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Bibliotheca Lichenologica 75: 79-91
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The bryological flora of Mount Shefford, Quebec, Canada
The Bryologist 53: 217-232
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Waldgesellschaften des Verbandes Vaccinio-Piceion Br.-Bl. 1939 im Naturschutsgebiet und in der Schutzzone Slovensk_ raj
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Falconer H 1851
On Athalamia, a new genus of Marchantiaceae
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 20: 397-398
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Cryptogamous plants in the forest communities of Bialowieza National Park. Ecological Atlas (Project CRYPTO 4)
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Cartographiae Geobotanicae
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Flora exsiccata Bavarica: Bryophyta, Fasc. 21-24
Regensburg pp. 501-600
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Zusammenstellung der in der Umgebung von Regensburg und in der gesamten Oberpfalz bisher gefundenen Moosen
Denkschriften der Bayer. Botanischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg 10: 1-28
Familler I 1920
Die Lebermoose Bayerns II
Denkschriften der Bayer. Botanischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg 14: 1-67
Fan, Qing-Shu, Jian-Cheng Zhao, Shu-Hong Yu & Xiu-Qin Li 2003
Progress in study on spore germination and protonema development of the bryophytes
Chinese Bulletin of Botany 20: 280-286
In Chinese with English abstract
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The bryophytes of Jiangxi province, China: An annotated checklist
Hikobia 12: 343-363
Farmer JB 1894
Studies in Hepaticae: On Pallavicinia decipiens, Mitten
Annals of Botany. Oxford 8: 35-52
Farmer, A. M., H. L. Boston & M. S. Adams 1988
Seasonal studies of resource allocation in a deepwater bryophyte from a clear, oligotrophic lake in Wisconsin, USA
Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Verhandlungen 23: 1916-1919
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Epaticologia insubrica
Atti Ist. Bot. Univ. Pavia 3: 231-311
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Rehabilitation of Atlantic blanket bog industrial cutaway at Bellacorick, North-West Mayo, Ireland
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 103-109
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Bryophytes nouvelles, rares et remarquables du Québec méridional, Canada
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28: 31-40
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Flore remarquable du Bas-Saint-Laurent/Gaspésie: 2 - Nouvelles mentions de Dix-neuf hépatiques
Ludoviciana 30: 31-44
Faubert, J. 2003
Flore remarquable du Bas-Saint-Laurent/Gaspésie: 3 - Nouvelles populations d'Anthocerotaceae et de Fossombroniaceae rarement mentionnées au Québec
Ludoviciana 31: 22-29
Faubert, J. 2004
Chronique bryologique
Flora Quebeca 9(1): 11-12
Faubert, J. 2007
Catalogue des Bryophytes du Québec et du Labrador
Provancheria 30: 1-138
4 hornworts, 231 liverworts & 657 mosses listed
Faulkner, J. 1998
Peatland conservation, management and planning in Northern Ireland
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 21-30
Faure, M., C. Dambuyant, G. Chabeau, P. Souteyrand & J. Thivolet 1981
Immune complex vasculitis and contact dermatitis to Frullania
Contact Dermatitis 7: 320-325
Favre, P., E. Krol, M. Stolarz, I. Szarek, H. Greppin, K. Trebacz & R. Degli Agosti 1999
Action potentials elicited in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum (Hepaticae) with different stimuli
Archives des Sciences 52: 175-185
Favre, P., T. Zawadzki, A. Dzubinska, K. Trebacz, H. Greppin & R. Degli Agosti 2001
Repetitive action potentials induced with a single stimulus in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum (L.)
Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 14: 23-32
Favre, P., T. Zawadzki, H. Dziubinska, K. Trebacz, H. Greppin & R. Degli Agosti 1999
Repetitive action potentials induced in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum (L.)
Archives des Sciences 52: 187-198
Favreau M, Brassard G 1988
Catalogue bibliographique des bryophytes du Quebec et du Labrador
Mem. Univ. Newfoundland Occ. Pap. Biol. 12: 1-114
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In: Stapf O, Die botanische Ergbnisse der Polak'schen Expedition nach Persien in Jahre 1882. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 50: 4-6
Feld J 1958
Moosflora des Rheinprovinz
Deschenia, beihefte 6: 1-94
Feld, H., J. Zapp & H. Becker 2003
Secondary metabolites from the liverwort Tylimanthus renifolius
Phytochemistry 64: 1335-1340
Feldberg, K. & Heinrichs, J. 2005
On the identity of Herbertus borealis (Jungermanniopsida: Herbertaceae), with notes on the possible origin of H. sendtneri
Journal of Bryology 27: 343-350
Feldberg, K. & Heinrichs, J. 2005
Some new synonyms of Herbertus sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. (Jungermanniidae: Herbertaceae) from the Neotropics
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 26: 411-416
Feldberg, K. & Heinrichs, J. 2006
A taxonomic revision of Herbertus (Jungermanniidae: Herbertaceae) in the Neotropics based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA and morphology
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 151: 309-332
Only two species recognized, H. sendtneri and H. juniperoideus, the latter with four subspecies. New: Herbertus juniperoideus subsp. acanthelius (Spruce) comb. et stat. nov., Herbertus juniperoideus subsp. bivittatus (Spruce) comb. et stat. nov., Herbertus juniperoideus subsp. pensilis (Taylor) comb. et stat. nov.
Feldberg, K., Groth, H., Wilson, R., Schäfer-Verwimp, A. & Heinrichs, J. 2004
Cryptic speciation in Herbertus (Herbertaceae, Jungermanniopsida): range and morphology of Herbertus sendtneri inferred from nrITS sequences
Plant Systematics and Evolution 249: 247-261
Feldberg, K., H. Groth, R. Wilson & J. Heinrichs 2004
[Abstract] Cryptic speciation in Herbertus (Herbertaceae, Jungermanniopsida): Range and morphology of Herbertus sendtneri inferred from nrITS sequences
In: Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs & R. Wilson (organisers), Bryophylogeny 2004 10-12 September. Second International Symposium on In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes. Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Göttingen, Germany p. 21
Feldberg, K., Hentschel, J., Wilson, R., Rycroft, D. S., Glenny, D. & Heinrichs, J. 2006
Phylogenetic biogeography of the leafy liverwort Herbertus (Jungermanniales, Herbertaceae) based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data: correlation between genetic variation and geographical distribution
Journal of Biogeography 34: 688-698
Fenton JHC, Lewis Smith RI 1982
Distribution, composition and general characteristic of the moss banks of the maritime Antarctic
Bulletin, British Antarctic Survey 51: 215-236
Fenton, N. J., K. A. Frego & M. R. Sims 2003
Changes in forest floor bryophyte (moss and liverwort) communities 4 years after forest harvest
Canadian Journal of Botany 81: 714-731
Fernandes Peralta, D. & Yano, O. 2005
Briófitas de mata paludosa, município de Zacarias, noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil
Acta Botanica Brasilica 19(4): 963-977
Fernandez MC 1981
Estudio de la flora brilógica del Valle del Nalón y Puerto de Tarna
Bol. Cien. Nat. IDEA 28: 43-218
Fernández Mendoza, F. 2002
Fragmenta chorologica occidentalia, Bryophyta, 8293-8391
Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid 59: 320-329
Fernandez Ordóñez MC 1989
Contribucion al conocimiento de la brioflora Asturias. I. El concejo de Ponga
Studia Botanica, Universidad de Salamanca 7: 187-207
Fernandez Ordóñez, M. C., T. E. Díaz González & M. A. Collado Prieto 2003
Evaluación de la biodiversidad briopteridofítica de la cuenca del río de Nueva (Llanes, Asturias, N Península Ibérica): bases para su protección y conservación
Acta Botanica Barcinonensia 49: 191-208
Fernández-Alonso, J. L. & E. L. Linares 2002
[Abstract] El Herbario Nacional Colombiano (COL)
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 84
Fernández-Mendoza, F., D. Gómez-Sanz, B. Estébanez, T. Ballesteros & E. Ron 1999
[Abstract] Flora briofítica de la ciudad de Toro. XIII Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Libro de Resúmenes
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain p. 160
Fernández-Salegui, A. B., A. Terrón, E. Barreno & P. L. Nimis 2007
Biomonitoring with cryptogams near the power station of La Robla (León, Spain)
The Bryologist 110: 723-737
Ferrarini E, Marchetti D 1983
Hymenophyllum thunbrigense (L.) Sm. sulle alpi Apuane
Boll. Mus. Sci. Nat. Lunig. 3: 5-26
Fesolowicz, P., O. Aicardi & M. Arluison 2000
Bryologie à Montigny-sur-Loing, au Long-Rocher et Restant du Long-Rocher
Bulletin des Naturalistes de la Vallée de Loing 76: 11
Fiedorow P, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z 1998
Intergenic sequences of clustered tRNA genes: new type of genetic marker for phylogenetic studies, with application to the taxonomy of liverworts
Plant Molecular Biology 38: 1257-1261
Fiedorow, P., I. J. Odrzykoski, J. Szweykowski & Z. Szweykowska-Kulinska 2001
Phylogeny of the European species of the genus Pellia (Hepaticae, Metzgeriales) based on the molecular data from nuclear tRNALeu (CAA) intergenic sequences
Gene 262: 309-315
"Leu" is superscript
Fiedorow, P., I. Odrzykoski & Z. Szweykowska-Kulínska 1998
Phylogenetic studies of liverworts using molecular biology techniques
In: J. Maluszynska (ed.), Plant Cytogenetics. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Sla˛skiego, Katowice, Poland. pp. 244-249
Pellia used as an example
Fife AJ 1998
A synopsis of the New Zealand representatives of Conostomum (Musci: Bartramiaceae)
New Zealand Journal of Botany 36: 605-615
Fife, A. et al. 1998
Moss, liverwort and hornwort lists, 13th John Child Bryophyte Workshop
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 39: 11-14
Fijalkowski, D. & D. Urban 1997
Szata roslinna obiektu wodno-torfowiskowego Usciwierzek i jej przeksztalcenia. Vegetation of the water-peat unit Usciwierzek and its transformations
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sect. 3: Biologia. Supplement 52: 119-143
In Polish with English summary
Fijalkowski, D., D. Urban & R. Baryla 1997
Szata roslinna obiektu lesno-torfowiskowego Rogózno. The flora of the forest-peatbog unit Rogózno
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sect. 3: Biologia. Supplement 52: 145-168
In Polish with English summary
Filin, V. R. 2002
Sporofit plaunovidnykh i pobeg mokhoobraznykh-sluchainoe skhodstvo ili proyablenie gomeozica?
