Liverwort Literature M



Mabberley, D. 2002
Robert Brown 200: Introduction
Cunninghamia 7: 613-615

MacAlister, C. 1998
[Abstract] Burns Bog, British Columbia: hydrological monitoring project
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin p. 228

Macchiati L 1884
Catalogo delel piante raccolte nei dintorni di Reggio Calabria dal settembre 1881 al febbraio 1883
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 16: 59-100

MacFadden FA 1927
A trip to Tonquin Valley
The Bryologist 30: 65-74

MacGowan, F. & G. Doyle 1998
Vegetation of Atlantic blanket bogs damaged by tourist trampling in the west of Ireland
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 159-166

Machado Guimarães AL 1913
Muscineas do Minho. Contribuição para o seu estudo
?: Famalicão

Machado Guimarães AL 1914
Notas de briologia Minhota
Ann. Acad. Polyt. Porto 9: 135-140

Machado Guimarães AL 1917
Notas de briologia Portuguesa. Plantas novas para Portugal
Broteria: Ciencias Naturais 15: 8-11

Machado Guimarães AL 1918
Apontamentos Briológicos. Plantas raras, críticas ou novas para Portugal
Broteria: Ciencias Naturais 16: 97-103

Machado Guimarães AL 1920
Apontamentos de Briologia Portuguesa
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 28: 165-167

Machado Guimarães AL 1920
Briófitas colhidas no concelho de Paredes de Coura
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 28: 71-94

Machado Guimarães AL 1920
Rectificações e aditamentos a lista das "Briófitas de Paredes de Coura"
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 28: 167-170

Machado Guimarães AL 1925
Sinopse das briófitad de Portugal. I. Hepáticas
Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 3: 5-86

Machado, G. & D. M. Vital 2001
On the occurrence of epizoic cyanobacteria and liverworts on a neotropical harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones)
Biotropica 33: 535-538

Mackenzie EC 1931
Notes on the bryophytes of southeastern Vancouver Island
The Bryologist 34: 91-92

Macoun J 1874
List of the plants and botanical reports of the Peace River district and e Northwest Territories
Rep. Progr. Can. Pacific R. R. pp. 56-98

Macoun J 1884
List ... of Plants Collected on the Coast of Labrador, Hudson's Strait and Bay, by Dr. Robert Bell in 1884
: Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Canada, Rept. of Prog. 1882-4 pp. 38-47

Macoun J 1906
The cryptogamic flora of Ottawa
The Ottawa Naturalist 20: 177-186

Macoun, John 1902
Catalogue of Canadian Plants, Lichenes and Hepaticae
Montréal 180 pp.
Lichenes and Hepaticae publ. 1902; part on Hepaticae reprinted separately; 7 parts, 1883-1902; i. Polypetalae, 1883; ii. Gamopetalae, 1884; iii. Apetalae, 1886; iv. Endogens, 1888; v. Acrogens, 1890; vi. Musci, 1892 [by J. Macoun & N. C. Kindberg]; vii. Lichenes & Hepaticae, 1902

MacVean, A. L. 2002
[Abstract] El herbario de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVAL)
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 82

Macvicar SM 1904
Census of Scottish hepaticae
Annals of Scottish Natural History 13: 43-52

Macvicar SM 1905
Census catalogue of British hepatics
York 24 pp.

Macvicar SM 1905
New and rare British Hepaticae
Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 43: 117-120

Macvicar SM 1910
The distribution of hepaticae in Scotland
Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 25: 1-336

Macvicar SM 1911
Fossombronia echinata nov. sp.
Revue Bryologique 38: 73-76

Macvicar SM 1912
The student's handbook of British hepatics, ed. 1

Macvicar SM 1926
Student's Handbook of British Hepatics, 2nd ed
Eastbourne: Sumfield

MacVicar, S. M. 1926
The Student's Handbook of British Hepatics. 2nd ed
Hitchin, Whelden & Wesley Ltd. London

Madhusoodanan, P. V. & Nair, M. C. 2003
Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda (Ricciaceae) and Notothylas levieri Schiffn. ex Steph. (Notothylaceae), two new bryophyte records for South India
Indian Journal of Forestry 26: 295-298

Madhusoodanan, P. V., M. C. Nair & P. S. Easa 2002
[Abstract] Diversity of bryophytes in Eravikulam National Park, Kerala, South India
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 53

Madhusoodanan, P.V., Nair, M.C. & Easa, P.S. 2007
Diversity of bryophytes in Eravikulam National Park, Kerala (South India)
In: V. Nath & A.K. Asthana (Eds.) Current Trends in Bryology, pp. 255-267

Madsen, T 2008
[Abstract] Company for Cryptothallus? Liverwort/basidiomycete mycorrhizae and directions for future research
American Bryological and Lichenological Society Abstracts of Contributed Papers 2008: 11

Mägdefrau K 1983
The bryophyte vegetation of the forests and páramos of Venezuela and Colombia
Nova Hedwigia 38: 1-63

Magill, R. E. & Schelpe, E. A. 1979
The bryophytes of southern Africa. An annotated checklist
Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa 43: 1-39
316 spp. in 36 genera. Hornworts included. This is not included in Wigginton 2004

Magnin A, Hétier F 1897
Observations sur la flore du Jura et du Lyonnais, vol. 2
pp. 175-282

Maguire et al. 1948
Plant exploration in Guiana in 1944, chiefly to the Tafelberg and the Kaieteur Plateau I
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 75: 56-115

Magyari, E., P. Sümegi, M. Braun, G. Jakab & M. Molnár. 2001
Retarded wetland succession: anthropogenic and climatic signals in a Holocene peat bog profile from north-east Hungary
Journal of Ecology 89: 1019-1032

Mahabale TS 1941
A long-lost liverwort from South India: Aspiromitus, a rare member of the Anthocerotes
Current Science 10: 530-533

Mahabale TS, Bhate PD 1945
The structure and life-history of Fimbriaria angusta St.
Journal of the University of Bombay 13: 5-15

Maheshwari JK 1969
A new name in Asterella Beauv. (Hepat.)
Taxon 18: 599-600

Maheu J 1926
La flore cavernicole americaine (Grottes de Mammoth-cave et de City-cave, Utat de Kentucky)
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 73: 39-47

Mahevas, T. 2000
Contribution à l'étude de la bryoflore Lorraine
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 21: 247-256

Mahevas, T. & N. Georges 1999
Bryoflore des parois calcaires de Martincourt. 9 Octobre 1999
Willemetia 3(18): 7

Mahu M 1987
Comentario sobre el hallazgo de briofitas de los generos Campylopus y Lepidoziella en la cima del Monte Melbourne, Antarctica
Bolétin Arntártico Chileno 7: 3-4
New: Lepidoziella gen. nov., Lepidoziella varians sp. nov.

Mahu, M. 1994
Corsinia coriandrina et Riccia ciliata subsp. canescens (Hepaticae) nouvelles pour le Chili
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 75: 263-265

Maier, E. 1998
Zur Unterscheidung der beiden mitteleuropäischen Arten Distichium capillaceum (Hedw.) B., S. & G. und Distichium inclinatum (Hedw.) B., S. & G.
Meylania 15: 10-11

Maier, E. 2001
An Stelle einer Buchbesprechung
Meylania 20: 15-16

Maire R 1933
Études sur Flore et Végétation du Sahara Central
Alger 272 pp.

Maire R 1937
Contribution à l'étude de la flore de l'Afrique du Nord fasc. 25
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 28: 332-388

Maire R 1940
Étude sur la flore et la végétation su Sahara Central, 3me partie
In: NN (ed.), Mission Scientifique du Hoggar. Alger p. 407

Maire R, Weiler M 1939
Contributions à l'etude de la Flore de Libye
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 30: 255-314

Maire R, Werner RG 1934
Contribution à la Flore Cryptogamique du Maroc. Fascicule IV
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 25: 40-60

Majestyk, P. 2001
Bryophyte records for Arkansas II
Evansia 18: 63-68

Majestyk, P. 2001
Bryophyte records for Arkansas
Evansia 18: 27-30

Majestyk, P. 2002
Bryophyte records for Arkansas III
Evansia 19: 74-76
Includes five species new to Arkansas: Bryum violaceum, B. subapiculatum, Ephemerum cohaerens, Micromitrium megalosporum, Tortula muralis

Majewski, T. 1996
Rare species, new for the flora of Bialowieza Forest, new to the Polish flora or new to science
In: J. B. Falinski & W. Mulenko (eds.), Cryptogamous plants in the forest communities of Bialowieza National Park. Functional groups analysis and general synthesis. (Project CRYPTO 3). Phytocoenosis; Biuletyn Fitosocjologiczny, n.s. 8: 217-219
Also in series: Archivum Geobotanicum, vol. 6.

Major CJF, Barbey W 1896
Kalymnos. Étude botanique
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 4: 20-39

Maksimov AI, Potemkin AD, Hokkanen TJ, Maksimova TA 2003
Bryophytes of fragmented old-growth spruce forest stands of the north Karelian biosphere reserve and adjacent areas of finland
Arctoa 12: 9-23

Maksimov, A. I. 1998
[Abstract] Briofloristicheskie issledovaniya v Karelii. Problemy Botaniki na Rubezhe XX-XXI Vekov. Abstracts of lecttures from the Russian Botanical Society congress, 26-29 May 1998, St. Petersburg
Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia 2: 136-137
Bryofloristic investigations in Karelia

Maksimov, A. J., Hokkanen, T., Maksimova, T. A. & Potemkin, A. D. 2000
Bryophyte biodiversity of middle taiga old-growth spruce forests of biosphere nature Reserve "North Karelia" (Finland) and nature reserve "Tolvayarvi" (Karelia, Russia)
In: Mikologia i kriptogamnaya botanika v Rossii: traditzii i sovremennost' (Proc. conf. St-Peterbsurg, 24-28 April, 2000), St. Petersburg, Komarov' Bot. Inst. pp. 517-519
The bryoflora includes 89 mosses and 30 liverworts. Some species are cited

Maksimov, A. L., Maksimova, T. A. & Bakalin, V. A. 1998
On the moss flora of the landscape reserve "Tolvojarvi" and the planned National Park "Koitajoki"
In: Kusuetzov, O. L. & V. F. Yodina (eds.) Bioraznoobrazie, dinamika i ohrana bolotnyh ekosistem vostnoj Fennoskandii. Petrozavodsk, Karel'skij nauchnyj tzentr RAN pp. 97-117
The list includes 37 species of liverworts and 137 species of mosses. Distribution species by plant. community are provided (Karelia, European Russia)

Maksimova TA, Potemkin AD, Maksimov AI 2005
[To the liverwort flora of Kivach Reserve (Republic of Karelia)]
In: Afonina OM, Potemkin AD, Czernyadjeva IV (eds.), [Proceedings of the international meeting devoted to the 90-th anniversary of A. L. Abramova]. St. Petersburg pp. 120-126
In Russian with English abstract

Malcolm, B. 2000
Drucella integristipula
New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 60: cover 1-cover 2
Habit illustration on cover 1 and caption on cover 2, including information about Druce

Malcolm, B. 2000
Lepidozia concinna
New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 61: cover 1-cover 2

Malcolm, B. & N. Malcolm 2001
Psiloclada clandestina
New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 63: cover 1-cover 2

Malek, O., K. Lättig, R. Hiesel, A. Brennicke & V. Knoop 1996
RNA editing in bryophytes and a molecular phylogeny of land plants
E.M.B.O. Journal 15: 1403-1411

Malmborg S von 1933
Cryptothallus nov. gen. Ein saprofytisches Lebermoos
Annales Bryologici 6: 122-123

Malme L 1988
Distribution of bryophytes on Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, the Canary Islands
Sommerfeltia 7: 1-54

Maloch F 1936
Rostlinné útvary a spolecnosti susického okresu
Susice 89 pp.

Malta N 1919
Beiträge zur moosflora des gouvernements Pleskau
Riga 78 pp.

Malta N, Strautmanis 1926
Übersicht der Moosflora des Ostbaltischen Gebietes I
Acta Horti Botanici Universitatis Latviensis 1: 115-142

Malysheva, T. V. 1998
[Abstract] Leshaya likheno-briologiya-perspektivnaya vetv' lesnoi geobotaniki. Problemy Botaniki na Rubezhe XX-XXI Vekov. Abstracts of lecttures from the Russian Botanical Society congress, 26-29 May 1998, St. Petersburg
Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia 2: 137
Forest licheno-bryology-prospects as a new branch of forest geobotany

Malysheva, T. V. 2004
Teoreticheskie Voprosy Lesnoi Likheno-Briologii
MAKS Press, Moscow, Russia 28 pp.
In Russian with English "Epilogue;" translation of title: Theoretical issues of forest lichen-bryology

Mamatkulov, U. K., I. O. Baytulin & S. G. Nesterova 1998
Mokhoobraznye Srednei Azii I Kazakstan
232 pp.
Checklist of Central Asian and Kazakstan bryophytes, in Russian

Mamchur ZI 1998
Epiphytic bryophytes of the Lviv town and environs
Ukrajins'kyj Botanicnyj Zhurnal 55: 279-286
In Ukrainian with English abstract

Mamtimin, Sulayman, Jiancheng Zhao & Sophia 1999
A study of the bryoflora of the Kanas Nature Reserve, Xinjiang
Arid Zone Research 16(4): 19-24
In Chinese with English summary

Mamutkulov UK, Vána J, Boboradzhabov B 1978
[Species hepaticarum pro flora Asiae mediae novae]
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 15: 234-236

Manakyan VA 1995
Results of bryological studies in Armenia
Arctoa 5: 15-33

Manakyan, V. A., J. Vanja, J. Duda, & A. L. Abramova 1999
Materials to Hepaticae of Armenia
Flora, Rastitel'nost' i Rastitel'nye Resursy Armyanskoi SSR 12: 17-23
In Russia with Armenian and English abstracts; includes list of Hepaticae of Armenia

Manierre WR 1999
Interesting bryophytes in Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Evansia 16: 68-73

Manierre, W. R. 1999
Bryophytes and lichens of the Huron Mountain Club
Evansia 16: 152-166

Manierre, W. R. 2002
Bryophytes and lichens of the Huron Mountain Club conclusion
Evansia 19: 134-136

Manju, C.N. & Rajesh K.P. (in press)
Notoscyphus pandei Udar & Kumar (Marchantiophyta, Hepaticae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala State, India
Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany

Manju, C.N., K.P. Rajesh and P.V. Madhusoodanan 2008
Checklist of the bryophytes of Kerala, India
Tropical Bryology Research Reports 7
148 taxa of liverworts, 10 taxa of hornworts and 307 taxa of mosses

Manju, C.N., Rajesh, K.P. & Madhusoodanan, P.V. (a)
Contribution to the bryophyte flora of India: the Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary in the Western Ghats
The Bryologist (submitted)

Manju, C.N., Rajesh, K.P. & Madhusoodanan, P.V. (b)
Contribution to the Bryophyte flora of India: Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve in Western Ghats
Taiwania (submitted)

Manju, C.N., Rajesh, K.P. & Madhusoodanan, P.V. (c)
The Genus Chiloscyphus (Geocalycaceae, Marchantiophyta) in the Western Ghats of India
Nordic Journal of Botany (submitted)

Mannheimer C 1999
In: Craven P (ed.), A checklist of Namibian plant species.: Southern African botanical diversity network report pp. 5-10

Manthey, M. 1999
Beiträge zur bryologischen Erforschung Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
Botanischer Rundbriefe für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 33: 149-154

Manville, G. C. 2001
An Annotated Checklist of Liverworts and Hornworts (Hepatics and Anthocerotes) of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Harrisburg, PA xvi + 40 pp.

