes. More recently, reproductive barriers have been regarded as important elements in species and population definitions, despite the assumed widespread clonality in bryophytes. Aspects of various bryophyte species and population concepts are discussed, and guidelines for population delimitation suitable in molecular studies are suggested

Stenøien, H. K. & S. M. Såstad 2001
Genetic variability in bryophytes: does mating system really matter?
Journal of Bryology 23: 313-318

Stepanova NA, Duda J 1984
[Ad floram hepaticarum in fluxu inferiore Fl. Kolyma inventarum]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 21: 208-210

Stepanova NA, Ivanova EI, Volotovsky KA 1995
Contributions to the bryoflora of Tokinskij Stanovik Range (South Yakutia, East Siberia)
Arctoa 4: 35-44

Stepanova, N. A., Ivanova, E. L. & Sofronova, E. M. 1999
The survey of the investigations on bryoflora of Yakutiya
In: Timofeev, P. A. (ed.) Flora i fauna Yaskutii, Moskow, Ross. Akad. Nauk pp. 25-34
History of studies and bibliography on mosses of Yakutia are provided. 440 mosses and 82 liverworts are known from the Yakutia now

Stephani F 1879
Deutschlands Jungermannienin Abbildungen n. d. Nat. gezichnet
Berichte der Botanischen Vereines zu Landshut 7: 93-164

Stephani F 1882
Riccia ciliifera Link und Riccia Breidleri Jur.
Hedwigia 21: 76

Stephani F 1883
Einige neue Lebermoose
Hedwigia 22: 49-52

Stephani F 1883
Zwei neue Lebermoose
Hedwigia 22: 145-148

Stephani F 1884
Die gattung Radula (fortsetzung)
Hedwigia 23: 145-158

Stephani F 1884
Die gattung Radula (schluss)
Hedwigia 23: 161-163

Stephani F 1884
Die gattung Radula
Hedwigia 23: 113-137

Stephani F 1885
Flora de S. Thomé. Hepaticae, in Contributiones para o estudo da Flora d'Africa
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 4: 170-184

Stephani F 1885
Hepaticarum species novae vel minus cognitae 2
Hedwigia 24: 166-168

Stephani F 1885
Hepaticarum species novae vel minus cognitae 3
Hedwigia 24: 214-218

Stephani F 1885
Neue und kritische Arten der Gattung Riccia
Hedwigia 24: 1-7

Stephani F 1886
Hepaticae africanae
Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 8: 79-95

Stephani F 1886
Hepaticae species novae vel minus cognitae V
Hedwigia 25: 5-9

Stephani F 1886
Hepaticae species novae vel minus cognitae VIII
Hedwigia 25: 233-249

Stephani F 1886
Hepaticae von der Halbinsel Alaska
Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 8: 96-99

Stephani F 1886
Hepaticarum species novae vel minus cognitae VI
Hedwigia 25: 133-134

Stephani F 1886
Hepaticarum species novae vel minus cognitae VII
Hedwigia 25: 202-208

Stephani F 1886
Hepaticarum species novae vel minus cognitae. IV
Hedwigia 24: 246-250

Stephani F 1886
Observationes de exoticis Hepaticis
Botanisches Centralblatt 27: 207-211

Stephani F 1887
Ueber einige Lebermoose Portugals
Hedwigia 26: 1-6

Stephani F 1888
Anthoceros husnotii Stephani, n. sp.
Revue Bryologique 15: 49-50

Stephani F 1888
Hepaticae africanae
Hedwigia 27: 59-63

Stephani F 1888
Porella levieri Jack et Stephani n. sp.
Flora 71: 496-498

Stephani F 1888
Westindische Hepaticae
Hedwigia 27: 276-302

Stephani F 1889
Deux nouvelles espèces du genre Riccia
Revue Bryologique 16: 65-67

Stephani F 1889
Hepaticae Australiae 1
Hedwigia 28: 128-135

Stephani F 1889
Hepaticae Australiae 2
Hedwigia 28: 155-175

Stephani F 1889
Hepaticae Australiae 3
Hedwigia 28: 257-278

Stephani F 1890
Die Gattung Lejeunea im Herbarium Lindenberg 2
Hedwigia 29: 68-99

Stephani F 1890
Die Gattung Lejeunea im Herbarium Lindenberg
Hedwigia 29: 1-23

Stephani F 1890
Hepaticae africanae novae in insulis Bourbon, Maurice et Madagascar leactae
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 15: 281-292

Stephani F 1891
Hepaticae africanae
Hedwigia 30: 201-217

Stephani F 1891
Hepaticae africanae
Hedwigia 30: 265-272

Stephani F 1891
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 30(2): 181-207

Stephani F 1892
A revision of Colenso's Hepaticae with descriptions of new species collected by him
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 29: 263-280

Stephani F 1892
Hepaticae africanae
Hedwigia 31: 120-130

Stephani F 1892
Hepaticae africanae
Hedwigia 31: 165-174

Stephani F 1892
Hepaticae novae caucasicae
Botanisches Centralblatt 50: 70-72

Stephani F 1892
In: Durand & Pittier, Primitiae Florae Costaricensis. Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 31: 175-182

Stephani F 1892
The North American Lejeuneae
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 17: 170-173

Stephani F 1893
Enumeratio Hepaticarum insularum austro-africanum
In: Renauld F, Cardot J, Musci exotici vel minus cogniti. Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 32: 118-121

Stephani F 1893
Hepaticarum species novae. Pars I
Hedwigia 32: 17-29

Stephani F 1893
Hepaticarum species novae. Pars II
Hedwigia 32: 137-147

Stephani F 1893
Hepaticarum species novae. Pars III
Hedwigia 32: 204-214

Stephani F 1893
Hepaticarum species novae. Pars IV
Hedwigia 32: 315-327

Stephani F 1894
Eine neue lebermoos Gattung
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 44: 1-5

Stephani F 1894
Hepatiarum species novae V
Hedwigia 33: 1-10

Stephani F 1894
Hepaticae chinenses
Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg 29: 207-228

Stephani F 1894
In: Cryptogamae Centrali-Americanae in guratemala, Costa-Rica, Columbia & Ecuador cl. f. Lehmann lectae. Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 6: 389-343

Stephani F 1894
In: Renauld F, Cardot J, Musci exotici novi vel minus cogniti IV. Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 32(2): 8-40