In: Potemkin, A. D. (editor), Problemy Briologii na Rubezhe Vekov. Russian Academy of Sciences, V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia pp. 62-63
Filipello S 1964
La flora muscinale del Monte Rocciacotello (Val Chisone)
Allionia 10: 17-52
Finch, R. A., R. J. Fisk, D. F. Strauss & C. R. Stevenson 2000
Lophocolea semiteres new to East Anglia
Journal of Bryology 22: 146-148
Fiori A 1924
Contributo alla Flora di Rodi e catalogo delle piante vascolari finora nota di quell'isola
Annali R. Ist. Sup. agr. for. naz. 9: 141-186
Fischer E 1993
Taxonomic results of the BRYOTROP expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 4. A preliminary check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from Central Africa (Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi)
Tropical Bryology 8: 39-50
290 + 165 + 48 spp. Hornworts included
Fischer E 1993
Taxonomic results of the BRYOTROP expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 10. Trichocoleaceae, Geocalycaceae, Acrobolbaceae, Balantiopsidaceae, Lepidoziaceae (Telaranea, Arachniopsis), Calypogeiaceae, Adealntahceae, Porellaceae, Jubulaceae, Marchantiaceae (Dumortiera), Polytrichaceae
Tropical Bryology 8: 83-98
Fischer E 1995
The genera Riciciocarpos and Riccia (Hepaticae, Ricciaceae) in Rwanda
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 40: 93-111
Fischer, E, D Killmann & V Buchbender 2008
Zum Status von Notothylas orbicularis and Anthoceros neesii (Anthocerotopsida) im Westerwald/Rheinland-Pfalz
Decheniana 161: 33-39
English abstract
Fischer, E. 1993
Taxonomic Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 2. History of Bryological Exploration of Zaire and Rwanda
Tropical Bryology 8: 5-12
Fischer, E. 1993
Taxonomic Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 3. Description of Collecting Sites. The Vegetation of Kahuzi-Biega-National Park/Zaire, Nyungwe Forest and Virunga volcanoes/Rwanda
Tropical Bryology 8: 13-38
Fischer, E. 1993
Taxonomic Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 8. Riccia vulcanicola E. Fischer (subgenus Ricciella, sectio Cavernosae), a new species from the Virunga volcanoes, Rwanda
Tropical Bryology 8: 69-74
Fischer, E. 1999
A new species of Colura (Lejeuneaceae) from the Aberdare Mountains/Kenya
Tropical Bryology 16: 205-208
New: Colura zoophaga
Fischer, E. 2007
The genera Anthoceros, Phaeoceros and Notothylas (Anthocerotopsida) in Rwanda
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 131: 81-89
Fisk R, Mott J, Stevenson R 2004
Spring field meeting 2003, Norfolk/Suffolk borders
Field Bryology, the Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 82: 18-22
Fisk, R. 2001
Bryophyte recording in Suffolk
Suffolk Natural History 37: 106
Fisk, R. 2003
Another exciting liverwort
White Admiral 55: 35-41
Cryptothallus in Suffolk
Fitzgerald JW, Fitzgerald RD 1962
Barbilophozia atlantica (Kaal.) K. Müll. in Britain
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 214-220
Fitzpatrick TJ 1897
Notes on the flora of northeastern Iowa
Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 5: 107-133
Fitzpatrick TJ, Fitzpatrick MFL 1897
Flora of the southern Iowa
Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 5: 134-173
Flegel, M. & H. Becker 2000
Characterization of the contents of oil bodies from the liverwort Radula complanata
Plant Biology 2: 208-210
Flegel, M., K.-P. Adam & H. Becker 1999
Sesquiterpene lactones and bisbibenzyl derivatives from the neotropical liverwort Frullania convoluta
Phytochemistry 52: 1633-1638
Fleischbein, K., R. Goller, C. Valarezo, W. Wilcke, W. Zech & K. Knoblich 2002
[Abstract] Die Rolle der Epiphyten und des LAI für die Interzeption in einem Bergregenwald der ecuadorianischen Anden
Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie 15: 98
Flodin L-Å 2000
Mossor på halländska mossar
Myrinia 10: 18-22
Flore F, Adamo C, Cogoni A 2005
Contributo alla conoscenza della flora briologica della "Foresta Demaniale del Marganai" (Sardegna sud-occidentale)
Informatore Botanico Italiano 37: 78-79
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Några marchantiacé-fynd i nordvästra Härjedalen och Torne lappmark
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 25: 438-439
Florin R 1932
Asterella Lindenbergiana (Corda) Lindb. funnen i Jämtland
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 26: 462
Florschütz PA, Grolle R 1975
Herbertus Gray 1821, Herbertia Sweet 1827 und Herberta Gray mut. Lindb. 1875
Journal of Bryology 8: 479-481
Florschütz-de Waard J, Bekker JM 1987
A comparative study of the bryophyte flora of different forest types in West Suriname
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 8: 31-45
Flotow ICGUG, Nees von Esenbeck CG 1836
Reisebericht über eine Exkursion nacht einem Theile des südöstlichen Riesengebirges
Flora 19: 1-64
Flotow JCG 1833
Ueber Jungermannienzucht im Zimmer
Flora 16: 392-400
Flowers S 1936
The bryophytes of Utah
The Bryologist 39: 97-104
Flowers S 1945
Utah Hepaticae
The Bryologist 48: 8-11
Flowers S 1954
Liverworts of Utah
Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 31: 93-100
Flowers, S. 1961
The hepaticae of Utah
University of Utah Biological Series 12(2): 1-108
Univ Utah Biol series 12
Fojcik, B. & A. Stebel 1999
Preliminary studies on the bryoflora of Katowice town (Silesian upland, southern Poland)
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 44: 129-140
Fojcik, B. & A. Stebel 2001
[Abstract] Effect of the human impact on the present distribution of bryophytes in Katowice Town
Biological Bulletin of Poznan 38: 209-210
Fontinha S 2000
Notes on Porella inaequalis (Gott. ex Steph.) H. Perss.
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 21: 113-119
Fontinha S, Sérgio C, Silva I 1997
Notulae Bryoflorae Macaronesicae IV. 1. Algumas novidades para a brioflora das Ilhas Desertas (Arquipélago da Madeira)
Portugalia Acta Biologica, Série B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia 17: 265-266
Fontinha, S. & C. Sérgio 1998
First reference to the bryoflora of Porto Santo's islets
Bocagiana 192: 1-5
Fontinha, S., M. C. Boisselier & H. Bischler 1999
[Abstract] Genetic variation and diversification in Porella from Madeira
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 10
Foote KG 1962
Bryophyte and lichen vegetation of limestone outcrops in the driftless area of Wisconsin
Madison: MSc Thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin Pr.
Foote KG 1963
Bryophyte and lichen vegetation of rock outcrops in the driftless area of Wisconsin
PhD. thesis, Univ of Wisconsin
Foote KG 1966
The vegetation of lichens and bryophytes on the limestone outcrops in the driftless area of Wisconsin
The Bryologist 69: 265-292
Ford, C. H. & B. Crandall-Stotler 2000
[Abstract] A monographic study of the genus Petalophyllum Nees & Gottsche ex Lehm.