Manyanga P, Perold SM 2004
A checklist of Zimbabwean bryophytes
Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report 21: 1-20

Manzke W 2005
Zur Verbreitung und Gefährdung von Notothylas orbicularis und Anthoceros neesii im Vogelsberg (Hessen)
Bryologische Rundbriefe 86: 1-3

Manzke, W. 2004
Zur Verbreitung und Bestandssituation von Notothylas orbicularis, Anthoceros neesii, Anthoceros agrestis, Phaeoceros carolinianus und Riccia ciliata auf Stoppelfeldern im Vogelsberg (Hessen)
Hessische Floristische Briefe 53: 53-65

Manzke, W. 2006
Das Kugel-Hornmoos Notothylas orbicularis im Vogelsberg (Hessen): Verbreitung, Ökologie, Gefährdung, Forschungsbedarf
Limprichtia 29: 57-88

Manzke, W. & Wentzel, M. 2003
Zur Verbreitung Ökologie und Gefärdung des Kugelhornmooses Notothylas orbicularis im südlichen Unteren Vogelsberg (Hessen)
Hessische Floristische Briefe 52: 21-39

Maravolo, N. C., Gaal, D. J. & Dufresne, S. J. 1982
On the control of endogenos auxin level in hepatics: transport of 14C-indoleacetic acid in Marchantia polymorpha
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 53: 229-238

Margadant WD, During HJ 1982
Beknopte flora van Nederlandse Blad- en Levermossen
Zutphen: Thieme 517 pp.

Margielewski, W. & N. Kovalyukh. 2003
Neoholocene climatic changes recorded in landslide's peat bog on Mount Cwilin (Beskid Wyspowy Range, Outer Carpathians, south Poland)
Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 37: 59-76

Marhold, K. & Hindák, F. 1998
Checklist of non-vascular plants of Slovakia
VEDA vudavastel'stvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava

Marín Velázquez JA 1982
Aparición de Riella helicophylla en cultivo de barro. Influencia de la salinidad en su desarollo
Collectanea Botanica (Barcelona) 13: 195-200

Marino PC, Salazar Allen N 1993
Tropical epiphyllous hepatic communities growing on two species of shrub in Barro Colorado Island, Panama: the influence of light and microsite
Lindbergia 17: 91-95

Markgraf F 1931
Pflanzen aus Albanien
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Denkschriften 102: 317-360

Marquand CVB 1930
A new species of Exormotheca from South Africa
Kew Bulletin 1930: 237-239

Marquand CVB 1934
Riccia beyrickiana in arctic Europe
Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 72: 59-60

Marschall, M. 1998
Nitrate reductase activity during desiccation and rehydration of the desiccation tolerant moss Tortula ruralis and the leafy liverwort Porella platyphylla
Journal of Bryology 20: 273-285

Marschall, M. & M. C. F. Proctor 1999
Desiccation tolerance and recovery of the leafy liverwort Porella platyphylla (L.) Pfeiff.: chlorophyll-fluorescence measurements
Journal of Bryology 21: 257-262

Marsh AH 1974
The botany and natural history of Middle Springs Swamp
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 88: 129-140

Marstaller R 1998
Bryosoziologische Studien im Naturschutzgebiet Grosser Inselsberg bei Brotterode im Thüringer Wald. 77. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens
Gleditschia 26: 75-103

Marstaller R 1998
Die Moose und Moosgesellschaften des Naturschutzgebietes 10 Buchen bei Zillach, Kreis Schmalkalden-Meiningen. 76. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens
Gleditschia 26: 59-72

Marstaller, R. 2003
Das Schistidietum pruinosi ass. nov. in Thüringen und im sächsischen Vogtland (Deutschland)
Nova Hedwigia 77: 253-267

Marstaller, R. 2004
The bryophytes and bryophyte communities of the nature reserve Forst Bibra near Bad Bibra (district Burgenlandkreis, Sachsen-Anhalt)
Hercynia 37: 45-71

Marstaller, R. 2005
Bryosoziologische Studien im Naturschutzgebiet "Staatsbruch" bei Lehesten (Landkreis Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Frankenwald). 108. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens
Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der heimischen Flora 75: 39-71

Martelli M 1889
Una nuova specie di Riccia
Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiana 1889(2): 290-292

Martens Gv 1870
Kurzia crenacanthoidea, eine neue Alge
Flora 53: 417-418

Mårtensson O 1955
Bryophytes of the Torneträsk area. I. Hepaticae
Kungliga Svenska vetenskapsakademiens avhandlingar i naturskyddsärenden 12: 1-106

Mårtensson O 1962
Mossflora och mossvegetation kring sjön Keddek i Taurejuätnodalen i Lule lappmark
Kungliga Svenska vetenskapsakademiens avhandlingar i naturskyddsärenden 18: 1-71

Martin W 1950
The bryophytes of Stewart Island II
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 78: 485-501

Martin, T. J. 2003
The flora of The Grotto: a volcanic collapse pit on the lower slopes of Onehunga, Auckland
Auckland Botanical Society Journal 58: 122-129
9 bryophytes recorded

Martínez Abaigar, J. & E. Núñez Olivera 2001
?Musgo o moho?
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 18-19: 69-71

Martínez Abaigar, J., E. Núñez Olivera, A. García Álvaro & N. Beaucourt Le Barzic 1999
[Abstract] La nutrición mineral en briófitos acuáticos. Una perspectiva ecofisiológica
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 14: 19-20

Martínez-Abaigar J, Nuñez-Olivera E 1996
The bryological work of Ildefonso Zubia Icazuriaga (1819-1891) in northern Spain
Nova Hedwigia 62: 255-266

Martínez-Abaigar J, Núñez-Olivera E, García-Álvaro A, Beaucourt N 1997
Additions to the bryophyte flora of La Rioja and the Iberian System (Northern Spain)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 18: 47-54

Martinez-Abaigar J, Núñez-Olivera E, Infante M, Heras P 2004
Marsupella sphacelata (Hepatophyta) en La Rioja y Burgos, nueva para el Sistema Ibérico
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 25: 17-23

Martínez-Abaigar, J. 2004
Bryological news from Spain
Bryological Times 112: 7-8

Martínez-Abaigar, J. & E. Núñez-Olivera 1998
Ecophysiology of phytosynthetic pigments in aquatic bryophytes
In: Bates, J. W., N. W. Ashton & J. G. Duckett (eds.)., Bryology for the Twenty-first Century. Maney Publishing and the British Bryological Society, Leeds, U.K. pp. 277-292

Martínez-Abaigar, J., E. Núñez-Olivera & N. Beaucourt 2002
Short-term physiological responses of the aquatic liverwort Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia to KH2PO4 and anoxia
The Bryologist 105: 86-95

Martínez-Abaigar, J., E. Núñez-Olivera, M. Arróniz-Crespo, R. Tomás, N. Beaucourt & S. Otero 2004
[Abstract] Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on aquatic bryophytes from mountain streams
XV IAB World Congress. Abstract Book p. 44

Martínez-Abaigar, J., E. Núñez-Olivera, N. Beaucourt, M. A. García-Álvaro, R. Tomás & M. Arróniz 2003
Different physiological responses of two aquatic bryophytes to enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation
Journal of Bryology 25: 17-30

Martínez-Abaigar,, S Otero, R Tomás & E Núñez-Olivera 2008
High-level phosphate addition does not modify UV effects in two aquatic bryophytes
The Bryologist 111: 444-454

Martínez-Sánchez JJ, Casares-Porcel M, Guerra J, Gutiérrez-Carretero L, Ros RM, Hernández-Bastida J, Cano MJ 1995
A special habitat for bryophytes and lichens in the arids zones of Spain
Lindbergia 19: 116-121

Martínez-Sánchez JJ, Ros RM, Guerra J 1991
Briófitos interesantes de zonas yesiferas del Sudeste árido de España
The Bryologist 94: 16-21

Martius CF 1817
Flora Cryptogamica Erlangensis
Norinbergae: J.L.Schrag 512 pp.

Martius, C. F. P. von 1833
Flora Brasiliensis seu Enumeratio Plantarum
Stuttgart and Tubingen 390 pp.
Vol. 1(1), Algae, Lichenes, Hepaticae, May-Dec 1833

Martynenko, V. B. & B. M. Mirkin 2003
On the formal and informal estimates of floristic diversity: An example of pine forests of the southern Urals
Ekologiya (Moscow) 2003(5): 336-340
In Russian

Maslovskii, O. M. 2002
Ekologo-geograficheskie osobennosti brioflory Belarusi v sisteme brioflor Vostochnoi Evropy i voprosy okhrany mokhoobraznykh
In: Potemkin, A. D. (editor), Problemy Briologii na Rubezhe Vekov. Russian Academy of Sciences, V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia pp. 43-45
On bryology in Belarus

Maslovsky OM 1996
The main directions of conservation of bryophytes in Belarus
In: Söderström L (ed.), Abstracts to Meeting on Bryophyte Conservation in Reading Aug. 1996. Reading

Maspero, I. 2004
To the extreme
Botanics 16: 4-7
Includes color photograph and information on Anastrophyllum joergensenii in Scotland

Massalongo C 1877
Epatiche rare e critiche delle Privincie Venete con alcune considerazioni sopra vari generi delle stesse
Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentino di Scienze Naturali in Padova 5: 157-172

Massalongo C 1878
Hepaticae Italiae Venetae exsiccatae, decades 1-4
Patavii [Padua] 40 pp.

Massalongo C 1878
Hepaticae Italiae Venetae exsiccatae, decades 5-7
Patavii [Padua] pp. 41-70

Massalongo C 1879
Hepaticae Italiae Venetae exsiccatae, decades 8-10
Patavii [Padua] pp. 71-100

Massalongo C 1881
Duae species novae e genere Lejeunia, quas circa Buenos-Ayres legit C. Spegazzini
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 13: 122-124

Massalongo C 1885
Epatiche raccolte alla Tierra del Fuoco del Dott. C. Spegazzini nell' anno 1882
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 17: 201-277
This publication uses multiple level unranked infraspecific names with greek letters and also names in the format var. <beta> xxxx

Massalongo C 1886
Repertorio dell'Epaticologia italica
Annuario del Reale Istituto Botanico di Roma 2: 87-155

Massalongo C 1888
Ozzervazioni critiche sulle specie e varietà di epatiche create dal De Notaris
Annali. Istituto Botanico. Roma 3: 157-169

Massalongo C 1889
Illustrazione di una nuova varietà di Frullania dilatata (L.) Dmrt.
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 21: 518-521

Massalongo C 1889
Nuova species di Lejeunea scoperta dal Dott. C. Rossetti in Toscana
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 21: 485-487

Massalongo C 1895
Le specie italiane del genere Jungermannia
Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentino di Scienze Naturali in Padova, ser. 2 2: 375-432

Massalongo C 1895
Sopra una Marchantiacea da aggiungersi alla Flora europaea
Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiana 1895(6): 154-156

Massalongo C 1897
Hepaticae in provincia Shen-si, Chinae interioris, a Rev. Patre Josepho Giraldo collectae, additis speciebus nonullis in Archipelago Andaman a cl. E. H. Man inventis
Memorie dell'Accademia d'Agricoltura, Commercio ed Arti di Verona 73: 1-63

Massalongo C 1898
Dua novi genera di Epatiche
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 5: 255-260

Massalongo C 1902
Due specie di Scapania nuove per la flora italica
Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiana 7-8: 138-140

Massalongo C 1902
La Specie Italiane del genere Scapania. Monographia
Malpighia 16: 1-898

Massalongo C 1902
Sulla scoperta in Italia del Petalophyllum ralfsii Gott
Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiana 2-3: 37-38

Massalongo C 1903
Le epatiche dell'erbario crittogamico italiano: revisione critica ##Cephalozia notarisiana# cant find the title of journal
Communicazione all'Accademia di Scienze Mediche e Naturali (Ferrara) 7: 1-20

Massalongo C 1904
Apunto intorno alla specie del genere Radula Dmrt.
Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiana 6: 260-262

Massalongo C 1904
Intorno alla "Radula Visiniaca" sp. nov.
Annali di Botanica. Roma 1: 297-300

Massalongo C 1906
Epatiche della Repubblica Argentina raccolte dal Prof. C. Spegazzini
Atti dell'Accademia delle Scienze Mediche e Naturali di Ferrara 80: 1-14

Massalongo C 1906
Intorno al genere Dichiton Mont. ed alla sua presenza nel dominio della Flora italica
Malpighia 20: 456-462

Massalongo C 1907
La specie italiane del genere Cephalozia Dmrt. emend Monographia
Malpighia 21: 289-339

Massalongo C 1908
Le specie italiane del genere Calypogeia Raddi. Monographia
Malpighia 22: 79-94

Massalongo C 1909
La specie italiane del genere Acolea Dmrt. e. Marsupella Dmrt. Monographia
Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 69: 109-150

Massalongo C 1912
Le Jubulaceae della flora italica
Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 71: 1259-1288

Massalongo C 1913
Nuovi rappresentanti nella Flora Italica del genere Riccia
Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiana 1912(2-3): 50-53

Massalongo C 1914
Hepaticae Tripolitanae a R. Pampanini anno 1913 lectae
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 21: 10

Massalongo C 1914
Intorno alla Grimaldia pilosa var. sibirica K. Müll
Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 73: 925-930

Massalongo C 1916
Le "Marchantiacee" della Flora Europea. Monografia
Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 75: 669-817

Massalongo C 1923
Prospetto analitico della Epaticologia italica
Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 83: 135-170

Massalongo C, Carestia A 1879
Epatiche delle Alpi Pennine
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 12: 306-366

Massalongo C, Carestia A 1882
Epatiche delle Alpi Pennine ulteri osservazioni ed aggiunte
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 14: 212-258

Massalongo C, Stephani V 1906
In: Levier E, Muscinee raccolte nello Schen-Si (Cina) dal Rev. Guiseppe Giraldi. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 13: 347-356

Massalongo C. 1879
Hepaticologia Veneta ossia monografia delle Epatice conosciente nelle province Venete
Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentino di Scienze Naturali in Padova 6: 91-158

Massalongo, C. B. 1928
Revisio critica Hepaticarum quas in Republica Argentina Prof. C. Spegazzinius legebat, additis (speciebus) novis
Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 87: 215-251

Masselink AK, Zanten BO van 1976
De bryofyten-flora van de Drentse hunebedden en zwerfkeien I: De hunebeddenflora
Lindbergia 3: 323-331

Massie, H. 2002
Bryophyte walk, November 24, 2001
BotSoc News (Georgia Botanical Society) 76(1): 11

Mast, R. 1999
Vegetationsökologische Untersuchung der Feuchtwald-Gesellschaften im niedersächsischen Bergland. Mit einem Beitrag zur Gliederung der Au-, Bruch- und Moorwälder in Mitteleuropa
Archiv Naturwissenschaftlicher Dissertationen 8: 1-283

Mastracci M, Düll R 1991
Le raccolte dele escursioni del Congresso Internazionale di Briologia, L'Aquila 15-26.7.1991
In: Mastracci M (ed.), Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Briologia (L'Aquila, 15-26 Iuglio 1991). L'Aquila 124 pp.

