Liverwort Literature G



Gabriel R, Sjögren E, Schumacker R, Sérgio C, Frahm J-P, Sousa E 2005
Lista dos briófitos (Bryophyta) [List of bryophytes (Bryophyta)]
In: Borges PAV, Cunha R, Gabriel R, Martins AF, Silva L, Vieira V (eds.), Listagem da fauna (Mollusca e Arthropoda) e flora (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta e Spermatophyta) Terrestres dos Açores [A list of terrestrial fauna (Mollusca and Arthropoda) and flora (B. Angra do Heroismo: Direcçao Regional do Ambiente e Universidade dos Açores, Horta, Angra do Heroismo e Ponta Delgada pp. 117-129
Chapter 4.1 contains a list of bryophytes with Azorean island distribution. A list of terrestrial fauna (Mollusca and Arthropoda) and flora

Gabriel, R. & J. W. Bates 2003
Responses of photosynthesis to irradiance in bryophytes of the Azores laurel forest
Journal of Bryology 25: 101-105

Gabriel, R. M. de A. 1994
Briófitos da Ilha Terceira (Açores): Ecologia, Distribuição e Vulnerabilidade de Espécies Seleccionadas
Departamento de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal vii + 212 pp. + 5 unpaginated appendices on 40 pp.
Master's thesis from Universidade dos Açores

Gabriel, R. M. de A. 1994
Briófitos de Pastagem: Algumas Noções de Ecologia
Departamento de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal 95 pp. 5 unpaginated appendices on 38 pp.
Master's thesis from Universidade dos Açores. Appendices include keys to genera of Azore grassland bryophytes

Gabriel, R. M. de A. 2000
Ecophysiology of Azorean Forest Bryophytes
Department of Biology, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Silwood Park, England 308 pp.
Doctoral thesis

Gagliardi G 1884
Epatiche raccolte nei dintorni del Calvario di Domodossola durante l'inverno 1875-76
Atti dell'Accademia pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei 36: 1-4

Gajevája NV 1964
[Ad cognitionem Ricciae rhenanae Lorb. in flora hepaticarum URSS]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 1: 251-255

Gajic M, Korac M, Obratov D 1991
Pregled machovina u Srbiji
In: NN (ed.), Zbornik radova sa simpozijuma "Nadeljko Kosanin i Botanicke nauke", SANU - Institut za Botaniku i bot. Basta PMF - JP za gazdovanje sumama "Golija" Ivanjica. Beograd pp. 401-407

Gajic, M. 1983
In: Gajic, M. (ed.), Flora Deliblatske Pescare. The Flora of the Deliblato Sand. Prirodno-Matematicki Fakultet OOUR Institut za Biologiju, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia pp. 41-49

Galán deMera A, los Ángeles Hagen de la Cerda MA, Vicente Orellana JA 1996
Variabilidad de las comunidades rupicolas bro-pteridofiticas en el SO de la península Ibèrica y el NO de África
Orsis 11: 7-13

Galeano Puello, M. P. 2002
[Abstract] Las criptogamas de la reserva florestal Bremen, Quindío, Colombia
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 356

Galera, H. & H. Ratynska 1999
Greenhouse weeds in the Botanical Garden of Pas in Warsaw-Powsin
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 68: 227-236
List of bryophytes (17 spp.) on p. 233

Gallo C 1892
In Valesia. Note di taccuino

Gallo PC le 1951
Florule bryologique des îles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 20: 43-93

Gambaryan SK 1998
Hepaticae of the nature reserves and protected territories of the South Primorye, Russian Far East
Chenia 5: 129-135
112 species

Gambaryan SK 1998
Mokhoobrazni'e [Bryophytes]
In: Vasil'eva LN (ed.), Flora i rastitelnost Khiganskogo Zapovednika (Amurskaya Oblast). Vladivostok: Dalnauka pp. 70-87

Gambaryan, S. K. 1978
On the bryoflora of the reserve Zeysky (Amur region)
In: Botaniclieskie issledovaniya on Dalnen, Vostoke. Vladivostok pp. 20-25

Gambaryan, S. K. 1980
On the liverwort flora of the station Verkhneussuriysky
In: Koompleksnye issledovaoiya lesnykh biogeorsenozov. Vladivostok pp. 19-25

Gambaryan, S. K. 1981
On the liverwort flora of islands of the Peter the Great Bay
In: Sistematika, ecologiya i geografiya sporovykh i rastenij Dalnego Vostoka. Vladivostok, Dalnevost. Nauchn. Centr. Akad. Nauk SSSR pp. 82-86

Gambaryan, S. K. 1981
The distribution of liverworts among the vegetation belts at the station Verkhneussuriysky (southern Sikhote-Alin)
In: Brio-likhmenologicheskie issledovaniya vysokogornykh raionov i severa SSSR pp. 35-36

Gambaryan, S. K. 1984
On the liverwort flora of high mountains and spurs in the southern Sikhote-Alin
In: Sistematiko-floristicheskie issledovaniya sporovykh rastenij Dalnego Vostoka. Vladivostok, Dalnevost. Nauchn. Centr. Akad. Nauk SSSR pp. 59-64

Gambaryan, S. K. 1986
On the liverwort flora of the Ussuriysk reserve
In: Brio-likhenologichieskie issledovaniya v SSSR. Apatity pp. 29-34

Gambaryan, S. K. 1988
On the liverworts flora of the "Kedrovaya Pad" and the Far-Easthern marine reserve (the south of Primorye territory)
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 73(8): 1152-1159

Gambaryan, S. K. 1989
Hepatics of southern Primorsky Territory
Abstract of Ph. D. Thesis, Vladivostok, Dalnevost. Nauchn. Centr. Akad. Nauk SSSR p. 17

Gambaryan, S. K. 1990
History of studies of hepatics of the Far East
In: Vasilieva, L. N. & al. (ed.) Kriptogamiecheskie issledovaniya na Dalnem Vostoke. Vladivostok, Akad. Nouk SSSR, Dalnevost. Otd. pp. 141-148

Gambaryan, S. K. 1990
New and rare hepatics for the USSR
In: Vasilieva, L. N. & al. (ed.) Kriptogamiecheskie issledovaniya na Dalnem Vostoke. Vladivostok, Akad. Nouk SSSR, Dalnevost. Otd. pp. 149-157

Gambaryan, S. K. 1990
On the hepatic flora of South Primorya Territory (USSR)
In: Schljakov, R. N. (ed.) Abstr. 7th Meeting Centr. & East Europ. Bryol. Working Group. Kirocsk - Apatity, 25-30 June 1990. Apatity. Acad. Sci. USSR. Kola Sci. Center, Polar-Alpine Bot. Garden pp. 25-26

Gambaryan, S. K. 1991
Contribution to flora of hepatics of Soviet Far East
In: Demkiv, 0. T. (ad.) Briologia v SSSR, ee dostizheniya perspektivy (Proc. Conf, Lvov, 10-12 Sept. 1991). Lvov. Akad. Nauk SSSR & Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR pp. 52-55

Gambaryan, S. K. 1991
On the hepatic flora of the reserves of South Primorye Territory
Vladivostok, Ross. Akad. Nauk, Dalnevost. Otd., Biol. Pochv. Inst. Msc. Reserved VINITI 12. XII. 1991, No 4596-B9t 15

Gambaryan, S. K. 1992
Anthocerotae and Hepaticae of Southern Primorye
Vladivostok, Ross. Akad. Nauk, Dalnevost. Otd., Biol. Pochv. Inst. 175 pp.

Gambaryan, S. K. 1992
Hepatic flora of the Soviet Far East
Bryobrothera 1: 73-78

Gambaryan, S. K. 1993
Rare species of liverworts and their protection
In: VII Arseneevskie chteniya. Ussurijsk: Ussorijsk. Gos. Pedagog. lnst. pp. 83-86

Gambaryan, S. K. 1993
State of knowledge of the liverworts in the south of the Russian Far East
Vladivostok, Dalnauka 23 pp.

Gambaryan, S. K. 1994
Study of rare species of liwerworts in the protected and reserved regions of the Primoryj Territory
In: Abramov, V. K. & al. (eds.) Materialy soveshchoniya "Prirodoochrannye territorii i akvatorii Dal'nego Vostoka i problemy sochraneniya biologicheskogo rasnoobraziya". Vladivostok, Biol.-Pochv. lnst. Dalnevost. Otd. Ross. Akad. Nauk pp. 82-87

Gambaryan, S. K. 1996
Studies of hepatics of protected areas in Primorsky Territory
In: Flora i rastitelnost Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka: Tez. dokl. 2 Rossijskoi Conf. "Chteniya pamyati L. M. Cherepnina". Krasnoyarsk pp. 58-60

Gambaryan, S. K. 1997
Hepatic flora of reserves in south of Primorye Territory
Abstr. of Symposium on 2000's Bryology. Beijing, China p. 105

Gambaryan, S. K. 1997
On the liverwort flora of the Central Sikhote-Alin
In: Sikhote-Alin sokhranenie i ustojchivoe razvitie unikalnoj ekosistemu. Mater. nauchoo-prakticheskoj conf, 4-8 Sept. 1997. Vladivostok pp. 62-83

Gambaryan, S. K. 1998
To knowledge and conservation of biodiversity of liverworts of Primorsky Territory (Russian Far East)
In: Probleniy botoniki no rubesze XX-XXI vekov. Abstr. II(X) Congr. Russ. Bot. Soc. (26-29 May, 1998 St-Petersburg). Vol. 2. St-Petersburg, Komarov' Bot. Inst. 130 pp.

Gambaryan, S. K. 1999
Forest flora of liwerworts in the Sikhote-AIin reserve (Russia)
Forests and forest formation processes in the For East: Proceedings of the international conf. (23-25 Aug. 1999), devoted to the 90th anniversary of B. P. Kolesnikov. Vladivostok pp. 179-182

Gambaryan, S. K. 1999
On hepatics of Reserves of the southern Far East
4th Dalnevostochn. konf. po zapovednomu delu. tezisy dokladov. Vladivostok pp. 46-47

Gambaryan, S. K. 1999
On liverwort flora in forest formations of Prymorye (Russia)
Forests and forest formation processes in the For East: Proceedings of the international conf. (23-25 Aug. 1999), devoted to the 90th anniversary of B. P. Kolesnikov. Vladivostok pp. 178-179

Gambaryan, S. K. 2000
Additional data on the liverworts flora of the Bolshekhekhtsirsky Reserve
In: Research at nature-reserves of Priamurje. Vladivostok-Khabarovsk. Dalnauka pp. 83-85

Gambaryan, S. K. 2000
In: Rastitelnyi mir Sikhote-Alinskogo biosfernogo zopovednika: rasnoobrazie. dinamika, monitoring. Vladivostok, Biol.-Pócsz. Inst. Dalnevost. Otd. Ross. Akad. Nauk pp. 47-49
Briefly annotated list of 89 species

Gambaryan, S. K. 2000
Some results and perspectives of study of reserved liverwort flora of Far East
In: Mikologia i kriptogamnaya botanika v Rossii: traditzii i sovremennost' (Proc. conf. St-Peterbsurg, 24-28 April, 2000), St. Petersburg, Komarov' Bot. Inst. pp. 504-506

Gambaryan, S. K. 2000
Some results and perspectives of the stadies of liverwort flora in reserves of the Far East
In: Mycology and cryptogamic botany in Russia: traditions and modern state. Proceedings of the International conf. devoted to 100-th anniversary of investigations on mycology and cryptogamnic botany in V. L . Komarov Botanical institute RAS (Sankt-Peterburg, April 24-28, 2000) Sankt Petersburg pp. 85-87

Gambaryan, S. K. 2001
Liverworts of the Sikhote-Alin Reserve (Primorsky Territory)
Arctoa 10: 31-42
89 spp. in 46 genera

Gamisans J , Hébrard JP 1980
A propos de la végétation des forets d'Eire et de Macédonie grecque occidentale
Doc. phytosociol., n.s. 4: 289-341

Gamisans J , Hébrard JP 1980
A propos de la végétation des forets en Grèce du nordest (Macédonie orientale et Thrace occidentale)
Doc. phytosociol., n.s. 5: 243-289

Gams H 1938
Zur Verbreitung und Verwandtschaft einiger europäischer Marchantiales
Annales Bryologici 11: 58-67

Gams H 1940
Kleine Kryptogamenflora von Mitteleuropa. I. Die Moos und Farnpflanzen (Archegoniaten). 1 ed.
Jena 184 pp.

Gams H 1950
Kleine Kryptogamenflora von Mitteleuropa. I. Die Moos und Farnpflanzen (Archegoniaten). 3 ed.
Stuttgart, Jena, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag 186 pp.

Gams H 1951
Riccia breidleri Juratzka comme Hépatique amphibique des Haute Alpes
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 20: 255-257

Ganeshin S 1916
Spisok rastenij, sobrannykh' v okr. "Ostrovkov" na r. Neve
Trudy bjoro po prikl. bot. 9: 479-538

Ganeva A 1996
Cover, shoot density and biomass of bryophytes in three coniferous communities of the Western Rhodopes
Phytologia Balcanica 2: 45-53

Ganeva A 1997
Bryophyte flora of the Parangalitza biospere reserve, Rilau Mountain
Ann. Univ. Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", Book 2 Bot. 89: 35-47
36 liverworts and 100 mosses

Ganeva A 1997
Notes on the distribution of Mediterranean-Atlantic bryophytes in Bulgaria
Bocconea 5: 913-917

Ganeva A 1998
Preliminary data on Bulgarian threatened bryophytes
Lindbergia 23: 33-37
The Bulgarian bryoflora comprises about 670 bryophytes and 201 of them (30%) could be considered as threatened, found in 1-2 localities. The rare species number 112, followed by the insufficiently known (35 species), vulnerable (33 species) and endangered bryophytes (21 species). The high mountain habitats of bryophytes are comparatively protected against human activities but agricultural activities, urbanization and air pollution are major threats to populations of endangered species. Although more chorological data are necessary to specify species' distribution, this preliminary list of threatened bryophytes gives information about the composition, distribution and status of threatened bryophytes

Ganeva, A. 2000
Biodiversity of bryophytes in Central Balkan National Park. Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park
Ministry of Environment and Waters of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria pp. 106-124

Ganeva, A. 2000
Biodiversity of bryophytes in the Rila National Park
In: M. Sakalian (ed.), Biological Diveristy of the Rila National Park. Ministry of Environment and Waters of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria pp. 117-136

Ganeva, A. 2002
New data on the distribution of bryophytes in Bulgaria
Phytologia Balcanica 8: 191-195

Ganeva, A. 2007
New bryophyte records in the Balkans: 2. Reports 33-35
Phytologia Balcanica 13: 255
Reports from Bulgaria

Ganeva, A. & A. Tashev 1999
Bryoflora in the Sokolna Reserve, the Central Balkan Range National Park
Phytologia Balcanica 5(1): 43-49

Ganeva, A. & Duell, R. 1999
A contribution to the Bulgarian bryoflora containing a new checklist and the results of some excursions. Checklist of Bulgarian bryophytes
In: Duell, R., A. Ganeva, A. Martincic & Z. Pavletic, Contributions to the Bryoflora of former Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. IDH-Verlag, Bad Münstereifel, Germany pp. 111-179

Ganeva, A. & Natcheva, R. 2003
Check-list of the bryophytes of Bulgaria with data on their distribution. I. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24(3): 229-239

Gang, Yong-Yun, Gui-Sen Du, Mei-Zhi Wang & Fan-Yan Meng 2005
Studies on antibacterial activities of 9 Chinese bryophytes
Chenia 8: 71-76
Marchantia polymorpha, Conocephalum conicum, Porella platyphylla, Rhodobryum roseum, R. giganteum, Pogonatum urnigerum, Atrichum undulatum, Polytrichum longisetum and Plagiomnium cuspidatum used in study

Gangulee HC 1979
Mosses of estern India and adjacent regions. Fascicle 7

Ganiatsas KA 1937
Symboli eis ten gnosin ton bryophyton tes Makedonias
Epistem. Epet. phys. math. epistem. Panepistem, Thessalonikas 3: 73-93

Gao C 2003
Takakiales Calobryales Jungermanniales
Flora Bryophytorum Sinica 9: 1-323
In Chinese. Keys and figure legends also in English. New: Herbertus gaochienii sp. nov., Cephalozia elachista var. spinophylla (Gao, C. in Gao, C. & Zhang Guang-chu) stat. & comb. nov., Jungermannia laxifolia nom. nov. & hom. illeg.

Gao C, Aur C-W 1978
Notulae de Porella Sinae boreali-orientalis
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 16: 78-90

Gao C, Bai X-L 2001
A synoptic revision of family Jungermanniaceae (Hepaticae) in China including some taxa nova
Philippine Scientist 38: 111-170
New: Jungermannia brevicaulis sp. nov. & hom. illeg., Jungermannia lixingjiangii sp. nov., Jungermannia parviperiantha sp. nov., Jungermannia zangmuii sp. nov., Jungermannia laxiphylla nom. nov., Jungermannia louii sp. nov., Jungermannia microrevoluta sp. nov., Jungermannia polycarpa sp. nov. & hom. illeg., Jungermannia zengii sp. nov., Jungermannia caoii sp. nov.

Gao C, Cao T 1983
A preliminary study on bryophytes of Changbai Mountain
Res. Forest Ecosystem 1983: 82-118

Gao C, Cao T 2001
Flora Yunnanica 17 (Bryophyta: Hepaticae, Anthocerotae)
Beijing: Science Press 650 pp.