American Journal of Botany 87(6): 7
Ford, C. H. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler 1999
[Abstract] Petalophyllum in North America
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 327
Forrest L, Crandall-Stotler BJ 2004
A phylogeny of the simple thalloid liverworts (Jungermanniopsida, Metzgeriidae) as inferred from five chloroplast genes
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 98: 119-140
Forrest LL, Schuette SW, Crandall-Stotler BJ, Stotler RE 2005
A molecular study of the simple thalloid liverwort Jensenia (Marchantiophyta, Pallaviciniaceae)
The Bryologist 108: 204-211
Forrest, L. & B. Crandall-Stotler 2003
[Abstract] A phylogeny of the simple thalloid liverworts (Jungermanniopsida, subcalss Metzgeriidae) as inferred from the chloroplast genome
In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes: Progress, Problems and Perspectives p. 12
B. Goffinet & R. Magill (Organizers). St. Louis, Missouri
Forrest, L. L. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler 2004
[Abstract] A molecular phylogeny of the simple thalloid liverworts, as inferred from analyses of eight genes
XV IAB World Congress. Abstract Book p. 30
Forrest, L. L. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler 2004
[Abstract] Molecular phylogeny of the Pallaviciniaceae Mig. (Metzgeriales Schljakov emend. Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., Marchantiophyta). Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 36
Forrest, L. L. & Crandall-Stotler, B. J. 2005
Progress towards a robust phylogeny for the liverworts, with particular focus on the simple thalloids
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 97: 127-159
Forrest, L. L., B. J. Crandall-Stotler & A. V. Freire 2003
[Abstract] A molecular phylogeny of the simple thalloid liverwort family Fossombroniaceae (Marchantiophyta) as inferred from the chloroplast genes rps4, trnL and rbcL. Botany 2003 (Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet & Wild). Abstracts
Botanical Society of America, Mobile, AL p. 17
Forrest, L. L., Davis, E. C., Long, D. G., Crandall-Stotler, B. J., Clark, A. & Hollingsworth, M. L. 2006
Unravelling the evolutionary history of liverworts (Marchantiophyta): multiple taxa, genomes and analyses
The Bryologist 109(3): 303-334
Forrest, L. L., S. Schuette, R. E. Stotler & B. J. Crandall-Stotler 2004
[Abstract] Molecular and morphological divergences in the simple thalloid liverwort Jensenia Lindb. (Pallaviciniaceae Mig., Marchantiophyta). Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 42
Förster JB 1880
Beiträge zur Moosflora von Niederösterreich und Westungarn
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 1880: 233-250
Forster JR, Forster G 1776
Characteres generum plantarum, quas in itinere ad insulas maris Australis collegerunt, descripserunt, delinearunt annus 1772-75, 2nd ed
London: White, Cadell et Elmsly "1775"
Edition Quarto, 1 Mar 1776
Fosberg FR, Klawe WL 1966
Preliminary list of plants from Cocos Island
In: Bowman RI (ed.), The Galapagos: Proceedings of the Symposia of the Galapagos International Scientific Project. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press pp. 187-189
Foss, P. 1998
National overview of the peatland resource in Ireland
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 3-20
Foster AS 1909
Bryophytes from Mount Hood region, Oregon
The Bryologist 12: 64
Foucault, B. 1977
Flore des bryophytes de Guadeloupe
Office National de Forets, Basse-Terre 111 pp.
Foucault, B. de, J. R. Wattez & J. P. Gaveriaux 1998
Contribution à la connaissance du patrimoine naturel bryologique du plateau d'helfaut (Pas-de-Calais)
Bulletin de la Société de Botanique du Nord de la France 51(3-4): 7-16
Fox H, Blockeel T, Perry R 2001
Summer field meeting, Dungarvan and New Ross, Ireland, 1999
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 76: 3-10
Fraga, B. M. 2000
Natural sesquiterpenoids
Natural Product Reports 17: 483-504
Contains information on hepatics
Frahm J-P 1968
Zur Moosflora der Insel Helgoland
Herzogia 1: 101-104
Frahm J-P 1978
Zur Moosflora der Sahara
Nova Hedwigia 30: 527-548
Frahm J-P 1988
Bemerkenswerte Laubmoosfunde aus Nordafrika
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 9: 231-234
Frahm J-P 1989
La Bryoflore des Vosges
Duisburg: Universität-Gesamthochschule 126 pp.
Frahm J-P 1994
Neue und bemerkenswerte Moosfunde aus den Vogesen und umliegenden Gebieten
Herzogia 10: 191-212
Frahm J-P 1997
A second European record for Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. in Finland
Lindbergia 22: 99
Aneura maxima, a species formerly known from Asia and eastern North America and recently reported for the first time in Europe from Belgium, has been found in Finland
Frahm J-P 1999
Neufunde von Moosen in den Vogesen
Bryologische Rundbriefe 29: 11
Zygodon conoideus and Lejeunea lamacerina reported
Frahm J-P 2001
Bericht über die bryologische Exkursion ins Moseltal
Bryologische Rundbriefe 50: 1-2
Frahm J-P 2001
Führer zu bryologischen Exkursionen in der Umgabung von Bonn. 8. Das Moseltal. 9. Der Kottenforst
Bryologische Rundbriefe 43: 1-4
Frahm J-P 2001
Neue und bemerkenswerte Funde aus dem Lahntal
Bryologische Rundbriefe 42: 5-6
Pterygoneuron lamellatum, Dialyrichia mucronata, Cololejeunea rossettiana, and Mannia fragrans reported
Frahm J-P 2002
The only actual record of Notothylas orbicularis in Europe
Bryological Times 107: 16-18
Frahm J-P 2003
Bryologische hot spots in Deutschland 1. Das Rurtal bei Monschau
Bryologische Rundbriefe 72: 1-2
Frahm J-P 2004
Bericht von der Herbstexkursion 2004 der BAD in die Eifel
Bryologische Rundbriefe 84: 1-4
Frahm J-P, Frey W 1983
Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer Verlag 522 pp.
Frahm J-P, Frey W, Kürschner H, Menzel M 1990
Mosses and liverworts of Mt. Kinabalu
Sabah Park Publication 12: 1-91
There is a lter version from 1996
Frahm J-P, Häusler M 2007
A comparison of the bryofloras of the Macaronesian Islands
Tropical Bryology 28: 91-101
Frahm J-P, Klaus D 2001
Bryophytes as indicators of recent climate fluctuations in Central Europe
Lindbergia 26: 97-104
Thirty-four bryophyte species with atlantic, atlantic mediterranean or mediterranean distributions in Europe have extended their ranges into Central Europe during the past two decades. These range extensions of several hundred kilometres to the east or north-east are correlated with an increase in the mean temperatures of the winter months of December, January and February and a shift of the 3.5°C isotherm some 400 km to the east. Over the past two centuries seven of these species have occurred sporadically in Central Europe. The former occurrences of Lepidozia cupressina, Cryphaea heteromalla, Lejeunea lamacerina, Tortula pagorum and Bryum torquescens, Frullania microphylla and Plagiochila punctata are correlated with positive temperature anomalies in the past. Bryophytes react rapidly to climatic fluctuations because they are easily dispersed by spores and have short life cycles
Frahm J-P, Lindlar A, Muhle H 1996
Lista vermelha para os briófitos (Bryophyta)
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 193: 27-36
Frahm J-P, Lindlar A, Sollman P, Fischer E 1996
Bryophytes of the Cape Verde Islands
Tropical Bryology 12: 123-154
Frahm J-P, Porembski S 1998
Moose von Inselbergen in Benin
Tropical Bryology 14: 3-9
Frahm J-P, Poremski S 1994
Moose von Inselbergen aus Westafrika
Tropical Bryology 9: 59-68
Frahm, J.-P. 1993
Taxonomic Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 1. Introduction
Tropical Bryology 8: 1-4
Frahm, J.-P. 1994
Scientific Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 1. The ecology of epiphytic bryophytes on Mt. Kahuzi (Zaire)
Tropical Bryology 9: 137-152
Frahm, J.-P. 1994
Scientific Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 2. The altitudinal zonation of the bryophytes on Mt. Kahuzi, Zaire
Tropical Bryology 9: 153-168
Frahm, J.-P. 1998
Keywords = Nonsense?
Bryological Times 97: 6
Frahm, J.-P. 1999
Hans Kaja (1927-1996)
Bryologische Rundbriefe 25: 3
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
10 Jahre Tropical Bryology
Bryologische Rundbriefe 31: 2, 8
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Bryologie in Bonn
Bryologische Rundbriefe 35: 1-2
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Bryologie in Bonn
Bryologische Rundbriefe 39: 1-5
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Das deutsche Bryonet
Bryologische Rundbriefe 32: 9
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Das Ende der drought hypothesis. Epiphyten an immer trockeneren Standorten?