Masubuchi, M. 1984
Characteristics of heterochromatin in liverworts: Modification of chromatin structure and DNA replication
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 139-145

Masuzaki, H., Tsubota, H., Furuki, T., Dalton, P. J., Seppelt, R. D., T. Yamaguchi & Deguchi, H. 2005
[Abstract] A preliminary phylogenetic study on the Japanese Aneuraceae (Hepaticae)
Journal of Plant Research, suppl. 118: 44

Matcham H 2000
Tropical Bryogical Group: visit to Uganda, 1998
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 74: 55-59

Matcham H 2005
Reports of local meetings. Southern group
Field Bryology, the Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 85: 39-41

Mathieu CMJ 1853
Flore générale du Belgique, vol. 2, Cryptogamie

Matlok, J., Krzakowa, M. & Rudolph, H. 1989
Peroxidase patterns in bryophytes; a critical evaluation
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 67: 407-414

Matouschek F 1900
Bryologische-floristische Mitteilungen aus Österreich-Ungarn, der Schweiz und Bayern
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 50: 219-254

Matouschek F 1901
Bryologische-floristische Mitteilungen aus Österreich, Ungarn, der Schweiz, Montenegro, Bosnien und Hercegowina
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 51: 186-198

Matouschek F 1901
Bryologische-floristisches aus Serbien
Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift für Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie 2: 21-22

Matouschek F 1902
Beiträge zur moosflora von Tirol und Vorarlberg II
Bericht des Naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 27: 3-56

Matouschek F 1905
Bryologische Notizen aus Tirol, Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein. 1. Teil
Hedwigia 44: 19-45

Matsuda, Y. & T. Hada 2000
Establishment process, expansion and reduction of the moors 2 Successional change of the moor communities by means of peat deposits and community change in permanent experimental plots
Bulletin of the Botanical Society of Nagano 33: 1-16
In Japanese

Matsumura J 1904
Index plantarum japonicarum
Tokyo: Maruzen

Matsunaga, T., T. Ishii, S. Matsumoto, M. Higuchi, A. Darvill, P. Albersheim & M. A. O'Neill 2004
Occurrence of the primary cell wall polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan II in pteridophytes, lycophytes, and bryophytes. Implications for the evolution of vascular plants
Plant Physiology 134: 339-351

Matsuo, A. 1982
Selected chemotaxonomic characteristics of liverwort
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 53: 295-304

Matsuura, Y., W. Chai, E. Endoh, J. Suhara, H. Hamada & C. A. Horiuchi 2002
Oxidative cleavage of the C-C bond of 3,6-dialkylcyclohexane-1,2-diones by cell suspension cultures of Marchantia polymorpha
Phytochemistry 61: 669-673

Matteri, C. M. 1985
Current state of Latin American bryology
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 59: 481-486

Matteri, C. M. 1998
La diversidad brilógica (o sobre cómo y por qué proteger los muscogs)
Ciencia Hoy 8(46): 30-36
Semipopular article on conservation

Matthey, W. 1998
Évolution des points d'eau dans la tourbière du Cachot. I. Morphologie et végétation des gouilles
Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise de Sciences Naturelles 121: 111-125

Matthey, W. 2001
Évolution des points d'eau dans la toubière du Cachot (Jura neuch_telois) III. Les creuses des parties Ouest et Sud
Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise de Sciences Naturelles 124: 93-106

Mattila, P. & Koponen T. 1999
Diversity of bryophyte flora and vegetation on rotten wood in rain and montane forests of northeastern Tanzania
Tropical Bryology 16: 139-164

Matveeva NB 1979
Flora i rastitel'nost' okrestnostej bukhty marii prontjishchevoj (Severo-Vostojnyj Tajmyr)
In: Aleksandrova VD, Matveeva NB (eds.), Arktitjeskie tundry i poljarnye Tajmyra. Leningrad: Nauka pp. 78-109

Matveeva NB 1979
Struktura rastitel'nogo pokrova poljarnykh pustyn' polyostrova Tajmyr (mys Tjeljoskin)
In: Aleksandrova VD, Matveeva NB (eds.), Arktitjeskie tundry i poljarnye Tajmyra. Leningrad: Nauka pp. 5-27

Matzek, V. & P. Vitousek 2003
Nitrogen fixation in bryophytes, lichens, and decaying wood along a soil-age gradient in Hawaiian montan rain forest
Biotropica 35: 12-19

Mauquoy, D., M. Blaauw, B. van Geel, A. Borromei, M. Quattrocchio, F. M. Chambers & G. Possnert. 2004
Late Holocene climatic changes in Tierra del Fuego based on multiproxy analyses of peat deposits
Quaternary Research 61: 148-158

Maurer W 1962
Beitrag zur Moosflora von Steiermark. I
Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark 91: 84-86

Maurer W 1962
Neue Beiträge zur Moosflora von Steiermark. I
Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark 92: 73-76

Maurer W 1962
Neue Beiträge zur Moosflora von Steiermark. II
Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark 93: 238-241

Maurer W 1970
Neue Beiträge zur Moosflora von Steiermark, III
Herzogia 1: 447-451

Maurer W 1973
Flechten und Moose aus Kärnten I
Herzogia 3: 23-30

Maurer W 1985
Neue beiträge zur Moosflora von Steiermark IV
Herzogia 7: 299-303

Mayfield MR, Cole MC, Wagner WHJr 1983
Ricciaceae in Michigan
Michigan Botanist 22: 145-150

Mazziari AD 1851
Flora septinsularis
In: Stephanidis, T., 1948. A survey of the freshwater biology of Corfu and of certain other regions of Greece. Praktika ell. 'udrobiol. Inst. 2: 187-201

McAllister F 1916
The morphology of Thallocarpus curtisii
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 43: 117-126

McAllister F 1927
The pyrenoids of Anthoceros and Notothylas with especial reference to their presence in spore mother cells
American Journal of Botany 14: 246-257

McAllister F, Hoglund PY, Whitehouse E 1932
Catalogue of Texas Hepaticae
Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science 15: 39-58

McAllister, F. 1914
The pyrenoids of Anthoceros
American Journal of Botany 1: 79-95

McAvoy, W. A. 1999
The bryoflora of the Great Cypress Swamp Conservation Area, Sussex County, Delaware and Worcester County, Maryland
Maryland Naturalist 43(3-4): 9-17

McAvoy, W. A., Biechele, L. T. & Knapp, W. M. 2006
New records for the leafy liverwort Calypogeia peruviana Nees et Mont. (Calypogeaiaceae) on the Delmarva Peninsula
Evansia 23(1): 19-20

McCance, R. 2001
Bryophyte records
Orkney Field Club Bulletin 2001: 67

McCarthy, P. M. 2003
Catalogue of Australian liverworts and hornworts
Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21: 1-137
Page 114 contains typifications for seven Fossombronia spp. by D.C.Cargill

McCarthy, P. M. 2006
Checklist of Australian liverworts and hornworts
Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. Version 6 April 2000

McCleary JA 1960
Notes on the Hepaticae of Arizona
The Bryologist 64: 380-383

McCune, B., R. Rosentreter, J. M. Ponzetti & D. C. Shaw 2000
Epiphyte habitats in an old conifer forest in western Washington, USA
The Bryologist 103: 417-427

McCutcheon, D., Simpson, G. & Birtle, M. 2000
Records from the meeting at Muckle Moss, 12 July 1997
Vasculum 85(2): 16-20
Includes list of 21 mosses and 6 hepatics

McDaniel, S. F. & N. G. Miller 2000
Winter dispersal of bryophyte fragments in the Adirondack Mountains, New York
The Bryologist 103: 592-600

McDermott, C. 1998
The potential and protection of archaeological sites from peatlands
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 189-196

McFarlin JB 1940
A preliminary list of Florida hepatics
Proceedings of the Florida Academy of Sciences 5: 308-340

McGee, G. G. & R. W. Kimmerer 2002
Forest age and management effects on epiphytic bryophyte communities in Adirondack northern hardwood forests, New York, USA
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 1562-1576

McGee, G. G. & R. W. Kimmerer 2004
Size of Acer saccharum hosts does not influence growth of mature bryophyte gametophytes in Adirondack northern hardwood forests
The Bryologist 107: 302-311

McGregor RL 1952
Riccia rhenana Lorbeer in Kansas
The Bryologist 55: 129-130

McGregor RL 1960
A new species of Riccia from the Ozarks
The Bryologist 63: 30-31

McGregor RL, Menkhausen B 1962
Riccia albida, a valid species
The Bryologist 64: 71-74

McGregor, R. L. 1955
Taxonomy and Ecology of Kansas Hepaticae
University of Kansas Science Bulletin 37: 55-141

McIntosh, T. & Miles, W. 2005
Comments on rare and interesting bryophytes in Garry oak ecosystems, British Columbia, Canada
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 97: 263-270

McIntosh, T. T. 1997
The biogeography of the bryophytes of the semi-arid steppe of south-central British Columbia, Canada
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 82: 157-169

McIntosh, T. T. 2003
An Assessment of Lichen and Bryophyte Biodiversity and Biological Soil Crust Community Relationships in the Hanford Reach National Monument
The Nature Conservancy of Washington, Seattle, WA v + 54 pp.

McIntosh, T. T. 2004
[Abstract] Bryophyte and lichen biodiversity research at the Hanford Reach National Monument, Richland, Washington. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 38

McIntosh, T. T. & W. Miles 2004
[Abstract] Conservation implications of the study of rare and unusual bryophytes of Garry oak ecosystems of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 25

McKee, A.-M., A. J. Bleasdale & M. S. Skeffington 1998
The effects of different grazing pressures on the above-ground biomass of vegetation in the Connemara Uplands
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 177-187

McKenna, P. 1998
Towards a conservation strategy for the bogs of Ireland
In: O'Leary, G. & F. Gormley (eds.), Towards a Conservation Strategy for the Bogs of Ireland: Proceedings of the Peatlands 2000 Conference held on the 14th November 1997 Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Dublin pp. 1-2

McKnight BN 1985
Notes on the Illinois bryophyte flora I
Evansia 2: 36-38

McKnight BN 1987
The bryophytes of Illinois: an annotated and indexed bibliography and checklist
Ill. Nat. Hist. Biol. Notes, Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. 127: 1-47

McLean, A. & Meagher, D. 2001
A New Zealand hepatic in Victoria
Victorian Naturalist 118: 92

McLetchie, D. N. 1999
Dormancy/nondormancy cycles in spores of the liverwort Sphaerocarpos texanus
The Bryologist 10: 15-21

McLetchie, D. N. 2000
[Abstract] Sex-specific life histories and population sex ratios in the dioecious liverwort Marchantia inflexa
American Journal of Botany 87(6): 45

McLetchie, D. N. 2001
Sex-specific germination response in the liverwort Sphaerocarpos texanus (Sphaerocarpaceae)
The Bryologist 104: 69-71

McLetchie, D. N. & A. L. Collins 2001 [2002]
Identification of DNA regions specific to the X and Y chromosomes in Sphaerocarpos texanus
The Bryologist 104: 543-547

McLetchie, D. N., G. García-Ramos & P. H. Crowley 2001
[Abstract] A model of local sex-ratio dynamics and spore production in the dioecious liverwort Marchantia inflexa. Botany 2001: Plants and People. Abstracts
Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM pp. 9-10

McLetchie, N. 2004
[Abstract] An integrative approach to understand patterns and consequences of sexual dimorphisms in clonal plants. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 23

McLetchie, N. & M. Puterbaugh 1999
[Abstract] Sex-specific clonal traits and tradeoffs among these traits [in Marchantia]
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 560

McMillan, M. A. & D. W. Larson 2002
Effects of rock climbing on the vegetation of the Niagara Escarpment in southern Ontario, Canada
Conservation Biology 16: 389-398

McMullen, J. A., K. E. Barber & B. Johnson 2004
A paleoecological perspective of vegetation succession on raised bog microforms
Ecological Monographs 74: 45-77

McNeilus VE, Sharp AJ 1975
Preissia quadrata in Tennessee
The Bryologist 78: 222

McQueen 1986
Checklist of Vermont liverworts
Evansia 3: 26

McQueen, C. B. 1992
The Bryophytes of Vermont
Evansia 9: 65-88

McVean DN 1969
Alpine vegetation of the Central Snowy Mountains of New South Wales
Journal of Ecology 57: 67-86

Mead, B. R. 2000
Phytomass in southwest Alaska
Research Paper, Pacific Northwest Research Station PNW-RP-523: i-viii + 164 pp.

Meagher D 2002
Cyathodium cavernarum Kunze in Western Australia
Hikobia 13: 633-636

Meagher D 2002
New bryophyte records for Australia
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 46: 6
New: Bazzania fasciculata (Stephani)

Meagher D 2003
Bryophyte notes
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 47: 5-6
Notes on Bazzania, Lepicolea, Radula, Frullania, Leptostomum and Achrophyllum

Meagher D 2003
Bryophyte records
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 48: 8-10

Meagher D 2005
New and interesting bryophyte records from New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 50: 6-9

Meagher D 2006
Bazzania scalaris sp. nov. (Marchantiophyta: Lepidoziaceae) from Papua New Guinea
Telopea 11: 246-251
New: Bazzania scalaris sp. nov.

Meagher D 2006
Studies on Victorian Bryophytes 2. The genus Bazzania Gray
Victorian Naturalist 123: 41-46

Meagher D, Glenny D 2007
A new species of Bazzania (Lepidoziaceae) from New Zealand
Journal of Bryology 29: 60-63
New: B. okaritana sp. nov.

Meagher D, Scott GAM 1998
Additions to the bryophyte flora of Wilsons Promontory
Victorian Naturalist 115: 325-330

Meagher, D 2008
'New Holland' is not necessarily Australia
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 55: 13
New Holland has also been used for the early Dutch colony near Recife, Brazil

Meagher, D 2008
Bryological miscellanies from MELU
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 55: 9-10
Lepidozia digitata new to Australia; Andreaea acuminata and Dicranoloma trichopodum new to mainland Australia; Plagiochila pleurata new to Victoria; Bazzania gibba new to New Guinea

Meagher, D 2008
Sesquipedalia verba bryologicae
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 55: 13-14
On long names for bryophytes

Meagher, D. 1999
Research News: A preliminary survey of bryophytes on Flinders Island, Tasmania
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 41: 7-8
Includes a list of bryophytes from the Island

Meagher, D. 2005
Bazzania sauropoda D. Meagher (Marchantiophyta: Lepidoziaceae), a new species from tropical Queensland
Austrobaileya 7: 129-133
New: Bazzania sauropoda

Meagher, D. 2006
New and interesting bryophyte records from Australia and New Zealand
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 52

Meagher, D. 2007
Bryological miscellanies from MELU
Australasian Bryological Newsletter 54: 10-12
New to Australia: Bazzania parisii, Cephaloziella kiaeri, Plagiochila monspiris and Verdoornia succulenta; 3 new state records

Meagher, D. 2008
Studies on Bazzania 1. Some new and little known species from Australasia
Nova Hedwigia 86: 477-495

Medina AL 1994
Lichens and Bryophytes of the Rochelle Hills, Campbell county, Wyoming
Evansia 11: 121-130

Medina, R. 2006
Nuevas citas provinciales de briófitos epífitos de sabinares Ibéricos
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 28: 57-60

Medina, R., B. Albertos, F. Lara & V. Mazimpaka 2003
[Abstract] Briófitos epífitos del sabinar de Lozoya del Valle (Madrid)
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 22-23: 32-33

Meenks JLD, Pócs T 1985
East African Bryophytes. IX. Aneuraceae
Abstracta Botanica (Budapest) 9: 79-98
Meenks 1987 recommends this for synonyms

Meenks JLD, van der Steen BJ, Kliphuis E 1987
Studies on colombian cryptogams XXXIV. Chromosomes studies in tropical andean Aneuraceae
Abstracta Botanica (Budapest) 11: 71-80

Meenks, J. L. D. 1986
Riccardia reyesiana, a new liverwort from Cuba
Acta Botanica Hungarica 32: 207-208

Meenks, J. L. D. 1987
Studies on Colombian cryptogams. XXVIII. A guide to the tropical Andean species of Riccardia (Hepaticae)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 62: 161-182

Meenks, J. L. D. & C. de Jong 1985
Light microscope studies on the oil-bodies of Andean Aneuraceae (Hepaticae)
Cryptogamie: Bryologie, Lichénologie 6: 1-24

Meerts, P. & A. Sotiaux 2001
Sphaerocarpos michelii, Sphaerocarpos texanus et Tortula lanceola (Bryophyta), retrouvés à Bruxelles
Dumortiera 78: 28-29

Mehra PN 1959
Cytological investigations of some Marchantiales of western Himalayas and Penjab Plain
Proceedings of the IX International Botanical Congress. Montréal 2: 259