Gao C, Cao T 2001
The genus Saccogynidium (Geocalycaceae, Hepaticae) in China
The Bryologist 104: 126-129
Possibly Gao, C., Cao T., & Lai, M.-J. 2001

Gao C, Cao T, Sun J 2002
The genus Mnioloma (Hepaticae, Calypogeiaceae) new to China discovered from Taiwan
Arctoa 11: 23-26

Gao C, Cao T, Sun J 2003
The genus Isotachis (Hepaticae; Balantiopsaceae) in China
The Bryologist 105: 693-698

Gao C, Chang K 1982
Genus [sic, two genera are described] nova Bryophytarum [sic]
Bulletin of Botanical Research 2: 113-121

Gao C, Chang K 1983
Bryophytes of North Korea
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 9: 163-170

Gao C, Chang K-C, Cao T 1981
Taxa nova bryophytarum Tibeticarum
Acta Botanica Yunnanica 3: 389-399

Gao C, Chang KC 1978
Species novae Ricciacearum Chinae boreali-orientalis
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 16: 113-118
This author should probably be recorded as Zhang, we have discussed this in the past

Gao C, Wu Y-H 2005
Radula stellatogemmipara (Radulaceae, Hepaticae), a new species from Fujian and Guangxi, China
Nova Hedwigia 80: 237-240
New: Radula stellatogemmipara

Gao C, Wu Y-H, Grolle R 2003
Jungermannia cheniana, a new liverwort with 2-3-stratose leaves from Yunnan, China
Nova Hedwigia 77: 189-193
New: Jungermannia cheniana

Gao C, Zhang GC 1981
Flora hepaticarum Chinae boreali-orientalis
Beijing: Science Press 220 pp.

Gao Cai-Hua & Li Deng-Ke 1985
A preliminary study of Chinese Haplomitriaceae (class Hepaticae)
Wuyi Science Journal 5: 231-234

Gao Chien, Bai En-Zhong & Li Chien 1987
A new species of the Hepaticae
Bulletin of Botanical Research 7(4): 57-61

Gao, C. & Bai, X.-L. 2002
Lepidozia suyungii (Lepidoziaceae, Hepaticae), a new species from southwestern China, with discussion of the species of Lepidozia in China
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 92: 191-197
New: Lepidozia suyungii

Gao, C. & Cao, T. 1988
A study of Trichocolea Dum., Trichocoleopsis Okam. and Netotrichocolea Hatt. (Hepaticae) in China
Investigatio et Studium Naturae 8: 24-37

Gao, C. & Cao, T. (eds.). 2000
Bryophyta: Hepaticae, Anthocerotae
Flora Yunnanica 17: 1-650
In Chinese. Treatments written by Chien Gao, Tong Cao, M. L. So, Xueliang Bai, Ruiliang Zhu & Dachen Zhang. Includes Takakia

Gao, C. X. & Wu, Y.-H. 2004
On seven species of the Schistochilaceae (Hepaticae) in China, including one new species and one new combination
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 263-270
New: Gottschea macrodonta (W. E. Nicholson in Handel-Mazzetti), Schistochila minor

Gao, C., Cao, T. & Wu, Y.-H. 2005
Revision of classification system of the class Hepaticae
In: Anonymous (editor), International Bryological Symposium for Prof. Pan-Chieh Chen's Centennial Birthday [Abstracts]. Chinese Botanical Society, Nanjing pp. 20-21
The proposed but not described Schiffneriaceae has existed as a nom. nud. since 1958. New: Calyptraiidae nom. nud., Corsiniales nom. nud., Pallaviciales nom. nud., Cyathodiales nom. nud.

Gao, C., Jia, X.-Y. & Cao, T. 1999
A taxonomic study of Notoscyphus Mitt., (Hepaticae) in China
Bulletin of Botanical Research 19: 361-367
In Chinese with English abstract. New: Notoscyphus parvus, Notoscyphus collenchymatosus

Gao, Chien, Ming-Jou Lai, Tong Cao, Xing-Jiang Li, Kuang-Chu Chang, Xing Fu, Xi-Liang Bai, May-Ling So, You-Fung Want & Rui-Liang Zhu 2003
Illustrations of Bryophytes of China
SMC Publishing, Inc., Taipei, Republic of China lxxv + 1313 pp.
In Chinese

Gao, Chien, Tong Cao, Yuhuan Wu, Jing Yu & Yi Chen 2004
A new species and three new records of Heteroschyphus (Jungermanniopsdia: Geocalycaceae) to China
Journal of Bryology 26: 97-102
New: Heteroscyphus spiniferus sp. nov

Gao, Chien, Wei Li & Yu-Huan Wu 2008
A study of morphology of the perichaetium of Trichocolea Dumort. (Hepaticae)
Bulletin of Botanical Research 28: 267-268
In Chinese with English abstract

Gao, Q. (Gao C.) & Wu, Y.-H. 2006
Chiloscyphus yunnanensis (Geocalycaceae), a new species from China
Acta Botanica Yunnanica 28: 119-120
In Chinese and English

Gao, Xiu-ying, Ding-ji Shi, Yun-long Zhou & Peng-cheng Wu 1998
Comparison studies on ultrastructure of photosynthetic apparatus in gametophytes and sporophytes of bryophytes
Chenia 5: 59-68

Gao, Xiu-ying, Ding-ji Shi, Yun-long Zhou, Ze-pe Zhong, Jin Fang & Peng-cheng Wu 1998
Comparison studies on photosynthesis of gametophytes and sporophytes of several bryophytes
Chenia 5: 69-81

Gapon SV 1998
[Conspect of bryoflora of forest-steppe of left bank Ukraine]
Poltava: Poltavsk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst. 37 pp.
List includes 204 mosses and 25 liverworts

Garbacki, N., L. Ector, I. Kostikov & L. Hoffmann 1999
Contribution à l'étude de la flore des grottes de Belgique
Belgian Journal of Botany 132: 43-76

García Álvaro MA, Martínez-Abaigar J, Valle Melón JM, Beaucourt N, Núñez Olivera E, Tomás R, Arróniz M 2001
Adiciones a la brioflora de La Rioja y Burgos
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 18-19: 111-114

García Álvaro, M. A. 1999
Contenido de Nutrientes Minerales Composición Pigmentaria Fotosintética en Briófitos Acuáticos: Una Perspectiva Ecofisiológica
Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain vi + 332 pp.
Doctoral dissertation.

García Álvaro, M. A., J. Martínez Abaigar, J. M. Valle Melón, N. Beaucourt, E. Núñez Olivera, R. Tomás & M. Arróniz 2001
Adiciones a la brioflora de La Rioja y Burgos
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 18-19: 111-114

Garcia C, Sérgio C, Jansen J 2008
The bryophyte flora of the national park of Serra da Estrela (Portugal): Conservatioon and biogeographical approaches
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 29: 49-73

García de las Heras, J. M., M. J. Elías Rivas & J. A. Sánchez Rodríguez 1999
[Abstract] Brioflora de los valles del Ambroz y Santihervás (Hervás, Cáceres). XIII Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Libro de Resúmenes
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain p. 162

Garcia Gomez R, Fuertes Lasala E 1980
Comunidades muscinales de los saladares y espertales de Navarra (Espana)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 1: 289-304

García Zamora P, Ros RM, Cano MJ, Guerra J 1998
Anacolia menziesii (Bartramiaceae, Musci) a new species to the European bryophyte flora
The Bryologist 101: 588-593

García-Ramos, G., C. Stieha, D. N. McLetchie & P. H. Crowley 2004
[Abstract] Local and metapopulation sex ratio dynamics in the liverwort Marchantia inflexa
XV IAB World Congress. Abstract Book p. 31

García-Zamora P Ros RM, Guerra J 1998
Bryophyte flora of the Sierras de Filabres, Cabrera, Alhamilla and Cabo de Gata (Almería, S. E. Spain)
Journal of Bryology 20: 461-493

Garcia-Zamora P, Ros RM, Guerra J 1989
Taxonomia numérica en Targionia L. (Hepaticae)
Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid 46: 393-404

García-Zamora, P., R. M. Ros & J. Guerra 1999
Briófitos como bioindicadores de calidad botánica en zonas áridas del sudeste español: Sierras de Filabres, Cabrera, Alhamilla y Cabo de Gata (Almería, España)
Acta Botanica Malacitana 24: 113-131

García-Zamora, P., R. M. Ros & J. Guerra 2000
Vegetación briofítica de las sierras de Filabres, Cabrera, Alhamilla y Cabo de Gata (Almería, SE de España)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 21: 19-76

Gärdenfors U 2000
Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2000 [The 2000 Red List of Swedish species]
Uppsala: ArtDatabanken

Gärdenfors U 2005
Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2005 [The 2005 Red List of Swedish species]
Uppsala: ArtDatabanken 496 pp.

Gärdenfors, U., Rodríguez, J. P., Hilton-Taylor, C., Hyslop, C., Mace, G., Molur, S. & Poss, S. 1999
Draft Guidelines for the Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at National and Regional Levels
Species 31-32: 58-70

Gardner G 1950
Algues, lichens, mousses, hépatiques récoltés au Labrador, à la Baie d'Hudson, à la Baie James, et dans le Manitoba-Nord, en 1930, 1933, 1938, et 1939
Mémoires de la Société Botanique de France 1949: 79-94

Gardner G 1973
Catalogue analytique des espèces végétales du Quebec arctique et subantarctique et quelques autres régions du Canada

Garilleti, R., F. Lara, V. Mazimpaka & B. Albertos 1999
[Abstract] Datos sobre la presencia de algunos briófitos atlánticos en la región mediterránea ibérica
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 14: 19

Garnet JR, Willis JH 1949
Additions to the recorded flora of Lake Mountain (January 1949). II. Cryptogams (excluding algae and fungi
Victorian Naturalist 66: 158-159

Garovaglio S 1844
Saggio d'un prospetto delle piante crittogame della Lombarida
In: Cattaneo C (ed.), Notizie naturali e civili su la Lombardia, vol. 1. Milano pp. 327-338

Garside S 1958
Studies in South African Ricciaceae. III. A new species of Oxymitra
Journal of South African Botany 24: 83-87

Gärtner, G. 1999
Bryologische Forschung in Tirol - Stand, Defizite und Ausblick
Abhandlungen der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 30: 83-88

Gattefossé J, Werner RG 1935
Contribution à la flore cryptogamique du Maroc. Fascicule XI
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 26: 72-84

Gaudichaud C 1828
Voyage autor du monde enterpris par ordre du Roi, sur les corvettes l'Uranie et la Physciene pendent les annees 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820, par M. Louis de Freycenet. Botanique, vol. 6
Paris pp. 209-256

Gaudichaud-Beaupre, Charles 1826-1830
Voyage autour du Monde, entrepris par Ordre du Roi, . . . Execute sur les Corvettes de S.M. l'Uranie et la Physicienne . . . par M. Louis de Freycinet. Botanique . . .
Voy. Uranie, Bot.
1826-1830; see TL2 for dates and pagination of the 12 parts and atlas; TL2 cites the abbreviation as: Voy. Uranie

Gaudichaud-Beaupre, Charles 1846-1866
Voyage autour de Monde éxécuté pendant les Années 1836 et 1837 sur la Corvette la Bonité ... Botanique
Voyage Autour du Monde Execute Pendant les Anees 1836 et 1837 sur la Corvette la Bonite, Commandee par M. Vaillant ... Botanique
[1841-] 1846-1866

Gaume R 1955
Catalogue des Muscinées de Bretagne d'apres les documents inédits du Dr F. Camus
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 24: 1-28

Gaume R 1955
Catalogue des Muscinées de Bretagne d'apres les documents inédits du Dr F. Camus. II. Mousses. 1. Sphagnales
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 24: 183-191

Gauthier, R. 2001
Envoûtantes beautés les plantes vedettes des tourbières
Quatre-Temps 25(2): 22-26

Gauthier, R., J. Pujos & L. Lacoste 1998
La Soula, haute-vallée du Louron: une localité sphagnicologique remarquable des Pyrénées
Journal de Botanique de la Société Botanique de France 5: 181-185

Gauthier-Lièvre L 1931
Reserches sur la flore des eaux continentales de l'Afrique du Nord
Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N., Mem. Hors.-serie

Geheeb A 1898
Weitere Beiträge zur Moosflora von Neu-Guinea
Bibliotheca Botanica 8(44): 1-29

Geheeb A 1902
Beitrag zur Moosflora von Syrien
Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift für Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie 8: 42-44

Géhu, J.-M. 2004
Sur le tapis bryolichénique des associations végétales des Arrière-Dunes atlantiques françaises
Braun-Blanquetia 34: 117-120

Geiger, G. & H. G. Zechmeister 1999
Braun-Blanquet versus Plotless-Sampling - ein methodischer Vergleich zur Erfassung bryologischer Gesellschaftsstruckturen
Abhandlungen der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 30: 49-60

Geis, W. & H. Becker 2000
Sesqui- and diterpenes from the liverwort Gackstroemia decipiens
Phytochemistry 53: 247-252

Geis, W. & H. Becker 2001
Odoriferous sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort Gackstroemia decipiens
Flavour and Fragrance Journal 16: 422-424

Geis, W., B. Buschauer & H. Becker 1999
cis-Clerodandes from axenic cultures of the liverwort Scapania nemorea
Phytochemistry 51: 643-649

Geissler P 1977
Zur Moos- und flechtenflora Nordgriechlands
Bauhinia 6: 189-213

Geissler P 1981
Some aspects of high altitude bryoflora of Corsica
In: Szweykowski J (ed.), New perspectives in Bryotaxonomy and Bryogeography. Pozna_: Adam Mickiewicz University 122 pp.

Geissler P 1984
Notulae Bryofloristicae Helveticae
Candollea 39: 641-646

Geissler P 1987
Notulae Bryofloristicae Helveticae. III
Candollea 42: 159-165

Geissler P 1989
Excursion de la Société botanique de Genéve dans les Alpes autrichiennes (10-19 juillet 1988): coup d'œil sur la flore bryologique
Saussurea 20: 39-44

Geissler P 1990
Haplomitrium hookeri (Sm.) Nees (Calobryales, Hepaticae) - nuevo para la Península Ibérica
Saussurea 21: 147-150

Geissler P 1995
Bergeller Mooslese - Spicilegium bryologicum Praegallicum. Bericht über die Exkursion der Jahresversammlung im Bergell, 2.-5. Juni 1994
Meylania 7: 8-14

Geissler P 1997
On epiphyllous populations of Marchesinia (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae)
Abstracta Botanica (Budapest) 21: 65-68

Geissler P, Bisang I 1985
Frullania inflata Gott., ein neues thermophiles Element in der Schweizer Moosflora
Saussurea 16: 95-100

Geissler P, Bischler H 1985
Index Hepaticarum vol. 10. Lembidium to Mytilopsis
Berlin: J. Cramer 352 pp.

Geissler P, Bischler H 1987
Index Hepaticarum vol. 8/9. Jungermannia to Lejeunites
Berlin: J. Cramer 310 pp.

Geissler P, Bischler H 1989
Index Hepaticarum vol. 11. Naiadea to Pycnoscenus
Berlin: J. Cramer 353 pp.

Geissler P, Bischler H 1990
Index Hepaticarum vol. 12. Racigemma to Zoopsis
Berlin: J. Cramer 337 pp.

Geissler P, Gradstein SR 1994
On the identity of Phragmicoma lehmanniana Nees and other species described in the genus Phramicoma (Studies in Lejeuneaceae subfam. Pthycanthoideae 23)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 75: 201-209

Geissler P, Maier E, Rüegsegger F 1993
Etudes botaniques des Follateres (Dorénaz et Fully, Valais) IV. Les bryophytes
Bulletin de la Murethienne: société valaisanne des sciences naturelles 111: 77-94

Geissler, P. 1999
Eindrücke vom XVI. Internationalen Botanikerkongress in St. Louis, 1.-7 Aug-99
Meylania 17: 28-32
Summary of bryological activity at the XVI IBC

Geissler, P. 1999
Rückblick auf sechs Jahre Tätigkeit im Zentralvorstand der SANW [Schweizerische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften]
Meylania 17: 16-20

Geissler, P. 1999
[Abstract] Bryophyte diversity of Manongarivo Reserve (NW Madagascar)
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 327

Geissler, P. 2001
Systematics of Bryophytes
Progress in Botany (Berlin) 62: 383-396

Geissler, P. 2001
The phytogeography of Mediterranean bryophytes: progress and problems
Bocconea 13: 81-88

Geissler, P. & Bischler, H. 1985
Index Hepaticarum 10. Lembidium to Mytilopsis
Vaduz: J Cramer

Geissler, P. & E. Maier 1999
SEM and light microscope observations on sporophytes of Marchesinia (Lejeuneaceae, (Hepaticae)
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 143-154

Geissler, P. & Gradstein, S. R. 1982
SEM-studies on sporophyte characters in Lejeuneaceae (Ptychanthoideae), a preliminary report
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 53: 127-131

Geissler, P. & S. R. Gradstein 1981
On a small collection of living Lejeuneaceae from Per
Candollea 36: 119-130

Geissler, P. & S.W. Greene (eds.). 1982
Bryophyta Taxonomy. Methods, practices and floristic exploration. Proceedings of the International Association of Bryologists Taxonomic Workshop Meeting, Geneve, 27 August-2 September 1979
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 71: 1-588

Geissler, P., B. Bagutti, I. Bisang, N. Müller, N. Schnyder, C. Schubiger-Bossard & E. Urmi 2002
Die Verbreitung von Moosen in der Schweiz und in Lichtenstein. III. Ausgewählte Lebermoose
Herzogia 15: 191-213

Genth CIF 1835
Flora des Herzogthaum Nassau. Erster Theil, Cryptogamia
Mainz "1836" 439 pp.

George, A. S. 2000
Cryptogams on granites
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 83: 127-129

Gepp A 1894
Mosses and Hepatics
In: Britten J, Baker EG, Rendle AB, Gepp A, and others (eds.), The plants of Milanje, Nyasa-land, collected by Mr. Alexander Whyte, F. L. S. Trans. Linn. Soc. 4: 62-64

Gepp A 1895
Hepaticae Elliottianae, insulis Antillanis St Vincentii et Dominica a clar. W. R. Elliott, annis 1891-92, lectae, Richard Spruce determinatae
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 30: 331-372

Gerdol R 1993
The vegetation of wetlands in the southern Carnian Alps (Italy)
Gortania 15: 67-107

Germano SR, Pôrto KC 1998
Briófitas epixilas de uma área remanescente de floresta atlântica (Timbaùba, Brasil). 2. Lejeuneacea
Acta Botanica Brasilica 12: 53-66

Germano SR, Pôrto KC 2006
Bryophyte communities in an Atlantic forest remnant, state of Pernambuco, Brazil
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27: 153-163

Germano, S.R. 1994
Briófitas epixilas do Engenho Água Azul, Timbaúba, PE (destaque para a classe Hepaticopsida)
Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife. 130 pp.