Stephani F 1894
Hepaticarum species novae VI
Hedwigia 33: 137-169

Stephani F 1894
Musci exotici novi vel minus cogniti V
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 32(1): 101-121

Stephani F 1895
Anthoceros stableri Steph. n. sp.
Revue Bryologique 22: 74-75

Stephani F 1895
Hepaticae (in Major CJF, Barbey W, Cryptogames de Kos)
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 3: 243

Stephani F 1895
Hepaticae africanae
Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 20: 299-321

Stephani F 1895
In: H. Schintz, beiträge zur Afrikanischen Flora, p. 374. Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 3: 373-441

Stephani F 1895
pp. 62-66

Stephani F 1895
Hepaticarum species novae VII
Hedwigia 34: 43-65

Stephani F 1895
Hepaticarum species novae VIII
Hedwigia 34: 232-253

Stephani F 1896
Hepaticarum species novae IX
Hedwigia 35: 73-140

Stephani F 1897
Die Lebermoose der ersten Regnell'schen expedition nach Südamerika
Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 23(2): 1-36

Stephani F 1897
Hepaticae Japonicarum
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 5: 76-108

Stephani F 1897
Hepaticae sandvicenses
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 5: 840-849

Stephani F 1897
In: Reinecke F, Die Flora der Samoa-Inseln. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 23: 300-316

Stephani F 1898
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 6(5): 361-378

Stephani F 1898
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 6(10): 757-799

Stephani F 1898
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 6: 309-343

Stephani F 1899
Flora of British Guinea
Kew Bulletin 1899: 95-126
This article doesn't seem to have an author. There is a small Hepatic section on p. 126 that is attributed to Stephani. The article covers fanerogams, bryophytes in a lot of small sections with different authors

Stephani F 1899
Hepaticae (in F. Renauld & J. Cardot, Musci exotici vel minus cogniti)
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 38: 43-48

Stephani F 1899
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 7(2): 84-110

Stephani F 1899
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 7(3): 198-225

Stephani F 1899
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 7(5): 381-407

Stephani F 1899
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 7(7): 518-533

Stephani F 1899
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 7(9): 655-695

Stephani F 1899
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 7(10): 727-764

Stephani F 1899
Species Hepaticarum 1
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 7: 927-956

Stephani F 1900
Beiträge zur Lebermoosflora Westpatagoniens und des südlichen Chiles
Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 26(16): 1-69

Stephani F 1900
In: Renauld F & Cardot J, Musci exotici novi vel minus cogniti. Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 38: 250-256

Stephani F 1900
Species Hepaticarum 1
Mémoires de l'Herbier Boissier 11: 1-49

Stephani F 1900
Species Hepaticarum 1
Mémoires de l'Herbier Boissier 16: 1-46

Stephani F 1901
Expédition Antarctique Belge. Résultat du Voyage du S. Y. Belgica en 1897-1898-1899 sous le commandement de A. de Gerlache de Gomery. Expédition Antarctique Belge. Botanique, Hépatiques
Anvers: J.-E. Buschmann 6 pp.

Stephani F 1901
Hepaticae novae Dussianae
Urban, Symbolae Antillanae 2: 469-472

Stephani F 1901
In: Brown et al., Report on two botanical collections made by Messrs. F. V. McConnell and J. J. Quelch at Mount Roraima in British Guiana. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Botany 6: 93-100

Stephani F 1901
Lebermoose der Magellanslander. Mitt einer Einleitung von P. Dusen
Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 26(17): 1-36

Stephani F 1901
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 1: 140-177

Stephani F 1901
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 1: 477-521

Stephani F 1901
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 1: 1022-1151

Stephani F 1902
Hepaticae (in. Johs. Schmidt: Flora of Koli Chang V)
Botanisk Tidsskrift 24: 277-280

Stephani F 1902
Hepaticae (in. Schmidt J, Flora of Koh Chang)
Botanisk Tidsskrift 24: 241-280

Stephani F 1902
Hepaticae novae Dussianae II
pp. 275-279

Stephani F 1902
In: Engler A, Beitrag zur flora von Afrika XXII. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 30: 260-261

Stephani F 1902
In: G Volkens, Die Vegetation des Karolinen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der von Yap. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 31: 450-453

Stephani F 1902
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 2: 35-48

Stephani F 1902
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 2: 157-179

Stephani F 1902
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 2: 454-474

Stephani F 1902
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 2: 657-688

Stephani F 1902
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 2: 857-888

Stephani F 1902
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 2: 969-987

Stephani F 1903
Hepaticae (in F. Renauld & J. Cardot, Musci exotici vel minus cogniti X)
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 41: 118-122

Stephani F 1903
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 3: 98-129

Stephani F 1903
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 3: 326-341

Stephani F 1903
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 3: 522-537

Stephani F 1903
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 3: 596-611

Stephani F 1903
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 3: 873-888

Stephani F 1903
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 3: 959-974

Stephani F 1904
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 4: 18-32

Stephani F 1904
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 4: 153-168

Stephani F 1904
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 4: 345-360

Stephani F 1904
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 4: 584-601

Stephani F 1904
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 4: 775-790

Stephani F 1904
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 4: 973-988

Stephani F 1904
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 4: 1197-1214

Stephani F 1905
Hepaticae amazonicae ab Ernesto Ule collectae
Hedwigia 44: 223-229

Stephani F 1905
Hepaticae gesammelt von C. Skottsberg während der schwedischen Südpolarexpedition, 1901-1903
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 4: 1-11

Stephani F 1905
Hepaticae species novae XI
Hedwigia 44: 72-75

Stephani F 1905
Hepaticarum species novae X
Hedwigia 44: 14-15

Stephani F 1905
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 5(2): 175-190

Stephani F 1905
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 5(4): 351-366

Stephani F 1905
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 5(8): 736-751

Stephani F 1905
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 5(9): 885-900

Stephani F 1905
Species Hepaticarum 2
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 5(10): 917-946

Stephani F 1905
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 5(12): 1129-1144

Stephani F 1906
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 6(3): 217-232

Stephani F 1906
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 6(5): 377-392

Stephani F 1906
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 6(7): 535-550

Stephani F 1906
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 6(8): 649-664

Stephani F 1906
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 6(9): 781-796

Stephani F 1906
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 6(10): 874-889

Stephani F 1906
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 6(11): 935-966