Mehra PN, Pathania RS 1960
Chromosome numbers in some Western Himalayan acrogynous Jungermanniales
The Bryologist 62: 242-247

Mehra PN, Sokhi JK 1973
Embryology of Cyathodium flabellatum Mehra
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 17-53

Mehra, P. N. 1976
Regeneration in Fossombronia himalayensis Kash. and Sewardiella tuberifera Kash.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 40: 521-532

Mehra, P. N. 1977 [1978]
Cytology of some Indian dioecious and monoecious hepatics
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 43: 137-156

Mehra, P. N. & Kachroo, P. 1962
Sporeling germination studies in Anthocerotales
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 25: 145-153

Mehra, P. N. & Kumar, D. 1990
Some observations on the embryology of Calobryum indicum
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 68: 239-253

Mehra, P. N. & O. N. Handoo 1953
Morphology of Anthoceros erectus and A. himalayensis and the phylogeny of the Anthocerotales
Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Chicago 114: 371-382

Mehra, P. N. & Pahwa, M. S. 1976
Phenotypic variations in Fossombronia himalayensis Kash. In vitro - effect of sugars, auxins, growth substances and growth inhibitors
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 40: 371-395

Mehra, P. N. & Pental, D. 1976
Induction of apospory, callus, and correlated morphogenetic studies in Athalamia pusilla Kash.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 40: 151-183

Mehra, P. N. & Sokhi, J. K. 1976
Observations on the spermatozoids of some Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from India
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 359-376

Mehra, P. N. & Sokhi, J. K. 1977 [1978]
Embryolegy of Cryptomitrium himalayense Kash.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 43: 157-190

Meiijer W 1956
A new species of Exormotheca from Ceylon
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 16: 72-74

Meijer W 1945
Notes on some Malaysian species of Anthoceros L. (Hepaticae) - I
Reinwardtia 2: 411-423

Meijer W 1954
Collecting bryophytes in Borneo
The Bryologist 57: 261-272

Meijer W 1957
Notes on some Malaysian species of Anthoceros L. (Hepaticae) - II
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 18: 1-13

Meijer W 1958
Notes on species of Riccia from the Malaysian region
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 20: 107-118

Meijer W 1960
Notes on the species of Bazzania (Hepaticae) mainly of Java
Blumea 10: 367-384

Meijer, W. 1959
Notes on species of Riccardia from their type localities in western Java
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 21: 61-78

Meijer, W. 1959
On some south-east Asiatic species of the genus Plectocolea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 21: 53-60

Meijer, W. 2000
[Abstract] Aims and prospects for the global biodiversity studies of bryophytes, hornworts and lichens
American Journal of Botany 87(6): 11

Meinunger L 1975
Kleiner Beitrag zur Moosflora Bulgariens
Herzogia 3: 209-212

Meinunger L 1984
Verbreitungskarten einiger ausgewähhlter Moose im Gebiet der DDR
In: Vána J (ed.), Proceedings of the third meeting of the bryologists from Central and East Europe. Praha: Univerzita Karlova pp. 143-166

Meinunger L 1992
Florenatlas der Moose und Gefässpflanzen des Thuringer Waldes, der Rhön und angrenzender Gebiete. Kartenteil
Haussknechtia Beiheft 3: 1-423

Meinunger L 1993
Rote Liste der Moose (Bryophyta) Thüringens
Naturschutzreport 5: 153-164

Meinunger L 1995
Rote Liste der Moose des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 18: 50-60

Meinunger L, Grolle R, Hattori S, Hilbig W, Huneck S 1991
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moosflora der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. III
Feddes Repertorium 102: 657-660

Meinunger L, Schröder W 1996
Bemerkenswerte Moosfunde in Deutschland
Bryolgische Mitteilungen 1: 39-44

Meinunger, L. 2001 [2002]
Vorläuflige Bemerkungen zu Lophozia groenlandica (Nees) Macoun und nächstverwandte Arten in Deutschland
Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg 134: 169-176

Meinunger, L. & H. Köckinger 2002
Herbertus sendtneri (Nees) Lindb.
Limprichtia 20: 31-46

Meinunger, L. & W. Schröder 2007
Verbreitungsatlas der Moose Deutschlands
Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Germany. 3 vols. 1: 1-636; 2: 1-699; 3: 1-709
Band 1 is anthocerotes, hepatics and Sphagnum; Band 2 is acrocarps Andreaeaceae to Splachnaceae; Band 3 is Schistostegaceae to Hypnaceae

Meissner CF 1848
Hepaticae Javanicae a Zollingero collectae
Botanische Zeitung. Berlin 6: 462-463

Meissner K, Frahm JP, Stech M, Frey W 1998
Molecular divergence patterns and infrageneric relationship of Monoclea (Monocleales, Hepaticae) - Studies in austral temperate rain forest bryophytes 1
Nova Hedwigia 67: 289-302

Melching, S. & W. A. König 1999
Sesquiterpenes from the essential oil of the liverwort Conocephalum conicum
Phytochemistry 51: 517-523

Melching, S., U. Warmers, W. A. König & H. Muhle 1999
Two aromadendrane type alcohols from the liverwort Conocephalum conicum
Phytochemistry 51: 277-280

Melick HM van 1974
De moosflora van een oude kleigroeve te Venlo
Lindbergia 2: 118-121

Melick HM van 1978
Einige notities over de mosvegetatie van een braakliggende akker in Eindhoven
Lindbergia 4: 307-309

Melick HM van 1984
Jungermannia caespiticia Lindenb. op een mosrijk braakliggend terrein bij Eindhoven
Lindbergia 9: 192-194

Melick HM van 1987
De mosflora van greppels rond Eindhoven
Lindbergia 12: 158-162

Melick HM van 1989
De mosflora van Boswachterij Leende
Lindbergia 14: 196-204

Melick HM van 1991
De Nederlandse Riccia's
Wetenschappelijke Mededeling KNNV 203: 1-62

Melick HM van 1998
Bazzania flaccida (Dum.) Grolle (=B. denudata auct.) nieuw voor de Belgische mosflora
Dumortiera 72: 8-11

Melick HM van, Kersten J 1999
Tritomaria quinquedentata (Huds.) Buch new to The Netherlands
Lindbergia 24: 93-95
In 1998 Tritomaria quinquedentata (Huds.) Buch was found for the first time in The Netherlands. The nearest known stations of this mainly circumboreal arctic-alpine species are in the Belgian Ardennes and German Eifel. The morphology and ecology of the Dutch population are briefly described

Melick HM van, Nieuwkoop JAW 1997
Nardia insecta Lindb. new to The Netherlands
Lindbergia 21: 89-91

Melick, H. M. H. van 2007
Atlas van de Mosflora van Eindhoven: Floristische Inventarisatie van Blad-, Lever- en Hauwmossen in Zuidoost-Brabant,
KNNV afdeling Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands. 400 pp.

Melliss JC 1875
St. Helena. A physical, historical and topographical description of the island, including its geology, fauna, flora and meteorology #pages TL2.5815
London 426 pp.

Mello, Z.R., Lourenço, G.A. & Yano, O. 2001
Briófitas do Orquidario Municipal de Santos, São Paulo, Brasil
In: Anais I Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisas Ambientais, Santos, SP (CDCBPA 2001). pp. 92-94

Memtimin S, Zhao J-C 1996
Some new records of bryophytes in Tianshan Mts. and their geographical distributions
Arid Zone Research 13: 32-35

Mendes EJ 1948
Notas criptogâmicas. II. Hepáticas-1
Broteria: Ciencias Naturais 17: 97-109

Mendes EJ 1950
Notas criptogâmicas IV. Hepáticas -. Algumas hepáticas interessantes da Serra do Ferês
Agronomia Lusitana 12: 223-228

Mendes EJ 1951
Multiplicação aposporótica em Riccinia perennis (St.) Douin & Trabut
Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias Naturais 3: 126-127

Menzel, M. 1984
Katalog der Lebermoose von Peru
Willdenowia 14: 473-523

Menzel, M. 1988
Annotated catalogue of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Borneo
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 65: 145-206

Mérat de Vaumartise FV 1821
Nuovelle flore des environs de Paris, ed. 2, vol. 1 Cryptogamie
Paris 292 pp.

Mérat de Vaumartise FV 1836
Nuovelle flore des environs de Paris, ed. 4, vol. 1 Cryptogamie
Paris 489 pp.

Merrifield, K. 2000 [2001]
Bryophytes on isolated Quercus garryana trunks in urban and agricultural settings in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
The Bryologist 103: 720-724

Merrill GLS 1993
Contributions to the bryophyte flora of the Lake Erie Islands
Evansia 10: 114-120

Merrill, E. D. 1914
An enmeration of plants of Guam
Philippine Journal of Biology 9: 17-155

Merrill, G. L. 1991
Bryophytes of Konza Prairie Research Natural Area, Kansas
The Bryologist 94(4): 383-391

Merwin MC, Gradstein SR, Nadkarni NM 2001
Epiphytic bryophyte of Monteverde, Costa Rica
Tropical Bryology 20: 63-70

Messe V 1981
Pellia borealis Lorbeer en Belgique
Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 114: 3-14
Possibly Belgian Journal of Botany 114: 3-14

Meyen FJF 1843
Observationes botanicas initinere circum terram institutas
Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum, suppl. 19 1: 1-512

Meyen J 1839
Beiträge zur Bildungsgeschichte verschiedener Pflanzentheile
Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und Wissenschaftliche Medicin 1839: 255-279

Meyer FK, Grolle R 1963
Eine neue Frullania-Art aus Albanien
Feddes Repertorium 68: 101-107

Meyer FK, Grolle R 1969
Lebermoose aus Albanien, Bulgarien und dem Kaukasus
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Thüringen. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 17: 363-367

Meylan C 1901
Catalogue des hépatiques du Jura
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 1: 615-632

Meylan C 1906
Catalogue des hépatiques su Jura (Premier supplément)
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 6: 489-503

Meylan C 1908
Recherches sur le Calypogeia trichomanis Corda et les formes affines
Revue Bryologique 35: 67-74

Meylan C 1909
Recherches sur le Calypogeia trichomanis Corda et les formes affines (suite)
Revue Bryologique 36: 53-58

Meylan C 1910
Contribussions à la bryologie jurassienne
Revue Bryologique 37: 77-81

Meylan C 1924
Les Hépatiques de la Suisse
Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz 6(4): 1-318

Meylan C 1926
Note sur une nouvelle espèce de Scapania
Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubündens 64: 363-366

Meylan C 1933
Premier supplément à la flore des hépatiques de la suisse (In Amann J, Flore des mousses de la Suisse III. Révision et additions
Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz 7: 158-172

Meylan C 1939
Localités nouvelles pour la flore des muscinées de la Suisse
Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 60: 261-276

Meylan C 1940
Contribution à la connaisence de la flore bryologique de l'Islande
Bull. soc. bot. Suisse 50: 475-499

Miano D 1905
Anomalie di sviluppo dei ricettacoli femminili di Lunularia vulgaris Mich.
Malpighia 19: 311-315

Michaux A 1803
Flora Boreali-Americana 2
Paris 340 pp.

Michel, J.-C., L.-M. Riviere & M.-N. Bellon-Fontaine 1999
Effects of water content on the wettability of peats
Ecologie 30: 13-17

Micheletti L 1909
Briofite sicule
Bolletino della Società Botanica Italiana 1909(8): 212-216

Michimori M 2007
[Radula fauriana Steph. newly found in Kinki District, central Japan, and a description of its oil bodies]
Bryological Research 9: 146-147

Michimori, M. 2005
Liverworts of Rakutsu (center of Kyoto city)
Nature Study (Osaka) 51(1): 1-2
Entirely in Japanese

Mickiewicz J 1959
Mszaki Uroczyska Ceranów - Bryophytes des complexes forestiers de Ceranów
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 5: 299-314

Mickiewicz J 1960
Materialy do flory mszaków Podlasia. Dolina Bugu na odcinku Mielnik-Nur - Materiaux concernant la flore bryophytique de Podlasie. La vallée du Bug entre Mielnik et Nur
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 6: 417-425

Mickiewicz J 1960
Materialy do flory mszaków Podlasia. Uroczysko Sterd_n w powiecie Sokolów Podlaski - Materiaux concernant la flore bryophytique de Podlasie. Complexes forestiers de Sterd_n, district Sokolów Podlaski
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 6: 407-416

Mickiewicz J 1966
Materialy do flory mszaków Mazowsza z powiatów: Wolomin, Minsk Masowiecki, Wyszakow - Materiaux concernant la flore bryophytique de Mazowsze, rassemblés dans les districts: Woilomin, Minsk Mazowwicki, Wyszków
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 12: 15-23

Mickiewicz J, Rejment Grochowska I, Sobotka D 1963
Materialy do flory mszaków Suwalszczyzny. Czesc II - Floristic investigations of the bryophyte flora of the Suwalki region. Part II
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 9: 257-274

Middleton, P. & J. Lunn 2001
Bryophytes and lichens of colliery spoil heaps in Yorkshire
The Naturalist 126: 151-156

Miehe, G. & S. Miehe 1994
Ericaceous Forest and Heathlands in the Bale Mountains of South Ethiopia. Ecology and Man's Impact
Stiftung Walderhaltung in Afrika und Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg
New: Lasiodontium nom. nud., Lasiodontium mieheanum nom. nud

Mierzenska, M. 2001
Genetic Diversity and Taxonomy of Bryophytes - International Conference (Poznan, Poland, 11-12 October 2000)
Wiadomosci Botaniczne 45: 84-85
In Polish

Mierzenska, M. 2001
New locality of the rare liverwort Pallavicinia lyellii (Hepaticae, Metzgeriales) in Poland
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 8: 293-295
In Polish with English summary

Mierzenska, M. 2001
The materials for the geographical distribution of liverworts (Hepaticae) in Poland. 1 Liverworts of the Magura National Park
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 8: 257-261
In Polish with English abstract and summary

Mierzenska, M. 2001
[Abstract] Liverworts of the Bieszczady National Park - A present state
Biological Bulletin of Poznan 38: 218

Mierzenska, M. 2002
New locality of rare liverwort Haplomitrium hookeri (Hepaticae, Calobryales) in Poland
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 9: 389-391
In Polish with English abstract

Mierzenska, M. & A. Koczur 2002
The materials for the geographical distribution of liverworts (Hepaticae) in Poland. 3 Liverworts of the raised-bogs of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 9: 345-349
In Polish with English abstract

Mierzenska, M. & B. Drewniok 2000
Watrobowce (Hepaticae) Doliny Bialej Wiselki (Beskid Slaski, Karpaty Zachodnie)
Polish Botanical Journal 7: 305-332
In Polish with English abstract and summary

Mierzenska, M. & R. Zubel 2001
The materials for the geographical distribution of liverworts (Hepaticae) in Poland. 2 Liverworts of the Olchowski Stream (Slonne Mts, Lower Bieszczady Mts)
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 8: 263-266
In Polish with English abstract and summary

Mies B 1994
Checkliste der Gefäßpflantzen, Moose und Flechten und botanische Bibliographie der Insel Sokotra und des Sokotrinischen Archipels (Jemen, Indischer Ozean)
Seckenbergiana Biologica 74: 213-258

Migula W 1904
Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Deutsch-Österreich und der Schweiz. Band I. Moose
Gera, R.: Friedrich von Zezschwitz 512 pp.