Bryologische Rundbriefe 38: 6
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Führer zu botanischen Exkursionen in der Umgebung Bonns. 6 Xerothermelemente im Mayfeld bei Mayer-Koblenz
Bryologische Rundbriefe 38: 3-4
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Führer zu bryologischen Exkursionen in der Umgebung von Bonn. 1 Das Siebengebirge
Bryologische Rundbriefe 32: 5-8
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Führer zu bryologischen Exkursionen in der Umgebung von Bonn. 2 Die Erpeler Ley
Bryologische Rundbriefe 33: 4
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Führer zu bryologischen Exkursionen in der Umgebung von Bonn. 3 Das Ahrtal
Bryologische Rundbriefe 34: 1-2
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Führer zu bryologischen Exkursionen in der Umgebung von Bonn. 4 Die Wahner Heide
Bryologische Rundbriefe 35: 3-4
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Führer zu bryologischen Exkursionen in der Umgebung von Bonn. 8 Die Teichbodenflora der Teiche in der Westerwälder Seenplatte
Bryologische Rundbriefe 41: 1-2
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Lophocolea semiteres vor der Haustür
Bryologische Rundbriefe 40: 6
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Lupenaufnahmen mit der Digitalkamera
Bryologische Rundbriefe 38: 5-6
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Mannia fragrans von St. Goar ist Reboulia
Bryologische Rundbriefe 33: 8
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Mikrophotos mit Digitalkameras
Bryologische Rundbriefe 34: 7
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Über Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der Hobby-Bryologie
Bryologische Rundbriefe 32: 1-2
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Verschläge zu einer neuen Nomenklatur bryologischer Termini
Bryologische Rundbriefe 31: 5-7
glossary vocabulary
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Warum sind seltene Arten selten?
Bryologische Rundbriefe 33: 1, 3
Frahm, J.-P. 2000
Zur Verwendung der Termini Papillen und Mamillen
Bryologische Rundbriefe 40: 3-4
Frahm, J.-P. 2001
BLAM-Exkursion 2000 in das Wallis
Bryologische Rundbriefe 42: 6
Frahm, J.-P. 2001
Der Nutzen des GPS für die Bryologie
Bryologische Rundbriefe 45: 10
Frahm, J.-P. 2001
Die Rückkehr der Epiphyten-Story
Bryologische Rundbriefe 46: 1-3
Frahm, J.-P. 2001
Höhere Niederschläge als Auslöser des gesteigerten Epiphytismus?
Bryologische Rundbriefe 49: 3-4
Frahm, J.-P. 2001
Jungermannia oder Jungermania? Zum letzten Mal
Bryologische Rundbriefe 44: 4-5
Frahm, J.-P. 2001
Lejeunea lamacerina und Frullania microphylla neu in den Vogesen
Bryologische Rundbriefe 49: 1-2
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Aufruf zu einem bundesweiten Epiphytenmonitoring
Bryologische Rundbriefe 55: 6
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Echo auf Notothylas-Exkursion
Bryologische Rundbriefe 60: 3
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Ecology of bryophytes along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients in Chile. Studies on austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 16
Tropical Bryology 21: 67-80
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Fotografieren mit der Leuchtlupe
Bryologische Rundbriefe 56: 5
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Geheeb-Würdigung in der Rhön
Bryologische Rundbriefe 61: 2-3
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Index to Tropical Bryology vols. 1-21
Tropical Bryology 22: 1-46
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
La bryoflore des Vosges et des zones limitrophes. 2me édition
Limprichtia 19: 1-132
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Schüler experimentieren-bryologisch
Bryologische Rundbriefe 54: 8
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Taxonomisch relevante Resultate neuerer bryologischer Forschungen in Deutschland
Bryologische Rundbriefe 51: 4-5
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Überdauern Sporen lange Zeit unter Wasser?
Bryologische Rundbriefe 60: 5
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Wiederfund von Mannia fragrans am Mittelrhein
Bryologische Rundbriefe 58: 5-6
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Wohin mit den Herbarien?
Bryologische Rundbriefe 54: 6-7
Frahm, J.-P. 2002
Zur Verbreitung von Notothylas orbicularis in Europa
Bryologische Rundbriefe 57: 7
Frahm, J.-P. 2003
Bericht von der BLAM-Exkursion nach Bovec (Slowenien)
Bryologische Rundbriefe 70: 1-3
Frahm, J.-P. 2003
Berühmte Moosfundorte in Deutschland (I). Das Denntal in der Eifel, einziges Vorkommen von Frullania microphylla in Deutschland
Bryologische Rundbriefe 66: 1-2
Frahm, J.-P. 2003
Bryologische Neuigkeiten aus Auenwäldern
Bryologische Rundbriefe 65: 2-3
Frahm, J.-P. 2003
Climatic habitat differences of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24: 3-14
Frahm, J.-P. 2003
Epiphytenmengen nehmen weiter zu
Bryologische Rundbriefe 65: 4-5
Frahm, J.-P. 2003
Lophocolea semiteres erstmalig in Deutschland gefunden
Bryologische Rundbriefe 62: 7-8
Frahm, J.-P. 2003
Manual of tropical bryology
Tropical Bryology 23: 1-195
With contributions by T. Pócs, B. O'Shea, T. Koponen, S. Piippo, J. Enroth, P. Rao & Y.-M. Fang
Frahm, J.-P. 2003
Wohnung von Geheeb in Freiburg
Bryologische Rundbriefe 66: 7
Frahm, J.-P. 2004
Bericht von der Exkursion der Bryologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschlands nach Rheinhessen
Bryologische Rundbriefe 73: 7-8
Frahm, J.-P. 2004
Recent developments of commercial products from bryophytes
The Bryologist 107: 277-283
Frahm, J.-P. 2004
Zu achten ist auf: Aneura maxima
Bryologische Rundbriefe 77: 7
Frahm, J.-P. 2005
A brief histoiy of the bryological exploration of the Azores
Tropical Bryology 26: 49-56
Frahm, J.-P. 2005
An evaluation of the bryophyte flora of the Azores
Tropical Bryology 26: 57-79
Frahm, J.-P. 2005
New or interesting records of bryophytes from the Azores
Tropical Bryology 26: 45-48
Frahm, J.-P. 2005
The first record of a fossil Hornwort (Anthocerotophyta) from Dominican Amber
The Bryologist 108: 139-141
Frahm, J.-P. 2006
Frullania tamarisci var. azorica (Jubulaceae, Marchantiopsida), a new taxon from the Azores
Tropical Bryology 27: 101-105
New: Frullania tamarisci var. azorica
Frahm, J.-P. & Gradstein, S. R. 1990
Ecology of tropical bryophytes: a bibliography
Tropical Bryology 3: 75-77
Frahm, J.-P. & K. Kirchhoff 2002
Antifeeding effects of bryophyte extracts from Neckera crispa and Porella obtusata against the slug Arion lusitanicus
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 23: 271-275
Frahm, J.-P. & Ohlemüller, R. 2001
Ecology of bryophytes along altitudinal and longitudinal gradients in New Zealand. Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 15
Tropical Bryology 20: 117-137
Frahm, J.-P. & W. Frey 1999
BRYOAUSTRAL: Diversität, Anpassungs- und Lebenstrategien und Evolution der Bryoflora und -vegetation südhemisphärischer temperater Regenwälder
Bryologische Rundbriefe 27: 1, 5-10
Frahm, J.-P., A. Specht, K. Riefenrath & Y. León Vargas 2000
Allelopathic effect of crustaceous lichens on epiphytic bryophytes and vascular plants
Nova Hedwigia 70: 245-254
Frahm, J.-P., D. Quandt & A. Solga 2000
Neufunde von Targionia hypophylla an der Mosel
Bryologische Rundbriefe 33: 5-6
Frahm, J.-P., Frey, W., Kurschner, H. & Menzel, M. 1996
Mosses and Liverworts of Mt. Kinabalu
Sabah Parks Publication, Malaysia
Frahm, Jan-Peter & Michael Lüth 2008
The Bryophyte Flora of the Maltese Islands
Archive for Bryology 29: 1-10
Frahm, Jan-Peter, Michael Lüth & Huub Van Melick 2008
Kommentierte Artenliste der Moose von Sardinien
Archive for Bryology 31
Frankl, R. & H. Schmeidl 2000
Vegetation change in a South German raised bog: Ecosystem engineering by plant species, vegetation switch or ecosystem level feedback mechanisms?
Flora 195: 267-276
Franklová H 1997
Doplen_k k mechorost_m Je_t_dskeho H_betu [Additions to the bryoflora of the Je_t_dsk_ h_bet Mte. (N Bohemia)]
Bryonora 19: 7-8
Franklová H, Kolbek J 1998
Bryophytes of selected areas of the protected landscape area and biosphee reserve Krivokltsko (Central Bohemia)
Zprávy Ceské Botanické Spolecnosti 33: 53-84
[In Czech with English summary.]
Franklová, H. 2000
Bryophytes of the calcareous stone-pit Certovy schody - západ
Bryonora 26: 10-11
In Czech with English abstract
Franklová, H. & J. Kolbek 2000
Bryophytes of the National Nature Reserve Kohoutov of the Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve Krivoklátsko (central Bohemia)
Zprávy Ceské Botanické Spolecnosti 34: 243-248
In Czech with English abstract.
Franklová, H. & J. Kolbek 2001
Bryophytes of hard phthanite knolls in the Krivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (central Bohemia)
Zprávy Ceské Botanické Spolecnosti 36: 133-143
In Czech with English abstract.
Franklová, H. & J. Kolbek 2002
Bryophytes of mire habitats in the Krivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (central Bohemia)
Zprávy Ceské Botanické Spolecnosti 37: 221-226
[In Czech with English abstract.]