Germano, S.R. 2003
Floristica e ecologia das comunidades de briófitas em urn remanescente de floresta atlantica / reserva ecológica de Gurjaú, Pemambuco, Brasil
Tese de Doutorado, Recife, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Germano, S.R. & Pôrto, K.C. 1996
Floristic Survey of Epixylic Bryophytes of an Area Remnant of the Atlantic Forest (Timbaúba - PE, Brazil). 1. Hepaticopsida (except Lejeuneaceae) and Bryopsida
Tropical Bryology 12: 21-28

Germano, S.R. & Pôrto, K.C. 1997
Ecological analysis of epixylic bryophytes in relation to the decomposition of the substrate (municipality of Timbatiba, Pernambuco, Brazil)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 18(2): 143-150

Germano, S.R. & Pôrto, K.C. 1998
Adições à brioflora do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil
Hoehnea 25(2): 121-131

Germano, S.R. & Pôrto, K.C. 2004
Novos registros de briófitas para Pernambuco, Brasil
Acta Botanica Brasilica 18(2): 343-350

Gerola FM 1947
Epatiche dell'Abissinia meridionale
Lavori di Botanica, Instituto di Botanica e di Fisiologia Vegetale dell' Universita de Padova 12: 471-485

Ghildiyal, J. C. & C. Lal 2004
Aquatic and semi-aquatic plants of District Uttarkashi, Garhwal Himalaya
Geobios 31: 101-104

Ghosh, J. P. 2006
A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal
Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48: 73-102
221 spp. reported.

Giacomini V 1938
Eine heterotropische, postglaziale Bryophyten-kolonie aus der Adamellogruppe (Italienische Zentralalpen)
Annales Bryologici 11: 68-75

Giacomini V 1939
Bryophyta, in Missione Biologica nel Paese dei Borana
Reale Accad. Ital. Centro studi Afr. orient. Ital. 4: 358-359

Giacomini V 1939
Revisione delle Briofite dell'Italia meridionale appartenenti all'Erbario A.G. Gasparrini; parte 2a; Epatiches
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 46: 158-163

Giancotti C, Vital DM 1989
Flora briofítica da Reserva Brológica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba, São Paulo: I - Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticopsida) I
Acta Botanica Brasilica 3: 169-177
Possibly in a supplement

Giancotti C, Vital DM 1989
Lejeunea capensis Gottsche (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) disjunct between South America and Africa
The Bryologist 92: 305-307

Giancotti C, Vital DM 1990
The genus Alobiella (Spruce) Schiffner new to Brazil
Lindbergia 15: 103-105

Gibbs LS 1906
A contribution of the botany of southern Rhodesia
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 37: 425-494

Gibbs LS 1909
A contribution to the montane flora of Fiji (including Cryptogams), with ecological notes
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 39: 130-212

Gibbs LS 1911
The hepatics of New Zealand
Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 49: 261-266

Gibbs LS 1914
A contribution to the flora and plant formations of Mount Kinabalu and the highlands of British North Borneo
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 42: 1-240

Gibbs, Lilian Suzette 1917
Contribution to the Phytogeography and Flora of the Arfak Mountains
London 226 pp.

Gibson, M. & J. Hattam 2007
[Abstract] Regeneration of the bryoflora of the Dundas Tablelands, western Victoria
In: Dalton, P., R. Seppelt & E. Pharo (conveners), IXth Australasian Bryophyte Workshop. Maydena, Tasmania, 3rd-8th December 2007. University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. p. 37

Gier LJ 1955
Missouri Bryophytes
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 58: 24-49

Giesenhagen K 1910
Die Moostypen der Regenwälder
Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, suppl. 3: 711-790

Gignac, L. D. 2001
Bryophytes as indicators of climate change
The Bryologist 104: 410-420

Gignac, L. D., B. J. Nicholson & S. E. Bayley 1998 [1999]
The utilization of bryophytes in bioclimatic modeling: present distribution of peatlands in the Mackenzie River Basin, Canada
The Bryologist 101: 560-571

Gil García JA, Guerra J 1981
Contribución a la corología y ecología de algunos briófitos raros en la Península Ibérica
Trabajos del departemento de Botanica, Univ. de Granada 6: 51-60

Gil JA, Guerra J 1982
Lophocolea latifolia y Lophocolea fragrans en la Peninsula Ibérica
Collectanea Botanica (Barcelona) 13: 177-181

Gil JA, Guerra J 1985
Estudio briosociologico de las Sierras de la Demanda y Urbion (España)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 6: 219-258

Gil JA, Molero J 1984
Nuevo cita de Riella notarisii (Mont.) Mont. para la Península Ibérica
Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid 41: 195

Gilibert J-E 1787
Caroli Linnei Fundamentorum Botanicorum Pars secunda, exhibens. Criticam Botanicam. Tom. 3. 7 tom. Editio quarta.
Geneva: Coloniae-Allobrogum 594 pp.

Gillet JM 1963
Flora of Goose Bay, Labrador
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 77: 131-144

Gillet JM, Jovet-Ast S 1957
Deux Riccia de l'Aïr (Territoire du Niger)
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 26: 62-66

Gillman H 1876
Distribution of Preissia commutata
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 6: 94

Gimeno, C. & V. I. Deltoro 2000
Sulphur dioxide effects on cell structure and phytosynthetic performance in the liverwort Frullania dilatata
Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 98-104

Gimeno, C., F. Puche, J. G. Segarra & E. Laguna 1999
[Abstract] Modelo de conservación de la flora briológica en la Comunidad Valenciana: microrreservas de flora criptogámica. XIII Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Libro de Resúmenes
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain p. 173

Gimeno, C., F. Puche, J. G. Segarra & E. Laguna 2001
Modelo de conservación de la flora briológica en la Comunidad Valenciana: microrreservas de flora criptogámica
Botanica Complutensis 25: 221-231

Gimeno-Colera C, Puche-Pinazo F 1999
Flora y vegetación briofítica higro-hidrófila de la communidad Valenciana (Este de España)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20: 49-68

Gimingham CH, Lewis Smith RI 1970
Bryophyte and lichen communities in the maritime Antarctic
In: Holdgate MW (ed.), Antarctic ecology. London & New York: Academic Press pp. 752-785

Giordano, S., N. Reca, A. Basile & R. Castaldo Cobianchi 2002
Modulazione della morfogenesi del protonema in riposta a diversi mezzi di coltura e life strategies nei muschi
Braun-Blanquetia 31: 61-62

Giordano, S., S. Sorbo, P. Adamo, A. Basile, V. Spagnuolo & R. C. Cobianchi 2004
Biodiversity and trace element content of epiphytic bryophytes in urban and extraurban sites of southern Italy
Plant Ecology 170: 1-14

Girard, M., C. Lavoie & M. Thriault 1999
[Abstract] The natural regeneration of highly disturbed wetlands: mined peatlands of southern Quebec
Wetlands 16 (2, suppl.): P-17

Gjaerevoll O 1949
Snöleievegetationen i Oviksfjellene
Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 0: 25

Gjaerevoll O 1950
The snowbed vegetation in the surroundings of Lake Torneträsk, Swedish Lapland
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 44: 387-440

Gladdines AP 2005
Een bryologische excursie naar de Dintelse Gorzen (prov. Noord-Brabant) op maart 2004 [A bryological excursion to the Dintelse Gorzen in 2004 (Prov. of Noord-Brabant)]
Buxbaumiella 70: 31-33

Glassman SF 1952
List of non-vascular plants from Ponape, Caroline Islands
American Midland Naturalist 48: 735-740

Gledhill, D. 2002
The Names of Plants (3rd. edition)
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ix + 326 pp.

Glenny D 1996
Nephelolejeunea papillosa, a new liverwort species from New Zealand, with notes on the distribution of Kymatolejeunea bartlettii Grolle
New Zealand Journal of Botany 34: 195-198

Glenny D 1998
A revised checklist of New Zealand liverworts and hornworts
Tuhinga 10: 119-149

Glenny D 2002
Cyathodium cavernarum in Australia
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 46: 5

Glenny D, Fife A 2005
New Zealand's threatened flora
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 51: 6-10

Glenny, D & J Jarman 2008
Three species regarded as New Zealand endemics, now recorded from Tasmania
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 55: 10-12
Castanoclobos julaceus, Cephaloziella muelleriana and Plagiochila fragmentissima reported from Tasmania

Glenny, D. 2000
Brevianthus flavus new to New Zealand
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 42: 3

Glenny, D. 2005
A revised checklist of New Zealand liverworts and hornworts
Tuhinga 10: 119-149 (original publication 1998, updated August 2005)
Includes Phaeoceros coriaceus (Steph.) E. O. Campb., n.comb. New: Phaeoceros coriaceus (Stephani) comb. nov

Glenny, David & Ruth Bartlett 2008
A new Bazzania species (Lepidoziaceae) from Stockton Plateau, Nelson, South Island, New Zealand
Fieldiana: Botany, n.s. 47: 175-180

Glenny, David, John Braggins & Rudolf M. Schuster 1997
Zoopsis nitida (Hepaticae: Lepidoziaceae), a new species from New Zealand
Journal of Bryology 19: 775-780

Glime JM, Hong WS 2002
Bole epiphytes on three conifer species from Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada
The Bryologist 105: 451-464

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[Abstract] Geothermal habitats have rare bryophyte communities? Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 36

Glime, J. M. 1990
Diversity and altitudinal niche width characteristics for taxa of the Papua New Guinea Frullania flora with consideration of sibbling pairs
Tropical Bryology 2: 103-116

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The role of bryophytes in temperate forest ecosystems
Hikobia 13: 267-289

Glime, J. M. 2002
Bryophytes of the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Alger County, Michigan, USA
Michigan Botanist 41: 31-45

Glime, J. M. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1994
Geothermal communities of Ponponyama, Hokkaido, Japan
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 75: 133-147

Glime, J. M. & Iwatsuki, Z. 1997
Niche partitioning of plant taxa associated with geothermal vents at Wakoto, Hokkaido, Japan
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 82: 123-141

Glime, J. M. & Keen, R. E. 1984
The importance of bryophytes in a man-centered world
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 133-146

Glime, J. M., Trynoski, S. E. & Short, F. T. 1981
Bryophyte diversity: case study using the Brillouin index to describe epiphytes and an alkaline marsh
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 50: 179-190

Glowacki J 1915
Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bryophyten-Flora von Tirol
Veröff. Mus. Ferdinandeum Insbruck 59: 216-238

Goclawska D 1966
Materialy do flory mszakow Puszczy Augustowskiej. Czesc I. Mszaki nadlesnictw: Balinka i Suwalki - Materials to the bryophyte flora of the Augustow Forest (Northeastern Poland). Part 1. Bryophytes of the forestry districts: Balinka and Suwalki
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 12: 451-466

Goclawska D 1966
Materialy do flory mszakow Puszczy Knyszynskiej. Cz. I. Mszaki nadlesnictwa Zlota Wies - Materials to the bryophyte flora of the Knyszyn Forest. Part 1. Bryophytes of the forestry district Zlota Wies
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 12: 186-193

Godfrey JD 1976
Schofieldia, a new Hepaticae from the Pacific Northwest
The Bryologist 79: 314-320

Godfrey JD 1977
New and interesting hepatics from British Columbia, Canada, and northern Washington State, U.S.A. I
The Bryologist 80: 539-543

Godfrey JD 1977
Notes on the Hepaticae collected by John Macoun in southwestern British Columbia
Canadian Journal of Botany 55: 2600-2604

Godfrey JD, Godfrey GA 1980
Notes on hepatics from the Pacific Northwest
The Bryologist 83: 224-228

Godfrey JD, Schofield WB 1979
New and interesting hepatics from British Columbia, Canada, and northern Washington State, USA, 2.
The Bryologist 82: 162-170

Godfrey MF 2006
Spring field meeting 2006, Staffordshire
Field Bryology, the Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 90: 51-55

Godfrey, J. D. & G. A. Godfrey 1978
Scapania hians in Shensi, China[,] and British Columbia, Canada
The Bryologist 81: 357-367

Godfrey, J. D. & Godfrey, G. A. 1979
Jungermannia schusterana, a new hepatic from the Pacific coast of North America
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 109-117

Godfrey, J. D. & Godfrey, G. A. 1980
Frullania hattoriana, a new hepatic from British Columbia, Canada
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 48: 321-327

Goebel KI 1888
Morphologische und biologische studien. I. Ueber epiphytische Farne und Muscineen
Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg 7: 1-73

Goebel KI 1891
Morphologische und biologische studien. IV. Ueber Javanische Lebermoose
Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg 9: 1-40

Goebel KI 1891
Pflanzenbiologische Schilderungen 2
Marlburg 160 pp.

Goebel KI 1893
Archegoniatenstudien. 3. Rudimentare Lebermoose
Flora 77: 82-103

Goebel KI 1898
Organographie der Pflanzen, inbesondere der Archigoniaten und Saamenpflanzen. Volume 1. Allgemeiner teil
Stuttgart, Jena, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag 232 pp.

Goebel KI 1905
Zur Kenntnis der Verbreitung und der Lebensweise der Marchantiaceen-Gattung Exormotheca
Flora 95: 244-250

Goebel KI 1907
Archegoniatenstudien. XI. Weitere Untersuchungen über Keimung und Regeneration bei Riella und Sphaerocarpos
Flora 97: 192-215

Goebel KI 1910
Archegoniatenstudien. XIII. Monosolenium tenerum Griff.
Flora 101: 43-97

Goebel KI 1912
Archegoniatenstudien. XV. Die Homologie der Antheridien- und Archegonienhüllen bei den Lebermoosen
Flora 105: 53-70

Goebel KI 1915
Organographie der Pflanzen, inbesondere der Archigoniaten und Saamenpflanzen. Edition 2, Vol 2 (1) Spezieller Teil, Bryophyta
Stuttgart, Jena, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag pp. 515-902

Goebel KI 1918
Organographie der Pflanzen inbesondere der Archigoniaten und Saamenpflanzen. Edition 2, Vol 2 (2) Spezieller Teil, Pteridophyten
Stuttgart, Jena, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag pp. 903-1208

Goebel KI 1928
Morphologische und biologische Studien. XIII-XV
Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg 39: 1-232

Goebel KI 1930
Organographie der Pflanzen. Dritte Auflage. Zweiter teil. Bryophyten, Pteridophyten
Jena pp. 643-1378

Goebel, Karl Immanuel Eberhart von 1889-1893
Pflanzenbiologische Schilderungen
2 vols issued in 3 parts, 1889-1893

Goffinet, B. 1989
La Végétation Épiphytique de la Hêtraie du Rurbusch. Bases Écologiques Nouvelles pour la Gestion de la Réserve Forestière
Faculté des Sciences, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium iii + 57 pp.
Thesis for Licencié en Sciences Botaniques, Université de Liège

Goffinet, B. 2000
Origin and phylogenetic relationships of bryophytes
In: Shaw, A. J. & B. Goffinet (eds.), Bryophyte Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 124-149

Goffinet, B. 2004
Conference Report: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes: Progress, problems and perspectives 6-7 September, 2003
Bryological Times 112: 5-6

Goffinet, B. & A. J. Shaw 2000
[Abstract] Phylogenetic inferences in the Orthotrichoideae based on trnL-F and rps4 (cpDNA) sequence data
American Journal of Botany 87(6): 8

Goffinet, B., A. J. Shaw & C. J. Cox 2003
[Abstract] Phylogenetic inferences in the Orthotrichoideae based on multigenomic characters
In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes: Progress, Problems and Perspectives p. 21
B. Goffinet & R. Magill (Organizers). St. Louis, Missouri

Goffinet, B., V. Hollowell & R. Magill (editors). 2004
Molecular systematics of bryophytes
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 98: 1-448
Proceedings of a symposium; individual articles listed separately

Goia I, M_tase D 2001
Bryofloristical research in the Semesul Cald gorges
Contributii Botanice 36: 15-24

Goia I, Schumacker R 2000
Research on the bryophytes from rotten wood in the Arie_ului Mic Basin
Contributii Botanice 1999-2000(1): 91-99

Goia I, Schumacker R 2002
The bryophytes from rotten wood in the Arie_ul Mare basin
Contributii Botanice, Cluj-Napoca 37: 85-94

Goia I, Stefanut S 2004
Rare bryophytes from Romania, identified from the upper basin of the Arie_ river
Phytologia Balcanica 39: 33-36

Goia, I. & D. Gafta 2004
How porophyte-specific are the corticolous bryophyte communities?
Braun-Blanquetia 34: 123-127

Goia, I. & R. Schumacker 2003
The study of corticolous bryophytes communities from the Ariesul Mic Basin [Romania]
Contributii Botanice, Cluj-Napoca 38: 57-67

Goiran A 1894
Tessalina pyramidata e Riccia macrocarpa
Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiana 5: 114-115

Gökler I 1986
Türkiye'de yayilis gösteren bazi cigerotlari (Hepaticae) üzerinde taksonomik arastimalar II. Marchantiales ve Anthocerotales
Turkish Journal of Botany 10: 353-361
In Turkish with English summary; Possibly ser. C 10: 353-361; Taxonomical investigations on some liverworts (Hepaticae) distributed in Turkey. II. Marchantiales and Anthocerotales

Gökler I 1989
Türkiye cigerotlari florasina yeni bir kayit, lejeunea lamacerina (Steph.) Schiffn.
Turkish Journal of Botany 13: 470-47
In Turkish with English summary; Possibly ser. C 13: 470-47; A new record for the hepatic flora of Turkey, Lejeunea lamacerina (Steph.) Schiffn.