Stephani F 1906
Zwei neue irländische Plagiochilen
Hedwigia 45: 213-214

Stephani F 1907
Hepaticae. In Reichinger K (ed), Botanische und Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Wissenschaftlichen Forschungsreise nach den Samoa-Inseln, den Neu-guinea-Archipel und den Salomoninseln von Marz bis Dezember 1905
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 81: 288-299

Stephani F 1907
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 7(1): 59-72

Stephani F 1907
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 7(4): 297-312

Stephani F 1907
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 7(6): 477-492

Stephani F 1907
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 7(8): 683-698

Stephani F 1907
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 7(10): 837-852

Stephani F 1908
In: K. Reichinger, Botanische und Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Wissenschaftlichen Forschungsreise nach den Samoa-Inseln, den Neu-guinea-Archipel und den Salomoninseln. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 81: 288-299

Stephani F 1908
Hepatiques de la Nouvelle-caledonie et du Tonkin
Revue Bryologique 35: 28-35

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(1): 49-64

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(2): 125-148

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(3): 206-220

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(4): 267-282

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(5): 372-375

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(6): 426-436

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(7): 483-514

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(8): 561-608

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(9): 661-696

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(10): 745-776

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(11): 837-866

Stephani F 1908
Species Hepaticarum 3
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 8(12): 941-966

Stephani F 1908
Three new liverworts
Leaflets of Philippine Botany 2: 385-386

Stephani F 1909
Dendroceros, eine Gattung der Lebermoose
Sitzungsberichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig 36: 11-20

Stephani F 1909
Hepatiace mexicanae novae
Revue Bryologique 36: 138-140

Stephani F 1910
Hepaticae (In K. Reichinger, Botanische und Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Wissenschaftlichen Forschungsreise nach den Samoa-Inseln, den Neu-guinea-Archipel und den Salomoninseln von Marz bis Dezember 1905)
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 85: 193-201

Stephani F 1910
Species Hepaticarum 4
Genève & Bale pp. 97-464

Stephani F 1911
Botanische Ergebnisse der schwedischen Expedition nach Patagonien und dem Feuerlande 1907-1909. II. Die Lebermoose
Kongliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, n.s. 46(9): 1-92

Stephani F 1911
Eine neue Gattung der Hepaticae: Goebeliella
Hedwigia 51: 61-64

Stephani F 1911
In: Mildbread J, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der zweiten Deutschen Zentral-Africa-Expedition, 1910-1911. Band II: Botanik, Leipzig pp. 111-134

Stephani F 1911
Species Hepaticarum 4
Genève & Bale pp. 465-736

Stephani F 1912
In: Guillaumin JBA. Contribution a la flroe de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Bulletin du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 18: 116-121

Stephani F 1912
in Schröder, Zellpflanzen Ostafrikas, gesammelt auf der Akademischen Studienfahrt 1910
Hedwigia 52: 304-307

Stephani F 1912
Species Hepaticarum 4
Genève & Bale pp. 737-824

Stephani F 1913
Hepaticae Samoanae, II
In: K. Reichinger, Botanische und Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Wissenschaftlichen Forschungsreise nach den Samoa-Inseln, den Neu-guinea-Archipel und den Salomoninseln von Marz bis Dezember 1905. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 88: 32-35

Stephani F 1913
In: BPG Hochreutiner, Plantae Hochreutineranae, etude systematique et biologique des collections ... annees 1903 a 1905. Annuire du Conservatoire et du Jardin botanique de Genève 15: 153-156

Stephani F 1913
In: Brunnthaler J, Ergebnisse einer botanischen Forschungsreise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika und Süd-Afrika (Kapland, Natal und Rhodesia). Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 88: 724-733

Stephani F 1913
In: Perkins J, Beiträge zur flora von Bolivia. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 49: 173-174

Stephani F 1913
Species Hepaticarum 5
Genève & Bale pp. 177-480

Stephani F 1914
In: E. D. Merrill, An enumeration of the Plants from Guam. Philippine Journal of Science 9: 17-155

Stephani F 1914
pp. 3-19

Stephani F 1914
Six new liverworts
Leaflets of Philippine Botany 6: 2287-2290

Stephani F 1914
Species Hepaticarum 5
Genève & Bale pp. 481-704

Stephani F 1915
Nachtrag zu dem Hepaticae der Samoainseln. In K. Reichinger, Botanische und Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Wissenschaftlichen Forschungsreise nach den Samoa-Inseln, den Neu-guinea-Archipel und den Salomoninseln von Marz bis Dezember 1905
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 91: 165-166

Stephani F 1915
Species Hepaticarum 5
Genève & Bale pp. 705-848

Stephani F 1916
In: Herzog T, Die Bryophyten meiner zweiten Reise durch Bolivia. Bibliotheca Botanica 87: 173-270

Stephani F 1916
Species Hepaticarum 5
Genève & Bale pp. 849-1008

Stephani F 1917
Species Hepaticarum 5
Genève & Bale pp. 1009-1044

Stephani F 1918
Species Hepaticarum 6
Genève & Bale pp. 129-176

Stephani F 1921
Species Hepaticarum 6
Genève & Bale pp. 177-240

Stephani F 1922
Species Hepaticarum 6
Genève & Bale pp. 241-368

Stephani F 1923
Die Lebermoose
Wiss. Ergebn. der Schwedischen Expedition und dem Feuerlande, 1907-1909 46, IX: 1-92

Stephani F 1923
Species Hepaticarum 6
Genève & Bale pp. 369-432

Stephani F 1924
Species Hepaticarum 6
Genève & Bale pp. 433-622

Stephani F 1925
Species Hepaticarum 6 (index)
Genève & Bale

Stephani F 1985
Icones Hepaticarum
Jard. Bot. pp. 1-12315

Stephani F, Watts WW 1914
Hepaticae australes
Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 48: 94-135

Stephani, F. 1888
Hepaticae africanae
Hedwigia 27: 106-113

Stephani, F. 1898-1900
Species Hepaticarum I
Genève & Bale 413 pp.
1: 1-35    Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 309-343  1898-04-05; 1: 36-53   Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 361-378  1898-04-28; 1: 54-96   Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 757-799  1898-10-08; 1: 97-123   Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 84-110   1898-02-16; 1: 124-151  Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 198-225  1899-03-25; 1: 153-179  Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 381-407  1899-05-31; 1: 180-195  Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 518-533  1899-07-25; 1: 196-236  Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 655-695  1899-09-30; 1: 237-274  Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 727-764  1899-10-31; 1: 275-304  Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 927-956  1899-12-30; 1: 305-353  Mém. Herb. Boissier 11: 1-49    1900-04-30; 1: 355-400  Mém. Herb. Boissier 16: 1-46    1900-06-25; 1: 401-413  Mém. Herb. Boissier 16: 1-13    s.d. [index]