Franson S 1963
Myrvegetation vid Rörvattenån i nordvästra Jämtland
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 57: 283-332
Frantz TC, Cordone AJ 1967
Observations on deepwater plants in Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada
Ecology 48: 709-714
Frazier, C. K. & T. K. Lowrey 2003
[Abstract] Combined natural history collections web-accessible database for New Mexico. Botany 2003 (Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet & Wild). Abstracts
Botanical Society of America, Mobile, AL p. 41
Freeman GW 1974
A survey of the bryophytes of the western one-third of Hancock County, Illinois
Macomb: MSc thesis, Western Illinois Univ 47 pp.
Freire AV, Stotler RE 2007
Typifications of the names of some Latin American species of Fossombronia (Fossombroniaceae)
The Bryologist 110: 817-823
Freire, A. V., B. Crandall-Stotler, L. A. Lewis & R. Stotler 1999
[Abstract] Phylogeny of the Metzgeriidae
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 69
Freire, V. 2006
Biodiversidad de hepáticas y antocerotes en Guatemala
In: Cano, Enio B., Biodiversidad de Guatemala. Univ. del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala. 1: 55-68
Freire, V. & N. Salazar Allen 2006
Introducción a la diversidad de las briofitas en Guatemala
In: Cano, Enio B., Biodiversidad de Guatemala. Univ. del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala. 1: 49-53
Freire, V., B. Crandall-Stotler & S. Self 1999
[Abstract] Austrofossombronia, an exotic liverwort from the Andes
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 328
Freitas, H. & A. Brehm 2001
Genetic diversity of the Macronesian leafy liverwort Porella canariensis inferred from RAPD markers
Journal of Heredity 92: 339-345
Fremstad, E. 2000
Botanisk mangfold i Verdal, dokumentert hovedsakelig med litteratur og herbariemateriale
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk 2000(3): 1-81
In Norwegian with English abstract; list of bryophytes on pp. 45-53. Botanical diversity of Verdal municipality, central Norway, documented primarily by literary records and herbarium specimens
Frey W 1974
Die Lebermoose des Irans und Afghanistans
The Bryologist 77: 48-56
Frey W, Frahm JP, Fischer E, Lobin W 1995
Kleine Kryptogamenflora Band VI. Die Moos- und Farnpflanzen Europas. 6 Aufl.
Stuttgart, Jena, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag 425 pp.
Frey W, Grolle R, Kürschner H 1991
Taxonomie und Verbreitung von Asterella P. Beauv. (Hepaticae, Marchantiidae) Im Vorderem Orient. Studien an arabischen Bryophyten 16
Nova Hedwigia 52: 305-318
Frey W, Kürschner H 1977
Studies on the bryophyte flora and vegetation of the Golestan National Park, N. Iran
Iranian Journal of Botany 1: 137-153
Frey W, Kürschner H 1979
Die epiphytische Moosvegetation im hyrkanischen Waldgebiet (Nordiran)
Beih. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Reihe A (Naturwiss.) 5: 1-99
Frey W, Kürschner H 1983
Contributions towards a bryophyte flora of Iran, new records from Iran
Iranian Journal of Botany 2: 13-19
Frey W, Kürschner H 1983
The first records of bryophytes from Saudi Arabia
Lindbergia 8: 157-160
Frey W, Schaumann F 2002
Records of rare South American bryophytes: Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 18
Nova Hedwigia 74: 533-544
Frey W, Stech M 2005
A morpho-molecular classification of the liverworts (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta)
Nova Hedwigia 81: 55-78
Frey, W & M Stech 2008
New suprageneric taxa of liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and mosses (Bryophyta)
Nova Hedwigia 87: 261-267
New: Noterocladales stat. nov., Jamesoniellales ord. nov., Scapaniaceae subfam. Diplophylloideae stat. nov., Trichocoleales ord. nov., Blepharostomataceae stat. nov., Pseudolepicoleales ord. nov., Lophocoleales ord. nov., Jubulales ord. nov., Bryowijkiaceae fam. nov., Mniaceae subfam. Mielichhoferioideae stat. nov.
Frey, W. & H. H. Hilger 2001
The gametophyte-sporophyte junction in Apotreubia hortonae (Treubiaceae, Hepaticophytina): Structure and systematic implications
Nova Hedwigia 72: 339-345
Frey, W. & H. Kürschner 1993
Targionia hypophylla L. ssp. linealis (Marshantiidae, Hepaticae), eine neue Unterart aus Saudi Arabien sowie weitere Neufunde. Studien an arabischen Bryophyten 17
Nova Hedwigia 57: 127-133
Frey, W. & I. Hensen 1997
Lebensstrategien bei Pflanzen: ein Klassifizierungsvorschlag. (Plant life strategies: a preliminary system)
Lindbergia 22(1): 42
Frey, W. & J.-P. Frahm 2000
Diversität, Anpassungs- und Lebenstrategien und Evolution der Bryoflora und -vegetation südhemisphaërischer temperater Regenwälder. Bericht über den Förderungszeitraum 1997-99
Bryologische Rundbriefe 37: 6-12
Frey, W. & Kürschner, H. 1988
Bryophytes of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra. Studies in Arabian bryophytes 12
Nova Hedwigia 46: 37-120
Frey, W. & Kürschner, H. 1991
Conspectus Bryophytorum Orientalum et Arabicorum. An annotated cataloque of the bryophytes of Southwest Asia
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 39: 1-181
Frey, W. & Stech M. 2005
A morpho-molecular classification of the Anthocerotophyta (hornworts)
Nova Hedwigia 80: 541-545
Frey, W., Kürschner, H. & Seifert, U. H. 1995
Scientific results of the BRYOTROP expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 7. Life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes from tropical lowland and montane forests, ericaceous woodlands and the Dendrosenecio subpáramo of the eastern Congo basin and the adjacent mountains (Parc National de Kahuzi-Biega/Zaire, Forêt de Nyungwe/Rwanda)
Tropical Bryology 11: 129-150
Frey, W., M. Hofmann & H. H. Hilger 2001
The gametophyte-sporophyte junction: unequivocal hints for two evolutionary lines of archegoniate land plants
Flora 196: 431-445
includes Fossombroniopsida Frey & Hilger, n.class. New: Fossombroniopsida cl.
Frey, Wolfgang (ed.) 1987
Moosflora und -vegetation in Regenwaeldern NO-Perus. Ergebnisse der BRYOTROP-Expedition nach Peru 1982.
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 88: 1-159
Friday, L. & B. Harley 2000
Checklist of the Flora and Fauna of Wicken Fen
Harley Books, Colchester, England xiv + 112 pp.
Friederich, S., M. Rueffer, Y. Asakawa & M. H. Zenk 1999
Cytochromes P-450 catalyze the formation of marchantins A and C in Marchantia polymorpha
Phytochemistry 52: 1195-1202
Fries EM 1845
Summa vegetabilium Scandinaviae, seu Enumeratio, Systematica et Critica, Plantatum tum Cotyledonearum, quum Nemearum inter Mare Occidentale et Album, inter Eidoram et Nordkap, Hactenus Lectarum una cum Singulae Distributione Geographica. Sectio prior
Uppsala: E. Typographia Academica 258 pp.