Mihai G 1983
Lista hepaticelor din Republica Socialista Romania
Analele Stiintifice ale Univeritat "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi, ser. II 29: 31-34

Mikulásková E, Berka T, Holá E, Kosnar J, Kubesová 2003 S, Marková I, Mudrová R, Musil Z 2007
Mechorosty zaznamenané v pr_b_hu 20. podzimního setkání bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v NP _umava [Bryophytes recorded suring the 20th autumn meeting of the bryological and lichenological section in the _umava National Park (Bohemian Forest)]
Bryonora 40: 14-27

Milde J 1859
Über der genus Nothothylas Sullivant
Botanische Zeitung. Berlin 17: 33-40
Possibly also pages 41-47, 49-55

Millar, K., B. J. Crandall-Stotler & J. Ferreira 2004
[Abstract] Antimicrobial properties of three liverworts: Radula obconica, Blasia pusilla, and Pallavicinia lyellii. Botany 2004: Abstracts Scientific Meeting
Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, Utah p. 43

Miller HA 1953
Notes on Hawaiian hepaticae: Frullaniaceae
The Bryologist 56: 40-48

Miller HA 1956
Cryptogams of Kapingamarangi Atoll, Carolina Islands. I. Bryophyta
The Bryologist 59: 167-173

Miller HA 1963
Notes on Hawaiian Hepaticae. V. Collections from recent Swedish expeditions - Ark. Bot., ser. 2 5: 489-531.
Arkiv för Botanik utgivet av K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, n.s. 5: 489-531

Miller HA 1965
A review of Herberta in the tropical Pacific and Asia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 28: 299-412

Miller HA 1968
Bryophyta of Guam and northern Micronesia
Micronesica 4: 49-83

Miller HA 1968
Herberta notes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 247-250

Miller HA 1970
Some circum-pacific Schistochilaceae
Phytologia 20: 315-323

Miller HA 1985
Pacific Bryophytes: 2. Arachniopsis in southern Melanesia
Phytologia 27: 91-94

Miller HA 1986
Pacific Bryophytes 3. An overview of Telaranea, Hepatophyta
Journal of Bryology 14: 231-244

Miller HA 1992
Field guide to Florida mosses and liverworts
Orlando: Univ. of Central Florida 221 pp.

Miller HA, Inoue H 1966
Jensenia macrogyna, a New Philippine Hepatic
American Journal of Botany 53: 708-711

Miller HA, Scott GAM 1960
On the identity of Herberta sakuraii
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 29: 26-29

Miller HA, Shushan S 1964
The 1962 foray in Oregon of the American Bryological Society
The Bryologist 34: 60-72

Miller NG 1966
Noteworthy Hepaticae from New York State
The Bryologist 69: 115-118

Miller NG 2002
Aneura maxima (Hepatiace: Aneuraceae) in Maine, USA
Rhodora 104: 77-82

Miller, D. H. & H. A. Miller 1999
[Abstract] Bryophytes of the Alabama Black Belt
Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 70: 3
Identical abstract on p. 4.

Miller, D. H. & Miller, H. A. 1994
A new Mastigophora (Hepatophyta) from New Guinea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 75: 179-182

Miller, D. H., H. A. Miller, S. Jones & P. Sparkman 2000
[Abstract] Black Belt mosses and liverworts
Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 71: 9

Miller, D. H., H. A. Miller, S. Jones & P. Sparkman 2000
[Abstract] Bryophytes of the Alabama Black Belt chalklands
American Journal of Botany 87(6): 11-12

Miller, H. 1990
Bryophyte floras of tropical pacific islands
Tropical Bryology 2: 167-176

Miller, H. A. 1960
A preliminary list of Micronesian bryophytes
The Bryologist 63: 116-125

Miller, H. A. 1964
Liverworts of Ohio
Ohio Journal of Science 64: 177-184

Miller, H. A. 1967
Oddments of Hawaiian bryology
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 30: 271-276

Miller, H. A. 1968
Hepaticae from Truk, Caroline Islands
Micronesica 4: 239-254

Miller, H. A. 1981
Notulae hepaticarum polynesiae
Phytologia 47: 319-324

Miller, H. A., C.E.B. Bonner & H. Bischler 1962
Stidies in Lejeuneaceae V. Microlejeunea in Pacific Oceania
Nova Hedwigia 4: 551-561

Miller, H. A., Whittier, H. O. & Bonner, C. E. B. 1963
Bryoflora of the atolls of Micronesia
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 11: 1-92

Miller, H. A., Whittier, H. O. & Whittier, B. A. 1983
Prodromus florae hepaticarum Polynesiae. Catalogue of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 25: 1-423

Miller, N. G. 1976
Quaternary fossil bryophytes in North America: A synopsis of the record and some phytogeographic implications
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 73-85

Miller, N. G. 1980
Quaternary fossil bryophytes in North America: Catalog and annotated bibliography
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 47: 1-34

Miller, N. G. 1999
Pleurocladula albescens in the Late-Pleistocene of Vermont, USA, and on the rarity of Hepaticae in glacial sediments
Haussknechtia Beiheft 9: 251-257

Miller, N. G. 2001
Recent bryological studies of Adirondack Mountain alpine summits
Newsletter of the Friends of the Farlow 38: 1-3

Miller, N. G. 2004
Additions to the liverwort flora of Connecticut
Evansia 21: 141-144

Miller, N. G. & S. F. McDaniel 2004
Bryophyte dispersal inferred from colonization of an introduced substratum on Whiteface Mountain, New York
American Journal of Botany 91: 1173-1182

Miller, N. G., Fryday, A. M. & Hinds, J. W. 2005
Bryophytes and lichens of a calcium-rich spring seep isolated on the granitic terrain of Mt. Katahdin, Maine, USA
Rhodora 107: 339-358

Miller, N.G 2008
The bryoflora of Martha's Vineyard
In: Keith, A.R and S.A Spongberg, editors. Island Life: A Catalog of the Biodiversity on and around Martha's Vineyard. The authors. Chilmark, MA. pp. 149-158

Milliken, W. & Ratter, J.A. 1989
In: The vegetation of the Ilha de Maracá, Edinburgh, Royal Botanic Garden pp. 286-287

Mills, S. E. & S. E. Macdonald 2004
Predictors of moss and liverwort species diversity of microsites in conifer-dominated boreal forest
Journal of Vegetation Science 15: 189-198

Mills, S. E., S. E. MacDonald & D. H. Vitt 2000
[Abstract] Patterns of bryophyte species diversity at three scales in conifer dominated boreal forest stands
American Journal of Botany 87(6): 12

Millspaugh CF 1892
Flora of West Virginia
West Virgina Agricultural Experiment Station Bull. 24(II): 12

Millspaugh CF 1913
The living flora of West Virginia
West Virgina Geological Survey 5A

Millspaugh CF, Nuttall LW 1896
Flora of West Virginia
Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Botanical series 1(2)

Milne, J. & S. Louwhoff 1999
Vertical distribution of bryophytes and lichens on a myrtle beech, Nothofagus cunninghamii (Hook.) Oerst.
Hikobia 13: 23-30

Minà Palumbo F 1893
Bibliografia sucula di Scienze Naturali
Naturalista Siciliano 12: 9-12

Minami Y, Monzai M, Nashimoto MO, Kitsu S 1997
[Distributional manner of epiphytic bryophytes in some forest types of the subalpine coniferous forest in Mt. Fuji]
Bryological Research 7: 8-15

Minami, Y., S. Okitsu, H. Kanda, V. Ya. Cherdantseva & S. Yu. Grishin 2001
Occurrence of bryophytes on Paramushir Island, northern Kuriles, Far East Russia
Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research Special Issue 54: 487-493

Minayeva, T., Gunin, P., Sirin, A., Dorofeyuk, N., Bayasgalan, D., Bazha, S., Smagin, V., Tsedendash, G., Zoyo, D., Yu. Drobyshev, A. Prischepa, N. Slemnev & Ch. Dugardjav 2005
Peatlands of Mongolia: first study results. Ecosystems of Mongolia and Frontier Areas of Adjacent Countries: Natural Resources, Biodiversity and Ecological Prospects
Bembi San, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia pp. 28-33
In Russian with English abstract

Miquel FAG 1867
Prolusio Florae Iaponicae
Amsterdam: Vander Post

Miserere L, Buffa G 2001
Contributo alla Conoscenza della vegetazione delle sorgenti calcaree in valle d'Aosta
Braun-Blanquetia 31: 27-32

Miserere, L., G. Buffa & R. Piervittori 1995
Contributo alla conoscenza briologica della valle di Champorcher (Aosta)
Informatore Botanico Italiano 27(1): 135-143

Mishler BD, Miller NG 1983
Distributional studies of Massachusetts bryophytes
Rhodora 85: 421-431

Mishler, B. 2004
[Abstract] Phylogeny of the land plants: the role of morphology, DNA sequences, and comparative genomics
In: Gradstein, S. R., J. Heinrichs & R. Wilson (organisers), Bryophylogeny 2004 10-12 September. Second International Symposium on In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes. Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Göttingen, Germany p. 3

Mishler, B. D. 1999
Bryophyte and fern studies in the Bryolab at the University and Jepson Herbaria
Jepson Globe 10(3): 1, 4-5

Mishler, B. D. 1999
[Abstract] Deep green: recent results on phylogenetic relationships of the green plants and their evolutionary significance
XVI International Botanical Congress - Publisher not given, St. Louis p. 13

Mishler, B. D. 2003 [2004]
The biology of bryophytes, with special reference to water
Fremontia 31(3): 34-38

Mishler, B. D., A. Driskell & D. Kelch 2003
[Abstract] Getting to the bottom of the land plants: genomic characters vs. DNA sequence data, and compartmentalization vs. global analyses
In: Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes: Progress, Problems and Perspectives p. 7
B. Goffinet & R. Magill (Organizers). St. Louis, Missouri

Mishler, B.D, D.H Norris and J.R Shevock 2008
[Abstract] California and its endemics with an emphasis on bryophytes
American Bryological and Lichenological Society Abstracts of Contributed Papers 2008: 12-13

Mishra, M., V. Nath & A. K. Asthana 2002
[Abstract] A study on some bryophytes of Lucknow
In: Srivastava, R., V. Nath, D. Wahal, A. K. Asthana & N. K. Saxena (eds.), Abstracts. World Conference of Bryology. January 23-30, 2002, Lucknow, India: WCB 2002. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India p. 81

Mitchell ME 1999
Early observations on the flora of southwest Ireland. Selected letters of Ellen Hutchins and Dawson Turner 1807-1814
Occasional Papers from the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 12: 1-124

Mitchell ME 2000
The Irish floras: a checklist of non-serial publications
Glasra, n.s. 4: 47-57

Mitchell, G. & W. Arthur 1998
Population interactions in primary succession: an example of contramensalism involving rock-colonizing bryophytes
Lindbergia 23(2): 81
Facilitation of later-arriving species by early colonists is one of several mechanisms that together drive the directional changes in species composition observed in primary succession. However, the other 'half' of this interaction - the effect of the facilitated species on its benefactor - is often unclear. If this effect is inhibitory, then the overall interaction is contramensalism (+, -). An example of a contramensal interaction is given. This involves the overgrowth of a complex taxonomic assemblage of several 'pioneer' bryophyte species by the liverwort Conocephalum conicum. The former facilitates the latter, as judged by a very highly significant enhancement of C. conicum's growth rate; while C. conicum inhibits (indeed kills) the overgrown pioneer assemblage. The mechanism underlying the facilitatory component of this interaction is not yet clear, but may involve elevation of microclimatic humidity. In contrast, the mechanism of inhibition is readily apparent: tissue death due to virtually complete blockage of light penetration. The directness of the link between small-scale localized interspecific interactions (such as this) and broad-scale community successional change depends on many factors, including the degree of physical disturbance

Mitchell, J. C. 1977
Philosophy of small contact dermatitis from lichens, liverworts, Compositae species and sesquiterpene lactones
Compositae Newsletter 4: 1-4

Mitchell, J. C., W. B. Schofield, T. Singh & G. H. N. Towers 1969
Allergy to Frullania, allergic contact dermatitis occurring in forest workers caused by exposure to Frullania nisqualensis
Archives of Dermatology 100: 46-49

Mitchell, R.J., A.-M Truscott M. A. Sutton, J. N. Cape & I. D. Leith 2004
Growth and tissue nitrogen of epiphytic atlantic bryophytes: effects of increased and decreased atmospheric N deposition
Functional Ecology 18: 322-329

Mitten W 1851
Catalogue of cryptogamic plants collected by Professor W. Jameson in the vicinity of Quito
Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Gardens Miscellany 3: 351-361

Mitten W 1854
pp. 125-160

Mitten W 1855
pp. 161-172

Mitten W 1856
A list of musci and hepaticae collected in Victoria, Australia, by Dr F. Mueller
Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Gardens Miscellany 0: 8

Mitten W 1859
pp. 221-241

Mitten W 1860
Hepaticae Indiae Orientalis; an enumeration of the species of the Hepaticae of East Indies
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 5: 89-108

Mitten W 1860
On some new species of mosses and hepaticae in the herbarium of sir W. J. Hooker, collected in tropical Africa, chiefly by the late Dr. Vogel and Mr. Barger
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 23: 51-58

Mitten W 1861
Hepaticae Indiea Orientalis: An enumeration of the Hepaticae of the East Indies
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany 5: 109-128

Mitten W 1861
Musci et hepaticae Vitiensis
Bonplandia 9: 365-367

Mitten W 1862
Musci et Hepaticae Vitiensis
Bonplandia 10: 19

Mitten W 1863
On the Musci and Hepaticae from the Cameroun mountains and from the River Niger
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany 7: 147-169

Mitten W 1864
A new genus of Hepaticae
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany 7: 243-244
Adelanthus gen. nov.

Mitten W 1865
Contributions to the cryptogamic flora of the Atlantic Islands
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 8: 1-10

Mitten W 1865
On some species of Musci and Hepaticae, additional to the flora of Japan and the coast of China
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 8: 148-158

Mitten W 1865
The "Bryologia" of the survey of the 48th parallel of latitude
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 8: 12-55

Mitten W 1867
pp. 497-549

Mitten W 1870
pp. 228-328

Mitten W 1873
Jungermanniae and Marchantiae
pp. 325-453

Mitten W 1875
In: Meliss JC (ed.), St. Helena. London: Reeve 373 pp.