Stephani, F. 1901-1906
Species Hepaticarum II
Genève & Bale 615 pp.
2: 1-38      Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 1: 140-170    1901-01-30; 2: 39-83     Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 1: 477-521   1901-04-30; 2: 85-103   Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 1: 1022-1040 1901-09-30; 2: 104-134  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 I: 1121-1151  1901-10-31; 2: 135-148  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 2: 35-58     1901-12-31; 2: 149-171  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 2: 157-179    1902-01-31; 2: 173-193  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 2: 454-474    1902-04-30; 2: 194-225  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 2: 657-688    1902-07-31; 2: 226-257  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 2: 857-888    1902-07-31; 2: 259-277  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 2: 969-987    1902-12-05; 2: 278-309  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 3: 98-129    1903-01-31 "1902"; 2: 310-325  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 3: 326-341    1903-03-31; 2: 326-341  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 3: 522-537    1903-06-03; 2: 342-357  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 3: 596-611    1903-06-30; 2: 358-373  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 3: 873-888    1903-09-30; 2: 374-389  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 3: 959-974    1903-10-31; 2: 390-404  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 4: 18-32       1903-12-31; 2: 405-420  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 4: 153-168    1903-12-31; 2: 421-436  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 4: 345-360    1904-03-31; 2: 405-420  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 4: 153-168    1904-01-31; 2: 437-452  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 4: 586-601    1904-05-31; 2: 453-468  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 4: 775-790    1904-07-31; 2: 469-484  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 4: 973-988   1904-09-30; 2: 485-502  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 4: 1197-1214  1904-12-05; 2: 503-518  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 5: 175-190    1905-01-31; 2: 519-534  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 5: 351-366    1905-03-31; 2: 535-550  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 5: 736-751    1905-07-21; 2: 551-556  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 5: 885-900    1905-09-05; 2: 567-596  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 5: 917-946    1905-09-30; 2: 597-615  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 7: 59-77     1906-12-31 [index]

Stephani, F. 1905-1908
Species Hepaticarum III
Genève & Bale 693 pp.
3: 1-16      Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 5: 1129-1144  1905-11-30; 3: 17-32     Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 6: 217-232    1906-02-28; 3: 33-48     Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 6: 377-392    1906-04-30; 3: 49-64     Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 6: 535-550    1906-06-30; 3: 65-8o    Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 6: 649-664    1906-07-31; 3: 81-96     Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 6: 781-796    1906-08-31; 3: 97-114   Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 6: 872-889    1906-09-30; 3: 115-146  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 6: 935-966    1906-10-31; 3: 147-160  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 7: 59-72      1906-12-31 "1907"; 3: 161-176  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 7: 297-312    1907-03-31; 3: 177-192  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 7: 477-492    1907-05-31; 3: 193-208  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 7: 683-698    1907-07-31; 3: 209-224  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 7: 837-852    1907-09-30; 3: 225-240  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 49-64      1907-12-28 "1908"; 3: 241-264  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 125-148    1908-01-31; 3: 265-280  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 205-220    1908-02-29; 3: 281-296  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 267-282    1908-03-31; 3: 297-301  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 371-375    1908-04-30; 3: 302-312  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 426-436    1908-05-31; 3: 313-344  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 483-514    1908-06-30; 3: 345-392  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 561-608    1908-07-31; 3: 393-428  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 661-696    1908-08-31; 3: 429-460  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 745-776    1908-09-30; 3: 461-490  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 837-866    1908-10-31; 3: 491-516  Bull. Herb. Boissier sér 2 8: 941-966    1908-12-30; 3: 517-693                                               1909

Stephani, F. 1912
In: Schröder, Zellpflanzen Ostafrikas, gesammelt auf der Akademischen Studienfahrt 1910. Hedwigia 52: 304-307

Stephani. F. 1890
Die Gattung Lejeunea in Herbarium Lindenberg 1-3
Hedwigia 29: 1-23, 68-99, 133-142

Stephanides T 1940
A synoptic survey of the fresh-water flora of Corfu
Act. Inst. bot. Univ. Athen 1: 211-234

Stern R 2000
Southern group
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 74: 27-28

Stern R 2003
Spring field meeting 2002, Isle of Wight
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 80: 3-7

Stern R 2004
The southern group
Field Bryology, the Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 82: 49-50
Accounts of field meetings in Hampshire, Sussex and Kent from Nov. 2002 to Nov. 2003

Stern R, Lawley M 2003
Reports of local meetings
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 80: 29-35

Stern RC 1999
Field excursion to Didling Hill, Chalkpit Lane and Midhurst Common, 14 September 1997
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 72: 31

Stern RC 2000
Some bryophytes collected in Rajasthan
Journal of Bryology 22: 298-299

Stern RC 2001
A bryophyte flora of South Wiltshire
Journal of Bryology 23: 221-260

Steudel EG 1824
Nomenclator Botanicus enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma tum generica tum specifica et a Linnaeo et recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus. Plantis Cryptogamis
Stuttgartiae & Tubingae: J. G. Cottae 450 pp.

Steudel EG, Hochstetter CF 1826
Enumeratio plantarum Germaniae
Stuttgart and Tubingen 352 pp.

Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb von 1821-1824
Nomenclator Botanicus (Steudel)
2 vols; v. 1: i-xvii, 1-900, [1-3, err.], chart genera. Apr-Jun 1821; v. 2: i-xviii, 1-450. Sep-Oct 1824 ("plantis cryptogamis imposita")

Stevens NE 1910
Discoid gemmae in the leafy hepatics of New England
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 37: 365-373

Stevenson CR 1999
Lophocolea semiteres (Lehm.) Mitt. and Hennediella macrophylla (R. Br. ter.) Paris, new to Norfolk
Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist's Society 32: 107-117

Stevenson, R 2007
Recent bryological discoveries in Norfolk
Tran sactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist's Society 40(1): 131-134

Stevenson, R. 1999
In: Beckett, G., A. Bull & R. Stevenson, A Flora of Norfolk. Published by the senior author, King's Lynn, England pp. 266-287

Steyermark JA, Moore JA 1933
Report of a botanical expedition into the mountains of western Texas
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 20: 791-806