Gökler I, Inoue H, Öztürk M 1984
A new record for Turkey, Pellia neesiana (Gott.) Limpr.
E. U. Fac. Sci. Journ. B, VII 1: 85-89

Gökler I, Özenoglu H, Kiremit F 2000
A new liverwort for the flora of Turkey
Turkish Journal of Botany 24: 81-84

Gökler I, Öztürk M 1986
Türkiye'de yayilis gösteren bazi cigerotlari (Hepaticae) üzerinde taksonomik arastirmalar 1. Jungermanniales Anacrogynae ve J. Acrogynae
Turkish Journal of Botany ser. C 10: 163-170
In Turkish with English summary; Possibly ser. C 10: 163-170; Taxonomical investigations on some liverworts (Hepaticae) distributed in Turkey. I. Jungermanniales Anacrogynae and J. Acrogynae

Gökler I, Öztürk M 1987
A new record for Turkey, Porella thuja (Dicks.) C. Jens.
Turkish Journal of Botany 11: 313-315

Gökler I, Öztürk M 1989
An investigation of the liverworts (Hepaticae) of Black Sea region
Turkish Journal of Botany 13: 242-248
Bazzania trilobata new to Turkey; Possibly ser. C 13: 242-248

Gökler I, Öztürk M 1991
Liverworts of Turkey and their position in South-West Asia
Candollea 46: 359-366

Gökler I, Öztürk M 1996
Liverworts of Turkish Thrace
Bocconea 5: 319-323

Gökler I, Öztürk M, Kesercio_lu T 1985
Checklist of liverworts (Hepaticae) recorded from Turkey
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Ege University 8: 1-10

Gökler, I. 1992
An investigation on the liverworts of West Anatolia
Turkish Journal of Botany 16: 1-8
In Turkish with English summary

Gökler, I. 1993
A taxonomical investigation of the liverworts of the Aegean region
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayinlari Izmir 6: 33-44
In Turkish with English summary

Gökler, I. 1993
Studies on the taxonomy and ecology of some western Anatolian liverworts
Egitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Buca Egitim Fakültesi Yayin Organi, Izmir 2: 79-85
In Turkish with English summary

Gökler, I. 1996
Studies on the liverwort flora of North Anatolia and Caucasus regions
In: Öztürk, M. A., Ö. Seçmen & G. Görk (eds.), Plant Life in Southwest and Central Asia. Ege University Press, Izmir, Turkey 1: 479-486

Gökler, I. 1998
Liverworts (Marchantiopsida) of the Altindere Valley National Park
Turkish Journal of Botany 22: 409-412

Gökler, I. 2000
In: Davis, D., Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Scotland 11: 396-399
According to Kürschner & Erdag the correct citation is GÜNER, A., N. ÖZHATAY, T. EKIM & K. H. C. BASER (eds.): Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

Gökler, I. & Aysel, V. 1998
A new aquatic liverwort for the flora of Turkey
Turkish Journal of Botany 22: 355-357
Riccia fluitans reported

Gökler, I. & Özenoglu, H. 1999
Liverworts (Marchantiopsida) of Bilecik city. 1
International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karaçam pp. 239-245
In Turkish

Gökler, I. & Özenoglu, H. 1999
Taxonomy and ecology of liverworts of Kazdagi national park and environs
Çevre-Koruma Dergisi 8: 22-26
In Turkish

Gökler, I. & Öztürk, M. 1987
New concepts concerning the methods used in the identification of liverworts (Hepaticae)
Turkish Journal of Botany ser. C 11: 306-312
In Turkish with English summary

Gökler, I. & Öztürk, M. 1992
Liverworts (Marchantiopsida) from the Artvin province (A4, A5). XI
Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 24-27 Haziran 1992 pp. 185-194
In Turkish

Gökler, I. & Öztürk, M. 1994
Liverworts (Marchantiopsida) from the Istanbul province (A1)
XII. Ulusal Biyolojii Kongresi, 6-8 Temmuz 1994 pp. 174-178
In Turkish

Gökler, I. & Öztürk, M. 1994
Studies on the taxonomy and ecology of liverworts of Kütahya province of
Ege University, Journal of Science Faculty ser. B 16: 1525-1529
In Turkish with English summary

Gola G 1907
Species novae in excelsis Ruwenzori in expeditione Ducis Aprutii Lectae. III: Hepaticae
Annali di Botanica. Roma 6: 271-276

Gola G 1909
In: S. A. R. il Principe Luigi Amadeo Di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi. II. Ruwenzori. Parte Scientifica. Risultati delle osservazioni e studi compiuti sul materiale raccolto dalla spedizione. Vol. I. Ulrico Hoepli. Editore-Libraio della real casa

Gola G 1914
Epatiche del Kashmir raccolte dalla Spedizione Piacenza
Atti della Reale Accademia della Scienze di Torino. Classe di Scienze, Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 49: 757-761

Gola G 1914
Epatiche dell'Abissinia
Annali di Botanica. Roma 13: 59-75

Gola G 1916
Le epatiche della regione del Kenia
Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, ser. 2 65: 1-11

Gola G 1920
Contributo alla conoscenza delle Epatiche del Katanga (Congo Belga)
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 27: 244-250

Gola G 1923
La epatiche raccolte dal Dott. G.B. de Gasperi nella Terra del Fuoco sud-occidentale
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 29: 162-173

Gold, W. G., K. A. Glew & L. G. Dickson 2001
Functional influences of cryptobiotic surface crusts in an alpine tundra basin of the Olympic Mountains, Washington, USA
Northwest Science 75: 315-326

Goldberg, L. 1998
Materialy v brioflore izvestriyakovykh obnazhenii srednego Urala. Problemy Botaniki na Rubezhe XX-XXI Vekov. Abstracts of lecttures from the Russian Botanical Society congress, 26-29 May 1998, St. Petersburg
Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia 2: 130-131

Goldblatt, P. & D. E. Johnson 1998
Index to plant chromosome numbers 1994-1995
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 69: 1-208

Goldblatt, P. & D. E. Johnson 2000
Index to plant chromosome numbers 1996-1997
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 81: 1-188

Goldblatt, P. & D. E. Johnson 2003
Index to plant chromosome numbers 1998-2000
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 94: 1-297
Bryophytes on pages 3-7.

Gomez J, Belmonte J, Casas C 1983
Riella notarisii (Mont.) Mont. a Menorca
Lazaroa 5: 297-300

Gómez, D. 2002
Fragmenta chorologica occidentalia, Bryophyta, 8249-8292
Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid 59: 317-320

Gonçalo, S. 1984
Occupational contact dermatitis due to Frullania
Contact Dermatitis 11(1): 54-55

González-Mancebo JM, Losada-Lima A, McAlister S 2003
Host specificity of epiphytic bryophyte communities in a laurel forest on Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)
The Bryologist 106: 383-394

González-Mancebo JM, Losado-Lima A, Hernández CD, During HJ 1992
Bryophyte flora of volcanic caves in the Azores and the Canary Islands
Lindbergia 17: 37-46

González-Mancebo JM, Ros RM 2002
Some interesting bryophytes from the Adrar massif (Mauretania)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 23: 263-270

González-Mancebo, J. M., A. Losada Lima & J. Patiño-Llorente 2004
Forest floor bryophytes of laurel forest in Gomera (Canary Islands): ilfe straegies and influences of the tree species
Lindbergia 29(1): 5

González-Mancebo, J. M., F. Romaguera, A. Losada-Lima & A. Suárez 2004
Epiphytic bryophytes growing on Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco in three laurel forest areas in Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Acta Oecologica 25: 159-167

Gordeeva MM, Ignatova EA, Ulanova NG 1990
[Bryoflora silvarum exsicarum zonae protectoriae reservati centrali-silvatici]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 27: 140-144

Gordon, C., J. M. Wynn & S. J. Woodin 2001
Impacts of increased nitrogen supply on high Arctic heath: the importance of bryophytes and phosphorus availability
New Phytologist 149: 461-471

Gorham, E., J. A. Janssens & P. H. Glaser 2003
Rates of peat accumulation during the postglacial period in 32 sites from Alaska to Newfoundland, with special emphasis on northern Minnesota
Canadian Journal of Botany 81: 429-438

Gorodkov BN 1939
Botaniko-geograficheskij ocherk Chukotskogo poluostrova
Uch. Zap. Leningr. ped. inst. im. A. N. Gerschena 21

Gorodkov BN 1956
[The vegetation and soils of Kotelny Island (Novosibirsky Archipelago)]
In: Tichomirov BA (ed.), Rastitel'nost' Krainego Severa SSSR i ee osvoenie. Moskwa-Leningrad pp. 7-132

Gorodkov BN 1958
[The vegetation and soils of the Wrangel Island]
In: Tichomirov BA (ed.), Rastitel'nost' Krainego Severa SSSR i ee osvoenie. Moskwa-Leningrad pp. 5-58

Górski, Piotr 2006
Liverworts of the nature reserves in Wielkopolska. 2. "Olbina"
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu, Bot.-Stec. 10: 97-102

Gortani M 1955
Appunti sulle epatiche de Friuli
In: NN (ed.), Atti del 1° Convegno Friuliano di Scienze Naturali (Udine, 4-5 settembre 1955). Udine 272 pp.

Gorter D 1761
Flora Ingrica ex schedis Stefani Krascheninnikow
Petropoli 204 pp.

Gottová, A. & M. Peniasteková. 2001
Collections deposited in the Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
Bryonora 27: 9-13

Gottsche CM 1853
Muscorum Hepaticorum species novae Javanenses
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië 4: 573-576

Gottsche CM 1857
Plantae Muellerianae: Hepaticae Australiae a Dre. Ferd. Muller lectae
Linnaea 28: 547-561

Gottsche CM 1857
Pugillus Novarum Hepaticarum e recensione Herbarii Musei Parisiensis, congestus
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 8: 318-348

Gottsche CM 1858
Uebersicht und kritische Wurdigung der seit dem Erscheinen der Synopsis Hepaticarum bekannt geworden Leistungen in der Hepaticologie
Botanische Zeitung. Berlin Beilage 16: 1-54

Gottsche CM 1860
Bemerkungen zu einigen Lebermoosen in Rabenhorst's Decaden
Hedwigia 2: 46-48

Gottsche CM 1860
Bemerkungen zu einigen Lebermoosen in Rabenhorsts Dekaden
Hedwigia 2: 146-147

Gottsche CM 1861
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 11: 416

Gottsche CM 1861
Hepatikologische notizen
Botanische Zeitung. Berlin 19: 1

Gottsche CM 1862
Blyttia Lyellii Englicher
Hedwigia 2: 54-55

Gottsche CM 1863
De Mexikanske Levermooser, efter Prof. Fr. Liebmanns Samling
Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. Naturvidenskabelige og Mathematiske Afdeling ser 5, 6: 97-381
Also published separately with low page numbers - difference is 96; This publication uses multiple level unranked infraspecific names

Gottsche CM 1864
In: Triana J, Planchon JE, Prodromus Florae Novo-Granatensis. Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 5 1: 95-198
Probably also published separately with low page numbers - the difference is 94

Gottsche CM 1866
Ueber die cuticula der Scapania-arten
Hedwigia 5: 17-23

Gottsche CM 1867
Eine neue Jungermannia
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 17: 623-626

Gottsche CM 1867
Einige Bemerkungen zu Thom. Jensen, Conspectus Hepaticarum Daniae eller Beskrivelse af de Danske Halvmosser
Hedwigia 6: 65-77

Gottsche CM 1867
In: Schweinfurth G, Beitrag zur Flora Aethiopens (1). Berlin pp. 226-228

Gottsche CM 1880
Musci Hepaticae (Adans., Hedw.) sive lichenastri (Dill., Wallr.) Australiani
pp. 53-69

Gottsche CM 1880
Neurer untersuchungen über die Jungermannieae Geocalycaceae
??Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 7: 39-66

Gottsche CM 1882
Relique Rutenbergianae. Lebermoose
Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 7: 335-365

Gottsche CM 1890
Die Lebermoose Süd-Georgiens
pp. 449-454

Gottsche CM, Lindenberg JBG, Nees von Esenbeck CG 1843
Hepaticae. In. Meyen FJF, Observationes botanicas in itinere circum terram institutas
Novorum Actorum Academia Caesareae Leopoldinae-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum, suppl. 19 1: 469-477

Gottsche CM, Lindenberg JBG, Nees von Esenbeck SG 1844
Synopsis Hepaticarum, fasc. 1
Hamburg 144 pp.
This publication uses multiple level unranked infraspecific names

Gottsche CM, Lindenberg JBG, Nees von Esenbeck SG 1845
Synopsis Hepaticarum, fasc. 2
Hamburg pp. 145-304
This publication uses multiple level unranked infraspecific names

Gottsche CM, Lindenberg JBG, Nees von Esenbeck SG 1845
Synopsis Hepaticarum, fasc. 3
Hamburg pp. 305-464
This publication uses multiple level unranked infraspecific names

Gottsche CM, Lindenberg JBG, Nees von Esenbeck SG 1846
Synopsis Hepaticarum, fasc. 4
Hamburg pp. 465-624
This publication uses multiple level unranked infraspecific names

Gottsche CM, Lindenberg JBG, Nees von Esenbeck SG 1847
Synopsis Hepaticarum, fasc. 5
Hamburg pp. 625-834
This publication uses multiple level unranked infraspecific names

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1861
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker, Decades 13-14
Dresden pp. 121-140
NOTE: You have it as 1860 but that fascicle came out 1861 according to Fulford 1971)

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1862
Hepaticae Europaea Exsicatae no. 241-280
Hedwigia 2: 100-101

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1863
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker, Decades 23-24
Dresden pp. 221-240

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1863
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker, Decades 25-26
Dresden pp. 241-260

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1863
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker, Decades 27-28
Dresden pp. 261-280

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1863
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 29-30
Dresden pp. 281-300

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1865
Hepaticae Europaea Exsicatae no. 301-330
Hedwigia 4: 101-107

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1865
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 31-33
Dresden pp. 301-330

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1866
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 34-35
Dresden pp. 331-350

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1866
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 36-37
Dresden pp. 351-370

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1867
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 38-39
Dresden pp. 371-390

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1867
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 40-41
Dresden pp. 391-410

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1868
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 42-44
Dresden pp. 411-440

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1869
Hepaticae Europaea Exsicatae no. 441-471
Hedwigia 8: 137-143

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1869
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 45-47
Dresden pp. 441-470

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1871
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 48-50
Dresden pp. 471-500

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1871
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 51-52
Dresden pp. 501-520

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1872
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 53-55
pp. 521-550

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1872
Index in Gottsche et Rabenhorst Hepaticarum Europaearum Exsiccatarum dec. 1-55
8 pp.

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1873
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 56-57
Dresden pp. 551-570

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1873
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 58-59
Dresden pp. 571-590

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1874
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 60-61
Dresden pp. 591-610

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1877
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 62-64
Dresden pp. 611-640

Gottsche CM, Rabenhorst L 1879
Hepaticae Europaeae. Die Lebermoose Europa's unter Mitwirkung Mehrer Namhafter Botaniker. Decades 65-66
Dresden pp. 641-660

Gottsche, C. M., Lindenberg, Johann Bernhard Wilhelm & Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel 1844-1847
Synopsis Hepaticarum
In 5 parts; part 1,  1-144,   25-27 Apr 1844; part 2,  145-304, 14-16 Aug 1845; part 3,  305-464, 11-13 Dec 1845; part 4,  465-624, 5-7 Oct 1846; part 5,  625-834, 10-13 Nov 1847; This publication uses multiple level unranked infraspecific names

Gould, W. A. & M. D. Walker 1999
Plant communities and landscape diversity along a Canadian arctic river
Journal of Vegetation Science 10: 537-548

Grabovik, S. I. 1998
[Abstract] Monitoring produktivnosti tsenopopulyatsii3 sfagnovykh mkhov na bolotnykh ekosistemaku yuzhnoi Karelii. Problemy Botaniki na Rubezhe XX-XXI Vekov. Abstracts of lecttures from the Russian Botanical Society congress, 26-29 May 1998, St. Petersburg
Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia 2: 131

Grabovik, S. I. 1998
[Abstract] Ustoichivost' tsenpopulyatsii sfagnovykh mkhov na bolotnykh ekosistemakh Karelii. Problemy Botaniki na Rubezhe XX-XXI Vekov. Abstracts of lecttures from the Russian Botanical Society congress, 26-29 May 1998, St. Petersburg
Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia 2: 132

Gradstein SR 1970
New or otherwise interesting bryophytes from Crete
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 37: 663-679

Gradstein SR 1972
A note on the bryophytes of the Maltese Islands
Acta Botanica Neerlandica 21: 67-70

Gradstein SR 1973
Een taxonomische studie van Odontoschisma denudatum en O. sphagni in Nederland
Lindbergia 1: 234-240

Gradstein SR 1977
Lijst van de in Nederland voorkomende Levermossen
Lindbergia 4: 151-156

Gradstein SR 1978
Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae (Hepaticae) IV. Verdoornianthus, a new genus from Amazonas, Brazil
The Bryologist 80: 607

Gradstein SR 1985
A revision of the genus Stictolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn.
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 80: 195-220

Gradstein SR 1987
The Ptychanthoideae of Latin America: an overview (studies on Lejeuneaceae subfamiily Ptychanthoideae XVI)
The Bryologist 90: 337-343

Gradstein SR 1991
A key to the Colombian species of holostipous Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae)
Caldasia 16: 429-438

Gradstein SR 1992
The Genera Thysananthus, Dendrolejeunea, and Fulfordianthus gen. nov. (Studies on Lejeuneaceae Subfamily Ptychanthoideae .21.)
The Bryologist 95: 42-51

Gradstein SR 1992
The vanishing tropical rain forest as an environment for bryophytes and lichens
In: Bates JW, Farmer AM (eds.), Bryophytes and lichens in a changing environment. Oxford: Clarendon Press pp. 234-258

Gradstein SR 1992
Threatened bryophytes of the neotropical rain forest: a status report
Tropical Bryology 6: 83-93

Gradstein SR 1992
What is Lejeunea trigona (Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae XXII)
Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 18: 99-103
Possibly 15: 99-103

Gradstein SR 1993
New fossil hepaticae preserved in amber of the Dominican Republic
Nova Hedwigia 57: 353-374

Gradstein SR 1995
A guide to the bryophytes of Tropical America I. Liverworts and hornworts (draft version)
Brussels 115 pp.