Mitten W 1876
The Musci and Hepaticae collected by H. N. Moseley, M. A., naturalist to H. M. S. 'Challenger'
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 15: 59-73

Mitten W 1877
A list of Musci and Hepaticae collected in Kerguelen's Island by the Rev. A. E. Eaton
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 15: 193-197

Mitten W 1877
List of Hepaticae collected by the Rev. A. E. Eaton at the Cape of good Hope (August and September 1874)
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 16: 187-197

Mitten W 1878
Mosses and Jungermanniae
In: Nares GS (ed.), Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6, vol. II. London pp. 313-319

Mitten W 1879
In: Enumeration of the Plants Hitherto Collected in Kerguelen Island by the "Antarctic," "Challenger," and "British Transit of Venus" Expeditions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 168: 40-45

Mitten W 1879
In: The Collections of Rodriguez. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 168: 396-401

Mitten W 1884
pp. 229-232

Mitten W 1884
Musci et Hepaticae
In: Hemsley W (ed.), Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Botany. London pp. 92-93

Mitten W 1885
Musci et Hepaticae
pp. 84-89

Mitten W 1886
Some new species of the genus Metzgeria
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 22: 241-243

Mitten W 1886
The Mosses and Hepaticae collected in Central Africa by the late Right Rev. James Hannington, Bishop of Mombasa, F. L. S., F. G. S. etc., with some others, including those gathered by Mr. J. H. Johnston on Kilimanjaro
Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 22: 298-329

Mitten W 1891
An Enumeration of all species of Musci and Hepaticae recorded from Japan
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Botany 3: 153-206

Miwa, H., J. Suhara, N. Kitagawa & N. Murakami 2003
Biosystematic study of Japanese Conocephalum japonicum (Hepaticae) based on rbcL sequence and allozyme data
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 54: 37-48

Miwa, Hidetsugu, Tsai-Wen Hsu, Xiao Cheng, Jumpei Suhara & Npriaki Murakami 2004
Molecular systematic study of Asian Conocephalum japanicum (Hepaticae)
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 55: 9-18

Miyake K 1899
Makinoa, a new genus of Hepaticae
Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 13: 21

Miyake K 1899
Makinoa, eine neue Gattung der Lebermoose aus Japan
Hedwigia 38: 201-203

Miyamura, S., S. Matsunaga & T. Hori 2002
High-speed video microscopical analysis of the flagellar movement of Marchantia polymorpha sperm
Bryological Research 8: 79-83
In Japanese with English abstract

Miyata, M., T. Furuki, T. Fukiharu & H. Harada 2002
Outline of Natural history of plants and fungi of the Boso Peninsula - marine algae, bryophytes, macrofungi, and lichens (1989-2001)
Journal of the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba Special Issue 5: 1-7

Miyazaki, T. & K. Satake 1985
In situ measurements of uptake of inorganic carbon and nitrogen by the aquatic liverworts Jungermannia vulcanicola Steph. and Scapania undulata (L.) Dum. in an acid stream, Kashiranashigawa, Japan
Hydrobiologia 124: 29-34

Mizutani M 1961
A revision of Japanese Lejeuneaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 24: 115-302

Mizutani M 1962
A supplement to "A revision of Japanese Lejeuneaceae"
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 2: 169-170

Mizutani M 1963
On some Indian species of the family Lejeuneaceae described by W. Mitten
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 26: 171-184

Mizutani M 1964
A small collection of hepatics from Caroline Islands
Journal of Japanese Botany 39: 159-160

Mizutani M 1964
A small collection of New Caledonian hepatics
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 27: 131-132

Mizutani M 1964
Studies of little known Asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 1. On some little known southeast Asiatic species of the family Lejeuneaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 27: 139-148

Mizutani M 1966
Epiphyllous species of Lejeuneaceae from Sabah (North Borneo)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 29: 153-170

Mizutani M 1966
On the bryophyte communities of the forest floor of Mt. Kirishima, Mt. Funakoshi and Chichibu-Ochigawa Valley
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 29: 96-100

Mizutani M 1966
Supplement to "Revision of Japanese Lejeuneaceae". II
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 29: 290-293

Mizutani M 1967
Studies of little known asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 3. On some little known species of Cheilolejeunea, Euosmolejeunea and Pycnolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 30: 171-180

Mizutani M 1968
Studies of little known Asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 4. Phaeolejeunea, a new genus of Lejeuneaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 130-134

Mizutani M 1968
Studies of little known Asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 5. On some flagelliform species of Lepidozia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 152-158

Mizutani M 1968
Studies of little known Asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 6. On som interesting tropical species of Lepidozia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 176-188

Mizutani M 1969
Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae from Sabah (North Borneo)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 32: 129-139

Mizutani M 1970
Lejeuneaceae, subfamilies Lejeuneoideae and Cololejeuneoideae, from Sabah (North Borneo)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 33: 225-265

Mizutani M 1971
On some Japanese species of Lejeunea
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 5: 177-180

Mizutani M 1972
Studies of little known Asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 7. Some little known species of the subfamily Lejeuneoideae of the Lejeuneaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 35: 399-411

Mizutani M 1973
The genus Harpalejeunea from Sabah (North Borneo)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 37: 191-203

Mizutani M 1974
Lepidoziaceae, subfamily Lepidozioideae from Sabah (North Borneo)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 38: 371-385

Mizutani M 1975
Epiphyllous species of Lejeuneaceae from the Philippines
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 39: 255-262

Mizutani M 1976
Lepidoziaceae, subfamily Lepidozioideae from the Philippines
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 40: 447-451

Mizutani M 1976
Studies of little known Asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 9. Some little known species of the family Lejeuneaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 40: 441-446
Grolle recommends it for synonyms of Lejeunea cuculliflora

Mizutani M 1978
Lejeuneaceae from the Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands of Ryukyu Archipelago
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 44: 121-136

Mizutani M 1978
Lejeuneaceae from the Philippines
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 43: 127-136

Mizutani M 1979
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 1. Some Asiatic species of the genus Lopholejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 375-387

Mizutani M 1979
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 2. Some peculiar Asiatic species in the Rijksherbarium, Leiden
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 357-372

Mizutani M 1982
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 6. Japanese species of the genus Cheilolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 51: 151-173

Mizutani M 1985
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 10. Some Asiatic species of the genus Lopholejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 59: 469-480

Mizutani M 1986
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 11. Cololejeunea spinosa and its related species in Japan
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 60: 439-450

Mizutani M 1987
Lejeuneaceae from Papua New Guinea collected by Dr. H. Inoue
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 62: 361-366

Mizutani M 1987
Lejeuneaceae from Seram Island, Indonesia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 61: 299-308

Mizutani M 1987
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 12. Mastigolejeunea humilis and its related species from Asia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 61: 281-297

Mizutani M 1987
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 13. Some Asiatic species of the genus Thysananthus
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 63: 411-419

Mizutani M 1988
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 14. Asiatic species of the genus Caudalejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 389-399

Mizutani M 1990
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 16. Drepanolejeunea thwaitesiana and its related species from Asia
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 68: 367-380

Mizutani M 1992
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 17. Lejeunea curviloba and its related species from Japan
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 71: 123-132
So & Zhu 1998 recommends it for synonyms

Mizutani M 1993
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 18. Japanese species of the genus Archilejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 73: 175-182

Mizutani M 1994
On Lopholejeunea subfusca and L. nigricans
Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 6: 116-118

Mizutani M 1994
The second species of Japanese Nowellia
Hikobia 11: 469-470

Mizutani M 1996
Re-examination of so-called Drepanolejeunea japonica and D. foliicola
Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 6: 176-179

Mizutani M 1998
[A re-examination of Japanese Cololejeunea macounii (Underw.) Evans]
Bryological Research 7: 161-163

Mizutani M 1998
[Japanese species of Pallavicinia]
Bryological Research 7: 181-183

Mizutani M 2001
Re-examination of Bazzania fauriana and its two allied species
Bryological Research 7: 388-391
In Japanese with English specimen citations

Mizutani M, Amakawa T, Kitagawa N, Furuki T, Yamada K, Higuchi M 1995
Hepatics from Nepal collected by the botanical expedition of the National Science Museum, Tokyo in 1988. 1. Jungermanniales
Cryptogams of the Himalaya 3 (Nepal and Pakistan) pp. 127-141

Mizutani M, Chang KC 1986
A preliminary study of Chinese Lepidoziaceae flora
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 60: 419-437

Mizutani M, Hattori S 1957
An etude on the systematics of Japanese Riccardias
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 18: 27-64

Mizutani M, Hattori S 1969
Checklist of Japanese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 5: 33-43
Incl. Ryukyu, Bonin and Volcano Is.

Mizutani M, Piippo S 1987
Some species of Lejeuneaceae from New Guinea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 61: 477-485

Mizutani, M. 1958
On the bryophytic communities of the alpine and subalpine forest floor of the Ontake Mountain
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 20: 289-294

Mizutani, M. 1959
On the bryophyte communities of the subalpine coniferous forest floor of the Yatsu Mountain, middle Japan
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 21: 204-213

Mizutani, M. 1962
On the bryophyte communities of the coniferous forest floor of Aokigahara, the Fuji Mountain, middle Japan
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 25: 253-262

Mizutani, M. 1965
Studies of little known Asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 2. On some little known southeast Asiatic species of the genus Cololejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 28: 107-121

Mizutani, M. 1967
Studies of the Himalayan species of Bazzania
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 30: 71-90

Mizutani, M. 1971
Lejeunea from the Himalayan region
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 34: 445-457

Mizutani, M. 1972 [1973]
Studies of little known Asiatic species of Hepaticae in the Stephani Herbarium. 8. Some little known species of the subfamily Lejeuneoideae of the Lejeuneaceae
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 157-162

Mizutani, M. 1977
Lejeunea magohukui Mizut., sp. nov.
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 7: 132-134

Mizutani, M. 1979
Hepatics from central Nepal collected by the Kochi Himalaya Expedition, 1976
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 385-392
>50 spp. Hornworts not included

Mizutani, M. 1979
Hepatics from eastern Nepal collected by Himalayan Expedition of Chiba University in 1977
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 311-325
>150 spp. Hornworts not included

Mizutani, M. 1980
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 3. Some Asiatic species of the genus Cheilolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 47: 319-331

Mizutani, M. 1980
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 4. Asiatic species of the genus Dicranolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 48: 235-42

Mizutani, M. 1980
On Cheilolejeunea ontakensis
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 8: 146-149

Mizutani, M. 1981
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 5. Some Asiatic species of the genus Ceratolejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 49: 305-318

Mizutani, M. 1981
On Lopholejeunea zollingeri
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 9: 16-17

Mizutani, M. 1982
Colura from Isl. Amami-Ôshima
Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica 9: 131-132
Pócs recommends it for Colura

Mizutani, M. 1984
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 7. Calatholejeunea paradoxa, C. lamii (sp. nov.) and Plagiolejeunea zantenii (gen. et sp. nov.)
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 331-338

Mizutani, M. 1984
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 8. Japanese species of the subgenus Taeniolejeunea of the genus Cololejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 57: 153-170

Mizutani, M. 1984
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 9. Cololejeunea lanciloba and its related species in Japan
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 57: 427-442

Mizutani, M. 1989
Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 15. Three species of the genus Trocholejeunea
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 66: 271-281

Mizutani, M. 1996
On Aphanolejeunea angustiloba
Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 6: 244-246

Mizutani, M. 1998
Distribution of bryophytes in China
Shida to Koke 15: 18-19
In Japanese

Mizutani, M. 2000
Polymorphism of Bazzania tridens in Japan
Bryological Research 7: 323-327
Entirely in Japanese

Mizutani, M. 2002
Variation of Cheilolejeunea imbricata in Japanese specimens
Bryological Research 8: 89-91
In Japanese

Mizutani, M. 2003
Notes on Lepidozia vitrea and L. fauriana
Bryological Research 8: 196-197
In Japanese

Mizutani, M. & Hattori, S. 1976
Hepaticae Japonicae Exsiccatae, ser. 1-20. Alphabetical list of species
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 40: 327-353

Mizutani, M. & Yamada, K. 2004
Notes on Calypogeia tosana var. septentrionalis (Hepaticae) described by Hattori, Sinske from Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan
Bryological Research 8: 271
C. tosana var. septentrionalis synonymized with C. angusta

Mizutani, M., Furuki, T., Yamada, K. & Higuchi, M. 1994
Hepatics from Pakistan collected by the botanical expedition of the National Science Museum, Tokyo in 1990
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Series B, Botany 20: 143-150

Mizutani, M., M. Hayashi & K. Yamada 1999
A new locality of Plagiochila shangaica Steph. in Japan
Bryological Research 7: 269-270
In Japanese

Moen, J. & B. G. Jonsson 2003
Edge effects on liverworts and lichens in forest patches in a mosaic of boreal forest and wetland
Conservation Biology 17: 380-388

Mogensen GS 1973
Nye fund af Riccia glauca L. i Danmark
Lindbergia 1: 261

Mogensen GS, Brassard G, R 1978
Fossombronia alaskana found in Greenland
The Bryologist 81: 155

Mogensen GS, Damsholt K 1982
The Nordic Bryological Society's excursion 1979
Lindbergia 7: 142-144

Mohamed, H., Thai, Y. K., Damanhuri, A. & Latiff, Q. A. 2005
Moss diversity of Langkawi Islands, Peninsular Malaysia
Malayan Nature Journal 57: 243-254
Pogonatum camusii and Anthoceros formosae new to Peninsular Malaysia

Mohan G 1971
Catalogul briofitelor
Muzeul de stiintele Naturii Ploesti 1971: 3-27

Mohan G 1984
Buçaresti: Universitatea din Bucaresti, Gradina Botanica 643 pp.

Mohan G 1996
Briofite din Muntii Codru-Moma
Lucrarile Gradinii Botanice din Bucaresti (Acta Botanica Horti Bucurestiensis) 1994-1995: 47-54

Mohan G 1998
Catalogul briofitelor din România
Lucrarile Gradinii Botanice din Bucaresti (Acta Botanica Horti Bucurestiensis) 1998: 1-432

Mohr C 1901
Plant life of Alabama
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 6: 1-921

Molenaar JGde 1968
Bryophytes collected during a Dutch Botanical East Greenland Expedition to the Angmagssalik area in 1966
Acta Botanica Neerlandica 17: 340-344

Molero J, Sáez L, Villar L 1998
Interés florístico y geobotánico de la Sierra de Alcubierre (Monegros, Aragón)
Acta Botanica Barcinonensia 45: 363-390

Molisch H 1926
Pflanzenbiologie in Japan, auf Grund eigener Beobachtungen
Stuttgart, Jena, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag 270 pp.

Möller H 1907
Ett par upplysningar angående den snart utkommande förteckningen öfver Skandinaviens mossor
Botaniska Notiser 1907: 141-145

Möller H 1907
Förteckning öfver Skandinaviens växter 2. Mossor
Lund: Lunds Botaniska Förening 64 pp.

Möller H 1926
Löfmossornas utbredning i Sverige. X. Mniaceae
Arkiv för Botanik utgivet av K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien 21(1): 1-196

Molnár, I., S. Orbán, T. Pócs, A. Sass-Gyarmati, E. Lehodzki & S. Dulai 2003
Photosynthetic responses of Mastigophora diclados (Brid. ex Web.) Nees ecotypes to excess light in consequence of their microhabitats in Reunion Island: a fluorescence induction study
Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Sectio Biologiae 24: 215-233

Mondal, A. K. 2007
A reinvestigation into the taxonomic status of Riccia himalayensis and Riccia discolor based on scanning electron microscopic and chemotaxonomical studies
Nordic Journal of Botany 25: 190-193
They are two distinct species chemotaxonomically

Mondal, A. K., S. Mondal & S. Mandal 1999
Biochemical analysis of twelve eastern Himalayan species of Riccia (Mich.) L.
Phytomorphology 49: 267-276

Monegro, A. L. I. Sastre De Jesús & L. Aquiles Reynoso 2007
Musgos (Bryopsida) y hepáticas (Marchantiopsida) en el Jardín Botánico Nacional, Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso, República Dominicana
Moscosoa 15: 218-227

Monge-Najera, J. & Blanco, M. A. 1995
The influence of leaf characteristics on epiphyllic cover: a test of hypotheses with artificial leaves
Tropical Bryology 11: 5-10

Mönkemeyer W 1911
Die Moose von Bornholm
Hedwigia 50: 333-349

Montagne C 1849
Sixieme centurie de plantes cellulaires nouvelles
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 3 11: 33-64

Montagne JFC 1835
Enumeration des Mousses et des Hepatiques recueillies par M. Leprieur dans la Guiane centrale, et description de plusieurs nouvelles especes de ces deux familles
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 3: 193-219

Montagne JFC 1835
Prodromus florae fernandesianae. I. Sistens enumerationem plantarum cellularium quas in insula Juan fernades a cl. Bertero collectas
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 2 4: 86-99

Montagne JFC 1838
Centurie I. de plantes cellulaires exotiques nouvelles (suite)
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 9: 38-57

Montagne JFC 1838
Cryptogames algériennes
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 10: 334-335

Montagne JFC 1838
Des organes males du genre Targionia decouverts sur un espece nouvelle du Chili
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 2 9: 100-114

Montagne JFC 1839
Cryptogamae Brasilienses seu Plantae cellulares, quas in itinere per Brasiliam a celeb. Auguste de Sainte-Hilaire collectas, recensuit observationibusque nonnullis illustravit
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 12: 42-55

Montagne JFC 1839
Sertum Patagonicum
pp. 1-119

Montagne JFC 1840
Plantae Cellulares
In: Webb, P. B. & Berthelot, S., Histoire Naturelle des Îles Canaries 3: 1-67

Montagne JFC 1840
Seconde centurie de plantes cellulaires exotiques nouvelles. Decades VI, VII et VIII
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 14: 321-350

Montagne JFC 1841
Seconde centurie de plantes cellulaires exotiques nouvelles. Decades IX
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 16: 110-112

Montagne JFC 1842
Botanique. Plantes Cellulaires
In: de la Sagra, Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'Île de Cuba, Botanique, Plantes Cellulaire pp. 427-492
late 1842; Spanish version published 1845; IPNI has the title Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'Ile de Cuba par M. Ramon de la Sagra... Botanique. Plantes Cellulaires, par Camille Montagne. Paris

Montagne JFC 1842
Cryptogamae Nilgheriensis seu plantarum cellularium in montibus peninsulae Indicae Neel-Gherries dictis a Cl. Perrottet Collectarum enumeratio
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 18: 12-23

Montagne JFC 1843
Quatrieme centurie de plantes cellularium exotiques nouvelles. Decades I-VI
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 2 20: 294-306

Montagne JFC 1843
Troisieme centurie de plantes cellulaires exotiques nouvelles
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 2 19: 241-282

Montagne JFC 1844
Diagnoses Muscorum quorundam Javanicorum
London Journal of Botany 3: 632-634

Montagne JFC 1845
Cinquieme Centurie de plantes cellulaires exotiques nouvelles. Decades I a VI, VII a X
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 4: 86-123

Montagne JFC 1845
In: Gaudichaud C (ed.), Voyage autor du monde execute pendant les annees 1836 et 1837 sur la corvette la Bonite commandee par M. Vaillant.. Paris pp. 205-566

Montagne JFC 1845
Plantes cellulaires
Gide & Cie: 349 pp.