Stieperaere H 1994
Lophocolea semiteres (Lehm.) Mitt. in Belgium and the Netherlands, another antipodal bryophyte spreading on the European continent
Lindbergia 19: 29-36

Stieperaere H, Matcham HW 2007
Notothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. in D. R. Congo and Uganda, new to Africa and N. javanica (Sande Lac.) Gottsche new to D. R. Congo (Anthocerotophyta, Notothyladaceae)
Journal of Bryology 29: 3-6

Stieperaere, H. 2002
Anthoceros caucasicus reeds in 1885 in de moerassen bij Geel
Dumortiera 79: 25

Stieperaere, H. & Putten 2004
Bryophytes in a peat core from South Georgia - an ecological and climatological interpretation
Field Bryology, the Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 82: 41-43

Stiperaere H 1984
Fossombronia incurva Lindb. (Hepaticae) , nieuw voor België
Dumortiera 28

Stofer S 1996
Bryologische erinnerungen an Hallau
Meylania 10: 9

Stone EL 1951
Soils of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands
Atoll Research Bulletin 5: 1-56

Stoneman, R. 1998
The effects of horticulture and gardening on peatlands
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 57-66

Storozheva MM 1986
Materialny k brioflore Severnogo Urala [Contributions on the bryoflora of Northern Ural]
In: Schljakov RN, et al. (eds.), Bryolokhenologischeskie issledovaniya v SSSR. Apatity pp. 61-65

Stotler RE 1970
The genus Frullania subgenus Frullania in Latin America
Nova Hedwigia 18: 397-555

Stotler RE, Crandall-Stotler B 1987
A re-evaluation of the genus Neohattoria (Jubulaceae)
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 45: 535-543

Stotler RE, Crandall-Stotler B 1994
The 11th Annual Midwestern foray, Southern Illinois
Evansia 11: 115-120

Stotler RE, Crandall-Stotler B 1999
The hepatic genus Bryopteris (Lejeuneaceae) revisited
Bryobrothera 5: 213-220

Stotler RE, Crandall-Stotler B 2005
Typification of Jungermannia pusilla L. (==Fossombronia pusilla (L.) Nees)
Journal of Bryology 27: 71-73

Stotler RE, Crotz DK 1983
On Mnium trichomanis Linnaeus (Hepatophyta)
Taxon 32: 64-75

Stotler RE, Vitt DH 1972
Additions of the hepatic flora of the Pickle Springs area of southeastern Missouri
The Bryologist 75: 176-178
6 spp. Hornworts probably not included

Stotler, R. & B. Crandall-Stotler 1999
[Abstract] Phylogeny of the Jungermanniidae
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 69

Stotler, R. E. 1976
The biosystematic approach in the study of the Hepaticae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 37-46

Stotler, R. E. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler 2003
Proposals to conserve the name Anthoceros with a conserved type and the name Anthoceros agrestis against A. nagasakiensis (Anthocerotophyta)
Taxon 52: 628-629

Stotler, R. E. & Crandall-Stotler, B. J. 1974
A monograph of the genus Bryopteris (Swartz) Nees von Esenbeck
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 3: 1-159

Stotler, R. E. & Crandall-Stotler, B. J. 1977
A checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of North America
The Bryologist 80(3): 405-428

Stotler, R. E. & Crandall-Stotler, B. J. 2005
A revised classification of the Anthocerotophyta and a checklist of the Hornworts of North America, North of Mexico
The Bryologist 108(1): 16-26
This article does not assign any synonyms for the genus Dendroceros

Stotler, R. E. & Doyle, W. T. 2004
Riccia crystallina verified in North America, North of Mexico
The Bryologist 107: 107-110
This paper says that all previous reports refer to Riccia cavernosa

Stotler, R. E., B. J. Crandall-Stotler & W. T. Doyle 2004
[Abstract] Anthoceros phymatodes M. Howe (Anthocerotophyta) is a heterotypic synonmym of Phaeoceros bulbiculosis (Brot.) Prosk. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 40

Stotler, R. E., Doyle, W. T. & Crandall-Stotler, B. J. 2005
Phymatoceros Stotler, W. T. Doyle & Crand.-Stotl., gen. nov. (Anthocerotophyta)
Phytologia 87: 114-117
A segregate from Phaeoceros. New: Phymatoceros, Phymatoceros bulbiculosus (Brotero)

Stotler, R. E., Ford, C. H. & Crandall-Stotler, B. J. 2002
Typifications in the genus Petalophyllum (Marchantiophyta)
The Bryologist 105: 400-406

Stotler, R. E., J. R. Bray Jr., D. C. Cargill, D. Krayesky & B. J. Crandall-Stotler 2003
Typifications in the genus Fossombronia (Marchantiophyta)
The Bryologist 106: 130-142
New: Fossombronia caespitiformis subsp. multispira (Schiffner)

Stotler, R. E., Salazar Allen, N., Gradstein, S. R., McGuiness, W., Whittemore, A. T. & Chung, C. 1998
A Checklist of the Hepatics and Anthocerotes of Panamá
Tropical Bryology 15: 167-195

Stotler, Raymond E. & Barbara J. Crandall-Stotler 2008
Correct author citations for some upper rank names of liverworts (Marchantiophyta)
Taxon 57(1): 289-292

Strachey R 1906
Catalogue of the plants of Kumaon
London: Reeve

Streiff, A. & Price, M. J. 2005
"Index Hepaticarum": Mise à jour et accès en ligne
Meylania 31: 23-25

Streimann H, Grolle R 1993
New hepatic records from the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 38: 131-139

Streimann, H. 1991
New hepatic records from New Guinea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 69: 1-19

Streimann, H. 1994
Conservation Status of Bryophytes in Eastern Australia
Tropical Bryology 9: 117-122

Streimann, H. 1998
Bryological comparisons between Australia and northern Europe
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 32: 97-105

Stridvall A 2002
Mossornas Vänners exkursion till Dalsland 5-6 maj 2001
Myrinia 12: 132-136

Strobl PG 1880
Flora des Etna
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 11: 313-318

Strobl PG 1903
Die Dyalipetalen der Nebroden, Sizilien
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 53: 434-558

Stroud, D. A. 1998
Reducing the impacts of forestry on peatlands
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 79-90

Studhalter RA 1933
Riella americana: disappearance due to floods; two new stations
The Bryologist 36: 78-82