Fries T 1913
Botanische Untersuchungen im nördlichten Schweden
Uppsala: Diss. (Uppsala)
Fristedt RF 1853
Anteckningar öfver en resa i Torneå lappmark, på Kongl. Wetenskaps-Akademiens bekostnad företagen år 1852
Fristedt RF 1854
Anteckningar öfver en botanisk resa i Herjeådalen under sommaren 1853
Botaniska Notiser 7: 97-121
Fristedt RF 1858
Spridda växtgeografiska bidrag till Skandinaviens flora
Botaniska Notiser 11: 118-119
Frisvoll AA 1978
Twenty-eight bryophytes new to Svalbard
The Bryologist 81: 122-136
Frisvoll AA 1982
Fifteen bryophytes new to Svalbard, including notes on some rare and interesting species
Lindbergia 7: 91-102
Frisvoll AA 1997
Bryophytes of spruce forest stands in Central Norway
Lindbergia 22: 83-97
110 stands dominated by Norway spruce belonging to the bilberry type (43), mosaic bilberry/small fern type (24), small fern type (21), low herb type (4), and tall fern/tall herb type (18) were investigated for bryophytes. In all stands also a 10 by 10-m square was analysed, and a comparison is made between the plot and stand sampling methods. A total of 285 bryophytes (96 liverworts, 189 mosses) were found, and the average number of liverworts, mosses and bryophytes increased along a gradient of increasing humidity and nutrient availability from the bilberry type to the tall fern/tall herb type in the order given above. The number of liverworts in each stand varied from 18 to 49 (mean 29.9), the number of mosses from 16 to 67 (mean 37.8), and the number of bryophytes from 41 to 110 (mean 67.6). Eight species occurred in all stands, viz. (in order of increasing abundance) Cephalozia lunulifolia, Tetraphis pellucida, Ptilidium pulcherrimum, Ptilium crista-castrensis, Plagiothecium laetum, Dicranum scoparium, D. majus and Hylocomium splendens. The life strategies of the bryophytes are presented with regard to occurrence in ecological groups, constancy classes, forest types and successional stage (cutting classes). When all species are considered they belong to the colonist (47.4%), perennial (30.9%) and two shuttle (21.8%) life strategy categories
Frisvoll AA, Blom HH 1992
Trua moser i Norge med Svalbard; raud liste
Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning (NINA) Utredning 42: 1-55
Frisvoll AA, Blom HH 1997
Trua moser i Noreg med Svalbard. Førebelse ark
NTNU, Vit.-mus., Bot. Notat 1997-3: 1-170
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk 2002(3): 11
Frisvoll AA, Elvebakk A 1996
A catalogue of Svalbard plants, fungi, algae and cyanobacteria. Part 2. Bryophytes
Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 198: 57-172
Frisvoll AA, Elvebakk A, Flatberg KI, Halvorsen R, Skogen A 1984
Norske navn på moser
Polarflokken 8: 1-59
Frisvoll AA, Elvebakk A, Flatberg KI, Økland RH 1995
Sjekkliste over norske mosar
Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning (NINA) Temahefte 4: 1-104
A checklist of the bryophytes of Norway with Latin and Norwegian names; 823 species of mosses. Two species of hornworts and 277 liverworts; includes Chiloscyphus coadunatus var. rivularis (Hoffm.) comb. nov. and Pellia epiphylla subsp. borealis (Lorb.) comb. superfl. New: Plagiothecium laetum var. secundum (Lindberg) comb. nov., Chiloscyphus coadunatus var. rivularis (Raddi) comb. nov
Frisvoll AA, Moen A 1981
Lophozia borealis sp. nov., a rich fen hepatic from Fennoscandia
Lindbergia 6: 137-146
Frisvoll, A. A. 1983
Bryophytes from Jan Mayen, including twenty-five species new to the island
The Bryologist 86: 332-341
The quakity of this data is doubtful. The abstract says that there are 41 liverwort spp. but there is no complete check-list and only 23 can be found in the text
Frisvoll, A. A. 1986
Spindelmose (Cololejeunea calcarea) funne i Troms
Polarflokken 10: 15-19
Frisvoll, A. A. & T. Prestø. 1998
Spruce forest bryophyes in central Norway and their relationship to environmental factors including modern forestry
Lindbergia 23(1): 62
Fritsch K 1900
Beitrag zur flora von Constantinopel
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 68: 219-250
Fritsch R 1982
Index to platn chromosome numbers - bryophyta
Regnum Vegetabile 108: 1-268
Fritsch R 1984
Chromosome numbers of some mosses and liverworts from northern Poland
Lindbergia 9: 160-162
Fritsch R 1991
Index to bryophyte chromosome counts
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 40: 1-352
Fritz Ö 2002
Ligger pepparporellans Porella arboris-vitae svenska utbredningscentrum i Halland
Myrinia 12: 92-95
In Swedish with English abstract
Fritz, Ö., L. Gustafsson & K. Larsson 2008
Does forest continuity matter in conservation? - A study of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes in beech forests of southern Sweden
Biological Conservation 141: 655-668
Froelich J 1950
Bryophyten aus Iran
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 57: 37-41
Froelich J 1959
Bryophyten aus Vorderasien
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 63: 31-32
Froelich J 1961
In: K.H.Reichinger, Die Flora von Euboea. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 80: 155-159
Frolik AL 1942
Vegetation of the peatlands of Dane County, Wisconsin
Ecological Monographs 11: 650-651
Frye TC 1908
Thallophytes and bryophytes from the Olympic Mountains
Mountaineer, Seattle 1: 117-138
Frye TC 1909
A few lichens and bryophytes from Mount Hood
The Bryologist 12: 6-7
Frye TC, Clark L 1928
The liverworts of the Northwest
Publications of the Puget Sound Biological Station of the University of Washington 6: 1-193
Frye TC, Clark L 1937
Hepaticae of North America part I
University of Washington Publications in Biology 6: 1-161
Frye TC, Clark L 1944
Hepaticae of North America part II
University of Washington Publications in Biology 6: 163-336
Frye TC, Clark L 1945
Hepaticae of North America part III
University of Washington Publications in Biology 6: 337-564
Frye TC, Clark L 1946
Attu Island Bryophytes collected by Hardy
The Bryologist 49: 59-65
Frye TC, Clark L 1946
Hepaticae of North America part IV
University of Washington Publications in Biology 6: 565-733
Frye TC, Clark L 1947
Hepaticae of North America part V
University of Washington Publications in Biology 6: 735-1022
Frye, T. C. & Clark, L. 1937-1947
Hepaticae of North America parts I-V
University of Washington Publications in Biology 6: 1-1022
Fu X 1994
[A hepaticae family new to mainland China - Acrobolbaceae and its distribution]
Acta Botanica Yunnanica 16: 153-166
Fu X, Fang J-s 1994
Frullania usamiensis Steph. - a species of Frullaniaceae new to China
Bulletin of Botanical Research 14: 247-249
Fu X., Gao C., Li 0. & Fang J.-S. 1995
Scaphophyllum new to mainland of China and Tetrodontium brownianum (Dicks.) Schwaegr. new to China
Bulletin of Botanical Research 15: 57-60
Fudali E 1995
Changes in the bryoflora of urban areas - a case study of Lésne Wzgórze in Szczecin (NW Poland)
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 40: 311-321
Fudali, E. 1998
Investigations of bryophytes in Polish towns - a review of the bryological research and data
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 43: 77-101
Fudali, E. 1999
[Bryophytes of epixylic habitats of Puszcza Pukowa (beech forest - NW Poland)-a comparison between reserves and managed forests]
Przeglad Przyrodniczy 10: 49-58
In Polish with English abstract
Fudali, E. 1999
[Bryophytes of the forest reserves of the beech forest near Szczecin in relation to the phytosociological and ecological diversity of habitats]
Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia. Ser. B, Botanika 48: 187-201
In Polish; English summary
Fudali, E. 2002
Bryophytes of parks and cemeteries in the city of Poznan
Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia. Ser. B, Botanika 51: 163-180
In Polish with English abstract
Fudali, E. 2002
[Report on] Bryological workshop Karkonosze Mts. 2002" (Karpacz, Poland, 13-17 September 2002)
Wiadomosci Botaniczne 46(3-4): 76-77
In Polish
Fudali, E. 2004
Mszaki miejskich parków i cmentarzy Krakowa [Bryophytes of parks and cemeteries of Cracow]
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 11: 337-353
In Polish with English abstract
Fudali, E. 2005
Are bryofloras of parks and cemeteries in central European cities the same?
In: De Zuttere, P., Colloque International de Bryologie/International Meeting of Bryology. Published by the organizer, Vierves-sur-Viroin, Belgium pp. 50-62
Fudali, E. 2006
Influence of city on the floristical and ecological diversity of Bryophytes in parks and cemeteries
Biodiversity Research and Conservation 1-2: 131-137
Fuentes F 1914
Reseña botánica sobre la Isla de Pasuca
Boletin del Museo Nacional de Chile 5: 320-337
Fuertes E 1987
A new locality for Tetralophozia filiformis (Steph.) Urmi in Spain
Journal of Bryology 14: 791-794
Fuertes E, Acón M, Munin E, Oliva R, Oliván G 1998
Catálogo de la brioflora de la provincia de Palencia
Botanica Complutensis 22: 113-132
Fuertes E, Burgaz AR, Escudero A 1996
Pre-climax epiphyte communities of bryophytes and lichens in Mediterranean forests from the Central Plateau (Spain)
Vegetatio 123: 139-151
Fuertes Lasala E, Martinez-Conde E 1988
Vegetación briofítico del macizo oriental de los Picos de Europa (Andara) en Cantabria (España). I. Comunidades saxícolas, acuáticas y subacuáticas
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 9: 109-127
Fuertes, E., E. Munín & M. Acón 2000
Notula bryologica Hispaniae, II
Botanica Complutensis 24: 53-59
Fuertes, E., M. Acón & G. Oliván 2007
Cratoneuron y Palustriella (Amblystegiaceae, Bryopsida) en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. Revisión y biogeografía
Botanica Complutensis 31: 55-74
Fuertes, E., M. Acón, M. Infante & R. Oliva 1998
Aportaciones a la flora briólogica española. Notula XII: Musgos y hepáticas de La Li4bana (Cantabria, España)
Lazaroa 19: 43-55
Fulford M 1934
List of Hepaticae of Kentucky
The Bryologist 37: 21-28
Fulford M 1936
Additions to the list of Hepaticae of Kentucky. - I
The Bryologist 39: 119-122
Fulford M 1936
Some hepaticae from Washington, Oregon and Idaho collected by Dr. Arthur Svihla
The Bryologist 39: 105-111
Fulford M 1936
The genus Bazzania in the United States and Canada
American Midland Naturalist 17: 385-424
Fulford M 1938
Some Lejeuneaceae from British Honduras
Annales Bryologici 11: 56-57
Fulford M 1941
Studies on American Hepaticae. II. A new species of Bazzania from the West Indies
The Bryologist 44: 145-146
Fulford M 1942
Studies on American Hepaticae IV. Revision of the genus Symbiezidium
Lloydia 5: 293-304
Fulford M 1944
Vegetative reproduction in Porella pinnata L.