Montagne JFC 1846
Cryptogames cellulaires et vasculaires
pp. 1-355

Montagne JFC 1848
Sixième centurie de plantes cellulaires exotiques nouvelles, décades I. et II - 2
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 10: 106-136

Montagne JFC 1849
Sixième centurie de plantes cellulaires exotiques nouvelles, tant indigenes qu'exotique. Décades III a VI(1)
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 11: 33-66

Montagne JFC 1850
Plantes cellulares
pp. 1-515

Montagne JFC 1852
Cryptogame Nilgheriensis
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 17: 213-256

Montagne JFC 1853
Plantas cellulares
pp. 202-327

Montagne JFC 1855
Cryptogamia Guayensis
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 8: 311-329

Montagne JFC 1856
Huitieme centurie de plantes cellulaires nouvelles tant indigenes qu'exotiques, decades I a III
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 6: 179-199

Montagne JFC 1856
Septieme centurie de plantesx cellulaires exotique nouvelles
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 5: 331-374

Montagne JFC 1856
Sylloge generum specierumque cryptogamrum quas in varii operibus descriptas iconibusque illustratas, nunc ad diagnosum reductas, non nullasque novas interjectas ordine systematico disposuit
Paris 498 pp.

Montagne JFC 1860
Florula gorgonea
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 4 14: 210-225

Montagne, J. P. F. C. 1839
Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale ... Botanique
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 2 12
The page numbers do not seem to match between the journal and the separate publication

Montford, D. & Ek, R.C. 1990
Vertical distribution and ecology of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in a lowland rain forest in French Guiana
Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Utrecht

Moore D 1876
On Irish Hepaticae
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, ser. 2 2: 591-672

Moore, P. D. 2002
The future of cool temperate bogs
Environmental Conservation 29: 3-20

Morales MI 1982
Musgos de Costa Rica: nuevos registros
Brenesia 19-20: 231-239

Morales MI 1991
Las Hepáticas comunicadas para Costa Rica
Tropical Bryology 4: 25-57
426 spp. Hornworts not included

Morales MI, Griffin D 1983
Briófitos del Parque Nacional Volcán Poás, Costa Rica
Revista de Biología Tropical 31: 113-123

Morales MI, Lücking A 1995
Aphanolejeunea winkleri Morales & Lücking, a new species of Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae, Cololejeuneoideae) from Costa Rica
Nova Hedwigia 60: 119-124

Morales P., M. E. & M. Gómez Bernal 2002
[Abstract] El herbario UPTC, Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 86

Morales P., M. E., M. Medina, M. Merchán, P. Díaz Pita, W. R. Alvaro, M. Lagos López, F. Sáenz Jiménez, G. Azucena Velandia, A. M. Zipa-R. & E. J. Ruiz-S. 2002
[Abstract] Colecciones de briofitos y líquenes del Herbario UPTC, Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia
In: Rangel Ch., J. O., J. Aguirre C. & M. G. Andrade C. (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica/II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, División Bibliotecas, Bototá, Colombia p. 80

Morales T, García M, Avendaño N 2007
Especies venezolanas de hepaticas (Marchantiophyta) pertenecientes al Herbario Nacional de Venezuela (VEN)
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28: 41-77

Morales Z., M. I. 1992
La identidad de Aphanolejeunea heterophylla Schuster
Tropical Bryology 6: 133-138

Morales Z., M. I. 2003
Las briófitas: musgos y hepáticas de Costa Rica. La Bbiodiversidad
In: Rafael Acuña-Mesén (Ed.), Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica pp. 49-56

Morales Z., M. I. & Dauphin, G. 1998
A new species of Cololejeunea (Lejeuneaceae: Cololejeuneoideae) from Panamá
Tropical Bryology 14: 133-136
New: Cololejeunea tixieri hom. illeg. - later replaced by Cololejeunea dauphinii

Morales Z., M. I. & Gradstein, S. R. 1995
Diplasiolejeunea involuta Winkler, una especie poco conocida
Tropical Bryology 10: 75-80

Mordvinov AN 1994
The bryoflora of Zhigulyovsky Reserve
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 79: 65-71

Mordvinov AN, Blagoveshchenskyi IV 1995
[The bryoflora of Ulyanovsk Province]
Ulyanovsk: Ross. Akad. Nauk & al. 88 pp.

Moreira Vital, D. & Bononi, V. L. R. 2006
Briófitas sobre tumbas em cemitérios da região metropolitana de São Paulo, SP
Hoehnea 33: 143-145
17 mosses and 4 hepatics reported from gravestones

Moreira Vital, D. & Prado, J. 2006
Moss and liverwort epiphytes on trunks of Cyathea delgadii in a fragment of tropical rain forest, São Paulo State, Brazil
Tropical Bryology 27: 51-54
Ceratolejeunea dentacornuta new to Brazil

Moreira Vital, D. & Pursell, R. A. 1992
New or otherwise interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 71: 119-122

Moreira Vital, D. & Visnadi, S. R. 1994
New Records and Notes on Brazilian Hepaticopsida
The Bryologist 97: 71-72

Moreira Vital, D., Giancotti, C. & Pursell, R. A. 1991
The bryoflora of Fernando de Noronha, Brasil
Tropical Bryology 4: 23-24
5 spp. Hornworts included

Moreno Sáiz, J. C. 1999
Hacia una lista roja española de plantas amenazas
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 15: 19-21

Moreno, E. J. 1992
Aproximación al conocimiento de las briofitas de Venezuela
Tropical Bryology 6: 147-156
This is not a checklist but the article contains useful references

Moreno, E. J. 1992
Revisión histórica de la briología en Venezuela
Tropical Bryology 6: 139-146

Morgan EC, Sperling JA 2006
Changes in the bryophyte flora of Cunningham Park and Alley Pond Park, Queens County, Long Island, New York city
Evansia 23: 56-60

Morgan, E. C. & Sperling, J. A. 2005
The Bryophyte Flora of the Cranberry Bog Preserve, Suffolk County, NY, With Notes on their Distribution
Evansia 22(2): 78-84

Morgan, E. C., J. A. Sperling & J. Borysiewicz 2008
The bryophytes of Bartlett Arboretum Forest, Stamford, Connecticut including a comparison to other local floras
Evansia 25: 8-11

Moris JH 1828
Stirpium Sardoarum elenchus, fasc. 2
Torino 2 pp.

Moris JH 1829
Stirpium sardoarum Elenchus. Fasc. III
: Taurini

Moris JH, De Notaris G 1839
Florula Caprariae
Torino 244 pp.

Morrison AW 1938
Lejeuneae known from Tennessee
The Bryologist 41: 113-118

Moscal, A., & J. B. Kirkpatrick 1997
Atlas of mosses and liverworts in Tasmania
Hobart: Tasmanian Conservation Trust

Moss EH 1953
Forest communities in northwestern Alberta
Canadian Journal of Botany 31: 212-252

Moss EH, Turner GH 1961
Bryophytes from the Edmonton region, Alberta
Canadian Journal of Botany 39: 1177-1193

Mosseichik, Y.V, M.S Ignatov & I.A Ignatiev 2007 [2008]
A bryophyte-like plant from the Lower Carboniferous of the Moscow Coal Basin
Arctoa 16: 99-122
New: Mstikhinia duranteae gen. & spec. nov.

Motley G, Bosanquet S, Graham J 2003
Summer field meeting 2002, Camarthenshire
Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 80: 7-16

Motley GS, Bosanquet SDS 2004
Petalophyllum ralfsii inland in Carmartenshire (and in a plant pot in Monmouthshire!)
Field Bryology, the Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 83: 15-17

Motley GS, Bosanquet SDS 2005
A fairly predictable locus for Cephalozia pleniceps in South Wales
Field Bryology, the Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 85: 6-7

Motley GS, Bosanquet SDS 2005
Recent bryophyte records from water bodies in south Wales
Field Bryology, the Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 87: 2-5

Mott, J. B. & D. F. Strauss 2001
Recent bryophyte records (1999-2000), including one genus new to the British Isles and seven new to Norfolk
Tran sactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist's Society 34: 88-93

Mougeot JB, Nestler CG, Schimper WP 1812
Stirpes Cryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae; quas in Rheni Superioris Ingeriorisque nec non Vogesorum praefecteris collegerunt, fasc. 3
Bruyere: Vivot pp. 201-300

Mougeot JB, Nestler CG, Schimper WP 1818
Stirpes Cryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae; quas in Rheni Superioris Ingeriorisque nec non Vogesorum praefecteris collegerunt, fasc. 6
Bruyere: Vivot pp. 501-600

Mougeot JB, Nestler CG, Schimper WP 1833
Stirpes Cryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae; quas in Rheni Superioris Ingeriorisque nec non Vogesorum praefecteris collegerunt, fasc. 10
Vivot pp. 901-1000

Mougeot JB, Nestler CG, Schimper WP 1843
Stirpes Cryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae; quas in Rheni Superioris Ingeriorisque nec non Vogesorum praefecteris collegerunt, fasc. 12
Vivot pp. 1001-1200

Mougeot JB, Nestler CG, Schimper WP 1860
Stirpes Cryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae; quas in Rheni Superioris Ingeriorisque nec non Vogesorum praefecteris collegerunt, fasc. 15
Vivot pp. 1401-1500

Mougeot, Jean Baptiste, Nestler, Chrétian Géofroy, Schimper, Wilhelm Philipp, Mougeot, (Joseph) Antoine, Roumeguere, Casimir 1810-1890
Stirpes Cryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae; quas in Rheni Superioris Ingeriorisque Nec Non Vogesorum Praefectieris Collegerunt
Stirpes Cryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae
Fasc. 1-16. Numbers 1-1600. 1810-1890; Fasc. 1. 1-100. 1810; Fasc. 2. 101-200. 1811; Fasc. 3. 201-300. 1812; Fasc. 4. 301-400. 1813; Fasc. 5. 401-500. 1815 [1816]; Fasc. 6. 501-600. 1818; Fasc. 7. 601-700. 1820; Fasc. 8. 701-800. 1823 [1824]; Fasc. 9. 801-900. 1826; Fasc. 10. 1901-1000. 1833 [1834]; Fasc. 11. 1001-1100. 1840; FAsc. 12. 1101-1200. 1843 [1845]; Fasc. 13. 1201-1300. 1850; Fasc. 14. 1301-1400. 1854; Fasc. 15. 1401-1500. 1860 [1861]; Fasc. 16. 1501-1600. 1890

Moul, Edwin T. 1958
The Bryophytes and Lichens of Onotoa, Gilbert Islands
The Bryologist 61(4): 370-373
2 spp. in 2 genera. Hornworts not included

Moyá, M. T. 1992
Phenological observations and sex ratios in Marchantia chenopoda L. (Hepaticae: Marchantiaceae)
Tropical Bryology 6: 161-168

Moyle JB 1937
Notes on Minnesota Aquatic bryophytes
The Bryologist 40: 114-116

Mudgal, V. & P. K. Hajra (eds.). 1997
Floristic Diversity and Conservation Strategies in India. Volume I. Cryptogams and Gymnosperms
Botanical Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India xvi + 472 pp.
chapters on mosses and hepatics indexed separately

Mueller DMJ, Magill RE 1979
Notes on Texas Hepatics
The Bryologist 82: 298-301

Mueller, F. J. H. von 1858-1882
Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae
12 volumes and supplement 1858-1882

Mueller, G. M., T. J. Entwisle & R. Vilgays 2004
[Symposium] Vicariance biogeography revisited - new perspectives from ferns, bryophytes, algae, and fungi
Proceedings XVI International Botanical Congress, Saint Louis p. 36
Peter C. Hoch (Ed.), Missouri Botanical Garden

Mues, R. 1982
Flavone Di-C-Glycosides from the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella (L.) Dum. and their taxonomic significance
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 51: 61-68

Mues, R. 1982
Occurrence and absence of C-glycosylflavones in species of the liverwort genera Blepharostoma, Herbertus, Mastigophora, Porella, Ptilidium and Trichocolea: an indication of taxonomic significance?
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 53: 271-281

Mues, R. 2000
Chemical constituents and biochemistry
In: Shaw, A. J. & B. Goffinet (eds.), Bryophyte Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 150-181

Mues, R. & Zinsmeister, H. D. 1988
The chemotaxonomy of phenolic compounds in bryophytes
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 109-141

Mues, R., Hattori, S., Asakawa, Y. & Grolle, R. 1984
Biosystematic studies on Frullania jackii and F. davurica
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 56: 227-239

Mues, R., Klein, R. & Gradstein, S. R. 1991
New reflections on the taxonomy of Pleuroziaceae supported by flavonoid chemistry
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 70: 79-90

Muhle H 1982
A checklist of mosses of the Cape Verde Islands
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 52: 277-281

Muhle, H. 1986
Liste der von den Kapverdischen Inseln beschrieben Taxa von Moosen (Hepaticae & Musci)
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 81: 89-92

Muhle, H. & LeBlanc, F. 1975
Bryophyte and liehen suscession on decaying logs. I. Analysis along an evaporational gradient in eastern Canada
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 39: 1-33

Muir ET 1953
Flora of Dimboola National Park ( a comprehensive list of species)
Victorian Naturalist 70: 58-60

Muldiyarov EY, Chernova NA 2002
[New records of bryophytes in Tomsk province]
Arctoa 11: 215-218
In Russian with English abstract

Muldiyarov EY, Lapshina ED 1998
[Bryophytes new for forest zone of western Siberia]
Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad 83(10): 123-127
In Russian with English summary

Mullen, S. F., J. A. Janssens & E. Gorham 2000
Acidity of and the concentrations of major and minor metals in the surface waters of bryophyte assemblages from 20 North American bogs and fens
Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 718-727

Müller C 1896
Musci nonulli novi Guianae Anglicae (collected by J. J. Quelch) (Georgetown, British Guiana)
Malpighia 10: 521-520

Müller C, Brotherus VF 1900
Musci Schauinslandiani. Ein beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moosflora der Pacifischen Inseln
Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 16: 493-512

Müller F 1995
Neue und bemerkenswerte Moosfunde aus Zaire
Tropical Bryology 10: 81-90

Müller F 1996
Beitrag zur Moosflora der Insel Bioko (=Fernando Po), Äquatorial-Guinea
Tropical Bryology 12: 75-96