Gradstein SR 1995
Diversity of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae in montane forests of the tropical Andes
In: Churchill SP, Balslev H, Forero E, Luteyn JL (eds.), Biodiversity and conservation of Neotropical Montane Forests. New York: New York Botanica Garden Press pp. 321-334

Gradstein SR 1997
Bromeliophila helenae, a new species of Lejeuneaceae from the Neotropics
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 18: 217-221

Gradstein SR 1997
Een Tweede vindplaats van Plagiochila spinulosa (Dicks.) Dum. (Hepaticae) in België
Dumortiera 67: 30-31

Gradstein SR 1998
Hepatic diversity in the neotropical Páramos
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 68: 69-86

Gradstein SR 1999
In: Luteyn JL, Páramos, a checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribution and botanical literature. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 84: 65-73
Checklist of páramo plants: Hepatics. Only from higher altitudes

Gradstein SR 1999
On the rediscovery of Spruceanthus theobromae (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae), an endangered species on cacao trees in western Ecuador
Bryobrothera 5: 81-86

Gradstein SR 2006
The lowland cloud forest of French Guiana - a liverwort hotspot
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27: 141-152

Gradstein SR, Beek Jv 1985
A revision of the genus Symbiezidium Trevis
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 80: 221-249

Gradstein SR, Buskes GM 1985
A revision of neotropical Archilejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn.
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 80: 89-112

Gradstein SR, Cleef AM 1977
Studies on Colombian cryptogams. IIB. Hepaticae - oil body structure and ecological distribution of selected species of tropical Jungermanniales
Proceedings, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series C, biological and medical sciences 80: 394-406

Gradstein SR, Cleef AM, Fulford MH 1977
Studies on Colombian cryptogams. IIC. Hepaticae - oil body structure and ecological distribution of selected species of tropical Andean Jungermanniales
Proceedings, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series C, biological and medical sciences 80: 407-420

Gradstein SR, Florschutz de Ward J 1989
Results of a botanical expedition to Mt. Roraima, Guyana. 1. Bryophytes
Tropical Bryology 1: 25-54

Gradstein SR, Frahm J-P 1987
Die floristische Höhengliederung der Moose entlang des BRYOTROP-Transektes in NO-Peru
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 88: 105-113

Gradstein SR, Geissler P 1997
Notes on the genus Leucolejeunea (Hepaticae)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 18: 177-182

Gradstein SR, Griffin D, Morales MI, Nadkarni N 2001
Diversity and habitat differentiation of mosses and liverworts in the cloud forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica
Caldasia 23: 203-212

Gradstein SR, Grolle R 1981
Mastigolejeunea undulata sp. nov.
Mensch, Kultur und Umwelt im Zentralen Bergland von West Neuguinea 7: 12-14

Gradstein SR, He X-L, Piippo S, Mizutani M 2002
Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. LXVIII. Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae (Hepaticae)
Acta Botanica Fennica 174: 1-88
Forty-nine species of Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae are known from Western Melanesia. They belong to 12 genera: Acrolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (5 species), Archilejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (2), Caudalejeunea (Steph.) Schiffn. (3), Dendrolejeunea (Spruce) Lacout. (1), Lopholejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (12), Mastigolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (8), Phaeolejeunea Mizut. (2), Ptychanthus Nees (1), Schiffneriolejeunea Verd. (4), Spruceanthus Verd. (3), Thysananthus Lindenb. (7), and Trocholejeunea Schiffn. (1). Thysananthus montanus Gradst. et al. is described as new. Lopholejeunea zollingeri (Steph.) Schiffn. and Mastigolejeunea indica Steph. are reported as new for Western Melanesia. Archilejeunea sp., not yet described as a new species, is reported for Western Melanesia. The paper contains keys to the genera and their species, and descriptions and illustrations of the taxa and their geographic distributions. Western Melanesia is the richest region worldwide in terms of species diversity of Ptychanthoideae. Nine species, or 18.4% of the local taxa, are endemic to the region.

Gradstein SR, Inoue H 1980
Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae, V. A review of the species from Ceylon
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Series B, Botany 6: 23-32

Gradstein SR, Lücking A, Morales MI, Dauphin G 1995
Additions to the hepatic flora of Costa Rica
Lindbergia 19: 73-86

Gradstein SR, Matsuda R, Asakawa Y 1981
Studies on Colombian cryptogams. XIII. Oil bodies and terpenoids in Lejeunaceae and other selected Hepaticae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 50: 231-248

Gradstein SR, Matsuda R, Asakawa Y 1985
A chemotaxonomic survey of terpenoids and aromatic compounds in the Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae)
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 80: 63-86

Gradstein SR, Melick H van 1996
De Nederlandse Levermossen en Hauwmossen
Utrecht: Stichting Uitgeverij van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Naturhistorische Vereniging 366 pp.

Gradstein SR, Noeske N 2002
The extraordinary hepatic Myriocolea irrorata rediscovered
Bryological Times 107: 16

Gradstein SR, Pócs T, Vána J 1983
Disjunct hepaticae in tropical America and Africa
Acta Botanica Hungarica 29: 127-171

Gradstein SR, Reiner-Drehwald ME 1995
Szweykowskia, a new genus of Plagiochilaceae (Hepaticae) from tropical Ameica
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 40: 31-38

Gradstein SR, Rubers WV, Sipman HJ 1976
Lophozia perssonii Buch & S. Arnell in Nederland
Lindbergia 3: 119-120

Gradstein SR, Salazar Allen N 1992
Bryophyte diversity along an altitudinal gradient in Darién National Park, Panamá
Tropical Bryology 5: 61-71

Gradstein SR, Smittenberg JH 1977
The hydrophilous vegetation of western Crete
Vegetatio 34: 65-86

Gradstein SR, Terken L 1981
Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae VI. A revision of Schiffneriolejeunea sect. Saccatae from Asia
Occasional Papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany 16: 71-81

Gradstein SR, Van Reenen GBA, Griffin DIII 1989
Species richness and origin of the bryophyte flora of the Colombian Andes
Acta Botanica Neerlandica 34: 439-448

Gradstein SR, Vána J 1987
On the occurrence of Laurasian Liverworts in the Tropics
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 45: 388-425

Gradstein SR, Vanden Berghen C 1985
Schiffneriolejeunea sect. Pappeanae en Africa
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 80: 173-193

Gradstein SR, Vital DM 1976
On Myriocoleopsis Schiffn.
Lindbergia 3: 39-45

Gradstein SR, Zijlstra G, Grolle R, Bischler H 1982
Proposals for the conservation of the "Sprucean" genera of Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae)
Taxon 31: 746-752

Gradstein, Robbert & Michael Burghardt 2008
A New Species of Odontoschisma (Cephaloziaceae, Marchantiophyta) from South America
Fieldiana: Botany, n.s. 47: 193-198

Gradstein, S. R. 1974
Developpement du sporophyte et position taxonomique du genre Odontoschisma Dum.
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 121: 67-70

Gradstein, S. R. 1974
Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae (Hepaticae). II. Two remarkable species of Caudalejeunea: C. grolleana spec. nov. and C. cristiloba (Steph.) comb. nov.
Acta Botanica Neerlandica 23: 333-343

Gradstein, S. R. 1974
Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae. I. Nomenclature and taxonomy of Ptychocoleus, Acrolejeunea and Schiffneriolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 38: 327-336

Gradstein, S. R. 1975
A taxonomic monograph of the genus Acrolejeunea (Hepaticae), with an arrangement of the Genera of Ptychantoideae
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 4: 1-216

Gradstein, S. R. 1977
Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae (Hepaticae). IV. Verdoornianthus, a new genus from Amazonas, Brazil
The Bryologist 80: 606-611

Gradstein, S. R. 1984
Contribution to a monograph of the Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 80: 1-254

Gradstein, S. R. 1985
A guide to the holostipous Lejeuneaceae
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 80: 13-30

Gradstein, S. R. 1986
The genus Colura (Hepaticae) in the Galapagos Islands
Hikobia 9: 353-356
Lars has Gradstein & Jovet-Ast 1986

Gradstein, S. R. 1989
A Key to the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
The Bryologist 92: 329-348

Gradstein, S. R. 1989
Is Marchantia plicata the largest thalloid liverwort on earth?
Bryological Times 50: 3

Gradstein, S. R. 1990
A Key to the New World species of holostipous Lejeuneaceae
Tropical Bryology 3: 45-58

Gradstein, S. R. 1990
Species richness and phytogeography of the bryophyte flora of the Guianeas, with special reference to the lowland rainforest
Tropical Bryology 2: 117-126

Gradstein, S. R. 1991
Diversity and distribution of Asian Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae
Tropical Bryology 4: 1-16

Gradstein, S. R. 1992
Endemism and evolutionary trends in Asiatic Lejeuneaceae
Bryobrothera 1: 293-297

Gradstein, S. R. 1993
A decade of neotropical exsiccates
Tropical Bryology 7: 77-86

Gradstein, S. R. 1994
Lejeuneaceae: Ptychantheae, Brachiolejeuneae
Flora Neotropica 62

Gradstein, S. R. 1995
Los briófitos de las Islas Galápagos
Palmengarten. Sonderheft 22: 59-63

Gradstein, S. R. 1996
A Guide to the Bryophytes of Tropical America. 1. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Brussels 200 pp.

Gradstein, S. R. 1997
The taxonomic diversity of epiphyllous bryophytes
Abstracta Botanica (Budapest) 21: 15-19

Gradstein, S. R. 2002
[Abstract] Estudios sobre biodiversidad de las briofitas en las selvas tropicales
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 485

Gradstein, S. R. 2003
Bryophyte research news from the University of Göttingen (GOET)
Tropical Bryology Group Newsletter 18: 6-7

Gradstein, S. R. 2003
Rare liverwort [Monosolenium tenerum] turns up as aquarium plant: request for information
Bryological Times 108: 9

Gradstein, S. R. 2003
[Abstract] Cryptogams in the Neotropics: where do we stand?
Palmarum Hortus Francofortensis 7: 37

Gradstein, S. R. & B. Van Zanten 1999
[Abstract] High-altitude dispersal of spores - an experimental approach
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 176

Gradstein, S. R. & H. J. M. Sipman 2002
[Abstract] Hacia un catálogo de las plantas de Colombia: briofitos y líquenes
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 570

Gradstein, S. R. & Hekking, W. H. A. 1979
Studies on Colombian Cryptogams IV. A catalogue of the Hepaticae of Colombia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 45: 93-144
>750 spp. Hornworts included

Gradstein, S. R. & Hekking, W. H. A. 1989
A catalogue of the bryophytes of the Guianas. I. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 66: 197-230

Gradstein, S. R. & Ilkiu-Borges, A.-L. (in press)
Guide to the Plants of Central French Guiana, Part IV. Liverworts and Hornworts
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
The list I got it from says Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 76, 4: 1-285

Gradstein, S. R. & J. Vána 1999
On the taxonomy of Kymatocalyx and Stenorrhipis (Cephaloziellaceae)
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 155-170
Stenorrhipis a synonomy of Kymatocalyx; four species in the genus. New: Kymatocalyx africanus, Kymatocalyx madagascariensis (Stephani), Kymatocalyx rhizomatica (Herzog)

Gradstein, S. R. & M. E. Reiner-Drehwald 2007
The status of Neopotamolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) and description of a new species from Ecuador and Southern Brazil
Systematic Botany 32: 487-492
Neopotamolejeunea transferred to Lejeunea subgen.Neopotamolejeunea

Gradstein, S. R. & Pinheiro da Costa, D. 2003
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Brazil
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 87: 1-318
Introductory material in English and Portuguese; about 600 spp. treated. New: Lophocolea martiana subsp. bidentula (Nees in Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees), Aphanolejeunea azorica (V. Allorge & Jovet-Ast), Trachylejeunea decurviloba (Stephani)

Gradstein, S. R. & Rangel-Ch. J. O 2004
Diversidad y riqueza de hepáticas en el choco biogeográfico
In: Rangel-Ch, J.O. (ed.) Colombio diversidad biótica IV. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, pp. 475-490

Gradstein, S. R. & van Melick, H. M. H. 1996
De Nederlandse Levermossen - Flora en Verspreidingsatlas van de Nederlandse Hepaticae en Anthocerotae
Royal Dutch Natural History Society, The Netherlands 350 pp.

Gradstein, S. R. & Vána, J. 1994
A boreal bryophyte community in a tropical montane forest of Mexico
Tropical Bryology 9: 31-34

Gradstein, S. R. & Weber, W. A. 1982
Bryogeography of the Galapagos Islands
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 52: 127-152

Gradstein, S. R., A. L. Ilkiu-Borges, R. Wilson & J. Heinrichs 2004
[Abstract] The systematic position of Metzgeriopsis pusilla, an enigmatic thalloid member of the Lejeuneaceae
In: Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs & R. Wilson (organisers), Bryophylogeny 2004 10-12 September. Second International Symposium on In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes. Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Göttingen, Germany p. 23

Gradstein, S. R., Asakawa, Y., Mues, R. & Klein, R. 1988
On the taxonomic significance of secondary metabolites in the Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 159-168

Gradstein, S. R., C. Bock, N. Mandl & N. M. Nöske 2007
Bryophyta: Hepaticae,
In: S. Liede-Schumann & S.-W. Breckle, Provisional checklists of flora and fauna of the San Francisco Valley and its surroundings. Ecological Monographs 4: 69-87

Gradstein, S. R., Churchill, S. P. & Salazar Allen, N. 2001
Guide to the bryophytes of Tropical America
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 86: 1-577
Keys, descriptions, and illustrations to the 597 genera and 120 families of neotropical bryophytes (anthocerotes, hepatics and mosses). New: Amphilejeunea reflexistipula (Lehmann & Lindenberg in Lehmann) comb. nov., Triandrophyllum eophyllum (R. M. Schuster) comb. nov.

Gradstein, S. R., Cleef, A. M. & Fulford, M. H. 1977
Studies on Colombian Cryptogams. II. Hepaticae - oil body structure and ecological distribution of selected species of tropical Andean Jungermanniales
Proceedings, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series C, biological and medical sciences 80: 377-420

Gradstein, S. R., G.B.A. van Reenen & D. Griffin III. 1996
Fitogeografia y origen de la Flora de Briofitas en el Transecto Parque Los Nevados (Colombia)
Estudios de Ecosistemas Tropandinos 4: 377-384

Gradstein, S. R., Grolle, R. & Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 1993
Two interesting species of Lejeuneaceae from Brazil
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 74: 59-70

Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs & R. Wilson 2004
Second international symposium on molecular systematics of bryophytes in Göttingen, Germany, 10-12 September 2004
Taxon 53: 863-864

Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs, H. Anton & J. Müller 1999
[Abstract] Revision of Plagiochila (Hepaticae) for Flora Neotropica
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 331

Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs, H. Anton & R. Mues 2002
[Abstract] Systematic studies on the Plagiochilaceae
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 3

Gradstein, S. R., Meneses Q., R. I. & Arbe, B. A. 2003
Catalogue of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Bolivia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 93: 1-67
415 species accepted for the Bolivian flora, which "is still very incompletely known and needs much more work." New: Asterella alpina (Stephani) comb. nov.

Gradstein, S. R., R. Klein, L. Kraut, R. Mues, J. Spörle & H. Becker 1992
Phytochemical and morphological evidence for the existence of two species in Monoclea
Plant Systematics and Evolution 180: 115-135

Gradstein, S. R., Reiner-Drehwald, M. E. & Jost, L. 2004
The systematic position and distribution of Myriocolea irrorata (Lejeuneaceae), an endangered liverwort of the Ecuadorian Andes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 235-248

Gradstein, S. R., Reiner-Drehwald, M. E. & Muth, H. 2003
Über die Identität der neuen Aquarienpflanze "Pellia endiviifolia"
Aqua Planta 3: 88-95

Gradstein, S. R., Reiner-Drehwald, M. E. & Schneider, H. 2003
A phylogenetic analysis of the genera of Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae)
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 143: 391-410

Gradstein, S. R., Schäfer-Verwimp, A. & Pinheiro da Costa, D. 2005
The liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of the state of Goiás, Brazil
Revista de Biologia Neotropical 2(2): 75-108
64 species listed; Calypogeia peruviana var. subintegra new to Brazil

Gradstein, S. R., Tan, B. C., Zhu, R.-L., Ho, B.-C., King S-H, C., Drübert, C. & Pitopang, R. 2005
A catalogue of the bryophytes of Sulawesi, Indonesia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 98: 213-257

Gradstein, S. R., Uribe M., J., Acebey, A., Bock, C. & Krömer, T. 2006
Catalogue of the Plants of Colombia: Marchantiophyta
In: Bernal, R., Celis, M. & Gradstein, S. R. (eds.), Catálogo de las Plantas de Colombia, Version preliminar, Vol. 1 (Liquenes - Laxmanniaceae). Bogotá and Göttingen

Gradstein, S. R., Wilson, R., Ilkiu-Borges, A. L., Heinrichs, J. 2006
Phylogenetic relationships and neotenic evolution of Metzgeriopsis (Lejeuneaceae) based on chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 151: 293-308

Gradstein, S.R., Griffin III, D., Morales, M.I. & Nadkarni, N. 2000
Bryophyte diversity in the cloud forest of Monteverde
In: N.M. Nadkarni & N.T. Wheelwright (eds.), Monteverde, ecology and conservation of a tropical cloud forest. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Gradstein,, S. R., Nedkarni, N.M., Krömer, T., Holz, I., Nöske & N. 2003
A protocol for rapid and representative sampling of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte diversity of tropical rain forests
Selbyana 24: 105-111

Graglia, E., S. Jonasson, A. Michelsen, I. K. Schmidt, M. Havström & L. Gustavsson 2001
Effects of environmental perturbations on abundance of subarctic plants after three, seven and ten years of treatments
Ecography 24: 5-12

Graham EH 1933
Bryophytes of the Kartabo region, British Guiana
The Bryologist 36: 59-67

Graham M 1913
Studies in nuclear division of Preissia commutata
Annals of Botany. Oxford 27: 661-679

Graham, L, J Graham and M Cook 2008
[Abstract] Resistant tissues of modern liverworts resemble Early Paleozoic microfossils
American Bryological and Lichenological Society Abstracts of Contributed Papers 2008: 7

Graham, L. 2003
[Abstract] A tale of two liverworts: The importance of organismal biology as an essential link between molecular and systems biology. Botany 2003 (Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet & Wild)
Botanical Society of America, Mobile, AL p. 1

Grant, M. E., R. W. Tomlinson, J. Harvey & C. Mundy 1998
[Abstract] Peatland survey and monitoring in Northern Ireland
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin p. 223

Grau, O., J.-A. Grytnes & H. J. B. Birks 2007
A comparison of altitudinal species richness patterns of bryophytes with other plant groups in Nepal, central Himalaya
Journal of Biogeography 34: 1907-1915

Gray A 1846
Analogy between the flora of Japan and that of the United States
American Journal of Science and Arts, ser. 2 2: 135-136

Gray A 1890
Manual of the botany of the northern United States: including the district east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, 6th ed., rev. and extended westward to the 100th meridian
New York & Chicago: Ivison, Blakeman & Co 760 pp.