The Bryologist 47: 78-81
Fulford M 1945
Studies on American Hepaticae - VI. Ceratolejeunea
Brittonia 5: 368-403
Fulford M 1946
The genus Bazzania in Central and South America
Annales Cryptogamici et Phytopathologici 3: 1-175
Fulford M 1956
The young stages of the leafy Hepaticae: a resumé
Phytomorphology 6: 199-235
Fulford M 1958
The Machris Brazilian Expedition, Botany, Hepaticae
Los Angeles County Museum Contributions in Science 26: 1-2
Fulford M 1959
In: Yuncker T, Plants of Tonga Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bull. 220: 118
Fulford M 1959
Studies on American Hepaticae, 7-8. A supplement to 'The genus Bazzania in Central and South America'
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 86: 308-341
Fulford M 1959
Studies on American Hepaticae. VII-XI. A supplement to "The genus Bazzania in Central and South America". Part II. Tridentatae (3-5)
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 86: 394-412
Fulford M 1960
Bazzania chimantensis, a new species from Venezuela
The Bryologist 63: 88-93
Fulford M 1960
Herzogiariaceae, a new monotypic family of leafy Hepaticae from South America
Nova Hedwigia 1: 395-404
Fulford M 1962
Segregate genera of the Lepidozia complex (Hepaticae) part. 3. Microlepidozia Jörg. and Micrisophylla gen. nov.
Brittonia 14: 121-136
Fulford M 1963
Segregate genera of the Lepidozia complex (Hepaticae). Part 4. Telaranea and a review of the Lepidoziaceae
Brittonia 15: 65-85
Fulford M 1967
In: J. Steyermark, flora del Auyan-tepui. Acta Botanica Venezuelica 2: 72-99
Fulford M 1968
Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America. Part III
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 11: 277-392
Fulford M 1970
The ecology of an elfin forest in Puerto Rico, II. The leafy hepatics of Pico del Oeste
Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 51: 56-69
Fulford M 1972
In: Steyermark J, The flora of the meseta del Cerro Jaua. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 23: 833-892
Fulford M 1976
Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America. Part IV
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 11: 395-535
Fulford M 1984
In: Steyermark J, Maguire B, Informe preliminar sobre la flora de la cumbre del cerro Marahuaca. Acta Botanica Venezuelica 14: 53-81
Fulford M 1987
Leafy hepaticae of Dominica: additions to the Hepaticae Elliottianae by Richard Spruce in 1895
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 45: 164-278
Fulford M, Hatcher RE 1959
Triandrophyllum, a new genus of leafy Hepaticae
The Bryologist 61: 276-285
Fulford M, Hatcher RE 1962
The genus Triandrophyllum - some nomenclatural changes
The Bryologist 64: 348-351
Fulford M, Taylor J 1959
The segregate genera of the Lepidozia complex (Hepaticae) part 1. Sprucella Steph. and Neolepidozia gen. nov.
Brittonia 11: 77-85
Fulford M, Taylor J 1960
Psiloclada and the species of the genus Microlepidozia with succubous leaves
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 21: 79-84
Fulford M, Taylor J 1960
Two new families of leafy Hepaticae: Vetaformaceae and Pseudolepicoleaceae from southern South America
Nova Hedwigia 1: 405-422
Fulford M, Taylor J 1961
Segregate genera of the Lepidozia complex (Hepaticae). Part 2. Two new genera, Bonneria and Paracromastigum
Brittonia 13: 334-339
Fulford MH 1941
Studies on American Hepaticae I. Revision of the genus Thysananthus
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 68: 32-42
Fulford, M. 1962
Additional notes on the Vetaformaceae (Hepaticae)
Nova Hedwigia 4: 81-85
Fulford, M. 1963
Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America. Part I
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 11: 1-172
The Bazzania section has been processed
Fulford, M. 1966
Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America. Part II
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 11: 173-276
Fulford, M. 1984
Some Hepaticae from St. Vincent Islands. Notes and additions to the Hepaticae Elliottianae by R. Spruce in 1895
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 5: 143-150
Only leafy hepatics adding to the list by Spruce 1895
Fulford, M. & Sharp, A. J. 1990
The leafy Hepaticae of Mexico, One Hundred and Twenty-seven Years after C. M. Gottsche
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 63: 1-86
Fuller, C. A. 1986
The Bryophytes of Ha Ha Tonka State Park, Camden County, Missouri
Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO vii + 69 pp.
M.S. Thesis
Funck HC 1823
Kryptogamishce Gewächse des Fichtelgebirgs, Fascicle 29, no. 586-605
Leipzig 6 pp.
Funck HC 1831
Kryptogamishce Gewächse des Fichtelgebirgs, Fascicle 29, no. 726-745
Leipzig 6 pp.
Furmanczyk K, Ochyra R 1982
Plant communities of the Asmirality Bay region (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) I. Jasnorzewski Gardens
Polish Polar Research 3: 25-39
Furuki T 1985
Cadopodiella francisci (Hook.) Joerg., newly found in Japan
Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 4: 33-35
Furuki T 1986
Gemmae of Haplomitrium hookeri (Smith) Nees
Hikobia 9: 495-496
Furuki T 1994
Bryophytes of the northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia I. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Journal of the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba Special Issue 1: 75-82
Furuki T 1994
Taxonomic studies of Asiatic species of Aneuraceae (Hepaticae). I. Riccardia subgen. Corioneura Furuki
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 75: 257-261
Furuki T 1994
Taxonomic studies of Asiatic species of Aneuraceae (Hepaticae). III. Riccardia subgen. Thornoneura Furuki
Hikobia 11: 463-467
Furuki T 1995
Taxonomic studies of Asiatic species of Aneuraceae (Hepaticae) II. Riccardia subgen. Hyaloneura Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 78: 111-118
Furuki T 1996
Bazzania angustifolia, a new addition to the known hepatic flora of Japan
Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 6: 216-219
Furuki T 1996
Taxonomic studies of Asiatic species of Aneuraceae (Hepaticae). IV. Lobatiriccardia lobata (Schiffn.) Furuki
Journal of the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba 4: 21-25
Furuki T 1997
Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Iwo (Volcano) Islands, northwestern Micronesia
Journal of the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba 4: 101-109
Furuki T 1997
[Nardia lescurii (Aust.) Underw. (Jungermannicaceae, Hepaticae) new to Japan, hitherto known only from the Appalachian Mountains]
Bryological Research 7: 69-71
Furuki T 1998
Taxonomic studies of Asiatic species of Aneureaceae (Hepaticae). VI. Riccardia fruticosa (Steph.) Furuki, comb. nov., described from New Guinea and its related species
Natural History Research 5: 1-10
Furuki T 1998
[Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Goto Islands, southwestern Japan]
Memoirs of the National Science Museum. Tokyo 31: 107-113
Furuki T 1998
[in Japanese]
Bryological Research 7: 187
Furuki T 1998
[Three species of Lejeunea new to Japan and a synopsis of Japanese Lejeunea's]
Bryological Research 7: 124-133
Furuki T 2000
Taxonomic status of Porella tenera M. Hara (Hepaticae) described from Shikoku, Japan
Bryological Research 7: 341-342
Furuki T 2000
[Nomenclatural notes on the Japanese species of Cyathodium Kunze]
Bryological Research 7: 353-354
In Japanese
Furuki T 2001
Metahygrobiella nishimurae (N. Kitag.) Grolle: underleaves and relevance to the genus designation
Bryological Research 8: 31-34
Furuki T 2001
Notes on the taxonomic status of Microlejeunea ponapensis Horik. (Hepaticae; Lejeuneaceae) described from the Carolines
Bryological Research 7: 385-387
M. ponapensis = Lejeunea exilis
Furuki T 2001
Taxonomic studies of Asiatic species of Aneuraceae (Hepaticae). VIII. Riccardia crenulata Schiffn. and its related species
Hikobia 13: 511-519
Furuki T 2006
Taxonomic study of Moerckia japonica Inoue: male plants and branching of thallus
Bryological Research 9: 84-86
Furuki T 2006
[Riccia cavernosa Hoffm. newly found in Japan]
Bryological Research 9: 47-49
Furuki T 2007
Radula fujitae Furuki, sp. nov. (Radulaceae, Hepaticae) from Okinawa Island, southern Japan
Bryological Research 9: 143-146
Furuki T, Fujita A 2006
Drepanolejeunea obtusifolia T. Yamag. (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) newly found in Okinawa I., Ryukyu Is.
Bryological Research 9: 95-96
In Japanese
Furuki T, Higuchi M 2006
A new species of Exormotheca (Exormothecaceae, Hepaticae) from China
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27: 97-102
New: Exormotheca bischleri sp. nov.