Müller F 1998
Four new bryophytes for Turkey: Bazzania flaccida (Dum.) Grolle, Leiocolea bantriensis (Hook.) Joerg., Brachythecium geheebii Milde and Plagiothecium laetum B. S. G.
Journal of Bryology 20: 516-518

Müller F 1999
Contribution to the bryoflora and bryogeography of St. Helena (South Atlantic Ocean)
Tropical Bryology 16: 131-138
New synonomy

Müller F 2000
Zur Bestandsituation der Moosflora der Hochmoore im sächsicher Teil des Erzgebirge
Limprichtia 14: 59-84

Müller F 2002
Additions to the bryophyte floras of Réunion and Mauritius (East African Islands)
Tropical Bryology 21: 47-49

Müller F 2003
Hygrobiella laxifolia (Hook.) Spruce - eine neue Lebermoosart für die Tschechische Republik [Hygrobiella laxifolia (Hook.) Spruce - a new liverwort of the Czech Republic]
Bryonora 31: 10-13

Müller F 2007
Meinungeria mouensis (Lepidoziaceae), a new genus and species from New Caledonia
The Bryologist 110: 494-499
Meinungeria mouensis is described as a new genus and species of the Lepidoziaceae from New Caledonia. The new taxon is characterized by white to light green, worm-like, creeping, nearly leafless stems. It differs from all other genera of the Lepidoziaceae in its unique stem anatomy and in the presence of reduced leaves and underleaves composed of 3ˆ4 radially arranged single cells. The transverse section of the stem is composed of a large-celled echlorophyllose hyaloderm (of 9ˆ11 cells with thickened radial walls becoming thicker from the inner to the outer side) surrounding a single layer of 8ˆ9 smaller, thin-walled, chlorophyllose cells and a central strand of 5ˆ7 echlorophyllose, thick-walled cells with yellowish to light brown walls. The species were found on open soil in maquis vegetation on ultrabasic substrates in the southeastern part of the island

Müller F, Arts T, Yamada K 2001
New localities of Radula fulvifolia (Hook.f. et Tayl.) Gott. Lindenb. & Nees (Radulaceae, Hepaticae)
Bryological Research 7: 378-380

Müller F, Borsdorf W 1991
Rote Liste der Moose Sachsens
In: NN (ed.), Rote Liste der gefährdeter Pflanzen und Tiere im Freistaat Sachsen. Dresden pp. 35-41

Müller F, Pócs T 2002
Contribution to the hepatic flora of Rodrigues (East African islands)
Tropical Bryology 22: 107-113
Pócs recommends it for Colura; I didn't find anything of interest

Müller F, Pócs T 2007
A contribution to the knowledge of epiphyllous bryophytes of Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea), including additional remarks on non-epiphyllous species
Journal of Bryology 29: 81-94

Müller F, Rätzel S 2005
Bryoflóra pískovcové oblasti Hrad_anské st_ny [The bryophyte flora of the sandstone region Hrad_anské St_ny near Doksy in central North Bohemia]
Bryonora 36: 1-11

Muller FM 1973
Levermossen in het Kootwijkerzand
Lindbergia 1: 246-247

Müller Fv 1858
Fourth Systematic Index of Plants of Victoria, comprising those collected and examined in 1857 and 1858
Victoria: Annual Report of Government Botanist 12 pp.

Müller Fv 1880
Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, suppl. ad vol undecinum
Melbourne 132 pp.

Müller J, Heinrichs J 1999
Two poorly known Plagiochila species (Plagiochilaceae, Hepaticae) from Bolivia
Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Botánica 2: 157-164
P. andina Steph. and P. validissima Steph. described and illustrated

Müller K 1899
Eine neue Lepidozia-art
Hedwigia 38: 196-200

Müller K 1900
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lebermoosflora in den Vogesen
Mitteilungen fúr Naturkunde und Naturschutz 4: 430-431

Müller K 1900
Revision der Hepaticae in Mougeout-, Nestler und Schimper's Stirpes Kryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae 1810-1860
Mémoires de l'Herbier Boissier 6: 1-10

Müller K 1901
Ueber die im Jahre 1900 in Baden gesammelten Lebermoose
Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 10: 213-223

Müller K 1901
Vorarbeite su einer Monographie der Gattung Scapania
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 1: 593-614

Müller K 1902
Neue Bürger der badischen Lebermoose
Mitteilungen des Badischen Botanischen Vereins 1902: 282-288

Müller K 1902
Scapaniae Indiae orientalis, curante cl. Gollan annis 1900 et 1901 lectae
Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 11: 542-545

Müller K 1902
Über die in Baden im Jahre 1901 gesammelten Lebermoose
Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 13: 91-104

Müller K 1903
Neue und Kritische Lebermoose
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 3: 34-44

Müller K 1904
Über die in Baden in den Jahren 1902 und 1903 gesammelten Lebermoose
Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 17: 211-233

Müller K 1905
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 1 Lieferung pp. 1-64

Müller K 1905
Lebermoose aus den Pyrenäen
Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, sér. 2 5: 589-602

Müller K 1905
Monographie der Lebermoosgattung Scapania Dum.
Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 83: 1-312

Müller K 1906
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 2 Lieferung pp. 65-128

Müller K 1907
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 3 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 129-192

Müller K 1907
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 4 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 193-256

Müller K 1907
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 5 Lieferung pp. 257-320

Müller K 1908
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 6 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 321-384

Müller K 1909
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 7 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 385-448

Müller K 1909
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 8 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 449-512

Müller K 1909
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 9 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 513-576

Müller K 1909
Die Ökologie der Schwarzwaldhochmoore
Mitteilungen des Badischen Botanischen Vereins 1909: 309-324

Müller K 1910
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 10 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 577-640

Müller K 1910
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 12 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 705-768

Müller K 1910
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 11 Lieferung pp. 641-704

Müller K 1911
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 13 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 769-832

Müller K 1911
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 14 Lieferung pp. 833-871

Müller K 1912
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 15 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer 80 pp.

Müller K 1912
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 16 Lieferung pp. 81-144

Müller K 1913
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 17 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 145-208

Müller K 1913
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 18 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 209-272

Müller K 1914
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 19 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 273-336

Müller K 1914
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 20 Lieferung pp. 337-384

Müller K 1915
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 21 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 385-464

Müller K 1915
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 22 Lieferung pp. 465-528

Müller K 1915
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 23 Lieferung pp. 529-592

Müller K 1915
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 24 Lieferung pp. 593-656

Müller K 1916
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 25 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 657-720

Müller K 1916
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 26 Lieferung pp. 721-784

Müller K 1916
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 27 Lieferung pp. 785-848

Müller K 1916
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 28 Lieferung pp. 849-947

Müller K 1916
Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer pp. 1-670

Müller K 1938
Über einige bemerkenswerte Moosassoziationen am Feldberg im Schwarzwald
Annales Bryologici 11: 94-105

Müller K 1939
Die Lebermoose (Musci hepatici)
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band Ergänzungsband, Zweite Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Eduard Kummer 1 Lieferung pp. 1-160

Müller K 1939
Untersuchungen über die ölkörper der lebermoose
Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 57: 325-370

Müller K 1939
Zusammenstellung der Lebermoose aus dem Reichslande Elsass-Lothringen
Botanisches Centralblatt 8: 259-269

Müller K 1940
Beiträge zur Systematik der Lebermoose
Hedwigia 79: 72-80

Müller K 1940
Die Lebermoose (Musci hepatici) (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed.) 6 Band 2 Lieferung
Leipzig: Eduard Kummer pp. 161-320

Müller K 1941
Beiträge zur Systematik der Lebermoose II
Hedwigia 80: 90-118

Müller K 1942
Beiträge zur Systematik der Lebermoose III
Hedwigia 81: 95-126

Müller K 1942
Revision der europäischen Arten der Lebermoosgattung Chiloscyphus auf Grund des Chromosomensatzes und von Kulturen
Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 59: 428-436

Müller K 1944
Beiträge zur Systematik der Lebermoose. IV. Stun zur Kenntnis der Gattung Scapania Dum.
Hedwigia 81: 238-282

Müller K 1944
Zusammenstellung der Lebermoose aus dem Reichslande Elsass-Lothringen
Botanisches Centralblatt 13: 419-442

Müller K 1947
Morphologische untersuchungen zur aufklärung einiger europäischer lebermoose
Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz 10(2): 1-55

Müller K 1948
Der systematische Wert von Sporophytenmerkmalen bei den beblätterten Lebermoosen
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 42: 1-16

Müller K 1951
Bestimmungs- und Nomenklaturberichtigungen zum Schiffnerischen Exsikkatenwerk Hepaticae Europaeae exsiccatae
Feddes Repertorium 54: 207-222

Müller K 1951
Die Lebermoose Europas (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, 3 aufl.) 6 Band, 1 Lieferung
Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 160 pp.

Müller K 1951
Die Lebermoose Europas
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, 3. Auflage. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 2 Lieferung pp. 161-320

Müller K 1951
Neue Lebermoose
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 20: 176-178

Müller K 1952
Die Lebermoose Europas
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, 3. Auflage. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 3 Lieferung pp. 321-480

Müller K 1953
Hepatikologische Notizen
Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 22: 131-140

Müller K 1954
Die Lebermoose Europas (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, 3 aufl.) 6 Band, 4 Lieferung
Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft pp. 481-640

Müller K 1954
Die Lebermoose Europas
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, 3. Auflage. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 5 Lieferung pp. 641-756

Müller K 1955
Lebermoose aus Südamerika
Feddes Repertorium 58: 59-74

Müller K 1956
Die Lebermoose Europas (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, 3 aufl.) 6 Band, 6 Lieferung
Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft pp. 757-916

Müller K 1956
Die Lebermoose Europas (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, 3 aufl.) 6 Band, 8 Lieferung
Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft pp. 1077-1220

Müller K 1956
Die Lebermoose Europas
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, 3. Auflage. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 7 Lieferung pp. 917-1076

Müller K 1958
Die Lebermoose Europas (Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, 3 aufl.) 6 Band, 9 Lieferung
Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft pp. 1221-1365

Müller K 1958
Die Lebermoose Europas
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, VI Band, 3. Auflage. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft pp. 1-1365

Müller K, Stephani F 1887
Musci Exotici
Revue Bryologique 14: 56-58

Müller N, Urmi E 1995
Änderung in der "Liste der Moose der Schweiz und ihrer Grenzgebiete (P. Geissler und E. Urmi)" seit dem erscheinen der ersten fassung 1984
Meylania 8: 13-17

Müller OF 1782
Icones Plantarum ... Florae Danicae Nomine Inscriptum. Band V, fasc. 15
København pp. 853-900

Müller, F. 2000
Additions to the bryophyte flora of Réunion (East African Islands)
Tropical Bryology 18: 91-96

Müller, F. 2002
[Abstract] Distribution patterns and conservation status of endangered bryophytes in Saxonian Switzerland
In: Koprivová, L. (comp.), Abstract Book. Sandstone Landscapes: Diversity, Ecology and Conservation. 14-20 September, 2002 Doubice, Czech Republic. Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic p. 25

Müller, F. 2006
Bryophytes of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea), Results of an excursion in 2002
Tropical Bryology 27: 9-18
Micromitrium tenerum new to sub-Saharan Africa; Rhabdoweisia lineata resurrected from synonymy

Müller, F. & Schäfer-Verwimp, A. 1999
New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries. III
Tropical Bryology 16: 195-202

Müller, F., Wigginton, M. J. & O'Shea, B. J. 2000
New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries. IV
Tropical Bryology 18: 199-202

Müller, J., J. Heinrichs & S. R. Gradstein 1999 [2000]
A revision of Plagiochila sect. Plagiochila in the Neotropics
The Bryologist 102: 729-746

Müller, N. 2000
Die neue Lebermoosflora der Britischen Inseln (Paton 1999): Wie gut eignet sie sich für die Schweiz?
Meylania 18: 28-31

Mulligan, R. C. & L. D. Gignac 2001
Bryophyte community structure in a boreal poor fen: reciprocal transplants
Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 404-411

Mulligan, R. C. & L. D. Gignac 2002
Bryophyte community structure in a boreal poor fen II: interspecific competition among five species
Canadian Journal of Botany 80: 330-339

Muñoz J, Brugués M, Casas C, Cros RM, Ederra A, Fuertes E, Heras P, Infante M, Sérgio C 1995
Aportaciones al conocimieto de la flora briológica Española. Notula XI: hepáticas y musgos de la Liebana (Cantabri, N. España)
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 7: 1-9

Muñoz, J., Á. M. Felicísimo, F. Cabezas, A. R. Burgaz & I. Martínez 2004
Wind as a long-distance dispersal vehicle in the Southern Hemisphere
Science 304: 1144-1147
Using bryophytes, lichens, and pteridophytes, the authors "found a stronger correlation of floristic similarities with wind connectivity than with geographic proximities, which supports the idea that wind is a dispersal vehicle for many ogranisms in the Southern Hemisphere."

Murdoch JR 1910
Excursion to Toolangi
Victorian Naturalist 26: 150

Murgia M, Sassi N 1982
Flora briofitica d'un castagneto di Montieri (GR), nelle Colline Metallifere
Processi verbali della Società toscana naturali in Pisa 89: 67-74

Murray BM 1992
Bryophyte flora of Alaskan steppes
Bryobrothera 1: 9-33

Mustelier Martínez, K. 1997
Dactylolejeunea en Cuba
Briolatina 42: 6

Mustelier Martínez, K. 1998
[Abstract] Caracterizatión preliminar de la tribu Lejeuneae (Lejeuneaceae: Hepaticae) en Cuba
Briolatina 44: 4

Mustelier Martínez, K. 2006
El género Ceratolejeunea Jack & Steph. (Jungermanniopsida: Lejeuneaceae) en Cuba
Biodiversidad de Cuba Oriental 8: 61-64
11 spp. reported

Mustelier Martínez, K. 2006
Hepáticas (Jungermanniopsida) del Yunque de Baracoa
Biodiversidad de Cuba Oriental 8: 121-126
in prov. Guantánamo, Cuba; 125 taxa reported

Mustelier Martínez, K. 2006
[Abstract] Hepáticas cubanas, relaciones fitogeográficas y su contribución en la diversidad hepaticológica antillana
In: Mejía Pimentel, M. et al. (eds.), IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica: 18-25 de junio 2006. Libro de Resúmenes. Jardín Botánico Nacional Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic pp. 267-268

Mustelier Martínez, K., Rivera Queralta, Y. & Vicario Estremera, A. 2006
[Abstract] Hepáticas y antocerotes en las pluvisilvas de Cuba Oriental
In: Mejía Pimentel, M. et al. (eds.), IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica: 18-25 de junio 2006. Libro de Resúmenes. Jardín Botánico Nacional Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic p. 268

Mustelier, K. & Reyes M., D. 1992
La familia Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticopsida) en Cuba
Tropical Bryology 6: 169-170
159 spp. in 39 genera

Mutel, Pierre Auguste Victor 1834-1838
Flore Française destinée aux herborisations, ou, Description des plantes croissant naturellement en France, ou cultivées pour l'usage de l'homme et des animaux, avec l'analyse des genres et leur tableau d'après le système de Linné ...
4 vols., 1834-1838;    1: 1834;    2: 1835;    3: Jul 1836;    4: Mar 1837; Table Genérale: May 1838; Atlas: 1835-37

Myrcha A, Ochyra R, Tatur A 1991
Site of Special Scientific Interest no. 8 - Western shores of Admirality Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands
In: Klekowski RX, Opalinski KW (eds.), The first Polish-Soviet Antarctic Symposium "Arctowski '85". Warzawa: Polish Academy of Science pp. 157-168

Myuldermans L, Van Zanten BO, De Zuttere P 1972
Calypogeia arguta Mont. et Nees dans le Bénélux
Lindbergia 1: 57-59