Studlar, S. M., Stephenson, S. L. & Harmon, P. J. 2000
Annotated checklist of the hornworts, liverworts, and mosses of West Virgina with habitat and geographic distribution data
Wildlife Resources Technical Document 007: 1-87

Studlar, S. M., Stephenson, S. L. & Harmon, P. J. 2002
Annotated checklist of the hornworts, liverworts, and mosses of West Virginia
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Technical Document 2-3: 1-82

Stuntz, S., U. Simon & G. Zotz 2002
Rain forest air-conditioning: the moderating influence of epiphytes on the microclimate in tropical tree crowns
International Journal of Biometeorology 46: 53-59

Sugimura, K. & T. Oohashi 1999
Bryophytes of the Daiyuzan Saijoji, Kanagawa, Japan
Natural and Environmental Science Research 12: 85-101
In Japanese with English abstract

Suire, C. 2000
A comparative, transmission-electron microscopic study on the formation of oil-bodies in liverworts
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 89: 209-232

Suire, C. (ed.). 1978
Congres International de Bryologie, Bordeaux, 21-23 Novembre 1977. Comptes Rendus
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 13: 1-783

Suire, C., F. Bouvier, R. A. Backhaus, D. Bégu, M. Bonneu & B. Camara 2000
Cellular localization of isoprenoid biosynthetic enzymes in Marchantia polymorpha. Uncovering a new role of oil bodies
Plant Physiology 124: 971-978

Sullivant WS 1846
Musci Alleghanensis sive spicillegia muscorum atque hepaticarum quos in itinere a Marylandiae usque ad Georgiam per tractis montium a.d. MDCCC XLIII
Columbus 292 pp.

Sullivant WS 1846
Sullivant's Muscology
American Journal of Science and Arts, ser. 2 1: 70-81
This article by Asa Gray is a review of Musci Alleghanensis with a comprehensive extract of the taxonomical treatment of a number of mosses and liverworts. It does, among other things, publish the genus Notothylas Sull. ex A.Gray and that is probably the correct citation

Sullivant WS 1848
Contributions to the bryology and hepaticology of North America, 1
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, n.s. 3: 57-66

Sullivant WS 1849
Contributions to the bryology and hepaticology of North America, 2
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, n.s. 4: 169-176

Sullivant WS 1850
Notices of several new species of mosses and hepaticae from Tierra del Fuego
Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Gardens Miscellany 2: 315-318

Sullivant WS 1856
Description of the mosses and liverworts
In: NN (ed.), Reports of the explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Missisippi river to the Pacific Ocean. Made under the Secretary of War. Vol. 4, pt. 5, no. 5. pp. 185-193

Sulmont, É. & Hugonnot, V. 2004
Première citation de Haplomitrium hookeri (Sm.) Nees (Bryophytes, Hépatiques) dans le Massif Central (France)
Le Journal de Botanique 25: 33-38

Sumiko I, Teruyo H, Showzabroh H 2006
Taxonomic study of Calypogeia asakawana and C. nasuensis
Natural and Environmental Science Research 19: 1-10

Summerhayes VS, Elton CS 1923
Contribution to the ecology of Spitsbergen and Bear Island
Journal of Ecology 11: 214-285

Sun J, Duan Y-X 2007
The rectification of three illegal names in the genus Jungermannia (Hepaticae, Jungermanniaceae)
Bulletin of Botanical Research 27: 139-140
In Chinese with English abstract; New: Jungermannia multicarpa nom. nov., Jungermannia sparsofolia nom. nov., Jungermannia gongshanensis nom. nov.

Sun, J. & Cao, T. 2001
Lophozia diversiloba Hatt. (Hepaticae; Lophoziaceae) discovered in China
Arctoa 10: 43-44

Sun, J., Cao, T. & Gao, Q. 2002
A liverwort species of genus Horikawaella (Hepaticae) is found in China
Acta Botanica Yunnanica 24: 311-312
In Chinese; Horikawaella subacuta reported from Yunnan

Sun, J., Cao, T., Gao, C. & Yu, J. 2004
A new species of Scapania (Scapaniaceae, Hepaticae) from Sichuan, China
Guihaia 24(1): 23-24
In Chinese with English abstract; New: Scapania ferruginaeoides

Sun, J., Gao, Q. & Cao, T. 2002
A new record of genus Anastrophyllum (Hepaticae) from China
Bulletin of Botanical Research 22: 131-132
In Chinese with English abstract; A. piligerum reported from Hainan

Sun, J., Gao, Q. & Cao, T. 2003
A new record of Tritomaria (Hepaticae) from China
Bulletin of Botanical Research 23: 143-145
In Chinese with English abstract; T. quinquedentata fo. gracilis reported

Suragina SA, Konstantinova NA, Ignatov MS 2002
Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Volgograd province
Arctoa 11: 175-177
In Russian with English abstract

Suragina, S. A. 2000
The bryophytes of Volgograd Province and their role in plant cover
In: Mikologia i kriptogamnaya botanika v Rossii: traditzii i sovremennost' (Proc. conf. St-Peterbsurg, 24-28 April, 2000), St. Petersburg, Komarov' Bot. Inst. pp. 532-533
The bryoflora includes 120 species. Some species are cited

Suren AM, Ormerod SJ 1998
Aquatic bryophytes in Himalayan streams: testing a distribution model in a highly heterogeneous environment
Freshwater Biology 40: 697-716

Suren, A. 1991
Bryophytes as invertebrate habitat in two New Zealand alpine streams
Freshwater Biology 26: 399-418
New Zealand aquatic bryophyte ecology invertebrate

Suren, A. 1996
Bryophyte distribution patterns in relation to macro-, meso-, and micros-scale variables in South Island, New Zealand streams
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 30: 501-523

Sutcliffe D 1932
Hepaticae of Guadelupe Island
The Bryologist 35: 41-42

Sutliffe D 1934
Cephalozia lammersiana reported for California
The Bryologist 37: 105

Sutliffe D 1941
Two hepatics of the Sierra Nevada new for California
The Bryologist 44: 153

Suza J 1938
Denkwürdige Lebermoose des xerothermen Gebietes in der Tschecho-Slowakei
Acta Botanica Bohemica 12: 3-68

Suzuki, T., S. Takio, K. Tanaka, I. Yamamoto & T. Satoh 1999
Differential light regulation of the rbcS gene expression in two cell lines of the liverwort Marchantia paleacea var. diptera
Plant Cell Physiology 40: 100-103