Furuki T, Higuchi M, Nishimura N 2001
[Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Mikura Island, Izu Islands, Northern Izu-Mariana Arch
Memoirs of the National Science Museum. Tokyo 37: 141-158
In Japanese with English summary
Furuki T, Inoue H 1984
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Mts. Yatsugatake, Central Japan
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Series B, Botany 0: 1-25
Furuki T, Iwatsuki Z 1989
Mizutania riccardioides, gen. et sp. nov. (Mizutaniaceae, fam. nov.), a unique liverwort from Tropical Asia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 67: 291-296
Furuki T, Long DG 1994
Aneura crateriformis, a new liverwort species from the East Himalaya and China
Journal of Bryology 18: 281-286
Furuki T, Mizutani M 1994
Checklist of Japanese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae, 1993
Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 6: 75-83
Incl. Ryukyu, Bonin and Volcano Is.
Furuki T, Mizutani M 1995
Supplements of 'Checklist of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae, 1993'
Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 6: 141-142
Incl. Ryukyu, Bonin and Volcano Is.
Furuki T, Mizutani M 2005
[Taxonomic status of the figure of Lejeunea planiloba A. Evans shown in H. Inoue, Illustrations of Japanese Hepaticae (1974)]
Bryological Research 9: 16-17
In Japanese
Furuki T, Ota M 2001
Taxonomical study of Calypogeia japonica Steph. (Hepaticae) described from Japan
Bryological Research 7: 381-384
Furuki T, Ota M 2004
Taxonomic studies of Calypogeia ovifolia Inoue (Hepaticae) described from northern Japan
Bryological Research 8: 293-295
Synonymized with C. japonica
Furuki T, Yamada K 1986
The genus Radula(Hepaticae) of the Bonin and Volcano Islands
Journal of Japanese Botany 61: 311-314
Furuki T, Yamada K, Hattori S, Nishimura N 1993
Hepaticae collected from Pakistan in 1991
In: Nakaike T, Malik S (eds.), Cryptogamic Flora of Pakistan, vol. 1. Tokyo pp. 221-229
Furuki, T. 1991
A taxonomical revision of the Aneuraceae (Hepaticae) of Japan
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 293-397
Furuki, T. 1994
Aneura marianensis sp. nov. (Hepaticae) of the Northern Mariana Islands
The Bryologist 97: 87-88
Furuki, T. 1998
The classification and phylogeny of liverworts in view of the morphogenetic patterns of the apical cell
Proceedings of the Japan Society of Plant Taxonomists 41: 1-11
In Japanese with English abstract
Furuki, T. 1999
Taxonomic studies of asiatic species of Aneuraceae (Hepaticae). VII. Riccardia grollei Furuki, sp. nov. from Southeast Asia
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 139-142
New: Riccardia grollei
Furuki, T. 1999
[Abstract] Concept and distribution of the subgenera of the genus Riccardia in Southeast Asia and Oceania
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 333
Furuki, T. 2000
Hepaticae of Mt. Ishizuchi, Shikoku, southern Japan
Memoirs of the National Science Museum. Tokyo 33: 55-64
In Japanese with English summary
Furuki, T. 2000
Riccia lamellosa Raddi newly found in Japan
Bryological Research 7: 314-316
In Japanese with English abstract
Furuki, T. 2001
Jungermannia jenseniana Grolle (Hepaticae) excluded from the known hepatic flora of Japan
Bryological Research 8: 7-8
In Japanese with English abstract
Furuki, T. 2001
Lethocolea naruto-toganensis, a new hepatic from swamps of Japan
The Bryologist 104: 306-309
New: Lethocolea naruto-toganensis
Furuki, T. 2002
Checklist of bryophytes in Chiba-ken, central Japan, 2002
Journal of the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba Special Issue 5: 59-77
In Japanese with English summary
Furuki, T. 2002
Cheilolejeunea serpentina (Mitt.) Mizut. (Hepaticae, Lejeuneaceae) newly found in Japan
Bryological Research 8: 148-150
In Japanese with English abstract and figure captions
Furuki, T. 2002
Studies on the bryophyte flora of Vanuatu. 5. Metzgeriales and Marchantiales (Hepaticae)
Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden 21: 95-101
Furuki, T. 2004
Lophozia handelii Herzog (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) newly found from Japan
Hikobia 14: 177-179
Furuki, T. 2004
New localities of Riccia lamellosa Raddi in Japan
Bryological Research 8: 278-279
In Japanese with locality data in English
Furuki, T. 2004
[Abstract] A new species of the genus Nardia (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) found in northern Honshu, Japan
Journal of Plant Research, suppl. 117: 41-42
In Nardia subgen. Apotomanthus sect. Subclavatae
Furuki, T. 2004
[Abstract] Taxonomic studies of Riccardia elata (Steph.) Schiffn. and its related species in Southeast Asia
In: Iwatsuki, K. (organizer), International Symposium 2004: Asian Plant Diversity and Systematics. National Museum of Japanese History, Sakura, Japan p. 44
Furuki, T. 2005
Colura tenuicornis (A. Evans) Steph. newly found from Hachijo Island of the Izu Islands
Bryological Research 8: 400
In Japanese
Furuki, T. 2006
A new species of Nardia (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) from Japan
Bryological Research 9: 73-77
New: Nardia minutifolia sp. nov.
Furuki, T. 2006
Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Haachijo Island, Izu Islands, northern Izu-Mariana Arch
Hikobia 14: 403-411
In Japanese with English abstract
Furuki, T. 2006
New localities of seven species of liverworts in Japan
Bryological Research 9: 91-92
On Pseudolepicolea andoi, Eremonthus myriocarpos, Dicranolejunea yoshinagana, Cololejeunea magnistyla, Moerckia japonica, Riccardia flavovirens and R. marginata var. pacifica
Furuki, T. 2006
Taxonomical studies of the family Aneuraceae (Hepaticae) based on the Philippine collections made by Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Sharp and Dr. Z. Iwatsuki
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: 89-99
New: Lobatiriccardia coronopus (De Notaris) comb. nov., Riccardia magnicellularis sp. nov., Riccardia philippinensis sp. nov.
Furuki, T. 2008
National bryophyte heritage sites in Japan. National Natural Monument, Naruto-Togane Insectivorous Plants Community
Bryological Research 9: 270-271
In Japanese
Furuki, T. & D. G. Long 2007
Lobatiriccardia yunnanensis, sp nov. (Metzgeriales, Aneuraceae) from Yunnan, China
Journal of Bryology 29: 161-164
Includes key to all five species of Lobatiriccardia. New: Lobatiriccardia yunnanensis sp. nov.
Furuki, T. & H. Takamiya 2002
Bryophytes of Togane-shi, Chiba-ken, central Japan
Journal of the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba Special Issue 5: 79-93
In Japanese with English summary
Furuki, T. & Mizutani, M. 2004
Checklist of Japanese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae 2004
Bryological Research 8(10): 296-316
In Japanese with English abstract. Incl. Ryukyu, Bonin and Volcano Is.
Furuki, T. & P. J. Dalton 2008
Vandiemenia ratkowskiana Hewson (Marchantiophyta): a revised description and reassessment of its taxonomic status
Journal of Bryology 30: 48-54
This Tasmanian endemic is placed in the Metzgeriaceae
Furuki, T. & Yamaguchi, T. 2005
Cheilolejeunea ventricosa (Schiffn.) X.-L. He (Hepaticae) newly found from Japan
Bryological Research 8: 381-384
Fuselier, L. 2004
[Abstract] Sex-specific and environment-dependent selection influence sexual dimorphism and the distribution of sexes of a thalloid liverwort. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah pp. 22-23
Fuselier, L. 2008
Variation in life history characteristics between asexual and sexual populations of Marchantia inflexa
The Bryologist 111: 248-259
Fuselier, L. & D. N. McLetchie 2003
[Abstract] Habitat use by the sexes of a dioicious liverwort. Botany 2003 (Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet & Wild). Abstracts
Botanical Society of America, Mobile, AL pp. 17-18
Fuselier, L. & D. N. McLetchie 2004
Microhabitat and sex distribution in Marchantia inflexa, a dioicous liverwort
The Bryologist 107: 345-356
Fuselier, L. & L. Stark 2004
[Abstract] Sexual dimorphism in bryophytes: patterns and consequences. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 22
Fuselier, L. & N. McLetchie 2002
Maintenance of sexually dimorphic preadult traits in Marchantia inflexa (Marchantiaceae)
American Journal of Botany 89: 592-601
Fuselier, L. C. 2002
[Abstract] Growth and reproduction of Marchantia inflexa from single-sex and bi-sex populations
American Bryological and Lichenological Society Abstracts of Contributed Papers 2002: 19
Fuselier, L. C. 2004
Maintenance of Sexually Dimorphic Patterns of Growth and Reproduction in Marchantia inflexa
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. x + 200 pp.
Fuselier, L. C. & D. N. McLetchie 2001
[Abstract] Sex-specific and environment-dependent phenotypic selection on pre-adult traits in Marchantia inflexa. Botany 2001: Plants and People. Abstracts
Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM p. 8
Futschig J, Vána J 1971
Neue Moosfunde aus dem Riesengebirge
Opera Corontica 6: 45-50
Futschig, J. 2002
Brief von Josef-Futschig zum Notothylas Vorkommen am Vogelsberg
Bryologische Rundbriefe 56: 8
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z