Gray, Asa 1848
A Manual of the botany of the Northern United States
London: John Chapman 710 pp.
10 Feb 1848; 1st ed., 1848; t.p. = "A Manual....";

Gray, Asa 1856
A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Second Edition
George P. Putnam & Co.
ca. 1 Sep 1856;

Gray, J. & A. J. Boucot 1999
[Abstract] Ordovician environments of early embryophyte origin
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 275

Gray, M. W., G. Burger & B. F. Lang 1999
Mitochondrial evolution
Science 283: 1476-1481
Includes information on Marchantia

Gray, Samuel Frederick 1821
Natural Arrangement of British Plants, According to Their Relation to Each Other,... London
Natural Arrangement of British Plants
Vols. 1 and 2, 1 Nov 1821;

Grebe C 1902
Ein bryologischer Ausflug in den Thüringer Wald
Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift für Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie 8: 24-26

Green TGA, Schroeter B, Sancho LG 1999
Plant life in Antarctica
In: Pugnaire FI, Valladeres F (eds.), Handbook of functional plant ecology. Basel pp. 495-543

Greene SW 1964
Problems and progress in antarctic bryology
In: Carick R, Holdgate M, Prévost J (eds.), Biologie Antarctique, Proceedings of the First Symposium on Antarctic Biology, Paris, Sept. 2-8, 1962. Paris: Hermann pp. 173-179

Greene SW 1967
Bryophyte distri
In: Greene SW, Gressitt LJ, Koch D, Llano GA, Rudolph ED, Singer R, Steere WC, Ugolini FC (eds.), Antarctic Map Folio Series, Folio 5.: American Geographical Society pp. 11-13

Greene, D. 2001
Liverworts and Hornworts of New England
Private home page

Greene, S. W. 1976
Are we satisfied with the rate at which bryophyte taxonomy is developing?
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 1-6

Greenwood HE 1910
Five common Cephalozias
The Bryologist 13: 72-76

Greenwood HE 1910
Preliminary list of hepatics collected in Worcester, Massachusetts
The Bryologist 13: 7-9

Greenwood HE 1911
Some stages in the development of Pellia epiphylla
The Bryologist 14: 59-70

Greenwood HE 1911
Some stages in the development of Pellia epiphylla
The Bryologist 14: 77-83

Greenwood HE 1911
Some stages in the development of Pellia epiphylla
The Bryologist 14: 92-100

Greenwood HE 1915
Revised list of hepatics collected in and near Worcester, Massachusetts (concluded)
The Bryologist 18: 28-29

Greenwood HE 1915
Revised list of hepatics collected in and near Worcester, Massachusetts
The Bryologist 18: 6-9

Greenwood HE 1923
A contribution to the hepatic flora of Center County, Pennsylvania
The Bryologist 26: 36-38

Gremmen NJM 1982
The vegetation of the Subantarctic islands Marion and Prince Edward
Geobotany 3: 1-149

Gremmen, N. J. M., V. R. Smith & O. F. R. van Tongeren 2003
Impact of tramplilng on the vegetation of subantarctic Marion Island
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 35: 442-446
Includes bryophytes

Gremmen, N.J.M 2008
Hepatics of the Prince Edward Islands
In: Chown, S.L and P.W Froneman, editors. The Prince Edward Islands: Land-Sea Interactions in a Changing Ecosystem. SUN PReSS. Stellenbosch, South Africa. pp. 379-382

Greuter, W. et al. 2000
International code of botanical nomenclature (St. Louis Code)
Regnum Vegetabile 138 xviii + 474 pp.

Greven HC 1997
Eendagexcursie naar het Essenhakhout bij Overlangbroek op 26 oktober 1996
Buxbaumiella 42: 61-65

Greven HC 1998
Eendagsexcursie naar Kaapse bossen bij Doorn
Buxbaumiella 45: 7-8

Greven HC 2004
De eendagsexcursie naar het essenhakhout in het Kromme Rijngebied te Utrecht op 29 maart 2003
Buxbaumiella 67: 19-22

Greven HC, Melick Hv 1994
Bryologische impressies uit het Sterrengebergte Portugal
Buxbaumiella 35: 23-29

Greville RK 1825
Descriptions of some new plants belonging to the order Musci and Hepaticae
Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 1(2): 271-278

Greville RK 1827
Some accounts of a collection of cryptogamic plants from the Ionian Islands
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 15: 335-348

Grgic P 1983
Priolog poznavanju mahovina u ekosistemima sa Pancicevom omorikom, Sarajevo
Godisnjak bioloskog instituta u Sarajevu 36: 73-78

Grgic P 1989
characteristics of occurrencde of bryophyta at some relic canyon communities
Glasnik odjeljenja prirodnih nauka, Titograd 7: 217-219

Grieg-Smith P 1954
Notes on Lejeuneaceae II. A quantitative assessment of criteria used in distinguishing some British species of Lejeunea
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 2: 458-469

Grier NM 1925
Unreported plants from Long Island, N. Y., 2. Cryptogams, Part 2
Torreya 25: 21-35

Griffin DG III 1979
Guia preliminar para as briófitas frequentes em Manaus e adjacências
Acta Amazonica 9: 1-67

Griffin DG III Harris RC, Buck WR 1995
The bryophytes and lichens of Rock Hill Preserve, Florida
Evansia 12: 31-38

Griffin DG III Snow F, Buck WR 1994
The Bryophytes of Georgia's Sandstone Outcrops: I. The Broxton Rocks Ecological Preserve
Evansia 11: 81-87

Griffin DG III, Breil DA 1983
Notes on Frullania cobrensis Gott. ex Steph. in Cuba and Florida
The Bryologist 85: 438-441

Griffin LE, Thurston E 1935
Notes on Oregon liverworts
Northwest Science 9: 24

Griffin, D. III. 1999
Bryophytes of Camp Blanding training site Clay County, Florida
Evansia 16: 179-183

Griffith W 1849
Icones Plantarum Asiaticarum II. Notulae ad Plantae Asiaticas, II
Calcutta 361 pp.

Griffith W 1849
Notulae ad Plantae Asiaticae

Griggs RF 1933
The colonization of the Katmai ash, a new and inorganic "soil"
American Journal of Botany 20: 92-113

Griggs RF 1935
Hepaticae as pioneers on nitrogen-free volcanic ash
Annales Bryologici 8: 74-79

Grims F 1985
Beitrag zur Moosflora von Oberösterreich
Herzogia 7: 247-257

Groenhuijzen S 1982
De Mosflora van Groot-Amsterdam
Lindbergia 7: 131-136

Grognot, Camille 1863
Plantes Cryptogames - Cellulaires du Department de Sâone-et-Loire avec des Tableaux Synoptiques Pour les Ordres, les Familles, les Tribus et les Genres, et la Description Succincte de Plusieurs Espèces, et de Beaucoup de Variétés Nouvelles, Reconnues par l'Auteur. Autun
Autun: Michel Dejussieu 296 pp.

Grolle R 1955
Kleiner Beitrag zur Moosflora Mitteldeutschlands
Mitteilungen der Thüringischen Botanischen Gesellschaft 1: 87-95

Grolle R 1957
Ein dringender Fall für die Liste der nomina conservanda
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 26: 82-84

Grolle R 1957
Revision der Clasmatocolea-Arten
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 25: 288-303

Grolle R 1958
Über Jungermannia placophylla Taylor
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 27: 52-54

Grolle R 1959
Beitrag sur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Lophocoleen
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 582-598

Grolle R 1960
Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Barbilophozia, inbesonderes B. floerkei und B. hatcheri
Nova Hedwigia 2: 555-566

Grolle R 1960
Lophozia (Massula) patagonica Herz. & Grolle n. sp.
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 28: 343-345

Grolle R 1960
Nachtrag zur "Revision der Clasmatocolea-Arten"
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 29: 68-91

Grolle R 1960
Über Herpocladium fissum Mitt. Ein nachtrag zu "Was ist Pachyglossa?"
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 28: 346-350

Grolle R 1960
Uber Plagiochila monoica St., P. carnosa Herz., und P. lobata Kaal. und ihre Beziehungen zu Pedinophyllum
Nova Hedwigia 2: 287-291

Grolle R 1960
Zur Nomenklatur von Riccardia pinguis
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 3: 746-747

Grolle R 1961
Notulae hepaticologicae I.-II.-III.
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 29: 207-211
Diplasiolejeunea vanden-berghenii Grolle nom. nov. pro D. cavifolia (St.) Steph.

Grolle R 1961
Notulae hepaticologicae IV.-V.-VI
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 30: 80-84

Grolle R 1961
On Acromastigium in South America, with comments on the Patagonien Bazzaniae
The Bryologist 64: 16-29

Grolle R 1961
Tetracymbaliella, eine neue Lebermoosgattung
Nova Hedwigia 3: 47-53

Grolle R 1961
Uber Saccogyna Dum. und Saccogynidium, eine neue Lebermoosgattung
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 23: 41-67

Grolle R 1962
Goebelobryum, eine neue marsupiale Lebermoosgattung
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 25: 135-144

Grolle R 1963
Ein neuer Tylimanthus aus Tasmanien
Nova Hedwigia 6: 391-394

Grolle R 1963
Ein Sphenolobus aus Südjapan
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 3: 17-18

Grolle R 1963
Eine bemerkenswerte neue Lophozia aus Neuseeland
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 31: 152-156

Grolle R 1963
Monographie der Lebermoosgattung Leptoscyphus Mitt.
Nova Acta Leopoldina, n.s. 25: 1-143

Grolle R 1963
Takakia in Himalaya
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 110: 444-447

Grolle R 1963
Uber ein Calobryum von den Philippinen
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 26: 5-9

Grolle R 1963
Über Jungermannia albula Mitt. und Metahygrobiella Schust.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 26: 1-4

Grolle R 1963
Zwei Gattungen de Lophoziaceae neu für Afrika
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 437-445

Grolle R 1964
Eine Nardia aus Africa
Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 77: 297-299

Grolle R 1964
Eine neue Echinocolea auf Celebes
Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 77: 297-299

Grolle R 1964
Jamesoniella carringtonii - eine Plagiochila in Nepal mit Perianth
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 4: 653-663

Grolle R 1964
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 1-10
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 111: 185-192

Grolle R 1964
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 11-20
Journal of Japanese Botany 39: 173-188

Grolle R 1964
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 21-30
Journal of Japanese Botany 39: 236-241

Grolle R 1964
Neesioscyphus - eine neue Lebermoosgattung mit gedrehten Sporogonklappen
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 111: 19-36

Grolle R 1964
Notulae hepaticologicae VII-IX
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 32: 157-165

Grolle R 1964
Notulae Hepatilogicae XV. Neue Notizen über Kurzia v. Mart. Und Verwandte
Journal of Japanese Botany 39: 79-81

Grolle R 1964
Temnoma-Blepharostoma Miszellen
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 27: 47-50

Grolle R 1964
Über Kurzia v. Martens
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 32: 166-180

Grolle R 1964
Über neue bemerkenswerte Acromastigum-arten
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 111: 240-256

Grolle R 1965
Die Lebermoosgattungen Blepharidophyllum Ångstr. und Krunodiplophyllum nov. gen. (Scapaniaceae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 28: 55-74

Grolle R 1965
Harpanthus drummondii - ein Lebermoosendemit des östlichen Nordamerika
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 112: 268-284

Grolle R 1965
Ist Microlepidozia als nomen conservandum zu empfehlen?
Regnum Vegetabile 40: 15-17

Grolle R 1965
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 41-50
Journal of Japanese Botany 40: 206-219

Grolle R 1965
Notulae hepaticologicae X-XIII
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 33: 224-229

Grolle R 1965
Über Gymnanthe concinna und Lethocolea
Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 78: 78-84

Grolle R 1965
Wettsteinia Schiffn.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 28: 94-100

Grolle R 1966
Dicranolejeunea auf den atlantischen Inseln
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 95-99

Grolle R 1966
Die Lebermoose Nepals
Ergebnisse des Forschungs-Unternehmens Nepal Himalaya (Khumbu Himal) 1: 262-298
75 spp. in 39 genera. Hornworts not included

Grolle R 1966
Die Typisierung von Jungermannia L. und J. lanceolata L.
Taxon 15: 186-191

Grolle R 1966
Eine neue Lebermoosgattung (Lophoziaceae) aus Nepal
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34: 187-190

Grolle R 1966
Gymnomitrion crenulatum und Verwandte
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 86-94

Grolle R 1966
Haplomitrium Nees (Bryoph.) nom. cons. prop.
Taxon 15: 167

Grolle R 1966
Herzogobryum - eine beblatterte Lebermoosgattung mit dorsal verzahnten Merophyten
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 113: 220-234

Grolle R 1966
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 2. Zweite Fundliste
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 29: 70-74

Grolle R 1966
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 3. Stenolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 29: 75-78

Grolle R 1966
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 4. Schistochila
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 29: 238-252

Grolle R 1966
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 5. Telaranea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 29: 279-289

Grolle R 1966
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 51-60
Journal of Japanese Botany 41: 141-147

Grolle R 1966
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 61-70
Journal of Japanese Botany 41: 225-232

Grolle R 1966
Notulae hepaticologicae XIV. Zwei weitere Neesioscyphus-Arten
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 34: 182-186

Grolle R 1966
Über Diplasiolejeunea in Asien
Feddes Repertorium 73: 78-89

Grolle R 1967
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 6. Dritte Fundliste
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 30: 113-118

Grolle R 1967
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 71-80
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 271-282

Grolle R 1967
Monographie der Lepidolaenaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 30: 1-53

Grolle R 1968
Eine neue Syzygiella aus Bolivien
The Bryologist 71: 354-356

Grolle R 1968
Einige ostmalesische Lebermoose
Nova Hedwigia 16: 147-159

Grolle R 1968
Gottschelia - eine neue Jungermanniales-Gattung der Palaeotropis
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 13-19

Grolle R 1968
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 7.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 1-12

Grolle R 1968
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 81-90
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 541-547

Grolle R 1968
Monographie der Gattung Nowellia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 20-49

Grolle R 1969
Die Verbreitung von Pedinophyllum in Europa
Herzogia 1: 105-110

Grolle R 1969
Großdisjunktionen in artarealen Lateinamerikanischer Lebermoose
In: Fittkau EJ et al., Biogeography and ecology in South America. Monographiae biologicae 19: 562-582

Grolle R 1969
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 91-100
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 5: 766-774

Grolle R 1969
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 101-110
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 117: 1-6

Grolle R 1969
Novae Guineae Hepaticae Schusteranae. I
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 32: 140-144

Grolle R 1970
Cephaloziella divaricata (Sm.) Schiffn. statt der illegitimen C. starkei (Funck ex Nees) Schiffn.
Herzogia 1: 377-383

Grolle R 1970
Eine neuen Jackiella aus Tasmanien
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 33: 222-224

Grolle R 1970
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 8. Mastigopelma
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 33: 36-40

Grolle R 1970
Nomen conservandum propositum (312). Chiloscyphus Corda
Taxon 19: 646-647

Grolle R 1970
Radula castlei sp. nov. und Anmerkungen zur Gattung Radula
The Bryologist 73: 662-668

Grolle R 1970
Zur Kenntnis der Frullanien in Europa und Makaronesien
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 19: 307-319

Grolle R 1971
Die pflanzlichen Hüllorgane, in denen Sporen und Gameten entstehen. Zur Homologie und Terminologie
Flora 160: 105-136

Grolle R 1971
In: Bakker EMvZ sr, Winterbottom JM, Dyer RA (eds.), Marion and Prince Edward Islands. Report on the South African Biological and Geological Expedition 1965-1966. Cape Town: Balkema pp. 228-236

Grolle R 1971
Jamesoniella und Verwandte
Feddes Repertorium 82: 1-100

Grolle R 1971
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea, 9. Jungermannia nivea sp. nov.
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 6: 1-3

Grolle R 1971
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 111-120
Transactions of the British Bryological Society 6: 258-265

Grolle R 1972
Die Lebermoose der Crozet-Inseln (Subantarktis)
Lindbergia 1: 80-82

Grolle R 1972
Die Namen der Familien und Unterfamilien der Lebermoose (Hepaticopsida)
Journal of Bryology 7: 201-236

Grolle R 1972
Nomina conservanda proposita: (343) Porellaceae Cavers
Taxon 21: 708-709

Grolle R 1972
The hepatics of South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia
Bulletin, British Antarctic Survey 28: 83-95

Grolle R 1973
Bazzania in Europa und Makaronesien. Zur Taxonomie und Verbreitung
Lindbergia 1: 193-204

Grolle R 1973
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 121-130
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 547-551

Grolle R 1973
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 131-140
Herzogia 3: 75-82

Grolle R 1973
Nephelolejeunea - eine neue Gattung der Tuyamaelloideae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 37: 251-261

Grolle R 1973
Nomen conservandum propositum (366) Lejeunea Libert.
Taxon 22: 689-690

Grolle R 1973
Nomina conservanda proposita (359) Lejeuneaceae Casares-Gil
Taxon 22: 504

Grolle R 1973
Nomina conservanda proposita (367) Vorschlag zur Neufestlegung des Lectotypus von Scapania (Dum.) Dum.
Taxon 22: 690-691

Grolle R 1974
Eine neue Taxilejeunea aus Madagaskar und Reunion
Journal of Bryology 8: 93-96

Grolle R 1974
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea, 12. Rhaphidolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 38: 651-655

Grolle R 1974
Nachtrag zu "Die Lebermoose Nepals"
Ergebnisse des Forschungs-Unternehmens Nepal Himalaya (Khumbu Himal) 6: 117-120
~20 spp. Hornworts not included. The article says that this is in addition to Grolle 1966 and that this brings the number of taxa to 266. That seems odd given that Grolle 1966 has 75 taxa

Grolle R 1975
Diplasiolejeunea in Australasien
Feddes Repertorium 86: 75-82
Abb. und Beschr. von Diplasiolejeunea lyratifolia = Diplasiolejeunea plicatiloba und Diplasiolejeunea pusilla sp. nov.