Svihla RD 1939
Field notes on a collection of Louisiana Hepaticae
The Bryologist 42: 118-120
33 spp. Hornworts included

Svihla RD 1940
An extension of the range of Marchantia paleaceae Bertol.
The Bryologist 43: 167-168

Svihla RD 1941
Some Marchantiales from Mexico
The Bryologist 44: 10-15

Svihla RD 1942
Some Marchantiales from Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama
The Bryologist 45: 135-137

Svihla RD 1955
Frullania picta
The Bryologist 58: 72-76

Svihla RD 1957
Frullaniaceae of Burma. II. Frullania shanensis n. sp.
The Bryologist 60: 359-363

Svihla RD 1958
Frullaniaceae of Burma III. Frullania kalawensis n. sp.
The Bryologist 61: 373-376

Svihla RD 1958
Frullaniaceae of Burma IV. Frullania maymyoensis n. sp.
The Bryologist 61: 376-379

Sviridenko, B. F. 1999
The structure of mire coenoflora of northern Kazakhstan
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 84(3): 103-115
In Russian with English summary

Swails LFjr 1970
The genus Porella in Latin America
Nova Hedwigia 19: 201-291

Swanson ES 1969
Hepaticae from Palau, Caroline Islands I. Phytogeography
Micronesica 5: 131-137

Swanson ES, Miller HA 1969
Hepaticae from Palau, Caroline Islands, II. Enumeration
Micronesica 5: 139-149

Swartz O 1806
Flora Indiae occidentalis aucta atque illustrata, sive descriptiones plantarum in Prodromo recensitarum, vol 3
Erlingen: J. Palm pp. 1231-2018

Swartz, O. 1788
Nova Genera & Species Plantarum seu Prodromus descriptionum Vegetabilium, maximam partem incognitorum quae sub itinere in Indiam Occidentalem annis 1783-87
Uppsala 152 pp.
20 Jun-29 Jul 1788; Often cited as: Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ.; Söderström DB cites it as Nova Gen. Spec. Pl. Prodr.

Swies F, Karczmarz K 1991
Bryophytes collected in arctic tundra of Chamberlin region (Western Spitsbergen) in 1987 and 1988
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sect. C Biologia 46: 29-43

Swies F, Karczmarz K 1991
Bryophytes collected in arctic tundra of the Logne region (Western Spitsbergen) in 1988
In: Repelewska-Pekalowa J, Pekala K (eds.), Polar session. Arctic environment research. Lublin, Poland. Wyprawy Geograficzne na Spitsbergen. Lublin pp. 145-162

Swies F, Karczmarz K 1993
Bryophytes collected in arctic tundra of the Lyellstranda region (Western Spitsbergen) in 1987 and 1988
In: Repelewska-Pekalowa J, Pekala K (eds.), Polar session. Arctic environment research. Lublin, Poland. Wyprawy Geograficzne na Spitsbergen. Lublin pp. 249-271
Also in Institute of Geophyscis of Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin 20: 249-271

Swies F, Karczmarz K 1993
Bryophytes collected in the arctic tundra of Calypsostranda region (western Spitsergen) in 1987 and 1988
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sect. C Biologia 48: 49-66

Swies, F. 1997
Lasy projektowanego rezerwatu Wodny Dól (Wyzyna Lubelska). The forest of the planned reserve Wodny Dól (The Lublin Upland)
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sect. 3: Biologia. Supplement 52: 59-91
In Polish with English summary

Swinehart, A. L. & G. R. Parker 2000
Palaeoecology and development of peatlands in Indiana
American Midland Naturalist 143: 267-297

Sydow P 1882
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Berlin 95 pp.

Sydow P 1894
Just's botanischer Jahresbericht 19: 223-249

Sykes, W. R. 1977
Kermadec Island flora: an annotated check list
Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Industrial Research 219: 1-216

Symoens J-J, Vanden Berghen C 1974
L'association à Eleocharis soloniensisà Conques (Sainte-cécile, Luxembourg belge)
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 107: 2895-290

Syrjänen K, Arkkio H, Parnela A, Sallantaus T, Ulvinen T, Virtanen R 2007
Etelä-Pohjanmaan sammaltietoja kartuttamassa - sammalretki Suupohjaan 4.-5.9.2004 [Excursion of the Finnish Bryological Society to western Finland, Etelä-Pohjanmaa province]
Bryobrotherella 10: 35-60

Syrjänen K, Jääskeläinen K, Koponen T, Parnela A, Pykälä J, Sallantaus T, Ulvinen T 2006
Sammal- ja jäkäläretkeily Etälä-Hämeenseen 10-11.9.2005
Bryobrotherella 9: 1-25

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Sammalretkeily Kaakkois-Suomeen 13-14.9.2003 [Excursion of Finnish Bryological Society to southeast Finland in 13-14.9.2003]
Bryobrotherella 7: 38-57

Syrjänen, K. 2002
Sammalten taksonomia ja nimistö
The web site of Finland's environmental administration

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Data on the epiphyllous liverwort flora of West-borneo
Abstracta Botanica (Budapest) 21: 169-172

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Magyar Botanikai Lapok 25: 125-131

Szmidt, A. E., Meng-Zhu Lu & Xiao-Ru Wang 2001
Effects of RNA editing on the coxI evolution and phylogeny reconstruction
Euphytica 118: 9-18
Includes Marchantia polymorpha

Szövényi, P., Z. Hock & Z. Tóth 2004
Phorophyte preferences of epiphytic bryophytes in a stream valley in the Carpathian Basin
Journal of Bryology 26: 137-146

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[Abstract] Chemically mediated effect of bark substances on the establishment and subsequent development in epiphytic bryophytes
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Sztein, A. E., J. D. Cohen, I. García de la Fuente & T. J. Cooke 1999
Auxin metabolism in mosses and liverworts
American Journal of Botany 86: 1544-1555

Sztein, A. E., J. D. Cohen, I. García de la Fuente & T. J. Cooke 2001 [2000]
Auxin metabolism in mosses and liverworts
Lindbergia 26(1): 55

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[Abstract] Influence of substratum and forest phytocoenosis on the diversity of epixylous communities of Babia Góra
Biological Bulletin of Poznan 38: 223-224

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[Abstract] Organellar inheritance in liverwort[s] and mosses
In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes: Progress, Problems and Perspectives p. 8
B. Goffinet & R. Magill (Organizers). St. Louis, Missouri