Grolle R 1975
Ein neues Herzogobryum aus Tasmanien und N. S. Wales: H. filarum sp. nov.
Feddes Repertorium 86: 71-74

Grolle R 1975
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 141-150
Journal of Bryology 8: 483-492

Grolle R 1975
Nomina conservanda proposita (410) Pellia raddi
Taxon 24: 693-694

Grolle R 1976
Drepanolejeunea subgen. Kolpolejeunea - eine neue Untergattung aus der Palaeotropis
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 40: 191-216

Grolle R 1976
Eine weitere Siphonolejeunea - S. elegantissima (Steph.) comb. nov. aus Australien
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 405-409

Grolle R 1976
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 151-160
Lindbergia 3: 47-56

Grolle R 1976
Verzeichnis der Lebermoose Europas und benachbarter Gebiete
Feddes Repertorium 87: 171-279

Grolle R 1977
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 14-15. Calypogeia + Trichocolea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 43: 63-67

Grolle R 1977
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 161-170
Journal of Bryology 9: 529-538

Grolle R 1977
Pictolejeunea - eine neue Gattung der Lejeuneoideae aus der Neotropis und Borneo
Feddes Repertorium 88: 247-256

Grolle R 1978
Die Lebermoose der Seychellen
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 27: 7-17
78 spp. Hornworts not included

Grolle R 1978
Eine neue Diplasiolejeunea-Art aus Sri Lanka
Feddes Repertorium 89: 301-305
D. onraedtii Grolle sp. nov.

Grolle R 1978
Heteroscyphus Schiffn.: nomen conservandum propositum (442)
Taxon 27: 127-128

Grolle R 1978
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 16. Acromastigum
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 44: 1-15

Grolle R 1979
Die Lebermoose (Hepaticopsida) Cubas
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 28: 635-637

Grolle R 1979
Proposal to conserve Lophoziaceae (Joerg.) Vanden Berghen (1956) against Lophoziaceae Cavers (1910) (Bryophytes)
Taxon 28: 423

Grolle R 1979
Proposal to conserve the orthography and type species of Calypogeia Raddi
Taxon 28: 607-608

Grolle R 1980
Lebermoose im Bernstein 2
Feddes Repertorium 91: 401-407

Grolle R 1980
Lebermoose im Bernstein, I.
Feddes Repertorium 91: 183-190

Grolle R 1980
Nephelolejeunea in Australasien
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 48: 161-170

Grolle R 1980
Schusterolejeunea Grolle nom. nov. statt Cladocolea Schust. 1963, non van Tieghem 1895
Journal of Bryology 11: 105-106

Grolle R 1980
Zur kenntnis der Lebermoose von Samoa I
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 29: 637-648
Only species A-L. This could be a spurious entry, cf. Grolle 1998c

Grolle R 1981
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 201-210
Journal of Bryology 11: 325-334

Grolle R 1981
Nipponolejeunea fossil in Europe
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 50: 143-157

Grolle R 1981
On hepatics in Baltic amber. Present knowledge and promisings
In: Szweykowski J (ed.), New perspectives in Bryotaxonomy and Bryogeography. Pozna_: Adam Mickiewicz University pp. 83-88

Grolle R 1981
Porposal to conserve Notothylas Sull. 1846 against Carpobolus Schwein. 1822 (Hepaticopsida, Anthocerotales)
Taxon 30: 334-335

Grolle R 1981
Proposal to conserve Preissia Corda 1829 against Cyathophora S. gray 1821 (Hepaticopsida)
Taxon 30: 495-496

Grolle R 1981
Was ist Lejeunea schumannii Caspary aus dem baltischen Bernstein?
Occasional Papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany 16: 101-110

Grolle R 1982
Trocholejeunea Fossil in Europa
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 51: 175-193

Grolle R 1982
Übersicht der Lejeuneaceae in Tasmanien
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 31: 207-227

Grolle R 1983
Hepatics of Europe including the Azores: an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature
Journal of Bryology 12: 403-459

Grolle R 1983
Leucolejeunea antiqua n. sp., das erste Lebermoos aus Dominikanischem Bernstein
Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 96: 1-9

Grolle R 1983
Nomina generica Hepaticarum; references, types and synonymies
Acta Botanica Fennica 121: 1-62

Grolle R 1983
Proposals to conserve Mannia and Pellia (Hepaticopsida)
Taxon 32: 135-137

Grolle R 1983
Zur Kenntnis der Frullanien in Europa und Makaronesien
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 32: 307-319

Grolle R 1984
Bryopteris and Cyclolejeunea Fossil in Dominikanischem Bernstein
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 271-280

Grolle R 1984
Cyrtolejeunea suzannensis spec. nov. ein weiteres fossiles lebermoos in Dominikanischem bernstein
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 5: 27-32

Grolle R 1984
Die Lebermoosgattung Cheilolejeunea fossil in Mitteleuropa
Feddes Repertorium 95: 229-236

Grolle R 1984
Kymatolejeunea Grolle - eine neue Gattung der Lejeuneoideae aus Neuseeland
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 32: 1005-1012

Grolle R 1984
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 221-230
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 501-511

Grolle R 1984
Zur Kenntnis der Lejeuneoideae in Cuba (1): Cyclolejeunea
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 33: 759-764

Grolle R 1985
Fossil Spruceanthus in Europe and two other hepatics in Baltic amber
Prace Muzeum Ziemi 37: 79-83

Grolle R 1985
Lejeunea palaeomexicana n. sp., das erste Moos aus Mexicanischem Bernstein
Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B, Geologie und Paläontologie 108: 1-7

Grolle R 1985
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 231-240
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 58: 197-202

Grolle R 1985
Monograph of Frullania in Baltic amber
Prace Muzeum Ziemi 37: 87-100

Grolle R 1985
New hepatics in amber
Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis 17: 4

Grolle R 1985
Zwei weitere Lebermoose in Bernstein aus Bitterfeld (DDR)
Feddes Repertorium 96: 41-46

Grolle R 1986
Cololejeunea schaeferi spec. nov., ein verkanntes Lebermoos in Makaronesien
Journal of Bryology 13: 487-495

Grolle R 1986
Zur Kenntnis der Lebermoosgattung Otolejeunea
Haussknechtia 2: 45-56

Grolle R 1987
Die Lebermoosgattung Lepidolaena in Queensland (Australien)
Haussknechtia 3: 65-69

Grolle R 1987
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 241-250
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 61: 249-255

Grolle R 1987
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 251-260
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 63: 437-443

Grolle R 1987
Radula steerei sp. nov. - a further hepatic in Dominican amber
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 45: 259-263

Grolle R 1988
Bryophyte fossils in amber
Bryological Times 47: 4-5

Grolle R 1988
Die Lebermoosgattung Notoscyphus fossil in Europa
Feddes Repertorium 99: 561-564

Grolle R 1988
Proposal to conserve Fossombroniaceae Hazsl. against Codoniaceae Klinggr. (Hepaticae)
Taxon 37: 482-483

Grolle R 1988
Verzeichnis der Lebermoose von Ascension Island nebst Beschreibung von Cheilolejeunea ascensionis (Hook. f. et Tayl.) Grolle, comb. nov.
Haussknechtia 4: 43-49

Grolle R 1988
Zur Kenntnis der Lejeuneoideae in Cuba (2): Lejeunea subg. Macrolejeunea Spruce
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 37: 169-176

Grolle R 1989
A technically new lectotypification of Harpalejeunea (Hepaticae)
Taxon 38: 88-90

Grolle R 1989
Adelanthus on Mt. Roraima
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 67: 243-247

Grolle R 1989
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 271-280
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 67: 249-257

Grolle R 1989
Two new species of Cololejeunea from Bhutan
Journal of Bryology 15: 281-287

Grolle R 1989
Über Asterella subg. Brachyblepharis in Lateinamerika
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 28: 231-239

Grolle R 1989
Weitere Lebermoosfunde in Bitterfelder Bernstein, darunter Radula oblongifolia Caspary mit Sporophyt
Feddes Repertorium 100: 131-136

Grolle R 1990
Leucolejeunea antiqua (ein Lebermoos in Dominicanischem Bernstein) erstmals mit Gynözium, Perianth und Andrözium
Nova Hedwigia 50: 473-479

Grolle R 1992
Austrolejeunea jarmaniana, a new species of Hepaticae from Tasmania
Nova Hedwigia 55: 111-117

Grolle R 1992
Zwei neue Arten der Lebermoosgattung Diplasiolejeunea aus der Neotropis
Beiträge zur Phytotaxonomie 15: 105-110
Diplasiolejeunea buckii Grolle spec. nov. und Diplasiolejeunea lanceolata Grolle spec. nov.

Grolle R 1993
Bryopteris bispinosa spec. nov. (Lejeuneaceae), ein weiteres Lebermoos in Dominikanischem Bernstein
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 74: 71-76

Grolle R 1993
Ein autözisches Lebermoos mit Perianth in Dominicanischem Bernstein: Drepanolejeunea eogena spec. nov.
Nova Hedwigia 57: 375-380

Grolle R 1993
Proposal to conserve Aneura Dumort. (Hepaticae) with a conserved type
Taxon 42: 889-890

Grolle R 1995
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the East African Islands. An annotated catalogue
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 48: 1-178

Grolle R 1997
Proposal to conserve the name Jungermannia exsecta (Lophoziaceae, Hepaticae) with a conserved type
Taxon 46: 545-546

Grolle R 1998
The Eocene hepatic Frullania baltica found with androecium, perianth and capsule
Nova Hedwigia 66: 451-456

Grolle R 1999
Metacalypogeia (Calypogeiaceae, Hepaticae) new to Europe as Baltic amber fossil
Bryobrothera 5: 87-91

Grolle R 2001
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 291-300
Haussknechtia 8: 59-69
New: Lejeunea schusteri, Microlejeunea ocellata (Herzog)

Grolle R 2002
Proposal to reject the name Jungermannia globulifera (Hepaticae)
Taxon 51: 569

Grolle R 2003
Frullania mammilligera sp. nov., a new Eocene species of Hepaticae found in Bitterfield Amber of central Germany
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 241: 155-161
New: Frullania mammilligera

Grolle R 2003
On the typification of Adelanthus Mitt. (Marchantiopsida: Adelanthaceae)
Journal of Bryology 25: 215-216

Grolle R 2004
Proposal to conserve the name Jungermannia palmata against Riccia fruticulosa (Aneureaceae: Hepaticae)
Taxon 53: 558-559

Grolle R 2004
Some overlooked earlier lectotypifications of generic names of hepatics (Marchantiopsida)
Journal of Bryology 26: 61-62

Grolle R, Braune W 1988
Bazzania oleosa ein Lebermoos mit erhalten Ölkörpern in Dominikanischem Bernstein
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 90: 101-108

Grolle R, Heinrichs J 1999
Redescription and synonymy of Plagiochila aerea Taylor 1846 (Hepaticae), first described as Lycopodium pinnatum by Lamarck 1792
Nova Hedwigia 68: 511-526

Grolle R, Heinrichs J 2003
Eocene Plagiochila groehnii sp. nov. - the first representative of Plagiochilaceae in baltic amber
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24: 289-293
New: Plagiochila groehnii

Grolle R, Isoviita P 1981
Scapania nemorea vs. S. nemorosa (Hepaticae): further comments
Annales Botanici Fennici 18: 83-84

Grolle R, Isoviita P 1983
Is Calypogeja preferable to Calepogeia for stability?
Annales Botanici Fennici 20: 41-42

Grolle R, Meinunger L, Hilbig W, Huneck S 1983
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moosflora der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Feddes Repertorium 94: 107-124

Grolle R, Meinunger L, Hilbig W, Huneck S 1986
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moosflora der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. II
Feddes Repertorium 97: 521-526

Grolle R, Meister K 2004
Lophozia kutscheri, a new hepatic (Jungermanniales) in Bitterfeld Amber from central Germany
The Bryologist 107: 79-81
New: Lophozia kutscheri sp. nov.

Grolle R, Meister K 2004
The liverworts in Baltic and Bitterfield amber
Jena: Weissdorn-Verlag 91 pp.
New: Cylindrocolea dimorpha (Caspary), Frullania hamatosetacea, Frullania pycnoclada

Grolle R, Meister K, So ML 2004
New evidence on the taxonomic position of the Eocene Jungermannites contortus (Jungermanniales: Lejeuneaceae)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 25: 117-123
New: Mastigolejeunea contorta (Göppert & Berendt)

Grolle R, Persson H 1966
Die Gattung Tylimanthus auf den Atlantischen Inseln
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 60: 164-174

Grolle R, Piippo S 1984
Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. V. Lepidoziaceae subfam. Zoopsoideae and Cephaloziaceae subfam. Schiffnerioideae (Hepaticae)
Annales Botanici Fennici 21: 299-307

Grolle R, Piippo S 1986
Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XVI. Pallaviciniaceae (Hepaticae)
Acta Botanica Fennica 133: 59-79
Among other things this synonymizes Pallavicinia radiculosa with Pallavicinia lyelli

Grolle R, Schumacker R 1983
Zur Synonymik und Verbreitung von Plagiochila spinulosa (Dicks.) Dum. und P. killarniensis Pears.
Journal of Bryology 12: 215-226

Grolle R, So ML 1999
Notes on Plagiochila sect. Caducilobae in East Asia
Systematic Botany 23: 459-465
P. defolians and P. grossa sp. nov. New: Plagiochila defolians, Plagiochila grossa

Grolle R, So ML 1999
Notes on Plagiochila subgenus Paraplagiochila (Hepaticae)
Journal of Bryology 21: 197-199

Grolle R, So ML 1999
On the Plagiochila species of sect. Zonatae with paraphyllia or mamillose stems (Hepaticae)
Systematic Botany 24: 297-310
Includes P. aspericaulis and P. paraphyllosa sp. nov., P. durelii ssp. guizhouensis subsp. nov., and P. sect. Z. subsect. Caulimammillosae n. subsect. New: Plagiochila paraphyllosa, Plagiochila durelii subsp. guizhouensis, Plagiochila aspericaulis, Plagiochila subsect. Caulimammillosae

Grolle R, So ML 2002
Typifications of three old names of Metzgeria species (Hepaticae): Jungermannia furcata L. 1753m J. linearis Sw. 1788 and J. pubescens Schrank 1792
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 23: 119-121

Grolle R, So ML 2003
Riccia fruticulosa O.F.Müll., 1782 and blue Metzgeria (Marchantiophyta) in Europe
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 142: 229-235

Grolle R, So ML 2004
A fossil Porella (Porellaceae, Hepaticae) in Eocene Baltic amber
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 145: 485-488
New: Porella subgrandiloba sp. nov.

Grolle R, Vána J 1970
Jungermannia subulata Evans aus Hawaii - eine verkannte Sippe der Holarktis
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 117: 305-313

Grolle R, Vána J 1992
Eine neue Jungermannia (Hepaticae, Jungermanniaceae) aus Nepal
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 37: 3-6

Grolle R, Vanden Berghen C 1971
Clasmatocolea vermicularis (Lehm.) Grolle aus Burundi
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 37: 387

Grolle R, Vanden Berghen C 1971
Une genre noveau pour la famille Cephaloziellaceae: Cephalojonesia Grolle
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 37: 763-768

Grolle R, Zhu R-L 2000
A study of Drepanolejeunea subg. Rhaphidolejeunea (Herzog) Grolle & R.L.Zhu, stat. nov. (Hepaticae, Lejeuneaceae) in China with notes on its species elsewhere
Nova Hedwigia 70: 373-396
New: Drepanolejeunea subgen. Rhaphidolejeunea (Herzog), Drepanolejeunea commutata, Drepanolejeunea fleischeri (Stephani), Drepanolejeunea spicata (Stephani), Drepanolejeunea tibetana (Wu Pan-cheng & Luo Jian-xin), Drepanolejeunea yunnanensis (Chen Pan-chieh), Drepanolejeunea bischlerae (Grolle), Drepanolejeunea cyclops (Sande Lacoste), Drepanolejeunea longicruris (Stephani), Drepanolejeunea polyrhiza (Nees in Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees), Drepanolejeunea siamensis (Bischler)

Grolle R, Zhu R-L, Gradstein SR 2001
On Cyrtolejeunea A. Evans (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae)
Taxon 50: 1067-1074
Cyrtolejeunea = Cheilolejeunea. New: Cheilolejeunea suzannensis (Grolle) comb. nov., Cheilolejeunea holostipa (Spruce) comb. nov., Cheilolejeunea insecta sp. nov.

Grolle, R. 1965
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. I
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 28: 43-54

Grolle, R. 1965
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 31-40
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 28: 101-106

Grolle, R. 1972
Zur Kenntnis von Adelanthus Mitt.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 35: 325-370

Grolle, R. 1975
Haplolejeunea aus Madagascar - Eine weitere neue Gattung der Tuyamaelloideae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 39: 203-210

Grolle, R. 1975
Lebermoose aus Kuba. I
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 24: 397-400

Grolle, R. 1979
Lebermoose aus Neuguinea. 17. Harpalejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 43-47

Grolle, R. 1979
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 171-180
Journal of Bryology 10: 263-272

Grolle, R. 1979
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 181-190
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 45: 173-183
Diplasiolejeunea plicatiloba comb. nov., D. lyratifolia, syn. nov.