Szweykowska-Kulinska, Z., A. Pacak & K. Jankowiak 2002
New DNA markers for discrimination between closely-related species and for the reconstruction of historial events; an example using liverworts
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters 7(2A): 403-416

Szweykowska-Kulinska, Z., A. Pacak & P. Fiedorow 2001
[Abstract] Allopolyploid character and the origin of organelles in Pellia borealis based on the nucleotide sequences data
Biological Bulletin of Poznan 38: 224-225

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Lophozia ascendens (Warnstorf) Schuster (=Lophozia gracillima Buch), nowy watrobowiec dla flory polskiej [Lophozia ascendens (Warnstorf) Schuster (=Lophozia gracillima Buch), a new hepatic for the Polish flora]
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 2: 173-181

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Materiali do Flory Watrobowcow Sudeto. I. Watrobowce Zebrane W Gorach Kaczawskich
Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk, Prace Komisji Biologicznej 14: 1-53

Szweykowski J 1958
Prodromus florae hepaticarum Poloniae
Prace Komisji Biologicznej Poznan 19: 1-600

Szweykowski J 1958
Scapania gymnostomophila Kaalaas - a new liverwort in the Carpathians
Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences et des Lettres de Poznan. Serie B. Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles 14: 371-377

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Materia_y do flory w_trobowców Tatr
Prace Komisji Biologicznej Poznan 21(3): 1-92

Szweykowski J 1960
Orthocaulis binsteadii (Kaalaas) Buch - a new liverwort for Central Europa - Orthocaulis binsteadii (Kaalaas) Buch - nowy dla flory Europy Srodkowej gatunek watrobowca
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 6: 399-405

Szweykowski J 1962
Atlas rozmieszczenia ro_lin zarodnikowych w Polsce. Seria IV. W_trobowce (Hepaticae). Zezyt I [Atlas of the geographical distribution of sporeplants in Poland. Serie IV. Liverworts (Hepaticae). Part I]
Poznan 25 pp.

Szweykowski J 1964
Atlas rozmieszczenia ro_lin zarodnikowych w Polsce. Seria IV. W_trobowce (Hepaticae). Zezyt II [Atlas of the geographical distribution of sporeplants in Poland. Serie IV. Liverworts (Hepaticae). Part II]
Poznan 23 pp.

Szweykowski J 1966
Atlas rozmieszczenia ro_lin zarodnikowych w Polsce. Seria IV. W_trobowce (Hepaticae). Zezyt III [Atlas of the geographical distribution of sporeplants in Poland. Serie IV. Liverworts (Hepaticae). Part III]
Poznan 31 pp.

Szweykowski J 1969
Atlas rozmieszczenia ro_lin zarodnikowych w Polsce. Seria IV. W_trobowce (Hepaticae). Zezyt VI [Atlas of the geographical distribution of sporeplants in Poland. Serie IV. Liverworts (Hepaticae). Part VI]
Poznan 20 pp.

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List of threatened liverworts in Poland
In: Zarzycky K, Wojewoda W (eds.), List of threatened plants in Poland. Warzawa: Polish Academy of Science pp. 107-115

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Czerwona lista w_trobowców zagro_onych w Polske [List of threatened liverworts in Poland]
In: Zarzycky K, Wojewoda W, Heinrich Z (eds.), Lista róslin zagro_onych w Polsce [List of threatened plants in Poland], 2nd ed.. Warzawa: Polish Academy of Science pp. 75-78

Szweykowski J 2006
An annotated checklist of Polish liverworts and hornworts
Biodiversity of Poland 4: 1-114

Szweykowski J, Kózlicka M 1974
Atlas rozmieszczenia ro_lin zarodnikowych w Polsce. Seria IV. W_trobowce (Hepaticae). Zezyt VIII [Atlas of the geographical distribution of sporeplants in Poland. Serie IV. Liverworts (Hepaticae). Part VIII]
Poznan 22 pp.

Szweykowski J, Kózlicka M 1980
Atlas rozmieszczenia ro_lin zarodnikowych w Polsce. Seria IV. W_trobowce (Hepaticae). Zezyt X [Atlas of the geographical distribution of sporeplants in Poland. Serie IV. Liverworts (Hepaticae). Part X]
Poznan 31 pp.

Szweykowski J, Ko_licka M 1966
W_trobowce zebrane na Wolinie i Uznamie
Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia. Ser. B, Botanika 18: 155-180

Szweykowski J, Mendelak M 1965
New status of Riccia gougetiana Mont. in Central Europe - Nowe stanowiska Riccia gougetiana Mont. w Eurpie Srodkowej
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 11: 151-159

Szweykowski, J. 1982
Genetic differentiation of liverwort populations and its significance for bryotaxonomy and bryogeography
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 53: 21-28

Szweykowski, J. 1984
What do we know about the evolutionary process in bryophytes ?
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 209-218

Szweykowski, J. 1999
On Jungermannia subulata A. Evans and Jungermannia leiantha Grolle in Poland
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 369-375

Szweykowski, J. & K. Buczkowska 1999
Cell walls as taxonomic markers in Polish species of the genus Odontoschisma (Dum.) Dum. (Hepaticae, Cephaloziaceae)
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 68: 39-45

Szweykowski, J. & K. Buczkowska 2000
Sphagnum-Polytrichum hummocks-a bryologically neglected plant formation
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 45: 475-484
Considered as a habitat for hepatics

Szweykowski, J., Buczkowska, K. & Odrzykoski, I. J. 2005
Conocephalum salebrosum (Marchantiopsida, Conocephalaceae) - a new Holarctic liverwort species
Plant Systematics and Evolution 253: 133-158
New: Conocephalum salebrosum

Szweykowski, J., Prus-Gowacki, W. & Mendelak, M. 1981
Serological variability in the central European liverwort genus Pellia - a preliminary report
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 50: 269-278

Szyszylowicz I 1885
O rozmieszczeniu watrobowcow w Tatrach
Sprawozdanie Komisji Fizjograficznej, pars 2 19: 25-125

Szyszylowicz I 1894
Diagnoses plantarum novarum a Cl. D. Const. Jelski in Peruvia lectarum, I
Rozprawy Akademii Umiejetnosci. Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 29: 1-215
Preprint from "Rozpr. i Spraw. Wydz. Mat.-Przyrod. Akad. Umiej. 29: [215]-239. 1895" acc. to TL-2