Grolle, R. 1979
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 191-200
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 337-355

Grolle, R. 1980
Über Harpalejeunea in Australasien
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 47: 237-244

Grolle, R. 1981
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 211-220
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 49: 85-92

Grolle, R. 1988
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 261-270
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 65: 403-410

Grolle, R. 1989
Marsupidium in Guyana
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 66: 337-342

Grolle, R. 1991
Miscellanea Hepaticologica 281-290
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 69: 185-194

Grolle, R. 1993
Taxonomic Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 9. Pallaviciniaceae, Haplomitriaceae
Tropical Bryology 8: 75-82

Grolle, R. 1998
The gender of Mnioloma Herzog and Plagiochilion S. Hatt. (Hepaticae)
Journal of Bryology 20: 497-500

Grolle, R. 1998
Zur Kenntnis der Lebermoose von Samoa 1
Bauhinia 12: 637-648
Only genera A-Lejeunea

Grolle, R. 2002
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the subantarctic and temperate islands in the eastern Southern Hemisphere (90°E to 0°): an annotated catalogue
Journal of Bryology 24(1): 57-80
New synonymy; 66 Hepaticae and 2 Anthocerotae recorded. New: Cephaloziopsis randii (S. Arnell)

Grolle, R. 2002
The hepaticae of Easter Island (Chile)
The Bryologist 105(1): 126-127

Grolle, R. 2002
Two new synonyms of Metzgeria furcata (L.) Dumort.
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 23: 209-210

Grolle, R. 2002
[Addendum] The Hepaticae of Easter Island (Chile)
The Bryologist 105: 299
Adds three more records to Easter Island

Grolle, R. & Gea Zijlstra 1984
On the nomenclature of Gottschea Nees ex Mont. 1843 (Schistochilaceae, Jungermanniales)
Taxon 33: 87-93

Grolle, R. & Gradstein, S. R. 1988
Haesselia, a new genus of Cephaloziaceae (Hepaticae) from Mt. Roraima, Guyana
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 327-334

Grolle, R. & Long, D. G. 2000
An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Europe and Macaronesia
Journal of Bryology 22: 103-140
Europe Macaronesia Asterella amber. New: Asterella subgen. Graciles subgen. nov., Asterella sect. Brachyblepharis (Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees) comb. nov., Asterella subgen. Saccatae (Grolle) comb. nov., Marsupella sect. Homocraspis (Lindberg in Schiffner) comb. nov. Specify taxa occurring only in Macaronesia without specifying which island, but Cape Verde is excluded from their treatment

Grolle, R. & M. Elena Reiner-Drehwald 1997
Cheilolejeunea oncophylla (Angstr.) Grolle & Reiner comb. nov. (Lejeuneaceae), from the Neotropics
Journal of Bryology 19: 781-785

Grolle, R. & M. L. So 1999
Studies of Plagiochila sect. Subtropicae in Asia
The Bryologist 102: 67-75
New synonymy. New: Plagiochila luzonensis

Grolle, R. & M. L. So 1999
Studies on Plagiochila in China. III
The Bryologist 102: 200-207
Includes a key to the six species of P. sect. Cobanae in E. Asia; new synonomy. New: Plagiochila zhuensis sp. nov

Grolle, R. & M. L. So 1999
Studies on Plagiochila sect. Contiguae in East and South Asia
The Bryologist 102: 294-303
A key to the 15 species of sect. Contiguae in East and South Asia given; new synonomy

Grolle, R. & M. L. So 1999
Studies on Plagiochila sect. Tayloriae in Asia
The Bryologist 102: 287-293
A key to the seven species of sect. Tayloriae in Asia given; new synonomy

Grolle, R. & May-Ling So 1997
Plagiochila bischleriana, a new species from Nepal
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 18: 191-193

Grolle, R. & May-Ling So 1997
Studies on Plagiochila in China. I
The Bryologist 100: 467-477

Grolle, R. & May-Ling So 1998
Plagiochila caulimammillosa, a peculiar new species from Yunnan, China
Journal of Bryology 20: 41-49

Grolle, R. & May-Ling So 1998
Studies on Plagiochila in China. II
The Bryologist 101: 282-294

Grolle, R. & Onraedt, M. 1974
Lebermoose aus Madagaskar und den Maskarenen (1)
Lindbergia 2: 230-233

Grolle, R. & Piippo, S. 1984
Annotated catalogue of Western Melanesian bryophytes. I. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Acta Botanica Fennica 125: 1-86

Grolle, R. & Piippo, S. 1990
Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XXXVII. Leucolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae)
Annales Botanici Fennici 27(2): 119-129

Grolle, R. & Reiner-Drehwald, M. E. 1999
Review of the genus Harpalejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) including the description of H. grandis, a new species from the páramos of Colombia
Journal of Bryology 21: 31-45
New: Harpalejeunea grandis sp. nov., Harpalejeunea subgen. Cleefiolejeunea subgen. nov., Microlejeunea constricta (Grolle) comb. nov., Cheilolejeunea curvatilobula (Herzog) comb. nov., Microlejeunea kinabaluensis (Mizutani) comb. nov., Microlejeunea mammillosa (Mizutani) comb. nov., Microlejeunea minutissima (Mizutani) comb. nov., Microlejeunea spinosa (Mizutani) comb. nov., Echinocolea subspathulata (Spruce) comb. nov., Echinocolea asprella (Spruce) comb. nov

Grolle, R. & Reiner-Drehwald, M. E. 2000
Otolejeunea (Hepaticae, Lejeuneaceae) in the neotropics
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 21: 101-107

Grolle, R. & Reiner-Drehwald, M. E. 2005
Pictolejeunea levis, a new species of Lejeuneaceae (Jungermanniopsida) from Cuba
Journal of Bryology 27: 281-283
New: Pictolejeunea levis

Grolle, R. & Schmidt, A. 2001
A fossil Scapania (Hepaticae) with perianth and capsule in Bitterfeld amber (Eocene) from Germany
The Bryologist 104: 362-366
New: Scapania hoffeinsiana

Grolle, R. & Schultze-Motel, W. 1972 [1973]
Vorläufiges Verzeichnis der Lebermoose von Samoa
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 75-89

Grolle, R. & Seppelt, R. D. 1986
Seppeltia, a new leafy genus of Metzgeriales from Macquarie Island
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 60: 275-282

Grolle, R. & So, M. L. 2000
Notes on Plagiochila section Firmae (Hepaticae)
Systematic Botany 25: 5-14
New: Plagiochila chenii

Grolle, R. & Zhu, R.-L. 1999
Drepanolejeunea longii (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae), a new species from Bhutan
Annales Botanici Fennici 36: 115-118
A new species, Drepanolejeunea longii Grolle & R.L. Zhu, is described and illustrated from Bhutan. It is similar to D. pulla (Mitt.) Grolle, but differs in its falcate leaves with serrate margins, absence of gynoecial innovations, and 2(-3) uniseriate cells of the underleaf lobe apex.

Grolle, R. & Zhu, R.-L. 2002
On Macrocolura and the subdivision of Colura (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 92: 181-190
New: Colura subgen. Glotta subgen. nov., Colura sect. Glotta sect. nov.

Grolle, R., Long, D. G. & McNeill, J. 2005
Nomenclatural problems in Pleurozia (Pleuroziaceae): the lectotypification of Pleurozia Dumort., Jungermannia sphagnoides Schwägr., Pleurozia sphagnoides Dumort., P. purpurea Lindb., Mnium jungermannia L. and Jungermannia undulata L. (Hepaticae)
Taxon 54: 503-508

Grolle, R., Schill, D. B. & Long, D. G. 2003
Notes on Gottschelia (Jungermanniales, Lophoziaceae), with a description of G. patoniae, a new species from the East Himalaya
Journal of Bryology 25(1): 3-6
New: Gottschelia patoniae sp. nov., Gottschelia maxima (Stephani) comb. nov.

Grom S 1959
Quelques autres Bryophytes nouveaux pour la Yougoslavie et la Slovénie
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 28: 351-352

Grom S 1963
Beiträge zur Moosflora Sloweniens II.
Nova Hedwigia 5: 477-485

Grom S 1969
Die Moosflora im Walde von Trnovo
Nature Conservation 9: 51-72

Gross, B. E. & A. C. Risk 2000
[Abstract] Bryophyte and vascular flora of Hi Lewis Barrens State Nature Preserve, Harlan County, Kentucky
Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 47: 168

Grosvernier, P.-R., Y. Matthey, A. Buttler & J.-M. Gobat 1999
Characterization of peats from histosols disturbed by different human impacts (drainage, peat extraction, agriculture)
Ecologie 30: 23-31

Groth H, Hartmann FA, Wilson R, Heinrichs J 2004
NrITS sequences and morphology indicate a synonymy of the Patagonian Plagiochila rufescens Steph. and the Central American Plagiochila bicuspidata Gottsche
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 25: 19-28

Groth H, Heinrichs J 2003
Reinstatement of Chiastocaulon Carl (Plagiotheciaceae), based on evidence from nuclear ribosomal ITS and chloroplast gene rps4 sequences
Plant Biology 5: 615-622

Groth H, Heinrichs J 2005
Maximum likelihood analyses of chloroplast gene rbcL sequences indicate relationships of Syzygiella (Jungermanniopsida) with Lophoziaceae rather than Plagiochilaceae
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 26: 49-57

Groth H, Helms G, Heinrichs J 2002
The systematic status of Plagiochila sects. Bidentes Carl and Caducilobae Inoue (Hepaticae) inferred from nrDNA ITS sequences
Taxon 51: 675-684
P. loriloba recognized at species level rather than as a var. of P. cuneata

Groth H, Lindner M, Heinrichs J 2004
Phylogeny and biogeography of Plagiochila (Plagiochilaceae) based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences
Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 98: 365-387

Groth H, Lindner M, Wilson R, Hartmann FA, Schmull M, Gradstein SR, Heinrichs J 2003
Biogeography of Plagiochila (Hepaticae): natural species groups span over floristic kingdoms
Journal of Biogeography 30: 965-978

Groth-Malonek, M., Heinrichs, J., Schneider, H., Gradstein, S. R. 2004
Phylogenetic relationships in the Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae) inferred using ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA
Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 4: 51-58

Groth-Malonek, M., T. Rein, M. Polsakiewicz & V. Knoop 2004
[Abstract] Bryophytes and other basal land plants: the mitochondrial perspective
In: Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs & R. Wilson (organisers), Bryophylogeny 2004 10-12 September. Second International Symposium on In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes. Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Göttingen, Germany p. 4

Grout AJ 1904
Hepatics with hand-lens
The Bryologist 7: 89-98

Grout AJ 1905
Notes on Vermont Bryophytes
The Bryologist 8: 51-54

Grout AJ 1906
Additions to the bryophyte flora of Long Island
The Bryologist 9: 26-28

Grout AJ 1909
Notes on North Carolina bryophytes
The Bryologist 12: 54

Grout AJ 1910
Further notes on Vermont bryophytes - V
The Bryologist 13: 13-14

Grout AJ 1911
Notes on Vermont bryophytes - VI
The Bryologist 14: 52-54

Gruber, J. P. & R. Krisai 1999
Das Hochmoor im Botanischen Garten der Universität Salzburg
Abhandlungen der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 30: 89-91

Grünig, A. (ed.) 1994
Mires and Man: Mire Conservation in a Densely Populated Country-the Swiss Experience. Excursion Guide and Symposium Proceedings of the 5th Field Symposium of the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG) to Switzerland 1992
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf, Switzerland 415 pp.

Gueli L, Lo Guidici R, Maugeri G 2004
Studio ecologico delle briofite della citta di Militello in Val di Catania (Sicilia orientale) e indicizzazione della qualità ambientale attraverso l'utilizzazione delle briofite [Ecological studies of the bryophytes of Militello in Val di Catania (Eastern Sicily) and environmental evolution by bryophytes]
Braun-Blanquetia 34: 167-182

Guerke WR 1971
Notes on Hepaticae from Loisiana and New Mexico
The Bryologist 74: 202-204

Guerke WR 1973
Epiphyllous Hepaticae in Louisiana
The Bryologist 76: 201-212

Guerke WR 1978
A monograph of the genus Jubula Dumortier
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 17: 1-144

Guerke, W. R. 1972
A Floristic and Ecological Study of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Florida Parishes, Louisiana
University of Southwestern Louisiana x + 138 pp.
Lafayette, LA. [M.S. Thesis.]

Guerra J, Gil JA, Varo J 1981
Aportación al conocimiento de las clases Pogonato-Dicranelletea heteromallae Hübschmann 1975 y Ceratodo-Polytrichetea piliferi Hübschmann
Lazaroa 3: 101-119

Guerra J, Ruis de Claviho E, Sérgio C 1986
Sobre la distribución de Riella helicophylla (Bory et Mont.) Mont. en la peninsula Ibérica
Acta Botanica Malacitana 11: 75-76

Guerra, J. & R. M. Cros (coord.) 2007
Flora Briofítica Ibérica
Sociedad Española de Briología, Murcia, Spain 1: 1-183
Individual families listed separately.

Guerra, J., M. J. Cano, A. V. Pérez Latorre, R. M. Ros & B. Cabezudo 2003
Flora brio-pteridofítica de los bosques lauroides de Rhododendron ponticum L. del Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Cádiz-Málaga, España)
Acta Botanica Malacitana 28: 19-36

Guerra, J., M. J. Cano, J. A. Jiménez & M. T. Gallego 2007
Novedades corológicas para la flora briofitica ibérica. II
Anales de Biología, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia 29: 109-110

Guerra, J., R. M. Ros, J. J. Martínez-Sánchez, J. de las Heras, J. M. Herranz & M. J. Cano 1993
Flora y vegetación briofítica de las zonas yesíferas de la provincia de Albacete
Al-Basit, Revista de Estudios Albacetenses 2 Época 19(32): 39-62

Gugnacka-Fiedor W, Noryskiwicz B 1982
The vegetation of Kaffiøyra, Oscar II Land, NW Spitsbergen
Acta Universitatis N Copernici 51, Geographica 16: 203-238

Guillarmod AJ 1971
Flora of Lesotho. Bryophyta
J. Cramer pp. 86-92

Gunderson GO 1970
Hepatics from eastern Wisconsin
The Bryologist 73: 718-719

Gunderson GO 1970
The ecology of the hepatics of Brown County, Wisconsin
The Bryologist 73: 382-385

Gunderson GO 1971
Hepatics from northeastern Wisconsin
The Bryologist 74: 204-206

Gunderson GO 1973
Hepatics from southwestern Wisconsin
The Bryologist 76: 571-572

Gunn, J., C. Walker, R. Watson & J. Crone 1998
Cuilcagh Mountain Park: Conservation of active blanket bog
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 137-145

Gunnarsson, U. 2000
Vegetation changes on Swedish mires: Effects of raised temperature and increased nitrogen and sulphur influx
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 561: 1-25

Guo, Shui-Liang & Tong Cao 2000
Studies on community distributive patterns of epiphytic bryophytes in forest ecosystems in Changbai Mountains
Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 24: 442-450, 511-512
In Chinese with English abstract

Guo, Shui-Liang & Tong Cao 2000
Studies on relationships of epiphytic bryophytes and environmental factors in forest ecosystems in Changbai Mountain forests
Acta Ecologica Sinica 20: 922-931
In Chinese with English abstract

Guo, Wei & Zhang Man-Xiang 1999
The taxonomic study of Anthocerotaceae in Shaanxi, Northwest China
Chenia 6: 21-33

Gupta, A 2007
Palaeovegetation and past climate since Middle Holocene in temperate zone of Kumaun Himalaya, India (with remark on natural disturbances at the region).
Chenia 9: 173-187

Gupta, A. 1998
Spore types in bryophytes
Chenia 5: 39-48

Gupta, A. 2002
[Abstract] Spores through geological time
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 68

Gupta, A., S. S. Thakur, P. L. Uniyal & R. Gupta 2001
A survey of bryophytes for presence of cholinesterase activity
American Journal of Botany 88: 2133-2135

Gupta, A., Sarla & Chopra, R. N. 1991
In vitro studies on growth and gametangial formation in Riccia discolor: Effect of physical factors
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 107-117

Gupta, Asha & Udar, Ram 1986
Palyno-taxonomy of selected Indian Liverworts
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 29: 1-202

Güsewell, S., W. Koerselman & J. T. A. Verhoeven 2002
Time-dependent effects of fertilization on plant biomass in floating fens
Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 705-718

Gustafsson, L., J. de Jong & M. Norén 1999
Evaluation of Swedish woodland key habitats using red-listed bryophytes and lichens
Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 1101-1114

Gutman, A. B. & Crawford, G. H. 2005
Botanical briefs: liverworts-Frullania species
Cutis 75: 262-264

Gutman, C. H., S. K. Rice & N. Krouglicoff 2004
[Abstract] Laser scanning reveals variation in bryophyte canopy structure. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah pp. 36-37

Gwyther CJ 1895
Botanising on the southern border
Transactions of the Natural History Society of Queensland 1: 35-38

Gyarmati A 2001
Hépatiques de Côte-d'Ivoire, récoltes du R. P. É. Assel
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 22: 47-51

Györffy I 1911
Enumeratio muscorum a Gy. E. Nyárády in Hungaria, Halicia, Bosnia etc. alibique collectorum
Magyar Botanikai Lapok 10: 333-343

Györffy I 1913
Riccia Frostii Aust. in Ungarn
Magyar Botanikai Lapok 12: 28-30

Györffy I 1927
Fascination der männlichen Blütenschaftträger von Radiania rumaenica Schiffn.
Magyar Botanikai Lapok 25: 48-49

Gyosheva, M. & Ganeva, A. 2004
New and rare macromycetes and bryophytes from montane peat habitats in Bulgaria
Mycologia Balcanica 1: 9-13